The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 42 Condemn

Wei Bai soon found Cheng Yu in the drunken dream building and quickly asked the drunken girl Mengniang to arrange someone to send him to the prince's mansion. Cheng Yu was drunk and slept all night. When he woke up the next day, he found that he lived in the prince's mansion. He couldn't help but be surprised.

"I didn't expect to fool around with the drunken lady. The drunken lady is getting more and more confused. She doesn't tell me this kind of thing." Ji Liunian said angrily.

"She said it was not the prince. I severely condemned her, saying that the fifth prince was the best brother of the prince and your friend. She knelt down and apologized."

"Stop talking, go to him now and don't let him slip away."

Cong Yu saw Ji Liunian and Wei Bai staring at himself angrily and said with a smile, "Are you sure you sent it here? I was drunk last night..."

"You are no better than in the past, and now you are also a person with a wife. You can't fool around outside. Fortunately, Weibai met you by chance, otherwise we don't know what you are doing these days.

"I can't stay at home. It's better to drink outside." There was no shame on Cheng Yu's face. This made Ji Liunian even more angry. He thought he would admit his mistake and then correct it. Ji Liunian couldn't help giving him an ear scraper, which was crisp and loud, and even Wei Bai was shocked.

"I'm an elder. I'll teach you a lesson for Li Fei." Ji Liunian's eyes are wide open.

Cung Yu ate an ear scraper but became happy: "You hit me, thank you for hitting me. I thought you and the third brother didn't care about me. Since the third brother became the prince, he rarely had anything to do with me. You didn't teach me martial arts anymore. I'm lonely alone. I was very aggrieved in the prince's mansion. That woman and her father are not what I like, but they live in my house justly. Cheng Yu vented his grievances like a child.

"Li Fei is young, beautiful and so good to you. Why don't you like her? If there is a fault, it is also General Li and Li Xiangrong's confusion for a moment. You can't count Concubine Li in it. Ji Liunian thought of Li Yue's pitiful appearance and felt that Cheng Yu had made her suffer.

"I already have someone I like." Cheng Yu blushed.

"Whose lady? As long as she is a serious lady, your third brother will make the decision for you and accept her as your concubine.

"She is married..."

Jian Liunian and Weibai both want to faint.

"Anyway, you are no longer allowed to go in and out of the brothel. Now go back. I said hello to the brothel. As long as I see you, I will send you to me. If you don't feel ashamed, just go. Your third brother doesn't know about this yet. If there is a next time, I will never cover you up.

Cheng Yu went back. Li Yue saw that he came back so early and knew that it was Ji Liunian who helped him. He quickly brought tea and poured water to welcome him. Cheng Yu couldn't help but be upset when he saw Li Yue.

"You go back to your room, don't shake in front of my eyes and look at me upset."

Li Yue was stunned for a moment, burst into tears, and left silently.

Cung Yu knew that this was unfair to Li Yue, but he just didn't like her.

It didn't take long for Cheng Yu to leave, and Cheng Mei came over. She came to discuss countermeasures in vain, and the two chatted in the yard. Ji Liunian had nothing to do, so he stood behind the tree and listened for a while.

"He already got it and posted a post explaining that he would come to see me on the day. Do you think I should see him?" Chengmei looked like a young girl Huaichun, and Ji Liunian had goose bumps on her body.

"It is reasonable that the princess can't meet anyone without permission, especially such a person who doesn't even know his name and has a low status. But I know that if I say no, you will skin me. You can see it if you want. It's just that if something happens in the future, don't pull me in. I'm against your meeting with this scholar from beginning to end. Wei Bai said with a serious expression.

"Then you come to my house tomorrow, and I'll ask the cook to make more snacks for you."

"I'm afraid it's not for me, it's something to forget friends. In order to avoid getting into trouble, I still won't go. I also advise you not to overplay it."

Jian Liunian jumped out.

"Good. I said that you always run out these days, so it turned out to be for this. It seems that our princess has also reached the age of Sichun, haha.

It's Ji Liunian, as if he had seen a savior.

"Miss, stop her quickly. He was just a depressed scholar. He was a student at General Huang's house. Although he was a little handsome, he had no backbone. I don't think he is worthy of our golden princess. The white bamboo tube poured beans out as well. Chengmei shouted that she was a traitor.

"Okay, okay, stop it. How do you know this scholar?"

Chengmei told all about her experience. Ji Liunian felt that this scholar had some courage. Since the princess likes it, she might as well pull the red line.

Weibai saw the meaning of Ji Liunian and quickly said, "Miss, don't make up. She is a princess. How can the emperor marry his daughter to such a poor boy so easily?"

"What kind of marriage? They are recruited as the son-in-law, don't you understand? As long as the person is good, the princess likes it, right?"

The princess thought that Ji Liunian would scold her, but she didn't expect that she agreed with her, and there was a burst of ecstasy in her heart.

It was useless to see Ji Liunian's posture of helping people to the end, and he was helpless.

So the princess discussed tomorrow's countermeasures with Ji Liunian, and then disbanded.

Early the next morning, Ji Liunian went to the princess's mansion for fear of causing trouble.

The princess was moved when she saw Ji Liunian's enthusiastic appearance.

"Help me check. If you think he is not good, we will wait and see. If you think he is excellent, I will tell my father in a while.

Ji Liunian looked as beautiful and anxious and pinched her plump face. When she noticed her plump chest, she suddenly felt a little inferior, and her own chest was the same as that of a girl.

The scholar came as promised and saw a woman beside Chengmei, dressed very noblely, and thought it was her sister. I found that Bai had disappeared again, and I secretly guessed who she was the princess.

"It was so offensive that I didn't know the identity of the princess in Meiyuan that day. Please forgive me." Scholars salute.

"You don't have to be polite to me. Instead, this is my sister."

The scholar made another salute to Ji Liunian.

"I was born in poverty and felt extremely glorious when I entered the princess's mansion, but there seems to be less living water here. I'm just saying that if what I said is wrong, the two princesses will laugh.

Ji Liunian saw that the scholar was neither humble nor arrogant, and he was very satisfied with him. He also saw that the scholar was handsome, with peach blossom eyes and cherry mouth, which was even more exquisite than women. Because there was a sense of righteousness in his eyes, he was free from his femininity.

"You're right. We will adopt your suggestion. I don't know what the prince's name is?"

"I was so reckless that I even forgot to report my name. Next is the people of Lizhou, which is the border between Da Li and Dacheng. My surname is Xiao and my name is Wen'an. I have practiced martial arts for generations, so I know a little about military books. Because I don't like the life of fighting and killing, I didn't choose the path of my parents and read poems and books. Unfortunately, I didn't pass the exam for three years. I happened to meet General Huang and was valued by General Huang, so I became a student in Huang's mansion.

"Why don't you continue the exam?" Ji Liunian, let's see if he has any opinions.

"Do you want to hear the truth? To be honest, you can't laugh at me, hehe. I like to read poetry, but the test questions from the court have formed a certain pattern, and I can't adapt to it. I didn't want to force myself, so I gave up.

"Then aren't you a person with no ambition?" Ji Liunian deliberately stimulated him, but Cheng Mei secretly sweated for him.

"What the princess said is that there is no meritoriousness, and the exam is also a temporary idea. Since it doesn't match my character, I give up. Life is short, and I don't want to waste it on fame. Now I am very satisfied that I have no worries about food and clothing and the attention of the general.

"Then what are you doing in the princess's house? The princess's mansion is also a place of fame and fortune. Ji Liunian continued to embarrass him.

"In your opinion, it is a place of fame and fortune, such as Huangfu. But in my opinion, the Huang Mansion is the residence of the people I admire, and the Princess Mansion is the place where my favorite people live. I'm here for people, not anything else. The scholar was still neither humble nor arrogant, and his answers were flowing, and Ji Liunian secretly admired him.

"Okay, take a break and eat later."