The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 45 Peace and Win the Father's Heart

Just when Ji Liunian was tired of taking those "medicines", riots suddenly came from remote areas. In the court, General Li and General Ye excused themselves, so Cheng Zun had to volunteer to stand up. When the emperor saw that Cheng Zun was brave enough to take responsibility, he couldn't help but send thousands of horses to him.

Ji Liunian was very happy to learn that Cheng Zun was going to calm the chaos. Fearing that he was not safe, he secretly sent several drunken killers to secretly protect him.

"After I leave, you take the medicine on time. When you are healthy and have a son as soon as possible, your father's wish will be fulfilled. When he went out, Cheng obediently warned Ji Liunian, and Ji Liunian was obedient on the surface.

As soon as Chengzun left, Ji Liu's feet asked Weibai to bury the traditional Chinese medicine bags he bought in the yard. Seeing the heavy workload, he secretly complained.

The root cause of this riot is that the climate is dry, the people have no harvest, local officials collect harsh taxes, and the people complain. The trigger of the riot was caused by the prince and his party in red. He deliberately opened the granary of the place, and the people flocked to it... Later, it developed into the mansion where the people robbed local officials.

Now the prince in red has returned home, but the riot continues. In fact, the prince in red also felt that he was a coward and had a head-on confrontation. He was always at a disadvantage and could only make some small moves. He swore secretly that he would take revenge. After returning to China, he has sent spies to investigate Drunken Life and Death Building and Ji Liunian. He really can't swallow this breath.

Cung Zun ran around day and night with the army and soon came to the place where the riot broke out. Seeing that the rioters were starving, they didn't need to use force at all. What they really need is food. As long as there is food, riots will never happen.

The local official was broken by an arm and cried pitifully to Cheng Zun: "Your Highness, you must kill these moabies. They are really uncontemptuous and contemptuous of the court..."

Cong Zun saw that he was fat and big, and the official residence was repaired brilliantly. He already knew the reason for the riot.

"This is not urgent. My army has been stationed, and they will never dare to riot again. But we can't look forward to being here for a long time, so we must find out the cause of the riots and let the people live a good life.

"They are all unruly people..." The local official looked excited.

"Call everyone under you."

The local official went down.

Cheng Zun checked the account books of the past few years, communicated with the people, and finally found that the local officials had embezzled a large amount of food. Most of the grain has been sold, exchanged for gold and silver, and stored in the basement of the official residence.

Cung Zun revoked the position of local official and set a day for him to land in front of the people of the county. The officials below also withdrew because of their cover-up. Cheng Zun asked the referendum and elected talented people... These jobs were very tedious, so Cheng Zun stayed for two months. When he returned, he was already exhausted.

Ji Liunian saw that Cheng Zun had lost a lot of weight and his face was much darker. He quickly teased him: "You are really hard-working, but the results are good."

"What do you know!" As soon as Cheng Zun came back, he reported the situation to the emperor. In fact, the emperor had already received the news and was more satisfied with the prince.

"My people have been back a long time ago, so I knew what you did there a month ago." Ji Liunian said with a smile.

Cheng Zun saw Ji Liunian's pale face, slightly plump, and his eyes were rippling in spring, and he had been ready to move for a long time. Seeing that she secretly sent someone to monitor herself, she felt uncomfortable and quickly picked her up rudely. Ji Liunian shouted, and the family member avoided it. Cheng Zun took her back to the room in this way. Seeing this situation, Wei Bai covered his mouth and smiled secretly in the corner and said to Weiyang, "The prince will do his business as soon as he comes back." Weiyang also laughed.

Because Cheng Zun has made great achievements in calming down the riot this time, and his achievements are obvious to all, everyone admires him more and more. Cheng followed a suggestion to let the adult prince go to remote areas. On the one side, he could find problems and solve them in time, and on the other, he could exercise himself. This suggestion was immediately adopted by the emperor. However, some princes were resentful and felt that the prince deliberately embarrassed them, but they could only do it according to the emperor's request.

The Dacheng Empire is developing better and better. The prince in red never thought that one of his pranks would have caused such a result. Fortunately, the emperor did not know, otherwise he would have withdrawn his throne.

In recent years, Da Liguo has been recruiting troops, preparing food, and preparing to fight a protracted war with Dacheng. Once the Dacheng Kingdom is invaded, the Daqi Kingdom will inevitably be submissive, which is equivalent to winning the whole world. The prince in red is ambitious, but unfortunately he is ambitious, talented and face-loving. He has long been doomed to failure.

A month later, the spy came to report that he had found out the origin of Ji Liunian and drunken life and death. At this time, the prince in red knew that Ji Liunian had ruined his two good deeds. Once in a drunken dream building, and once in the woods on the border between the two countries. If Cheng Zun could be killed that time, there would not be an embarrassing scene of failure in the martial arts competition... The prince in red felt that all his misfortunes came from Ji Liunian.

"I must kill this arrogant woman. I'm going to kill her whole family and make her feel pain."

"Prince, it is said that the drunken dream dead building controlled by Ji Liunian almost controls the calendar country, and can compete with the country in terms of wealth and strength. We'd better not act rashly.

"Bastard, did you tell me to wait? When will it be? I killed her whole family first, and then waited for the opportunity to send troops to destroy Dacheng. No matter how flinched, when the Dacheng country develops better, our chances of success will be even lower. The prince in red scolded the spy loudly.

The spy stopped talking and went quietly.

The prince in red selected ten top killers and decided to go to Dacheng for revenge after harsh training.

Ji Liunian did not know that the danger had begun to approach quietly, and the prince's mansion was holding a celebration banquet. That's Ji Wuya's intention, and it's not easy for Cheng Zun to escape.

"Why do I feel that Dad is better to you than to me?" At the banquet, Ji Liunian pouted.

"If you give birth to a fat son, your father will definitely hold a banquet for you, ten times bigger than this. Then you will know that your father will be better for you." Ji Wuya listened to Ji Liuyu's words earlier. Knowing that Ji Liunian was taking medicine now, he brought his own baby.

"I brought you all the supplements that I can't bear to eat. If you don't give birth to a fat boy, I'll be sorry..." Ji Wuya took a fat boy, which put a lot of pressure on Ji Liunian.

Cheng Zun quickly spoke for Ji Liunian: "Don't push yourself too hard. Recently, she has been much better. She has taken medicine on time and is getting better and better. I can't see that it should be available in half a year. I'll send you a happy letter then.

"I'm relieved when you say so. In fact, I love her more than my son. Liu Yu has reached the age of marriage. I don't know if the prince has a suitable candidate? Ji Wuya's words made Ji Liujie blush most of the time.

"Dad, go back and talk about it." Ji Liunian quickly grabbed him.

"They are all family members, and they can't say anything. If you don't act by yourself, your father will decide for you. Don't say that your father is quite cruel at that time. I'm too tolerant of both of you. Where can you find such a good father? Ji Wuya's words made everyone laugh.

"Dad, have you drunk too much? I'll take you back to your room after drinking too much." Ji Liuyu stood up.

"I didn't drink too much. I'm talking about justice. The prince didn't object to me." Ji Wuya's face is red and his skin is not flabby. It can't be seen that he is over 50 years old.

"Father-in-law is right. It's time for you to get married. Which girl do you like? I'll be the matchmaker for you." Cheng Zun smiled. Ji Liunian had never seen him pass by so improperly.

"Don't fool around with your father. I'm still young."

When Cheng Zun saw Ji Liuyu's escape, he knew that he was a free person, and it was difficult for anyone to change him and bind him.

The banquet did not completely disperse until midnight. Wei Bai waited for them to leave before he sat down to drink with Ji Liunian.

"Drink less, little hooves. You can't get up again tomorrow." Weiyang can't get used to Weibai's anxious appearance.

"If you can't get up, you can't get up, as long as you can get up. Miss, I wish you an early birth. That night, maybe it was quietly planted..."

"I'm going to tear your mouth..." Ji Liunian was also slightly drunk. She stood up and felt dizzy, but she was desperate to rush to Wei Bai.