The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 62 The Return of the Season

After the killer sent to kill the Jifu family returned to China, they told the prince that they had successfully completed the task.

"Is it all killed?" The prince in red is proud.

"It's all killed. We did it according to the prince's plan. There were no mistakes at all. The prince is really a magic trick. Master Ji was not wary at all. He didn't even know how he died, haha.

"I finally got a bad breath for me, otherwise I would feel uncomfortable. The woman must have cried to death now. She never dreamed that I planned the whole thing, haha."

Not long after, the king of Da Liguo died, and the prince in red successfully ascended the throne and called himself the "King of Longevity". After ascending the throne, the Longevity King recruited more unscrupulously, and the number of troops doubled all of a sudden.

"Now is the best time for me to attack Dachengguo. Their prince has just ascended the throne and is waiting for prosperity. He is inexperienced. Many generals have rested at home for so long, and they must have no ** and courage." King Wanshou ignored the obstruction of his courtiers and was dedicated to attacking Dacheng.

The next day he boosted his morale in the barracks, and on the third day he went to attack the frontier of Dacheng. The environment in the border area is not good, there are few people, and the soldiers have already relaxed their defenses without war for many years, so as soon as the army of Da Li came, they immediately collapsed. After Wanshou Wang came back with a small test knife, he issued a war letter, and the three-day war letter was sent to Cheng Zun's hand.

Cung Zun tore up all the war letters.

"Davil, the new emperor claimed to be the king of longevity. Now he sent troops to attack Lizhou. We did not condemn him. He fell down and said that he would attack the capital a month later. It's really impatient to live, generals, what do you think? Cheng Zun knew that the prince who offended him last time must have come to revenge.

"Your Majesty, something happened suddenly, and we must take a long-term account." General Li has completely lost his original domineering spirit. Since Li Xiangrong's death, he has taken everything lightly.

"I have not been on an expedition for a long time, and now I'm old, so I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. I'm still qualified to train soldiers. If I go to the battlefield in person, I won't be able to do it. General Ye's hair is gray, and Cheng Zun can't bear to send him out.

Where is General Huang? Didn't General Huang go to court?" Cheng Zun has forgotten that General Huang is now suspended.

"Your Majesty, General Huang did not come. He is no longer enthusiastic about officialdom and battlefield, and the former emperor also promised that he could do business. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to ask him to go..." Lord Wang reported according to the truth.

The remaining generals escaped for various reasons. Cheng Zun felt that he was a coward and quickly retreated to the court.

The Empress Dowager also got the news, but the harem could not do politics, so she could only be anxious. As soon as he was in a hurry, he resented Ji Liunian even more and hated him for not being able to share his worries for the emperor. The emperor doesn't like the little master in the harem.

Cheng Zun checked the treasury and found that there was not a shortage of money. I checked the soldiers below. Although the morale was insufficient, they were still strong and did not fight an unprepared battle, so he ordered them to gather quickly and step up their training. Although it was only a month, it was better to sharpen their guns. Then quickly asked someone to prepare food and grass. If he has no choice, he will go on an expedition in person and can't watch the people of Dali country poop and pee on their heads.

The little master in the harem also heard the news and complained that the emperor of the Great Kingdom was too ambitious. The three countries had been at peace for more than ten years. Why did they suddenly fight? They have been ready to deal with the emperor for a long time. Now as soon as the war letter comes out, the emperor is not in the mood. He is not interested in them in the first place, but now he ignores them more and more. They are not worried about the destruction of their country, because in their opinion, the emperor of Dacheng is the most capable. The Empress Dowager was also anxious at this time, so she didn't care about their affairs at all.

Fu Guifei was very scared when she heard the news. While worrying about the emperor's safety, she was worried about whether her father would take any action at this time. If my father helped Dacheng, Da Li's sister would definitely suffer. If my father helped Da Liguo, his situation here would be very embarrassing. Even if no one helps, the people of Dacheng will condemn her: Why doesn't your father help us? Fu Guifei used to walk in the garden with a big belly for six months, but now she has not left home.

In such an environment, Ji Liunian and Ji Liuyu came back.

Seeing the increasingly thin Ji Liunian, Cheng Zun's nose was sore and he quickly pulled her into his arms. In the past, I thought in my heart thousands of times that as long as Ji Liunian came back, he must punish her severely. Now Cheng Zun feels that he is happy to see her. No matter how long she has gone, she can come back.

Cong Zun saw Ji Liuyu standing there laughing again and quickly pulled him into his arms again.

"It's really great that you two can come back. I don't believe it's true now. Several times in my dream, I dreamed that you were all in trouble, and I thought you would never come back. Cheng Zun cried unconsciously as he spoke.

Ji Liunian also burst into tears. Only Ji Liuyu is relatively calm. After so many disasters, he almost died several times. Now his mood is as calm as water.

"What about the hidden killing? What about Weiyang Weibai? Are they all killed? Cheng Zun saw Ji Liunian and had already left the war out of the sky.

"Don't worry, we are all good. After losing his memory, Weiyang accompanied him to treat him in the Magic Doctor Valley and returned a month and a half later. Weibai has now gone to the Zuisheng Dream Dead Building to send a message for me. We have all returned it safely, and there is not a hair missing.

"Listen to what you said, I can already predict how dangerous the journey will be, and even the hidden killing has lost my memory. Now I will hold a banquet to wash the dust for you. In the evening, you can tell me more about the things on the road."

"That's a little simpler. The three of us add Weibai, and then call the seventh princess and the son-in-law. I'm tired now and don't want to deal with so many people."

Ji Liunian just didn't mean to say it, but Cheng Zun thought that she had known that the harem had recruited a group of small masters.

When the Empress Dowager heard the news of the queen's return, she hurried to find the emperor. Ji Liunian had just returned to Luanfeng Hall, and Ji Liujie planned to go to her father's grave first.

"What about people? Didn't the queen come back?"

"I was just here, and now I'm back to Luanfeng Hall. What's the matter with you, mother?" Cheng Zun saw that the Empress Dowager came in a hurry and thought there was something wrong with her.

"She's finally back. That's great. Let's have a banquet in the evening and call the little owners of the harem. They haven't seen the queen yet. In the future, they will be disciplined by the queen. The Empress Dowager said with a smile.

"We have agreed to hold a banquet in the evening, but there are only a few of us. We don't want so many people to come in. The queen lost her father soon and was afraid of the bustle. The little master of the harem, please take care of them more. They are all selected by you. It's better for you to discipline them. Mother, if there is nothing else, please come back. I'm still busy with the war, so don't make any trouble. Cheng Zun's tone was full of dissatisfaction with the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager blushed with shame and couldn't speak. Seeing that Cheng Zun had gone far away, she went back with a sense of sullen heart.

"Xiaohuan, what do you think the mourning family did wrong? The pity family is kind and kind to share his worries, but he treats the mourning family as an outsider. They are all bitches like the queen. They don't know the etiquette. When they come back, they don't even visit their family. The banquet also excluded me, and simply didn't treat the mourning family as the empress dowager..." Because her previous status was not high, the empress dowager rarely claimed to be a mourning family. She only played prestige in front of the maid and had no dignity at all in front of Cheng Zun.

The little master of the harem heard that the queen had returned to the palace and eagerly hoped to see the queen. However, there was no movement on the Empress Dowager's side, and the queen did not come to visit them. She simply regarded them as non-existent people. Most of them had already planted the seeds of resentment in their hearts.

Fu Guiren was very happy to hear that Ji Liunian was back, because she knew that Cheng Zun only believed in Ji Liunian, and Ji Liunian was very powerful. Thinking that Ji Liunian would definitely come up with a good plan to prevent this war, Fu Guiren felt a little relieved. She touched the child in her stomach and secretly prayed for Ji Liunian. She likes Ji Liunian because she brings all her happiness.

Ji Liunian took a good night's sleep after returning to Luanfeng Hall.

"Listen, don't make noise outside. The emperor will hold a banquet at night and wake me up after the sun goes down."