The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 78 Attack on the Imperial City

Everything was ready, and Ji Liunian took 10,000 troops into the imperial city. It is said that it is attacking, but in fact, it is like entering no one's land. When the people heard the sound, they closed their doors and closed their doors for a long time. The army of Dali Kingdom was lax and had already run away for more than half of them, leaving only some patriotic soldiers to survive.

When Ji Liunian saw those veterans, he couldn't bear to shoot and let his men pay attention. And those hateful faces will be killed.

The imperial city of the calendar is so magnificent that it shows the luxury of the ruler everywhere. Ji Liunian quickly sped in and marveled all the way. These are the blood and sweat of the people. Even if they don't come to occupy, it is estimated that according to such a luxurious momentum, in less than five years, the people will stand up to resist.

The Longevity King has heard the sound of horses' hoofs outside the city, and his heart is full of fear. Although the wound has not healed and is weak, there are still many concubines lying next to the bed.

"King of Longevity, what should we do if you leave?" The noble concubine of Dali, that is, the eldest sister of Dachengfu, stood in front of him and looked at him in a daze.

"If you still have a little conscience and backbone, then go with me. Death may not be so terrible." The Longevity King thought that even if he died, he wanted them to follow him.

"No, I want to go back to China. I want to go back to my hometown. The sisters all want to go back to their homes. Let us go.

"What a cruel woman, it's a lie to be good to you in the past. Since you want to live so much, let's go now." The Longevity King laughed.

"You don't deserve to be an emperor. You ruined us all. There were several advices on you in the past, but you didn't listen to them, so you came to the end of today's betrayal. The noble concubine left such a sentence and left.

"Haha, do you think you can really run? When that woman comes, even you will be killed together. She will definitely not leave a curse. You can't escape. The voice of the Longevity King echoed in the ears of the concubines for a long time, but they still tried to run towards the gate of the palace.

Ji Liunian was shocked to see so many women running out one after another.

"Get out of the way and let them go. They shouldn't have stayed in this place in the first place." At the order of Ji Liunian, the army behind made way.

"It's so good that they all go back to their original place. Maybe there is their beloved lover outside the wall, but there is nothing here." The drunken mother said meaningfully. Ji Liunian smiled.

Weibai Weiyang then came and was stunned to see such a spectacular scene.

"Miss, let them go. Where are they going? They may not have a home outside..."

"That's better than here. There is no home, but there is still hope.

"This longevity king is really luxurious and brilliant. The roads here are all covered with gold bricks. So many young women, all of them, are their own. It's not that we killed him, but he who killed himself. Xiao Wen'an said with a sense.

Ji Liunian sped away, leaving a sentence: You are all waiting here.

When he arrived at the bedroom of King Longevity, Ji Liunian jumped off his horse and ran in. King Wanshou is not here, so he should be in the hall of the upper dynasty, this man who is greedy for power. So Ji Liunian ran to the hall and didn't have time to breathe.

Sure enough, he sat on the emperor's dragon throne and looked at her with a smile.

"Why are you alone?"

"I'm going to kill you, but I don't want others to see it, because I want to take your head directly." Ji Liunian said with red eyes.

"Kill me? Do you think it's over if you kill me? You are just a woman. You will suffer more bullying and suffering than me in the future. I will curse you in hell. The Longevity King laughed wildly.

"How vicious you are. I just asked for your money, and you killed my father and family. The people of Jincheng are your people. Can you really do this poison?

"Haha, I'm the only one who is the most important in my world. Whoever offends me, I will definitely make him die worse. Come on, I won't be afraid." Wanshou Wang raised his neck and stared at him, as if he was going to fall out, looking extremely ferocious.

Ji Liunian pulled up the sword at his waist and walked towards him.

"I want your head to be enshrined in front of my father's grave." After saying that, he cut down with a sword. The sword was extremely sharp, and the head of the longevity king fell to the ground, bleeding like a note. Ji Liunian tore off the yellow robe on his body to wrap his head.

"You don't deserve to live in this world at all." Ji Liunian took a sip of him fiercely.

"Look, Miss is back. There is something on her back. What is that..." Wei Bai pointed to Ji Liunian in the distance.

"That's naturally the head of the Longevity King. Let's turn the horse's head." Xiao Wen'an said.

Ji Liunian quickly caught up with him. Everyone was speechless all the way. When they were about to fly to the gate, they saw the black ministers and the people. They all knelt facing this side, as if waiting for the arrival of Ji Liunian.

"Queen Qiansui Qiansui Qiansui..."

The season is at a loss for a while. Xiao Wen'an couldn't figure out what they were doing.

"Miss, they don't even recognize their ancestors..." Wei Bai said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. You all go back. I came just to take the head of the longevity king, and I didn't mean to seize the Dali regime. Ji Liunian said loudly.

"Queen, since you killed the Longevity King, you are our benefactors, and we all support and love you. Since ascending the throne, the king of longevity has done countless evils. We have wanted to rebel for a long time, but we have no power. Now the queen, you have personally led the army to defeat the king of longevity, and that is our king. Although there has been no chicken Sichen since ancient times, the queen has great achievements, both literature and martial arts, and a benevolent heart, and will definitely treat the people well. So we beg the queen to accept this national seal and become the female emperor of our calendar country. The minister handed over the national seal to Ji Liunian and led the ministers and the people to kneel down again.

Ji Liunian was stunned and couldn't turn his head. Weibai whispered to her, "Miss, just promise. We have tasted everything, but we have never tasted the taste of being an emperor."

Weiyang immediately stopped Weibai with his eyes.

"Don't waver, miss, you will have some bad ideas."

When the drunken dream saw that the benefits were so great, her heart was shaken.

"Miss, take it. You have the ability to manage the drunken dream building, and naturally you don't have to worry about a great calendar country. In the future, the scope of our activities will be larger. Let's accept it.

Ji Liunian's head turned rapidly. Since she came to this era that she didn't even mention in textbooks, she has been changing herself with the environment. Now I have finally adapted to the identity of Ji Liunian, but I didn't expect to let her be the king of a country now. It's enough to toss after a country, and it's too much to return the king of a country. In that era, I couldn't even get a mayor's secretary. Thinking of this, Ji Liunian had the pride of falling pie on his head.

The ministers smiled again when they saw that Ji Liunian did not express his position. Immediately answered with this silent answer as an affirmative, and knelt down again.

"Since everyone loves you so much, it's better for me to obey than to obey." Ji Liunian held the head of the Longevity King in his right hand and the national seal of Da Li Kingdom in his left hand, and his clothes were stained with blood, which looked very funny.

"Okay, okay, you all go back. The queen has to go back to Dacheng to deal with some things first. She will take office in a month. Just wait. Wei Bai shouted loudly.

When the minister saw that Ji Liunian did not object, he saluted and disbanded.

"Miss, I will come here with you in a month, and I think the calendar country is also quite good. There are a lot of things I haven't eaten and a lot of things I haven't played. It would be great to stay here. The stupid appearance made everyone laugh.

"It seems that you have gained a lot this time." Xiao Wen'an squinted at Ji Liunian.

"If you are willing to follow me, I will come over from Chengzun and give you a prime minister?" Ji Liunian said with a smile. In fact, she still thinks it's a dream, not true. When I woke up, maybe I slept on Simmons in the 21st century and had nothing.

"Please forgive me. I'm not that kind of material. I'd better go back to accompany Chengmei and learn to be a good father and son-in-law." Xiao Wen'an held his fist.