The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 85 Lan Chun

Ji Liunian and Weibai Weiyang soon went on the road and did not say goodbye to Cheng Zun, only Gao Xiaofeng and Xiao Wen'an said goodbye to them.

"Chunmei will give birth in two months. I'll come here when she gives birth and arrange everything properly." Xiao Wen'an received an order from Cheng Zun to go to Da Liguo to assist Ji Liunian as soon as possible.

"No hurry, Chengmei is giving birth to a child for the first time. You have to take more care of her. When she finishes her confinement, you can come together. I will arrange a gorgeous palace for you to sleep in, the future prime minister of Da Liguo. I'm waiting for you. Ji Liunian's face was full of sunshine. She looks handsome and romantic in a manly dress. Xiao Wen'an saw it and was slightly moved.

"Gao Xiaofeng, what are you lingling about? Go there now and protect us." Wei Bai pulled Gao Xiaofeng.

"Don't talk nonsense, men and women are not close. This matter is too sudden. I have to take care of the matter here before I go there. Don't worry, it will be a month at the latest. It's up to you, unless it's a malicious ambush, ten people can't hurt you. Hurry up. Gao Xiaofeng pushed away.

"If you have no conscience, if Weiyang is raped first and then killed, don't settle accounts with me."

Weiyang immediately flew a leg to Weibai and beat Weibai to scream.

"You raped first and then killed. The three of us are the worst in martial arts, delicious and playful, causing trouble. The first person to be raped and then killed should be you. Make fun of me, you think your life is too long..." Wei Yang picked Wei Bai's ear again.

Ji Liunian turned over and quickly told them to stop.

After Ji Liunian left, Cheng Zuncai told the news to the whole world, and everyone was stunned by the behavior of the "queen" again. Anyway, she left, so everyone just talked about it secretly.

"The queen has finally left, and the family can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Whether she is a female emperor or a nun, it's none of our business." The Empress Dowager said to Lin Jieyu with a smile.

"But she can still come back at any time. As soon as she comes back, our days will not be so peaceful." Lin Jieyu reminded.

"That's what she said, but in fact, she will definitely be very busy when she gets there, and she won't be distracted when she gets busy. The mourner's Zun'er is really confused. How can she let her do this? The historian dares not record these ugly things, and those wild histories will definitely comment on it. Oh, I can't control so much. My family is old, and it's enough to worry about myself.

"The empress dowager is not old, and the empress dowager is still young. Look at your skin, you are 40 years old..." Lin Jieyu began to flatter. Every time the empress dowager sighs about her old age, she flatters. She only knows that praising a woman is the best way to make her happy, although she knows that she is not.

Just as Lin Jieyu was thinking about how to win the queen's position, a news from the imperial doctor spread throughout the harem: Lan Guiren was pregnant.

Lin Jieyu quickly called the imperial doctor over. The imperial doctor knew that Lin Jieyu was a celebrity in front of the Empress Dowager and hurried over.

"Is Lan Guiren really pregnant?" Lin Jieyu calculated the date. Lan Guiren has only been in this position for two months. If she is pregnant, she must be pregnant on the eve of the title.

"Really, it's true that Lan Guiren has been pregnant for two months and has no pregnancy reaction yet. I didn't know until I diagnosed her pulse when she asked me to see her cold. The imperial doctor said it out.

"Wind cold? Is it serious?"

"It's not serious, it's just a small wind chill. Lan Gui is cheerful and in good health. She will be fine after drinking two packs of medicine. I have prescribed medicine for her. Because she is pregnant, she can only take mild medicine. In fact, she will recover from this disease even if she doesn't take medicine for three or four days.

"I know, you go down. I'll go to see her another day. She's my good sister.

Lin Jieyu began to worry. Lan Guiren's position is higher than her, and now she is pregnant with a child. If the child is born as a man, the queen's position is likely to be hers. At that time, the empress dowager can't help anything. Although Lan Chun's family background is not as prominent as herself, she is also the daughter of a large family.

"I have to do it as soon as possible, otherwise I can't wait." Lin Jieyu gritted her teeth fiercely.

The Empress Dowager also knew the news and quickly summoned Lan Guiren. Usually, Lan Guiren also came to say hi, but Lan Guiren didn't talk much and did not leave a deep impression on the Empress Dowager.

"Get up, you don't have to say well in the future. Take good care of yourself in the palace. Don't walk around easily. The maids should wait at any time. You only have two maids now. I can't see enough. I'll give you two other reliable sisters. After saying that, the Empress Dowager called out her two Mothers.

"Although there are also people who serve Lan Guiren, you two are more careful. You should take good care of Lan Guiren for the Ai family and don't let her make any mistakes." The Empress Dowager looked happy, and Lan Chun saluted slightly.

"Thank you for your concern. I will definitely take good care of the children in my womb and open branches and leaves for the royal family. The empress dowager will be blessed." Lan Chun's words made the Empress Dowager happier. Seeing that Lan Chun was a very blessed and blessed person, she loved her even more.

"There are several treasures in the mourning box. Let someone send them over later. These are auspicious things that are suitable for you to wear."

Lan Chun said some more words of thanks.

After Lanchun went back, the Empress Dowager asked someone to send a jade bracelet and collar, as well as some small things suitable for babies, all of which were exquisite and valuable.

The two new sisters praised Lan Chun's blessing and said that the child in her belly must be a man. Lan Chun's face was rosy.

Lin Jieyu's maid received the news and told her about it, and she was so angry that she overturned the table.

"This old witch is so annoying. Isn't it just a child, and I will also give birth to it? I'm usually so good to her that she doesn't have to give me anything. Now I'm so angry that I've given my two close-fitting Mothers to that bitch.

The maid hurriedly retreated.

Cheng Zun was not very happy when he heard the news. He just rewarded Lan Guiren with some things as usual, and then told his servants to be more careful.

Lan Chun didn't expect her stomach to be so competitive. She was pregnant with Cheng Zun's child after only having sex for two nights. Maybe she was really a blessed person as the Empress Dowager said. But she was a little uneasy, and Lin Jieyu's fierce face appeared in front of her. She knew that her pregnancy would definitely cause Lin Jieyu's jealousy, and she should beware of her everywhere.

Cung Zun did not come to see her in person, and Lan Chun was a little unhappy. In Cheng Zun's heart, I'm just a passer-by. Maybe I can take a place in his heart after giving birth to this child.

Princess Jie was very happy to hear the news and specially asked the imperial dining room to boil the tonic soup and bring it over.

"There is no need to salute. My sister is really blessed. I asked the imperial dining room to make soup. Why don't you try it? Noble Concubine Jie came here in person.

Lan Chun tasted a few bites.

"Yes, you have a heart."

"This is my job. A few days ago, I had a small gathering with Ji Guifei. Ji Guifei asked me to take good care of you. Since Lanchun's sister is a friend of Ji Guifei, and my sister is taken care of by Ji Guifei, you and I are naturally good sisters.

"Ji Guifei talked about me? I also wanted to say goodbye to her, but I accidentally caught the wind and cold. I felt that my body was not refreshing and I was afraid of infecting Princess Ji.

"Sister, you don't have to feel guilty. Ji Guifei knows what you mean. If you need anything, just say it. The Empress Dowager will naturally take care of you, but there are some places that are not convenient to say. Just tell me.

Lan Chun is full of gratitude to Princess Jie.

"I'm not worried about anything else, but I'm just worried that someone will be unfavorable to me."

"I've thought about it for you. These are silver chopsticks, which are our small spoons on the side of Daqi. Stir them when eating. If one of them is black, don't eat. Now that you have someone to accompany you when you go out, there will be no problem. Just beware of food. Even if that woman has such a heart, she doesn't have such an opportunity. Noble Concubine said with a smile.

"Do you also notice something?"

"It's not that I'm angry. This woman can be appreciated by the Empress Dowager by her hypocritical mouth. Naturally, I won't do anything to her, but I won't let her hurt anyone, let alone the emperor's children.

Lan Chun showed a heartfelt smile.