The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 109 Conspiracy revealed

"Your Majesty, did you come to see my concubine so soon?" Lin Jieyu just received the news that the emperor came back, but she didn't expect Cheng Zun to come so soon.

"I heard that you are pregnant, so I will look at you as soon as I come back, call the imperial doctor over, and let my royal doctor see your condition." Cheng Zun said blankly.

"Ah... my concubine has seen a doctor..." Lin Jieyu was a little panicked.

"Then it's okay to have a look. Doctor, take a look." Cheng Zun gave the imperial doctor a winny.

Lin Jieyu had to obey her orders, and her face was extremely embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, Lin Jieyu is not pregnant, but her qi and blood are very good, and the probability of pregnancy is very high..." The imperial doctor went on and was interrupted by Cheng Zun.

"Go down, and you guys, go down. I have something to say to Lin Jieyu."

The imperial doctor and the maid left tremblingly, and Cheng Zun's face was very ugly.

"Your Majesty, maybe the previous imperial doctor's diagnosis was wrong, but my concubine really vomited several times, and the monthly letter did not come, so I mistakenly thought it was happy. Please calm your anger." Lin Jieyu pretended to be calm.

"Fortunately, you don't have it. If you have, you will be guilty. I haven't slept with you for months. If you are pregnant, you are definitely not my seed." Cheng Zun said very rudely.

"The emperor's anger is that my concubine made a mistake. Please punish my concubine." Lin Jieyu's tears came out.

"Did you make a mistake, or did you come to fool me knowing that? How can this kind of thing be wrong? It's abominable that you think I can do wrong if I ignore you. You have committed the crime of bullying the king. It should be beheaded. Are you convinced?

Lin Jieyu still kept crying, looking forward to the Empress Dowager's coming. Yan'er just went out, and she would definitely report it if the situation was not right.

"Your Majesty...please, I really don't know anything. If you don't believe it, you can ask the imperial doctor."

"Okay, I'm going to see the imperial doctor now." Cheng Zun went out and ordered the bodyguard to bring the imperial doctor who took care of Lin Jieyu.

The imperial doctor came over for a moment. After asking about the situation, he immediately knelt down and kept kowtowing.

"The emperor calmed his anger, and the emperor calmed his anger. It was the minister who made a mistake. According to Lin Jieyu's situation, I personally took the pulse. It was really a happy pulse. It was the minister who made a mistake and had nothing to do with Lin Jieyu. It's useless. Please remove my position. The doctor was in a panic.

"Of course, I want to remove your position. As an imperial doctor, you can even make mistakes. This is dereliction of duty. If you do it on purpose, it is a death penalty. Now I have no way to investigate. I'll spare your life for the time being. Get out quickly." Cheng Zun said viciously.

When the imperial doctor saw that the emperor had just dismissed him, he immediately kowtowed and thanked him, and then hurried out. The Empress Dowager came in.

"What happened?" When the Empress Dowager saw Lin Jieyu's pear blossoms with rain, she was very pitiful and quickly helped her up.

"What did you do to help her? She cheated you. At your age, good people and bad people can't tell the difference. You came just in time. I'm going to kick her out now.

"Liner, what's the matter?"

"Empress dowager, I'm sorry, the imperial doctor made a wrong diagnosis. I don't have any children in my stomach..." Lin Jieyu took the empress dowager's hand tightly and cried pitifully.

"Wrong? How can this kind of thing go wrong? You are such abominable woman. Your family has been cheated by you. The Empress Dowager shook off her hand.

"Your Majesty, if you want to drive her away, just do. I don't have any opinions, which makes me happy. It's really abominable to treat her like a queen these days." After saying that, the Empress Dowager exhaled and left. Yan'er saw that the Empress Dowager came out so soon and knew that something was wrong. She was afraid that the matter of framing Lan Guiren before would be exposed. She quickly went to her room to pack out her things and planned to escape immediately.

"Your Majesty..." Lin Jieyu was still unwilling. She didn't want to slip back like this. She was born in such a people. If things spread out, she could only die of shame.

"Don't shout. I don't care so much about you. I haven't care about the bad things I did before. Now it's cheaper for you not to be held accountable." Cheng Zun doesn't even want to see her.

Lin Jieyu thought to herself that she must have said something in front of the emperor, otherwise she would not have come back to expose her lies as soon as she came back.

"Your Majesty, Ji Guifei was deceived. It was Jie Guifei who framed me. I didn't do anything. It was Princess Jie who saw that the empress dowager spoiled me, and she was jealous, so she pushed the matter of Lan Guiren on me. Lan Guiren's thing was done by her, otherwise she would not be guilty. She will take Lan Guiren to the Yuhe Palace and ask the emperor to see..."

Cong Zun didn't expect Lin Jieyu to be so vicious and turn black and white upside down. It's terrible for such a woman to stay in the palace.

"You are really a mad dog who can only bite people. I can see clearly how Noble Concubine Lan is. You still don't admit that you have done something wrong. Come on, take Lin Jieyu out. You can't take anything from the palace and go out. Cheng Zun fell his sleeve and went out.

Lin Jieyu was dragged out by the bodyguard. Her clothes were messy, her hair was scattered, and her face was full of tears. She looked very pitiful. She called the emperor hoarsely, but no one paid attention to her.

Before Yaner escaped from the palace gate, she saw Lin Jieyu's miserable situation. She had to hide in a corner and dared not come forward. Lin Jieyu found her, as if she had caught a life-saving straw.

"Yan'er, go and beg the emperor to show mercy. I haven't done anything wrong. It was Noble Concubine Jie who framed me. Noble Concubine Jie has done a lot of harm. I will come to revenge on you even if I die..."

Yan'er quickly ran away.

"Yan'er, Yan'er, you must help me, you must help me, or I'll die..."

The people in the harem soon knew what had happened, and the noble concubine quickly ran over and heard Lin Jieyu scolding her.

Cui'er also ran over with Lan Guiren.

"You shameless woman, you have done all the bad things. Now that you have retribution, you actually put everything on Princess Jie. You are the real bad person..." Cui'er couldn't help beating and scolding her.

"Cui'er, ignore her. Let's go back. We will be satisfied to see her end today and dirty our mouths of scolding such people." Concubine Jie took Lan Guiren and Cui'er and left.

Lin Jieyu saw them leave and shouted quickly.

"Feate, I know I'm wrong. You have a lot. Forgive me. There is no doubt that I will die if I go back like this. Just save me and let the emperor put me into the cold palace. I don't want to die with shame outside..."

Jie Guifei heard Lin Jieyu's words, but she didn't look back. She knows that if a person's character is bad, even if you save her this time, she will still do something similar next time. She doesn't want to keep a snake by her side, if she is notware of her.

"Princess Jie, why did the emperor deal with her as soon as he came back? Did Sister Ji help us? Lan Guiren remembered Lin Jieyu's arrogance a few days ago. He really thought she was pregnant and couldn't defeat her.

"I don't know. Ji Guifei didn't tell me. I also told her not to tell the emperor before. Maybe Ji Guifei spilled the beans. Lin Jieyu's pregnancy came back after the fourth and fifth emperor. It seems that she came back for this matter. Noble Concubine Jie guessed that Ji Liunian should have helped them.

"The emperor listened to what Sister Ji said the most. Sister Ji must have spoken for us. That's good. We don't have to be careful in the palace. Lan Guiren has fully recovered.

"You're right. Now the Empress Dowager must have regretted her intestines. I remember that she also gave the bitch a string of jade beads a few days ago. I don't know if this woman has water in her mind. Can she pretend to be pregnant?

"I think she got paranoia in order to be the queen. Maybe she thought that the emperor was worried and said that she was pregnant. We really dug a trap and jumped by ourselves and let us frame her. We still can't bear it, haha.'

'My sister said that we Daqi people have never done anything harmful to nature. If we do it, we will go to 18 layers of hell, so I really can't frame her. Now she digs a pit and jumps by herself, and we picked up a big bargain. Finally, I breathed a bad breath, and now I think the sky in the imperial city looks more beautiful.

"Lan Guiren, the emperor must be very depressed. Or we propose to go to Lishan to see the maple leaves. Now is the best time to see the maple leaves, and we can also go out for a walk."

"This proposal is very good. I would like to propose to the emperor that it would be better if Ji Guifei was here."