The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 130 Buying People

After deciding to start from the monkey ointment, the noble concubine took care of it next time and remembered the mother Huang. Knowing that Mother Huang would go to the imperial dining room every night to get things, the imperial concubine deliberately waited for her on the way to the imperial dining room. After waiting several times, I finally met the right time.

"Isn't this Mother Huang from the Prince's Mansion? Where are you always going?" The royal concubine greeted her warmly.

"See you." Mother Huang wanted to salute, but the royal concubine stopped her.

"Don't be polite. You are old. I should have respected you." Wang Guifei's words suddenly made Mother Huang's heart bloom.

"It is said that the noble concubine is gentle, polite, virtuous and generous. I have seen it once today. You respect people like me who dare to easily step on their heads, which shows how enthusiastic she is to others. I'm going to the imperial dining room to get something.

"M Mother, thank you for your hard work. Please take care of the two children. It is said that Mami knows how to take care of children very well. My third prince always can't eat. I really hope Mami can go and have a look. I don't know when it's convenient for Mami?

"This... I dare not talk nonsense. Let's ask a doctor." Although she said so, Mother Huang was very proud.

"The imperial doctors are all stingy books, and they can't see anything. It's better for M Mother to take a look for me. M Mother hasn't seen anything. She must know it at a glance.

"I don't know what the noble concubine said about the prince she held a few days ago? I really don't look well. Since the imperial concubine praises me so much, I will go and have a look tomorrow afternoon.

"That's great. Thank you, M Mother." The royal concubine took Mother Wang's hand very attentively.

The next afternoon, the princess was ready to wait for Mother Wang to come. Mother Wang came late, which made Wang Guifei wait impatiently.

"Why didn't this old man come? He really said a few good words and asked me to wait for her." Wang Guifei walked around angrily and said to herself.

M Mother Wang finally came and knelt down quickly: "Let the noble concubine wait for a long time. Because the prince is too naughty, I was held back. Please forgive me."

"Get up, I thought you had forgotten. After all, the fifth prince is not so important than the prince. Wang Guifei said with a smile.

"If Wang Guifei said so, I would slap myself in the face. I didn't mean that at all. After all, I'm just a slave. My master treats me as a human. If the master doesn't treat me as a human, I'm a dog. Since the imperial concubine respects me so much, I will definitely not repay kindness with resentment.

"Get up quickly, I was just joking. Come and have a look at the third prince."

The noble concubine led Mother Huang over. The third prince had just been full and played with the quilt quietly.

"I hurriedly looked at it a few times and felt that I didn't look well. Now when I look at it, it's still more serious. It was a little similar to the child of Yang Meiren, the former emperor I served. Later, the child didn't grow well and was always sick.

When Wang Guifei heard this, her heart thumped, as if she had broken something and fell down.

"M Mother Huang, you must find a way to help me. The child has severe indigestion, and the imperial doctor can't do anything about it. He just blindly gives Qing tonic medicine, but these drugs are difficult for the three princes to absorb.

"This is more difficult..." Mother Huang frowned.

"Girl Weiyang told me before that monkey cream is very good for children, isn't it?"

"This is good, and the prince is also using it now. However, this is very rare, not even the eldest prince. It's hard for you to come.

The noble concubine knelt down and cried bitterly.

"M Mother Huang, please save my child's life. Since the prince is in good health now, let's give some monkey ointment to the third prince. I promise you whatever you want, Mother Huang. Just be merciful. Wang Guifei sobbed and looked very pitiful.

Mother Huang is very embarrassed. He also squatted down against the imperial concubine.

"Princess, you are a good man, but this is a little difficult for slaves. Otherwise, the noble concubine will beg the emperor. After all, the third prince is also the emperor's blood, and he will not ignore it.

"Ms., you don't know that although I am a noble concubine, the emperor is not very good to me. He hasn't even hugged my three children. I also mentioned it to him before, but he just asked the imperial doctor to come. What can I do? After saying that, the imperial concubine began to cry.

M Mother Huang sighed a few times.

"It doesn't matter. I'll take a risk and bring one-in-one monkey ointment. Just reduce the amount. Miss Weiyang will not know, let alone the emperor. Since the prince is in good health, there will be no big problem. When the third prince's body gradually recovers, I will not do this anymore.

Wang Guifei stopped crying, took Mother Huang, and began to cry.

"Mother, you are such a good person. You love me as much as my mother. Wait a minute, I must send you something, and you must accept it. That's my little care about my Mother. Since the amount of the prince's medicine has been reduced, I will give you the Qing tonic medicine given to the third prince. You can give him some from time to time, and the effect is the same. The third prince just can't absorb it. If he can absorb it, it will be like eating monkey ointment.

"What Wang Guifei said is that if Miss Weiyang finds out, I will say that it was rationed by the imperial doctor. Or is the noble concubine more considerous. Mother Huang felt that the noble concubine was full of advantages. It's much better than Queen Ji, who doesn't have much enthusiasm. The scene of her deep love makes people unable to move and people unable to refuse her.

The Noble Concubine and Mother Huang had a conversation, and Mother Huang went back. Wang Guifei gave some more valuable things to Mother Huang, which moved Mother Huang even more. Knowing that Mother Huang also had an unmarried son, Wang Guifei made her own choice to give him one of her maids. Mother Huang was very happy, like a pie falling from the sky.

The next night, Mother Huang gave the monkey ointment to the noble concubine, and the royal concubine also gave a bag of medicine to the concubine. Mother Huang went back upside down.

After half a month, the third prince's health was indeed much better, his face was ruddy, and he ate more. The royal concubine thank God. I'm glad I found out early, and I'm glad I met someone like Mother Huang.

But the prince is getting thinner and thinner, and he often cries until midnight at night. Cheng Zun was very anxious and quickly invited the imperial doctor. The imperial doctor couldn't find out the situation. He just said that the child was scared by something, so Cheng Zun asked the mage to do a few Taoist places, but it still didn't help. The prince continued to lose weight, and in the end he could see ribs one by one. Ji Liunian didn't take him seriously at first, but later he was shocked to see the prince.

"What's wrong with him? Can't you eat? Why are you so hungry?" Ji Liunian checked carefully, but still found nothing suspicious.

"I used to be fine and ate monkey cream. How did it become like this? There is no problem with monkey ointment. What's wrong?

Weiyang just kept kneeling on the ground and crying.

"Miss, it's all my fault. I didn't take good care of the prince."

"In my opinion, someone must have done something. It's not safe here. I'd better take him to Ji's house. What do you think? Ji Liunian looked at Cheng Zun. Cheng Zun understood Ji Liunian's worry, so he nodded and agreed.

"You have nothing to do in the palace, so just take your child to live in Ji's house for a while and say hello to Ji Liuyu for me."

Weiyang Weibai also followed.

When the princess learned about this, she was very angry.

"How can it be so easy to take the prince out of the palace and the queen is not in the harem? This is too outrageous." Wang Guifei couldn't vent her anger. Because it only takes half a month. In half a month, the prince will die without symptoms, and all his conspiracy will succeed at that time.

"In the past, the queen often went out of the palace, which was not a big deal. It was just right for her to leave the palace, and the princess had more opportunities to contact the emperor." The maid said ignorantly.

"You actually laughed at me for not being as good as the queen, bastard, kick me out." The princess said angrily.

M mother Huang watched the prince getting thinner and thinner and didn't pay attention at first. Later, she learned that there was something wrong with the bag of medicine of the imperial concubine. Thinking about it, she understood that the princess was so kind to her that she was all used as a pawn. Later, she didn't give the medicine to the prince, but she didn't tell the imperial concubine. She was relieved to see that the queen had taken the prince away.