The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 155 Looking for an antidote

"Your Majesty, it's better to send the queen to the magic doctor valley. The high bodyguard is there to cure the disease." Weiyang felt sorry for her when she saw Ji Liunian's body weaken day by day.

Cung Jun had no other way for a while, so he asked Gao Xiaofeng Weiyang to escort Ji Liu to the Magic Doctor Valley with more than a dozen guards.

After three days and nights, they finally arrived at the Magic Doctor Valley, but Weiyang and Gao Xiaofeng felt something was wrong. Because the mountains opposite are bare, which is very different from before.

"You stay here. The road over there is more difficult to walk. I'll go and have a look first." Gao Xiaofeng ordered Weiyang.

About a quarter of an hour later, Gao Xiaofeng came back with a depressed expression on his face.

"I haven't seen either ghost. There is no one here."

"What's going on? Did we go the wrong way? It was quite prosperous when we left. Was it looted by the bandits? Weiyang came with full hope, but he didn't expect it to be empty.

"Here, we remember correctly. The terrain is the same, and the front is also a small inn. Let's go there and find out. Maybe we can find out something.

After Gao Xiaofeng arrived at the inn, he greeted the shopkeeper and handed him a little silver.

"Why did the man from the Magic Doctor Valley disappear?"

"You said that the previous one has moved away a long time ago. A group of bandits came and ransacked their family's wealth. They felt that it was lonely there and moved away.

"Sure enough, so do you know where they moved?"

The second child of the store thought about it.

"They passed by me when they left, and I also asked casually. They said they didn't know and went straight east. I don't know anything else."

After listening to it, Gao Xiaofeng and Weiyang couldn't vent their sultry. He traveled day and night and sent Ji Liunian back.

After Cheng Zun knew the situation, he became more anxious.

"Give me a list, and it is said that it can cure the queen's sick person and reward 50,000 taels of gold..."

Ji Liunian stayed with Cheng Zun during the day and had a high fever at night, talking nonsense.

"Bear me the red bottle. It's okay for Wei Rufeng to eat this. Maybe this is the antidote. Ji Liunian said to Cheng Zun with a smile.

"No... I won't let you take this risk." Cheng Zun hugged Ji Liunian.

"If I die, bury me next to my father. In the future, please remember to tell Min'er that her mother is a heroic person. I won't toss you anymore. I'm going out..." Ji Liunian pushed Cheng Zun away.

Here, the most painful thing for her is not the body, but the worried expression of Cheng Zun Weiyang, which is a kind of torture. The better they treat her, the more upset Ji Liunian will be. In particular, Ji Liujie and Nalan almost left their children alone and ran here every day to find medicine or come to see her. Nalan's body was also rapidly emaciated, and she always said that they had harmed her.

"No, if you are so capricious, we will be even more sad. You are here, and we can see you at least. Outside, I don't know what danger is waiting for you. Don't worry, I have made a list, and someone will come to cure your illness soon. Cheng Zun didn't let Ji Liunian go and hugged her again.

Ji Liunian felt that his body was light and he was unable to walk out of the door at all.

Sure enough, a group of so-called magic doctors came after a list. Cheng Zun asked them to take a look at the bottle left by Wei Rufeng first. If they could tell what it was, they might be able to find the antidote. Unfortunately, no one knows what those colorful things are.

When Lanting heard about Ji Liunian's situation, he couldn't help looking at her. Cheng Jun knew that Ji Liunian liked Lanting, so he let him in.

Seeing Lanting, Ji Liunian was really in a much better mood. When asked a lot about his recent situation, Lanting answered one by one. Finally, talking about himself, Ji Liunian was silent.

"Sister, you are suffering." Lanting couldn't help holding Ji Liunian's hand and crying.

"Silly boy, why are you crying at this time? When you cry, I want to cry again. Ji Liunian felt a soreness in his back and couldn't help crying.

"My sister is such a good person, why does God make you suffer so much?" Lanting wiped away Ji Liunian's tears. Ji Liunian looked at Lanting in a franx. Wei Rufeng is somewhat similar to Lanting, and his background is also a little similar. If Wei Rufeng is not so hateful, he is the second Lanting.

"Sister, what do you think I do?" Lanting was a little dazed and looked terrible when he saw that Ji Liunian was thoughtful.

"Nothing. Go back first. I feel a little tired. I'll come back when I'm free. Maybe I won't see you a few times.

"Sister will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties. You have to believe in yourself. Now the emperor is looking for a famous doctor. Sister, don't give up.

Ji Liunian nodded, but he didn't have much hope for this.

Ji Liunian was angry in **, took some pill supplements, disguised himself as a bodyguard and ran out. After going out, he quickly found a carriage and asked him to send himself to the mountain of Peach Blossom Cave.

The groom didn't want to do it at first. Ji Liunian gave him three gold ingots before he agreed. In this way, Ji Liunian came all the way to the Peach Blossom Cave.

The Peach Blossom Cave is very dilapidated, because no one lives there, and it exudes a moldy smell. Ji Liunian couldn't help remembering those days, and his heart was in his heart.

"Wei Rufeng, are you really dead? If you are not dead, you will come out..." Although Ji Liunian knew that Ji Liuyu had brought Wei Rufeng's body back, she had always felt that Wei Rufeng was not dead and was still pestering her.

This man once died and resurrected, which made Ji Liunian feel that he would be resurrected.

"I just wanted to escape, but I didn't expect to kill you. If you didn't treat me like this, I wouldn't kill you. Why did you add pain to me and force me to do what I didn't want to do..." Ji Liunian cried, and the peach blossom hole sounded like a ghost hole.

Wei Rufeng still did not appear, and Ji Liunian's consciousness began to wake up. She stood up, cleaned up the bed, and soon fell asleep. It was strange that after sleeping at night, Ji Liunian did not feel a fever on his forehead and body, but was a little hungry and thirsty, so he came down to find something to eat.

I found candles and fire in the dark, and Ji Liunian lit the lights. I turned over the whole hole and only found the sweet potato in the small garden, so Ji Liunian drilled out of the peach blossom hole and roasted the sweet potato under the starlight. When you are full, go back in the dark.

The surroundings are very quiet, and only the sound of insects can be heard.

In this way, I lived in the Peach Blossom Cave for a month, and Ji Liunian slowly recovered. There was nothing to eat, so she went down the mountain to buy a pile. Feeling bored, she walked around. There are no beasts here, but poisonous snakes can be seen from time to time. Strangely, the poisonous snake never bit her when she met her, but just crawled away slowly.

Ji Liunian slowly discovered the beauty of this hole. As long as the candle is lit, it will be very warm. If the candle is not lit, it will look cold. Food will not deteriorate if it is left in the hole for seven or eight days. The water flowing out of the hole is extremely sweet, and it is refreshing to take a sip. Ji Liunian didn't know how Wei Rufeng discovered this place and when he began to live here.

Cung Zun found that after Ji Liunian ran away, he was more irritable and often became angry. He asked people to go out to look for Ji Liunian, but there was no news for a month, and he was even worse.

Weiyang didn't know why Ji Liunian left and didn't say hello. So she poured all her love on the second prince Cheng Min. Now Cheng Min can walk, and Weiyang often takes him to practice walking in the yard of Yunshen Palace.

After two months, Ji Liunian came back in good health. As soon as she came back, she saw Min'er practicing walking. She ran over and picked him up.

Wei Yang couldn't believe his eyes and slapped himself.

"I'm not dreaming, miss, you're back..." Wei Yang jumped up with joy.

Weiyang walked around Ji Liunian and found that Ji Liunian's face was ruddy, his eyes were bright, his skin was clean, and he was more beautiful than before.

"Miss, you're back. That's great. I thought you would never come back. Does the emperor know? I'll tell the emperor..."

"Don't be busy. The bodyguard has just run over to report, and he will come in a moment." Ji Liunian took Cheng Min, kissed his smooth forehead, and felt happiness back to himself.