The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 165 Resentment

Cung Zun told Ji Liunian everything that had just happened in prison. Ji Liunian was not too surprised, and everything was expected by her.

"I have known for a long time that it must have something to do with Wu Guifei. Why didn't the emperor force her to ask? Wei Yang said indignantly.

"When it comes to this, do you still need to continue to investigate? Don't worry, I'll take good of it."

Ji Liunian waved his hand to let Weiyang go out. Weiyang knew that they were going to discuss important things, so he went out.

"What do you want to do? If it is too heavy, they will definitely be unconvinced and will vent their resentment on me and Cheng Min in the future. If it's light, they won't think it's the same thing. Ji Liunian has a headache.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Just take care of Cheng Min at ease."

The next day, Cheng Zun acted quickly. First, it was announced that the school was disbanded. Each prince was supervised by two masters, and then the situation was uniformly conveyed to Taifu. Then Cheng Zun released both the concubine and the prince.

"In the future, your mother is not allowed to come to see you. You are served by two mothers and two maids. I come to see you once a month to supervise you and guide you. Do you hear me? Whoever does something wrong again will smash his buttocks.

The princes lowered their heads.

"Farewell to your mother. You can't meet again in the future unless I give you additional approval." Cheng Zun's words made the concubines cry, but they dared not say anything, so they could only swallow their resentment in their stomachs.

"You take the princes away quickly."

The princes were forcibly pulled away and cried. The scene was very desolate.

"Go back. If you have nothing to do, do female workers and practice calligraphy and painting. Don't think about calculating others all day long. If you turn over something wrong, I can also beat you back. Since I can let you go to heaven, I can let you go to the earth. Wu Guifei and Li Jieyu, you two stay.

The concubines hurried out. Wu Guifei began to think that the emperor would open up, but she didn't expect to stop her in the end. She came to Chengzun dejectedly, and Li Jieyu was also disgraced.

"Li Jieyu, you didn't teach the prince well, but said so many bastard words. I should have kick you out. If you leave bone and blood for the royal family, you can live in the cold jade palace. If you chew your tongue again in the future, be careful of your life.

Li Jieyu's two lines of tears immediately flowed out.

"Your Majesty, just give your concubine a chance. There is nothing in my heart, but my mouth is a little cheap, and I will pay attention to it in the future. Your Majesty, just let me live with the little masters. Lengyu palace ministers and concubines are afraid..."

"It seems that you are dissatisfied with my arrangement, right?" Cheng Zun looked at her sideways.

Li Jieyu's face suddenly turned pale and quickly thanked her. An old Mage took her out.

Seeing that Li Jieyu's fate was so bleak, Wu Guifei's heart was half cold. Knowing that her fate was about to turn, she was very frightened.

"Wu Guifei, what do you want me to do with you?" Cheng Zun deliberately sold the customs.

"The prince is kind and will definitely give a way to his concubine. What my concubine made was not an unforgivable mistake..."

"Can you forgive yourself for instigating your children to hurt your brother?" Cheng Zun looked into Wu Guifei's eyes, and Wu Guifei's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Your Majesty, please observe me? I didn't instigate the prince. My concubine really didn't do this. This kid is a big kid, and he doesn't know where he got it..."

Cheng Jun waved his hand.

"Stop talking. I'll give you two choices, either go out by yourself or enter the cold palace like Li Jieyu. Which one do you choose? Cheng Zun said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, are you kidding? What is Li Jie's origin and concubine? How can she be compared with her?

Cultun laughed.

"Can you make trouble by a noble background? Let me tell you, even if the queen does something wrong, I will punish her the same. Which one did you choose? If you don't choose, I will choose for you." Cheng Zun patted his sleeves and looked bored.

"Since the emperor said so, let's put the concubine into the cold palace. If my concubine returns to her mother's house, she will definitely die of shame. In this case, it's better to stay in the palace and live quietly.

"I know what you are thinking, and I want to release you when Yanger grows up. This basically doesn't work. I will wait until you die earlier than me. Come on, drag her to the Lengxiang Palace." Cheng Zun said viciously.

Originally, when Ji Liunian designed this palace, he did not design the cold palace in it. After Cheng Zun came, he found a secluded wing and asked the masters to change it into a cold palace. There is only one wall between Lengxiang Palace and Lengyu Palace, but they can't take half a step.

The news soon spread throughout the harem. The women in the harem are sighing for the fate of Li Jieyu and Wu Guifei. Thinking of how beautiful and domineering Wu Guifei used to be, now she has come to such an end...

"In my opinion, it doesn't work for a mother to rely on her son now. If she offends the prince, no matter how many princes you have had, the emperor will still be ruthless and put you into the cold palace. It's so chilling..." The little masters whispered.

So, are our hopes dashed? Why is the emperor so ruthless... Don't you think about the good things in the past at all, and break the kindness of the past for a little mistake..."

After Ji Liunian learned the news, he also felt that the punishment was a little heavier.

"Li Jieyu is fine. Isn't it unfair to Wu Guifei?"

"I think Li Jieyu is pitiful. Wu Guifei hid her evil heart from the beginning."

"Don't listen to Weiyang chewing her tongue. Wu Guifei is timid and has no big plans. She won't do such a thing. It's just that Meng Tong was ignorant. Maybe he did this after listening to what his subordinates said unintentionally.

Cheng Zun's attitude towards Ji Liunian is a little puzzled.

"Aren't you angry? Why are you still talking for her?"

"Angry is angry, but you can't be without reason. In my opinion, it's better to let Wu Guifei come out and demote her to Jieyu. People who know know that it's your idea, and those who don't know it think it's my idea and say that I'm cruel. Ji Liunian knew that people's words were terrible, so she didn't want others to regard her as a poisonous woman. Noble Concubine, Wang Jieyu... Their deaths are all related to Ji Liunian, but it is not Ji Liunian who harmed them, but outsiders will not see it this way.

"Whoever dares to chew his tongue, I will kill her immediately. This matter is over, don't worry. After a while, everyone will not take it seriously.

Ji Liunian had no choice but to give up persuasion.

She also thought she would be fine after a while, but she didn't expect new troubles to come again. Li Jieyu and Wu Guifei, who were locked in the cold palace, cried day and night, scaring her father-in-law and maid away. No one dared to approach the area of the cold palace.

Li Jieyu and Wu Guiren seemed to have collusion. They cried one night and one cried during the day, and their voices were very sad. They just cried and didn't say anything. Cheng Zun once passed by there and heard a cry before he knew what had happened.

"How long have they been crying like this?"

The father-in-law saluted respectfully.

"It has been a month since I returned to the emperor. The slaves didn't dare to approach, and I heard M Mother that both of them died..."

"Nonsense, isn't there anyone to deliver food?" Cheng Zun was very surprised.

"It is said that the meal was left at the door and I didn't dare to go in, but no one touched it after more than ten days. The crying is still sad, and it has not decreased at all. That's why the slaves thought that the two of them were dead and that the ghosts were crying.

Cheng Zun saw his father-in-law's mysterious appearance and laughed.

"It's only when there are too many people like you that simple things become complicated. Unexpectedly, why don't you go in and have a look during the day? Are living people still afraid of ghosts?

"I'm afraid. It's a ghost... Your Majesty, don't go there alone. Take the bodyguard with you. My father-in-law had already reported this matter, but they didn't say anything because they didn't think it was important. Your Majesty, you live far away, so naturally you can't hear it.

Cung Jun sent him away with a smile.

"Is there really a ghost? I don't believe it..." Cheng Zun planned to go in alone to have a look, and he was fine at this time.