The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 173 Scenery of Tianhu

Early the next morning, the messenger went to Ji Liunian. Unexpectedly, the maid told him that the queen had gone out early in the morning and had already left for two hours.

"Did she say where to go?" Sang's messenger was a little angry.

"I don't know, we don't dare to ask." After saying that, the maid lowered her head.

"Bad, she must have gone to Tianhu Lake." Sang's messenger has been in contact with Ji Liunian for almost ten days and has figured out her nature. This morning, he came earlier than usual, but he was afraid that Ji Liunian would rush to Tianhu alone. He didn't expect that she would leave earlier than himself.

Sang's messenger then told the king the news. The king was also afraid that Ji Liunian would do something too much, so he quickly asked Sang's messenger to take more than 20 people to Tianhu.

Ji Liunian figured out the approximate location of Tianhu in the maid's mouth last night and rode away on a fast horse early in the morning. She knew that Tianhu was cold, so she took a leather coat with some food in it. She is most afraid of the feeling of being cold and hungry.

The fast horse galloped for three hours before slowly approaching the snowy mountains. The temperature was getting lower and lower. Ji Liunian quickly got off his horse and put on his leather coat and ate something to replenish his energy.

"It's fucking cold. If I'm locked here for a day, I can't stand it." Ji Liunian stamped his feet while eating, and even the horse trembling with cold.

Ji Liunian quickly rode on the war horse, otherwise she was afraid that the horse would leave by itself.

Soon, she came to Tianhu, which was so beautiful that she didn't look like she was in the world. White clouds are reflection on the lake, as if they are within reach. The lake is green and green, illuminating people's eyes. It was covered with snow, and there was a circle around Tianhu, and his shadow was also reflection on the lake. From time to time, swans flew by... Ji Liunian's eyes were straight.

"Who are you? Please stop!" A group of guards gathered around. Their faces are cold, like this snowy mountain.

"I... I'm what your king asked me to come... I'll catch a swan and bake it for the king..." Even Ji Liunian himself felt that this reason was very unreasonable, and of course the guards refused to believe it.

"Catch her quickly." The leading bodyguard said. They quickly pulled out their sharp swords and aimed their spears at Ji Liunian.

"Hence, don't do it. I'm the queen of Dacheng Kingdom. I heard that the Tianhu Lake here is very beautiful, so I came to have a look. It will never hinder you. I'll leave after reading it. If you don't believe it, you can ask quickly... By the way, your mulberry messenger is on the way now. He came with me because he was exhausted and fell behind.

"This woman's forewords are all strange. There must be a conspiracy. Let's catch her first." Under the order of the leading bodyguard, more than a dozen guards began to act.

Ji Liunian was glad that she was carrying a sword, and she took out the sword. Thinking about it, he felt wrong and threw away the sword. The guards all looked at it. Ji Liunian took advantage of this to point their acupuncture points, and she didn't want to hurt them.

"You just wait here. When I finish reading it, I will come out. I will never hurt you at all." Ji Liunian picked up the thrown sword.

She walked around the Tianhu Lake, poetic, singing and dancing, and was very happy. After watching the lake, she found a cave next to her. She walked in and was immediately stopped.

"Who are you?" Because this side is too wide, they didn't hear the movement made by Ji Liunian and the guards just now.

"I'm sent by the king. I'd like to express my condolences." Ji Liunian said with a smile. The doorman just wanted to speak when he was hit by Ji Liunian. Ji Liu walked in easily.

Ji Liunian thought they were here as if they were in a cold palace, but he didn't expect that they were locked up and tied up with shackles. For a moment, I felt that they were very pitiful.

They all watched Ji Liunian. Some giggle, some are full of hostility.

"Who are you? Are you going to be locked in? Haha, what's the use of being beautiful? If the king doesn't like it, he won't send it here, haha..." A woman in green looked at Ji Liunian with a smile. Ji Liunian got goosebumps by her laughter. Walking to the back, I found that there was another dungeon, but it was closed by a man. Ji Liunian was shocked. Could it be a male favor?

"Who are you? Why are you locked up here?" Ji Liunian found that there were still older men. They were definitely not male pets. Are they the ones who committed the crime?

Men saw Ji Liunian as if they had caught a life-saving straw.

"Rels us out, let us out. We absolutely have no intention to rebel. It is the second brother who misunderstood. We have no intention to rebel..." Ji Liunian knew that the king had locked up his brothers here. It seems that we can't underestimate this king. He also has a cruel side.

Ji Liunian didn't say anything. She came here to see Tianhu and didn't intend to let them out. She didn't want to make trouble. Although he is good at martial arts, he is in a foreign country and inevitably suffers some losses. He must not mess around.

Ji Liunian went out again. After going out, she found that there was heaven outside and hell inside. Even the air is different.

Sang's messenger rushed over and untied the bodyguard's acupuncture points. I was a little annoyed to see Ji Liunian.

"You didn't let them out. If you let them out, something big will happen. Even we can't help you." The messenger looked back and didn't see anyone.

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything. I just want to have a look. It seems that your king is really cruel. He locked up his brothers and concubines in this place and still stay in shackles. This is really not a human life.

Sang's messenger let the guards behind him retreat and went to the other side with Ji Liunian. Looking at the steaming water of Tianhu Lake, Sang's messenger told Ji Liunian the secret ten years ago.

"In fact, the reason why the small country is so weak now is the reason planted ten years ago that it will have the current fruit. Ten years ago, in order to compete for the throne, the ministers of the previous dynasty were divided into several factions, leaving only the faction that follows the king now. The king is not the direct heir or the prince. He can have today's status, all because the people who help him are the most powerful and intelligent. Five years ago, he successfully killed these ministers. These princes and sisters were imprisoned ten years ago.

"So much?" Ji Liunian just looked at it poorly, about 30 people.

"In fact, there were about a hundred people at the beginning, and two-thirds of them had died."

"Do they repent and the king still don't want to let them go? I don't think they can be a threat now.

"This is just what you see on the surface. In fact, the hearts of the court are not all following the king. If they come out, even if they don't want to, those unconvinced ministers will still find them and let them rise again. Therefore, in order to avoid this trouble, the king locked them all in and could not go out for life. The reason why the emperor is unwilling to deal with those corrupt officials is that on the one hand, he does not want to weaken his own power.

Jian Liunian finally understood.

"What about these concubines? Have you been locked up here all your life? Ji Liunian remembered Dacheng's cold palace, which is much better than here.

"In fact, those who are locked here are all concubines who have made serious mistakes. They have no chance to go down the mountain."

"A serious mistake?"

Sang messenger was embarrassed and blushed.

"The queen is the lord of the harem, and it is impossible not to know. These women either poisoned the king's children, or poisoned the king's beloved concubine, or had an affair with the imperial doctor... They all made a very serious mistake before they came here.

Ji Liunian smiled shyly.

"So it is. Then those concubines of the previous dynasty should not be locked here, right? They are so old, weak, sick and disabled that they can't stand it. Did they also make any mistakes?

"These concubines once encouraged their princes to rebel and committed the crime of death."

Ji Liunian smiled. It seems that this king is really timid, and he even regards these old, weak, sick and disabled as a threat.

"Queen, let's go back. I feel a little cold."

Ji Liunian also felt colder and colder, so he nodded and agreed to him. Unexpectedly, the messenger of Sang also brought a carriage, and Ji Liunian went straight in and went to sleep.

Finally, when he took a look at the white Sprite Lake, Ji Liunian suddenly felt that this place far away from the world was frighteningly beautiful.