The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 175 The robbers attack again

After walking for two days, they didn't stop for a moment except for eating at the roadside inn. Let the horse walk slowly when you feel tired.

"I'm so sleepy that my eyelids are going to fight." Seasonal years have been stretching continuously.

"Then let's stop and rest." The messenger of Sang felt that he couldn't stand it. Looking around, this is a dense forest, and there is evening cooking smoke nearby. It looks so peaceful and calm that nothing should happen.

Sang's messenger handed a steamed bun to Ji Liunian.

"Let's eat. There is only one left. There is an inn not far ahead."

Ji Liunian took over rudely.

"Although you look burly, you are as careful as silk. If any girl marries you, she will definitely be happy." Ji Liunian thought of Wei Bai and laughed.

Sang suddenly blushed.

"The queen joked. For a person like me who has been out for a long time, which girl is really unlucky to marry me? Otherwise, I wouldn't have lived alone in my first year. To tell you the truth, Dad always complains about me. Sang's messenger sighed.

"Why? Isn't it good?" Ji Liunian thought that the messenger was free and happy.

"What's good? I have been walking around for many years, and I have no choice but to eat this bowl of rice. If this happens, maybe I will be valued by the emperor and be promoted, haha."

Ji Liunian saw that the messenger of Sang just took his previous predicament in one sentence, and did not continue to ask.

"Stand up!" Ji Liunian was talking with Sang's messenger and was surrounded by the robbers. They don't know when they were targeted.

Sang Messenger and Ji Liunian both stood up. Ji Liunian touched the sword on her waist, and her heart was not beating so fast.

"I will give you everything you want. Don't hurt her." Sang's messenger hated himself for being careless. This dense forest is actually the most dangerous, and they can't even notice it when they are quietly approaching.

"Injure her? She killed seven or eight of my brothers, and you are much more cowardly than her..."

Ji Liunian and the messenger of Sang immediately knew that this group of robbers was the one they had met before. This time, about 40 or 50 people came, in the dark.

"I'll give you whatever you want." Ji Liunian turned out all the things in his pocket.

"I'll search." The robbers waved against Ji Liunian. Ji Liunian couldn't help it and immediately pulled out the sword around his waist and stabbed him.

When they saw that Ji Liunian had stabbed their heads, they were furious and immediately aimed their spearheads at Ji Liunian. Sang's messenger secretly complained. Ji Liunian is like this. He doesn't know how to endure. Now they are at a disadvantage, and now everything is over.

The Sang messenger and Ji Liunian had only one way to go, and the two began to kill.

About 20 people were killed, and Ji Liunian obviously felt exhausted. At this time, there were already many colors on Sang's messenger.

"Put down the sword. If you don't trust me, I will kill him."

Ji Liunian looked back and found that Sang's messenger was kidnapped by two people, and the sword was hanging under his neck. As long as he moved, he was finished.

"Okay... I'll put it down... Don't hurt him..." Ji Liunian's heart is extremely cowardly.

"You are interesting and killed our heads. How should we calculate this account?" The man looked at Ji Liunian with cannibal eyes.

"I... I didn't mean to. Who told you to mess with me..."

"Of course, it is the rule that you have to pluck your hair when you pass through our territory. Not only do you not understand the rules, but you also killed my brother. If we don't destroy you, how can we stand here in the future?

Ji Liunian listened to what he meant and wanted to kill the two of them immediately, and he was very anxious.

"I'm the queen... I'm the queen, do you hear me? If you kill both of us, the emperor will kill you!" Ji Liunian shouted, but they didn't believe it at all.

"Go away, leave me alone. Go quickly..." Sang's messenger burst into tears. He doesn't want Ji Liunian to suffer any harm.

At this time, Ji Liunian can escape as soon as she flies, but she really can't bear to leave the Sang messenger alone. This group of man-eating wolves will definitely kill the messenger. While hesitating and struggling, Ji Liunian was suddenly tied up by them.

"Take all the money. Don't hurt us, or I will never let you go." Ji Liunian said viciously.

"Now you are our meat, and you are still so hard-mouthed." The man found all the silver jade pendants of Ji Liunian.

"I didn't expect you to have a lot of money." The man took off all the hairpin earrings of Ji Liunian, weighed them in his hand, and said with a smile.

"Take things away, can you let us go now?"

"If you were captured yesterday, I would have let you go. But now you not only killed my brothers, but also killed our leaders. What can you do if you don't suffer a little? After saying that, the man put down the black on his face and began to pull the clothes of the season.

Ji Liunian was shocked. It seems that they will not let them go today. Ji Liunian thought too simply. They were not only robbers, but also flower robbers.

Ji Liunian struggled hard, but the rope did not move at all, so she closed her eyes.

" Stop, you have lived too long, even the queen dared to do it..." Several guards rushed in with gold medals in their hands.

"Go away quickly, do you want to go to the prison to have a taste?"

The robbers are hesitating when they see that there are fewer and more of them.

"Don't worry, our people are behind. If you want to live, run away quickly." The bodyguard shook the gold medal in his hand. The robbers dispersed, and the man who had just wanted to insult Ji Liunian was afraid to see that his brothers had dispersed.

"Oc, you guys are awesome..." He also stole it.

Ji Liunian watched them.

"Why, don't you know?" Gao Xiaofeng showed a cunning smile.

"Why are you here?" Ji Liunian was glad that they appeared at a critical time.

"If I come a step late, the emperor will be cuckolded. Fortunately, I didn't rest just now. You are so bold that you dare to stay in such a place.

"Isn't there anyone's home nearby?" Ji Liunian looked at the mountain. But no cooking smoke was found.

"That's what they lied to you, it must be. And you, why are you so careless? If something happens to the queen, can you bear it? Gao Xiaofeng angrily scolded the Sang messenger. Sang's messenger blushed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my negligence. I thought it was..." The messenger of Sang felt that his tears were coming out again.

Ji Liunian stared at Gao Xiaofeng.

"What a bad airs? They protect me all the way, and you scold them as soon as you meet them."

"Is it him who protects you or you protect him? It's useless."

"Are you useful? Can you compare with me?" Ji Liunian said with a smile.

"Who can beat you? Even if you can beat me, I dare not fight. Not to mention that the emperor will blame me, even my family will kill me.

"It's good to know." Ji Liunian patted him on the shoulder.

"Where are the people?" Ji Liunian looked around.

"Who is it?"

"Didn't you say there were our people behind?" Ji Liunian asked in surprise.

Gao Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment before he realized it and laughed.

"I lied to them. In fact, it's just us. There are no people, haha."

"You are so bold. What if they don't believe it?"

"If you don't believe it, I will kill anyone who is afraid of." Gao Xiaofeng untied the rope for Ji Liunian and took her to the horse.

"When you get to the front, there is the inn, and there is a carriage." Gao Xiaofeng has arranged everything.

"Since Dacheng's bodyguard is here, I won't go there." After the meal, the messenger said with a smile. Ji Liunian saw the unnaturalness in his smile, obviously because Gao Xiaofeng's words were too direct, which hurt Sang's self-esteem.

"There's not much way. You'd better go there. Stay for three or four days before going back. Ji Liunian suddenly felt a little reluctant to be a blushing man.

"This... let's go back first." Sang's messenger was nervous and couldn't say any reason.

"Don't be my mother-in-law. If he wants to go back, he will go back first." Gao Xiaofeng couldn't stand the mulberry messenger, a burly man who suddenly blushed.

"You talk a lot, and he didn't tell you." Ji Liunian gave Gao Xiaofeng a white look.

"He said to us, did you ask him?" Gao Xiaofeng's shameless appearance made Ji Liunian angry.

"Then I'll leave first." Sang's messenger rode a fast horse and galloped away to the night.