The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 207 Life in Peach Blossom Village

Ji Liunian explained after killing the brown bear, and then quickly pulled Wei Bai and ran away. Before Wei Bai reacted, he ran out of a distance before asking, "Didn't the brown bear be killed by you? Why are we running now? Don't they want to thank us?"

"The brown bear is the god they worship. If we don't run, we will definitely kill the two of us when they recover. Let's go on the road quickly." Ji Liunian pulled Weibai and continued to walk.

"Then where are we going? It's still midnight, and there is not even a boat. Weibai felt a little sleepy. Looking at the starlight in the sky, he didn't have any energy to appreciate it at all.

"It's okay. Let's just stay away and hide a little secret. We will leave this damn place by boat at dawn. Ji Liunian feels relaxed all over his body. She has a sense of accomplishment by killing a brown bear.

They found a haystle in a dense forest and fell asleep. No dream for one night. I slept soundly.

The next day, Ji Liunian woke up to the sound of birds and saw many monkeys crawling around in the woods, which was very clever.

"If you catch one for fun, you won't be so lonely on the road, haha." Weibai rushed over, which was not as agile as the monkey, and directly rushed to the air.

"My mother, you run so fast that I won't play with you anymore. Miss, let's go.

"It's true that dogs can't change eating shit. Call me prince." Ji Liunian took a white look and spit out his tongue in vain.

The two came to the river and did not see a ship.

"What should I do?" Wei Bai looked at Ji Liunian.

"I'm hungry. Let's find something to eat nearby."

Ji Liunian inserted a few fish into the water, and then let Weibai make a fire and roast it. The two of them ate very well. After lying down after eating, I saw a boat coming from the opposite side.

"Come here, come here." Ji Liunian and Wei Bai shouted loudly for fear that the boat would leave.

The owner supported the boat, and Ji Liunian looked inside and saw a guest inside. If the two of them go in together, the position is a little narrow.

"Where are you going?" At the helm was a middle-aged man who glanced at Ji Liunian.

"We...where are you going?"

"We passed through several places and ended at Peach Blossom Village. Where do you want?" The man looked at Ji Liunian suspiciously.

"Then we will go to Peach Blossom Village. How much money will it cost for two people?" Ji Liunian was afraid of being slaughtered too much after getting on the boat.

"Well, I'll ask this gentleman first." The man went in. It will come out in a moment.

"The man inside said that you don't have to pay your boat fare. He will pay it alone."

"Is there such a good thing?" He said with a smile.

Ji Liunian was still a little worried. He looked a few more times and saw the man sitting, looking like an upright gentleman, and there was nothing suspicious, so the two walked in.

"The boat is sailing..." The man at the helm has a thick and long voice.

"Thank you. I didn't expect such a righteous brother on the road. Please accept this." Ji Liunian took out a small jade pendant. The man waved his hand quickly.

"I'm just on the way. If you don't pay so much, just buy a companion on the road. This thing is too expensive for me to accept it. The man showed a bright smile, and Ji Liunian was that kind of warm-hearted person at first glance.

"Thank you very much. Since the prince doesn't accept it, I will treat him to a meal when I arrive in Peach Blossom Village and find out if there is anything interesting nearby." Ji Liunian said with a smile.

"There is nothing special about Peach Blossom Village. It is not spring now. Without peach blossoms, it is no different from the ordinary countryside. If it's spring, you can enjoy the flowers.

"Listen to the prince's tone, he is a native. I don't know why he left his hometown this time?"

"The man's ambition is everywhere, and his mother hopes that I can learn more, so he let me travel through the famous mountains and rivers. I haven't been back for a year."

Ji Liunian looked at the man carefully again, but he was a talented person.

"It's not easy for you to act alone. In this way, your martial arts skills are good. If you have time, compare two tricks." Wei Bai said with a smile.

"Haha, that's good. I also like to compete with people in martial arts. It seems that I met a bosom friend. I don't know why the two princes went to Peach Blossom Village?

Ji Liunian hesitated and couldn't say a reason.

"It seems that you are on a whim, haha, so it's a good choice to visit my house." The man said generously.

I didn't say it was good.

continued to talk about some words, and soon Ji Liunian and Wei Bai fell asleep.

"Two gentlemen, wake up and arrive at Peach Blossom Village..." The man shook Ji Liunian and Wei Bai's shoulders, and both of them woke up.

"It arrived so soon."

The three went ashore and soon arrived at Peach Blossom Village. Although there were no peach blossoms, it was also a paradise outside the world. The land was fertile and the house looked like it.

The prince invited the two of them to his home.

"Yes, although it is a village, there is nothing missing on your side. This house is big enough to be grand..." Ji Liunian praised it.

"Stop talking, it's better than the palace." The prince said with a smile.

"Are you friends you made on the morning road? She looks really handsome, like a girl. Sit up quickly. I'll prepare the banquet right away. The host is very hospitable. Speaking of the banquet, Ji Liunian and Wei Bai felt hungry.

After dinner, the prince took the two of them around the village and had a general understanding of the situation in Taohua Village.

"It's more normal here. What I met on the road are all strange people and strange things..." Ji Liunian said what he saw and heard on his road, and the prince was not surprised.

"I've been to all the places you mentioned."

After staying here for a few days, I felt bored.

"My son, when will we leave? You won't wait until the peach blossoms bloom and enjoy the peach blossoms, will you? Wei Bai is not interested in ordinary things and feels that the days are getting more and more boring.

"I still want to stay here. If you don't feel exciting enough, you can go back to the place where brown bears haunt, or go to Qingfeng Town, haha."

The next day, a strange thing happened, which made Wei Bai interested.

"We haven't had a murder here for more than ten years. This time it was a widow who died too miserably..." intermittent words came.

Weibai hurried out, found out all the news, and came back to tell Ji Liunian.

"It turned out that the widow at the entrance of the village was killed, but now everyone is rumored to have killed her by accident. It's horrible. The body has not been disposed of yet, and no one has come from it yet. Miss, are we going to stand up? I asked in vain.

"Someone should be in charge of this."

It is said that this place is small and there are not many people, so there are no local officials, and they are all managed by the township. Now that I have encountered such a big event, I am at a loss.

"What are you talking about?" The prince came over with a smile.

"It's about the widow at the entrance of the village."

"The information is really well-informed. I just learned about it. This kind of thing is rare here."

"Should we get involved in this matter?"

"Of course, my father is a township appointment, and he is having a headache now."

"So that's it. Let the two of us help you. We have great skills." It's useless to boast.

"I really don't know how to be ashamed. I never know what ability you have, but I know that you have caused a lot of things to wipe your ass."

"You two are not like brothers, like maids and ladies, haha."

Ji Liunian and Weibai quickly covered their mouths, because they just said too much.

Ji Liunian endured his discomfort and came to the widow's house where the accident happened.

"Dad, my friend has experience in this kind of thing, why don't she help us?"

"Experience is not good, I just want to do my best." Ji Liunian found that the father and son were very similar. Why didn't the township date appear at the banquet yesterday? Ji Liunian feels a little strange.

Xiangyue looked at Ji Liunian and didn't say anything.

A barefoot doctor came out.

"Auncle, this Widow Wang was poisoned to death, and the knife wound on her body was cut off after the poison attack. According to my refusal, maybe the poisoned person is unwilling to watch her suffer. Recently, Widow Wang and widow Li have been very close. It is likely that he did it.

"There is no evidence yet. Don't speak easily, otherwise it's slander. Let's see if we can find evidence."