The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 279 Public Marriage

The next day, Ji Liunian told Cheng Zun the news, and Cheng Zunle blossomed.

"It's better for the child to find it by herself than for us to help her find it. The most important thing is that the child likes it. Call him over and let me have a look tomorrow.

Jian Liunian nodded with satisfaction.

After Li Mu went back, he gave the painting to Lord Li, and Lord Li was shocked.

"What's going on? Isn't this painting for the Queen?" Although Lord Li said this, he was very happy. Last night, he couldn't sleep all night. Just because of this painting, Mrs. Li vented all her resentment on Li Mu's mother, which made Lord Li very upset.

"The Empress said that there was already a famous painting of this person at home, and the child said that this painting was the treasure of the family, so she agreed to take the painting back." Li Mu said with a smile.

"That's great, that's great. The queen is really kind-hearted. I'll bring you one of my good jade pendants, and you can give this jade pendant to the queen another day. Princess Xixi must be very uncomfortable with such a thing.

Li Mu agreed with a smile that he did not say anything about Princess Xixi's anger. He thought that if Princess Sisi ignored him from now on, he would simply not want this son-in-law. Although the Li family is not a big family, there is still this kind of temperament. He doesn't want to be inferior in front of Princess Xixi.

Li Mu also tossed and turned this night and didn't sleep well, and Princess Xixi was even more depressed. The next day, Weiyang ran over.

"Princess Xixi, the emperor said that he would take Mr. Li to see him tomorrow. You can go to Li's house tonight and get ready for tomorrow." Weiyang said with a smile.

"I won't go. If he doesn't come to me, how can I go to him?" Princess Sissy said angrily.

"Okay, okay, don't lose your temper. Let's go tonight. If you don't go, the emperor will blame you tomorrow. The young lady has said a lot of good words about Mr. Li in front of the emperor. Don't worry. It's not someone else's fault. It's your own waywardness.

"No, even if it's my fault, I can't go to him first. I'm a princess, and I haven't bowed my head to others." Princess Sisi still didn't agree.

"This girl is really outrageous. If you don't tell me, you will go to the imperial dining room after lunch tomorrow, okay? Weiyang hurried out of the palace.

"Aunt Weiyang, why are you here?" Li Mu also called Princess Xixi because she called Weiyang her aunt.

"Princess Sisi is playing with her childish temper. Don't be surprised. The queen has told the emperor about you. The emperor asked the two of you to go to the imperial study after lunch tomorrow. I guess you will eat in the palace in the evening. You can prepare well tomorrow. You don't have to bring gifts, just pack yourself up decently. Wei Yang just said this by the way.

But Li Mu blushed when he heard it. I thought Weiyang was a satire on what happened last time.

"I don't speak without thinking. Now I'm old and my brain doesn't work well. Don't mind. This is a trivial matter, so you don't have to take it to heart. You are so young that you still have to look forward. As long as you like each other, don't fight for a while. You can go early tomorrow and go to Princess Sisi first to say something good to ease the relationship between the two. Don't let the emperor see the flaw. It's not good then.

"Thank you, Aunt Weiyang. I know Aunt Weiyang is a good person. If there is anything I haven't done well in the future, I still need Aunt Weiyang to mention more.

Weiyang smiled, and Li Mu was still very polite.

The next day, Li Mu got up early in the morning, bought what Princess Xixi liked to eat outside, packed it in a wooden box, and sent it herself.

"What are you doing here? Can you afford to disturb my dream early in the morning? Princess Xixi saw that it was Li Mu and asked the maid to close the door.

"If I did something wrong before, please forgive me. After all, I didn't mean it. Early this morning, I went to the whole market and bought you something you like to eat. It's still hot. Just try it. Li Mu said with a smile.

"I won't eat. I'm going to sleep. Go back and don't disturb me." Princess Sissy made a long yawn.

"The Empress has forgiven me, and the emperor also likes me and said she wants to see the two of us. Why are you so stingy and turn against me for a little thing?" Li Mu deliberately angered Princess Xixi.

Princess Xixi was really fooled. She opened the door, pointed to Li Mu's head and said, "You are the stingy, the real stingy. Whoever wants your things, take them all for me."

Li Mu quickly handed over the things to the maids and asked them to take them in. He forcibly hugged Princess Xixi and kissed her deeply. It made Princess Sisi breathless.

"You bad guy, you hooligan." Princess Sissy pushed him away.

"I did this because I like you. Why do you call me a hooligan? I'm going back to prepare for it now. After lunch, you must go to the imperial study, otherwise the emperor would think we had a child's temper." Li Mu left with a smile.

"The stingy, the stingy..." Although Princess Xixi muttered, her heart was happy.

At lunch time, Princess Sissy quickly finished eating, and then she was busy dressing up, and the maids were all busy.

"Ms. Li has arrived. I just saw him on the other side of the royal garden, and now he is walking to the imperial study." The maid said anxiously.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Princess Sissy hurriedly urged.

Li Mu walked into the imperial study and met the emperor. When he saw Ji Liunian, he was very happy and politely greeted him.

"I heard from the queen that you are very nice, so I'm anxious to see you. Princess Xixi is the apple of my eye. You should treat her better."

"Of course, Princess Xixi is my beloved, and of course I will love her more."

"Bear by the way, I still don't know whose child you are. Are you the child of the Li Chou family?"

"No... No, he is the eldest son of the Li Chong family. He used to have a brother, but unfortunately he died. Now I am the eldest."

Cung Zun was shocked. Looking at Ji Liunian, Ji Liunian did not elaborate on Li Mu's identity before. Cheng Zun felt that the person who dated the prince was not an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that Li Mu's identity was a little mediocre.

"It doesn't matter if you are a concubine, as long as you treat Princess Xixi well, don't you think so? I think you are a very good Shepherd.

"Thank you, Queen, for the award." Li Mu looked at Ji Liunian gratefully.

It's hard for Cheng Zun to say.

"Why hasn't Princess Xixi come yet? This child is really probing." Ji Liunian looked outside and didn't see Princess Xixi.

; Li Mu was also a little anxious. If the emperor saw that there was a conflict between them, it would be bad.

"I don't know what Mr. Li likes?"

"My father is familiar with poetry, so I learned from my father. I am still familiar with the four books and five classics. The ability to ride and shoot is also good, and I know some other skills. These are never dare to compare with the emperor. If the emperor is willing, I can relieve my boredom with the emperor.

Cultun burst into laughter.

"You are not big, but you are quite bold. I don't have to worry about finding a companion to relieve boredom, haha."

When Li Mu heard this, his heart trembled and thought that he had said something wrong.

"Da damn it, I said something wrong. Please forgive me."

"Haha, I'm joking, don't mind. Xixi..." Cheng Zun saw Princess Xixi and stood up. Princess Xixi suddenly rushed to his side.

"Father, if you want to punish him, you have to get my consent first. Now he is mine, okay?" Princess Sisi said mischievously.

Cung Jun immediately laughed.

"He is not a kitten or a puppy. Why is it yours?"

"I don't care. Anyway, you can't bully him."

"You haven't married yet. Are you helping him now? Don't even your father be affectionate?"

"If you say who is more important, of course it is the father. But Mr. Li is weak. If you bully him, I will definitely stand on her side.

Ji Liunian couldn't help laughing with Cheng Zun. It seems that the relationship between the two of them is very good.

"You come down." Li Mu didn't expect that Cheng Zun liked Princess Xixi so much that he allowed her to act coquettishly even in front of him.

"It's none of your business. My father didn't tell me."