The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 283 The Pain of Bereavement

Because of grief, Ji Liunian no longer has the strength to handle Chengmin's funeral. Cheng Zun now woke up and suddenly felt sorry for Ji Liunian and Cheng Min, so he held the funeral very big and announced that the prince died suddenly for unknown reasons.

"Miss, you can't go on like this. We haven't avenged Min'er's revenge yet." Weiyang looked at Ji Liu's haggardness day by day, her face was dull, her eyes were red and swollen, and her heart was cut like a knife.

"Within, what's the point of living without Min'er? He was raised by me. I can't watch him die like this. No, I'm going to find the old woman. Maybe the old woman has a way to bring Min'er back to life. Ji Liunian stood up and suddenly felt that the world was spinning.

"Miss, miss, you'd better take good care of yourself first." Weiyang's tears are like rain.

Run in for nothing.

"Miss, Gao Xiaofeng has found out."

"You let him in." Ji Liunian doesn't care about any rules or irregularity.

In vain, Gao Xiaofeng ran out and came in.

"The matter has been clarified. This old way was recommended by Lord Dong. It's not really old way. It's just a monk who learned how to fool people halfway. The monk has a wife and children, and now lives in the south of the city. If the queen is still not relieved, I will go and kill his whole family.

What's the use of killing them? Presumably they don't know the truth. The important thing is to pull down this Lord Dong with the heart of tigers and wolves, and I will kill him with my own hands. Don't be busy. Don't act rashly. I'll act when I recover. Ji Liunian didn't expect that his hard-cultivated son would lose his life because of a mistake, and his heart was very bitter.

The more Ji Liunian thinks about getting better, the more anxious he is. The more anxious he is, the worse his health will be. Always wake up from nightmares in the middle of the night and shout, Yunshen Palace has become a haunted house.

Weiyang Weibai has never seen Ji Liunian like this, and his heart is like a heavy stone.

"If it goes on like this, Miss's health will collapse. If Miss can't do it, what should we do?" Weiyang cried and said to Wei Bai.

"I don't know what to do. Min'er is a piece of meat on the young lady's body. Now this piece of meat is gone, and I will get sick." Wei Bai also cried with Wei Yang.

"You'd better find Princess Xixi and comfort Sister Ji. Princess Xixi is also a relative of Sister Ji. Seeing her, Sister Ji will definitely give birth to hope. Merlotin wiped away the tears of both of them, and his eyes were wet.

"Then I'll call Princess Xixi tomorrow."

"And the crown princess, let the crown princess say more good words. Sister Ji feels most guilty now."

Wei Bai nodded and agreed.

The next day, Weiyang Weibai found Princess Xixi and Ai Qing. Princess Xixi is fine, because with the comfort of Li Mu's son-in-law, her body has not changed much, but Ai Qing is as thin as a ghost, wearing plain clothes, which looks very scary.

Princess Sisi went in first.

"Mother, you can't come back to life after death. You have to take care of yourself. My brother left like this. None of us can think of it. can't be too sad. If you are so sick, I will..." Princess Sisi choked and couldn't go on.

"Xixi, come here and come to my mother's arms. You are both my mother's children. I didn't think you two were very important before. When I gave birth to you, I thought it would be good if you were like this. But after giving birth to you, I fell in love with you two at once.

"I know that my mother has always been very good to us. Especially my brother, I got the careful cultivation of my mother... God is really unfair. How can I let my brother die violently? Princess Xixi couldn't help crying. When Weiyang heard the cry outside, she felt more and more sad.

"What would you do if I told you that your brother did not die in a violent death, but a conspiracy designed by someone?" Ji Liunian sighed deeply after saying that.

"Then I must kill him, kill him with thousands of knives, and smash him into ten thousand pieces. Even if I die, I will kill him."

"What would you do if your mother told you that your father was also one of the masterminds?" Ji Liunian couldn't help crying when he said this.

Princess Sissy was stunned.

"Father? How is that possible? The elder brother is his biological son, which is impossible, absolutely impossible. Princess Xixi stared at the roof with a cold war, which scared Ji Liunian.

"Son, what's wrong with you?" Ji Liunian shook Princess Xixi's shoulder hard.

"Well, is what you just said true? Did your father let others kill his brother?"

Ji Liunian felt that Princess Xixi had also grown up. At this time, she should tell her the truth. As for what she would do, she would not force her.

"Your father is obsessed with the art of immortality. Lord Dong recommended a fake Taoist priest to him. He trusts the Taoist priest very much. Her mother was worried and closely observed their actions, fearing that something would happen. Let your Uncle Gao Xiaofeng transfer his troops back and figure out the foundation of the old way. Unexpectedly, this old Tao actually instigated the emperor to poison Min'er, saying that refining elixir requires the heart of the true god. Your brother's heart is no longer in his body..." Ji Liunian felt that the more he talked, the colder he became, as if he were in hell.

"It's impossible. How could my father believe this Taoist priest's words? It's obvious that... I'm going to kill this old Taoist priest." Princess Sisi stood up and was very excited.

"After I knew the situation, I killed him the same day, threw his body to the wild dog to eat, and dug out his heart. Even so, I still don't understand the hatred. As soon as she wanted to get well, she went to Lord Dong to settle accounts.

"Madam, hasn't your father always been good to your brother? How could you believe this old man's demonic words? Even if you can really refine the elixir, you can't kill your brother. What a vicious act this is. It's not done by my father. Is the father possessed by someone?"

Ji Liunian shook his head.

"Impossible, the poison king has been forced out. Your father is still the same as before, but he is now old, afraid of death and losing power, so it doesn't matter if he kills his own son. Your father has changed, not the person he used to be." When Ji Liunian said this, she felt that a city in her heart was collapsing, and Cheng Zun completely became a dust in her heart, and there was no place worthy of respect and admiration.

"I'll go to my father to make it clear." Princess Xixi did not believe that her father would do such a vicious thing.

Ai Qing broke in.

"Xixi, you don't have to go to him. That's what your mother said. If your father agrees, that stinky Taoist priest would not have won a gold medal. If it hadn't been for the gold medal, Cheng Min wouldn't have drunk the poison. This is what your father means. If you have a brother in your heart, kill this dog emperor. He is a faint king. Ai Qing also said loudly regardless of Ji Liunian's feelings.

"Xiaoqing, are you crazy? The queen is here, how can you say such a thing? Everyone knows that you are sad, but isn't that true for each of us? The emperor was only confused for a moment to get the old Taoist trick. Weiyang pulled Ai Qing.

"That's not the case at all. The emperor doesn't like Min'er at all. I know that he doesn't want Min'er to inherit the throne at all. He thinks that he can live forever and be the emperor forever. This is a stupid king. Ai Qing said viciously.

Ji Liunian laughed.

"You're right. There is nothing wrong with him. He is a faint king."

Princess Xixi heard this and ran out despite Weiyang's obstruction.

"Miss, I'll go and have a look. I'm afraid this child will do something stupid." Weiyang pulled Weibai and ran away.

Only Ai Qing and Ji Liunian are left.

"If you don't kill him, sooner or later I will kill him. It doesn't matter if I give my life." Ai Qing said coldly to Ji Liunian.

"Don't worry, I won't let Min'er die in vain like this."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Min'er is my son, and I won't let him die in vain. I will definitely make him pay the price."

Ai Qing sneered.

"To put it this way, you just let him pay the price, not kill him?"