The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 295 Wonderful Feeling

Weibai did not take the two male pets away. Although Lord Li had received the news, he did not take any action. They closed it for ten days.

"Your Majesty, how many times will those two men be locked up?" A bodyguard ran over and said.

"What's the matter?"

"I think they are quite pitiful. Yesterday, the little one was about to commit suicide and bit his tongue. Fortunately, he was rescued in time. Why don't you let them both go?"

In fact, Ji Liunian has been thinking about how to deal with these two male pets, but he didn't expect them to want to commit suicide.

"I'll go and have a look." Ji Liunian said with a smile.

The discomfort in the prison made Ji Liunian a little disgusted, so she asked the guards to escort the two of them out.

"Do you know what prison feels like now?" Ji Liunian laughed.

"Your Majesty, you have misread us. We are still willing to suffer from this. As long as the emperor can leave us in the palace, we will be satisfied."

Ji Liunian laughed.

"Don't be hard-mouthed, look what he looks like. Do you have the heart to watch your brother bite his tongue and suicide? The first time, there will be a second time, and the second time will not be so lucky. Ji Liunian looked at the male pet sternly.

"Your Majesty, just give us a chance. We are willing to serve you as a cow and horse. What else are you dissatisfied with? If you force us both to die, will you feel at ease?"

"I didn't force you, you forced me to do this. The door of the palace has been open for you, but you don't want to leave. Ji Liunian felt that this male pet was really angry and put the responsibility for everything on himself.

"Both of us have a close relationship with the emperor. We don't want to leave the emperor, emperor... Don't drive us away. We won't do such a thing again next time. If you don't believe me, I will break my tail finger. After saying that, the male pet stretched out five fingers.

"Wait, why do you have to mutilate yourself? Since your will is so firm, I will let you stay." Ji Liu began to waver, and the two of them were not useless, and it was understandable for them to accept them.

The two brothers were very happy.

"Thank you, your Majesty. We will be obedient in the future. We will do whatever the emperor says."

Ji Liunian let the two of them return to the Yunshen Palace.

A month has passed, and the two male pets are very obedient and have not caused trouble, and Ji Liunian's heart has calmed down a lot. One day, Ji Liunian felt that his back was sore. It was raining lightly, and Ji Liunian summoned the two male pets.

"You two massage me. If I fall asleep, you will go back quietly, okay?"

The two male pets looked happy and started to do it quickly.

Ji Liunian soon fell asleep.

In the future, as long as Ji Liunian feels uncomfortable, he will summon these two male pets and let them massage her. Gradually, Ji Liunian became familiar with them.

The older man's favorite is Li Yu, and the younger man's name is Li Gang. The two brothers have no family now. They have only served one master, which is the same as Lord Li said. Ji Liunian didn't know that what they said was a lie.

Li Yu is more stable and Li Gang is more impatient. Li Yu is more charming, and Li Gang is more watery. The two can't tell which is better or worse. Ji Liunian prefers Li Yu.

Cheng Qian has heard about this matter for a long time. He has not mentioned it to Ji Liunian. After all, this is a private matter for the elders, and he has no right to ask. On the contrary, Ji Liunian has been worried that his affairs will make Cheng Qian unhappy.

"Cong Qian, do you know about those two male pets?" Ji Liunian asked with a smile.

Cung Qian nodded.

"This is the emperor's private matter, and I have no right to ask. As long as the emperor's affairs do not affect the government, this is beyond reputable. Cheng Qian made a salute.

"Do you really think so?"

"Eat-sexy men and women, human nature, the emperor doesn't have to care about the thoughts of his ministers."

"I'm relieved when you say that. In fact, I don't have anything special to do with them. I just let them massage when I feel uncomfortable, which is not like the rumors.

"Your Majesty, please take care of yourself."

Ji Liunian smiled.

"It should be, but when you are old, it is inevitable that you will have a headache and hot feet. Don't worry."

Ji Liunian thought that since Cheng Qian had no problem with his own affairs, it had become like that. In this way, he took the blame for nothing. Without doing it for nothing, I had to enjoy these two male pets happily.

The two male pets were surprised and did not expect that Ji Liunian would suddenly accept them. The two of them worked harder to make Ji Liunian feel that they were still young girls.

Weibai smiled happily when he saw that the two male pets were jealous. Seeing that Ji Liunian was more radiant, she was also a little moved.

Miss, those two are fine, aren't they? Would you like to borrow it for me?" He said with a smile.

"Take it if you want to use it. I don't mind."

"You don't mind, I don't mind, I don't want it. Besides, both of them refused. I have a great disparity in status with you. Don't look at them like this, they know it.

"You, you have these very strange ideas in your mind. The tenth prince is still there, and you just want to think about things, which seems to be very shameless. Ji Liunian said with a smile.

"He is not here. He can't see him all day. Now he doesn't know what he's busy with."

Ji Liunian smiled.

"Let me tell you, these two people are just my temporary playmates. You still have Weiyang. Don't tell us too much about us. Got it?"

"Why? Are the two of them intentional? I can't see it."

"After all, it's not the person we went out to look for, it was pushed by Lord Li. Whether I have an intention or not, we should be vigilant."

"I know. Anyway, they are tools, so we won't say anything about tools, haha. I think the two of them are still jealous of you, but it's funny.

"Don't talk about it."

Although Ji Liunian occasionally let them serve herself, she did not fully believe them. She knew that outsiders were outsiders after all.

Once, Li Yu talked with Ji Liunian and inadvertently mentioned the government.

"Your Majesty, you see that General Gao is getting older and worse day by day. Why is all the military power in his hands? If he suddenly encounters misfortune, isn't it..."

"What are you talking about?" Ji Liunian immediately pulled down his face.

"I don't care about the emperor and Dacheng. I think the emperor should have divided his troops equally among several generals earlier, so that he can rest assured. Li Yu said with a smile.

"Just do your things carefully, and I will naturally consider the things in the government."

"Your Majesty..."

"Stop talking, and I'll put you in prison. Remember your identity. You are just two male pets and have no right to talk about the government at all. Also, don't go to the Royal Garden on weekdays. If you two talk there and spread it, it should be embarrassing for me. Do you remember?"

Li Yu and Li Gang nodded.

"Actually, we just like the emperor, so we talk a little more when it comes to the emperor. The emperor must not be unhappy." Li Gang said with a smile.

"It's okay. You all go out. Two mosquitoes are buzzing in my ear. How can I fall asleep?" Ji Liunian pushed them out and closed the door.

Li Gang is getting bolder and bolder to talk about the government and mention so many ** topics. In fact, Ji Liunian knows that it is not good for all the military power to be concentrated in Gao Xiaofeng, but Ji Liunian has not found the right person for the time being. Except for Gao Xiaofeng, other generals are either not capable or can't be trusted.

Why did Li Yu mention this? Ji Liunian has to pay a little attention. Li Yu may speak for someone. He must know a lot about it, and he came here with a purpose.

"What do you care about him? Anyway, just don't tell them anything." Ji Liunian said to himself secretly.

Li Yu and Li Gang left soon.

"Brother, it seems that the emperor still doesn't want to believe us. We are all with her, but she still doesn't regard us as her own.

"Take your time and don't worry. This kind of thing is not urgent. Don't underestimate her. She can sit in this position, which shows that she has something special.