The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 298 To please the emperor

Li Yu and Li Gang were helpless, and the newly sent male pet was even more useless. Lord Li was very anxious and hurriedly asked his three accomplices to come to discuss.

"I'll tell you the truth. I sent the first three male pets. Now they can see the emperor at both ends of the day, but the emperor doesn't take them seriously at all. It's really hard for me. I can't think of a way now. I don't know what you think?

"It turned out to be Lord Li's intention, but in fact, we also guessed half of it. After all, a woman is a woman and will not be as lustful as a man. It is reasonable for her not to take male pets seriously.

"The most hateful thing is that she not only enjoys them, but also sees them as nothing, which is really annoying. I don't know if you have a better way?" Lord Li smiled awkwardly.

All four were silent.

Prince Chengde sighed.

"I think it's better to kill Cheng Qian first. You make me the prince. As long as I become the emperor, I will never forget your kindness."

"I understand what Prince Chengde means, but we are not a minister of humerus yet. I'm afraid what we say has no weight in front of the emperor. At that time, Cheng Qian will die, but it will be pushed by other princes. Didn't we do it for nothing? Lord Li said with a smile.

"Is there really nothing you can do?" Cheng De was a little discouraged.

"Now none of us have the strength. If we really have strength, we are not looking for high-ranking officials." Lord Li said with a smile.

"In this case, I don't know what I can do." Cheng De sat down.

"I have a plan, Prince Chengde, you should pay more attention to the emperor now and win the emperor's favor. When the time is ripe, we will kill the prince again. Isn't it good?" Lord Wei said with a smile.

"Good is good, but it's easy to say, but difficult to do." Cheng De frowned and said.

"The prince doesn't have to be discouraged. Everything in this world is easy to do, but it's difficult when you just want to do it. The emperor is also a human being. He likes others to be kind to him. As long as you impress her, she will definitely think you are a good person. As long as the prince dies, the first person she will think of will be you. Go and have a try." Lord Wei said with a smile.

"Yes, Lord Wei is right. If you don't want a prince, you can try it? If this method doesn't work, let's work harder and come up with another way.

Cung De had to nod.

After going back, Cheng De thought over and over again about how to please Ji Liunian. After thinking about it, I have no choice but to inquire tomorrow.

The next day, Cheng De got up early to find Cheng Qian. Cheng Qian was practicing martial arts. When he saw Cheng De, he quickly pulled him over.

"Let's practice together." Cheng Qian said happily.

"Prince, you are quite leisurely and in the mood to practice martial arts, haha."

"This is the emperor's rule. If I don't complete the task, I will be punished. At first, I felt unaccustomed, but now I feel more and more of its benefits. Look at me, is it much stronger than before? Cheng Qian said with a smile.

"The emperor is very kind to you." Cheng De said a little disappointedly.

"The emperor is very kind to us, but I want to take on this important task, so I am a little strict with me. Cheng De, why do you look unhappy?

Cung De shook his head with a wry smile.

"I'm not unhappy, I just feel tired. I haven't seen the emperor for a long time. I feel that I have been forgotten by everyone. How are you? Now you are the prince. Everyone cares about you and cares about you.

Cang Qian smiled shyly.

"I'm just lucky. If Brother Chengde wants to be valued by the emperor, it's not difficult, just do what she likes."

"I don't know what the emperor likes. Can my brother give advice? I dare not expect to be a prince. If I can take on an official position and seek the welfare of the people, I will be satisfied. Cheng De said with a smile.

"It turns out that Chengde's brother thinks so. I will definitely help you."

"Brother, please say a few more beautiful words in front of the emperor."

"Now that you have spoken, I will definitely help you." Cheng Qian patted Cheng De on the shoulder boldly, which made Cheng De feel ashamed, as if Cheng Qian regarded him as a weak person.

Cheng Qian did what he said, and the next day he said good words to Chengde in front of Ji Liunian.

"I don't know if the emperor still remembers Chengde?"

Jian Liunian nodded.

"This person is quite good, but I feel that I can't hold it. My heart is a little floating. I'm not a down-to-earth person."

"Actually, you don't know him well enough. I met him yesterday. He was distressed, saying that he hoped that the emperor could value him, let him take up a half official position, and benefit the people or something. If the emperor has any idle job, let him do it first and exercise him.

"His self-motivated mind is quite strong. In fact, I don't know much about the prince below. Some views may be eye-catching."

"Yes, yes. But it's not the emperor's fault. Time is too short.

"I remember what you said. Tell Cheng De and let him learn more from you on weekdays."

Cung Qian nodded.

It was Chengqian's birthday soon. Everyone was very happy. Cheng De knew that Ji Liunian now valued Chengqian, so he sent a generous gift.

"Who sent this?" Ji Liunian looked at a golden tripod and laughed.

"It was sent by my son to my brother." Cheng De stood up, and Cheng Qian also smiled and echoed.

"This cost you a lot of money, right?" Ji Liunian didn't expect Cheng De to be so generous.

"What is silver? My brother usually takes good care of me. It's this golden tripod. I don't think it's enough to express my gratitude to my brother."

Ji Liunian smiled at him.

The next day, Ji Liunian ceded an official position to Chengde to do it. Cheng De smiled and knew that he had won the favor of the prince. The emperor began to value him.

"Prince Chengde is really powerful. We didn't misread you. In just two months, we won the emperor's value. I said you could do it." Lord Li laughed and said that he was in favor of virtue. Cheng De smiled very brightly.

"I think our action can be implemented in two months. I work very hard. Don't fall behind. Get ready as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, we will do the killing of the prince, and we will definitely do it well." Lord Li patted his chest and said.

Cung De is more relieved.

After Cheng De went back, he saw his imperial concubine packing.

"What are you doing?" Cheng De was very angry with her.

"Write a book of absence. I want to go back." The imperial concubine said solemnly.

"What the hell are you going to do? Now the emperor has just had a crush on me. When you make such a scene, she must think that I am ridiculous outside, so you left. You just stay at home peacefully. I don't have to do anything. Why do you have to toss around?

"I'm afraid, I'm really scared. I'm not worried if you don't have the power. Now that you are the red man around the emperor, I know your purpose and live trembling every day. I don't want to live like this. I don't want to die with you. The imperial concubine looked at Cheng De with hatred.

"You unlucky woman, since you insist on leaving, I can't stop you. Well, I'm writing the divorce book now, but there is a condition that you must explain to the emperor that it's not my cause but yours... That's right, you just say that you can't have children and feel ashamed of me, so you left."

"This is not a problem. I just want to put aside my relationship with you now. If you are depressed in the future, you can come back to me and give you a bowl of rice. If you become rich in the future, then forget me. I can't enjoy your wealth. By the way, that golden tripod is mine. When will you return it to me?

Chengde's face was full of embarrassment.

"I have given this to the prince. Didn't you give it to me? Why did you take it back now?"

"That's what my father gave me. I just gave it to you for temporary custody. When did you take it as a gift? I think you are getting more and more... I won't talk about you anymore. You can do it for yourself."

"Then please take care of yourself." Cheng De felt a little uneasy.