The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 307 Is it a dream or wake up?

After returning from Princess Xixi, Ji Liunian remembered many things in the past and sighed with emotion. Thinking that I hadn't been to Chengzun's cemetery for some days, I decided to have a look the next day.

"Miss, do you want me to go with you?" Wei Yang said with a smile.

Ji Liunian just wanted to talk to Cheng Zun quietly, so he refused directly.

"I just want to go and have a look, so you don't have to go."

Ji Liunian did not take the bodyguard over, but asked four people to carry the sedan chair to send her there, and then asked them to wait for her below.

Cheng Zun's cemetery is not very big, which is what Cheng Zun means. Ji Liunian knows that he is afraid of death, so everything about death is simple. Cheng Min's cemetery was next to Cheng Zun, and Ji Liunian stood on Cheng Min's cemetery first.

"Miner, I hope everything is fine below. My mother knows that no matter what I say or do, I can't make up for the mistakes I made to you. You are a good child. You are all blessed and have no luck to enjoy you..." Ji Liunian choked.

Thinking that Princess Xixi has now had a child, if Cheng Min hadn't died, she might have had a child. Ji Liunian would have been even more sad and unconsciously cried so much that the cemetery was wet.

Ji Liunian staggered to Cheng Zun's cemetery.

"Why did you die? You said before that you would live longer than me. Why did you go like this? Do you resent me for leaving you? If I don't leave you, how can I explain to Min'er and Ai Qing? You made such a stupid mistake..."

Ji Liunian cried and his eyes were hazy, and he didn't notice a white figure gently approaching her.

"Silly child, don't cry. What should I do if I cry? Dacheng still depends on you. The man's voice sounded softly behind Ji Liunian. Ji Liunian turned around and saw Cheng Zun.

"Who are you? Are you Cheng Zun? I didn't dream." Ji Liunian was shocked, and this person clearly looked like Cheng Zun.

"I'm no longer in this world. I can't stay for a long time. I'll wait for you in Luanfeng Hall in the third night." It was said that Zun quickly disappeared, and Ji Liunian ran over, and the shadow was gone.

"It's strange that I saw Cheng Zun, but he still talked to me. Why did he disappear so quickly?" Ji Liunian rubbed his eyes and felt a tingling pain. Hey, maybe he had a day thought, a dream at night, and his eyes were dazzled. Ji Liunian had to go back

Thinking of those words just now, Ji Liunian still feels very true.

"Who am I in Luanfeng Hall at night? If it's true, he will definitely come." Ji Liunian has made plans.

Because I cried for a long time today and walked for a while, Ji Liunian felt very tired and fell asleep at once, and he couldn't get the third update at all.

Cong Zun has actually been hiding in the Luanfeng Hall and has been watching Ji Liunian's action.

Ji Liunian didn't know that Cheng Zun's death was a scam carefully planned by himself. The purpose of doing so was to hope that Ji Liunian would come back. He chose Chenghua, who was like a straw bag, as the prince and then inherit the throne. These were all arranged by him, so that Ji Liunian could return to his side.

He knew that Cheng Min's death made Ji Liunian love and hate him, and only time could heal the wound. It was not him who was buried in the coffin. It's a stand-in he found. Now this stand-in is buried in the imperial mausoleum. Cheng Zun has decided that even if he met Ji Liunian, he would not return to power. He is tired of it.

Seeing that Ji Liunian raised a male pet, Cheng Zun felt a tingling in his heart. He wanted to stand up and say that he was not dead, but he still did not stand up. He knows that he owes a quarterly year in his life, so let's compensate for the quarterly year.

Later, Ji Liunian drove away the three male pets, and Cheng Zun suddenly felt much more relaxed. He saw everything Ji Liunian did at a glance.

Now Cheng Zun is considering whether to tell Ji Liunian the truth. In the cemetery, Ji Liunian cried and his eyes red. Cheng Zun knew that Ji Liunian had forgiven himself, but he did not have the courage to tell her the truth.

Chen Zun floated down and stood by Ji Liunian's bed, looking at Ji Liunian's face, which still had tears. Cheng Zun felt guilty, which made Ji Liunian have so many scars in his heart.

Cung Zun involuntarily touched Ji Liunian's face. She was old, but she was still so beautiful, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were also beautiful.

In the haze of Ji Liunian, he felt that someone touched his face, opened his eyes, saw Cheng Zun, and got up immediately.

"Are you Cheng Zun? You are not dead yet, are you? I feel that you are touching me. Dead people can't touch me. Ji Liunian opened his eyes wide and looked at Cheng Zun, although his eyes were very painful.

"No, that's just your feeling. I'm dead. You cried in the cemetery and I heard it, so I came to see you. Thank you for everything you have done for Dacheng. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I'm relieved that it's a big deal for you. Cheng Zun smiled as usual. Ji Liunian only felt the passage of time, as if they had returned to their twenties.

"But I really feel the temperature of your hand. I want to touch you..." Ji Liunian said stubbornly.

Cong Zun laughed again. This is Ji Liunian.

"No, I'm leaving. If you touch me, I can't go back. I will come back to see you from time to time.

"Xixi has given birth to a child, and you also went to see her. She doesn't hate you anymore. I don't hate you anymore. They are all a family. These are all doomed evil fate. After Ji Liunian said these words, tears flowed down again.

Cung Zun also shed tears. He was afraid that Ji Liunian would see it, so he turned around and left gently. He wore brocade shoes and made no sound at all.

Now Cheng Jun still lives in the palace, and he goes out to find something to eat in the middle of the night. Not once was found, and even if someone saw his shadow, he was scared away.

Ji Liunian was really sleepy. Although she was sad and depressed after Cheng Zun left, she gradually fell asleep.

When she woke up the next day, the maid knocked on the door outside.

"Your Majesty, can we come in? It's been two hours now." It seems that the maid has knocked on the door outside several times.

"Okay, come in." Ji Liunian twisted his waist and felt sore all over his body.

"Your Majesty, is this your hair?" The maid she got up asked with a smile.

Ji Liunian took over.

"No, it's not my hair. My hair is longer than this and not that thick." Ji Liunian grabbed two hairs and looked at them carefully.

"Your Majesty, I don't think it's like your hair, but I don't know who it is. Our hair is not so long." The maid said with a smile.

Ji Liunian thought of what happened last night. This hair is obviously a man's. Is that really Cheng Zun? But if it's really Cheng Zun, why doesn't he admit it? Does Cheng Zun have to suffer as a last resort?

Ji Liunian put her hair into a wooden box. After the maids left, she opened it and saw that she had confirmed that the hair was Cheng Zun. Did Cheng Zun stay before? Ji Liunian thought, but immediately she denied this idea. Cheng Zun had been away for so long that this room was cleaned every day and could only stay last night.

Ji Liunian felt manic and uneasy in his heart. She ran to the cemetery alone. This cemetery is the same as yesterday, and there is nothing strange.

"Cung Zun, if you are really here, you can answer me. I have forgive you." After saying that, Ji Liunian squatted down, and she couldn't help crying again.

"I'm not wrong. I have confirmed that the man last night was you, not a ghost." Ji Liunian immediately had an internal force to blow up the cemetery.

Ji Liunian walked in, and the lights inside had not burned out. Hundreds of maids were in front of him, and Cheng Zun was at the end. Ji Liunian walked to the end and then turned the sarcophagus open. Inside is a rotten corpse. The face is no longer recognizable. Judging from his figure, it is no different from Cheng Zun.

Ji Liunian felt that he was really stupid. He watched Cheng Zun be buried with his own eyes. Why did he think that Cheng Zun was still alive? Cheng Zun is such a greedy person, how can he be willing to disappear in this world? There is only one possibility, that is, he is dead.