The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 312 Suspicious

Ji Liunian saw that Chengqian seemed to be much decadent recently, so he called him over.

"Is the child still practicing martial arts recently?"

Cung Qian nodded.

"Just practice occasionally in the garden at home."

"I don't think you look well, and you have been much lazy recently. Now that the country is prosperous and the people are safe, you should pay more attention to your health and take good care of yourself. I think you are probably clear about Chao Li, so let's rest at home for a while. At your age, work hard to give birth to a little prince this year. Ji Liunian said with a smile.

Cung Qian smiled and nodded.

"Everything is at the Emperor's will." Cheng Qian retreated with a smile. After going back, he felt even more depressed. Now the emperor clearly doesn't want him to have more real power, so he is an excuse to let him rest at home in the name of nourishing his health. Does the emperor want to kill me? The more Cheng Qian thought about it, the more horrible it became.

He didn't sleep all night. The next day, he hurried out to buy a few masters and asked them to defend the prince's mansion and control their families. As long as they were weak, all those families would die.

On the third day, Chengqian practiced martial arts in the garden, and it was boring to practice. He felt that no matter how hard he tried, he could not beat Ji Liunian and those masters in the palace.

C Cheng Qian remembered his father-in-law, so he took Cheng Min back to his mother's house. Lord Chen welcomed them very warmly. Cheng Min's face was full of brilliance, and she felt that she had added light to the prince.

Seeing that there were so many people at the dinner table, Cheng Qian didn't dare to say a word about that matter at all. He just drank and got drunk before going back. The next day, when I woke up, I thought that I hadn't done what I wanted to do yet.

"Min'er, will you invite your father-in-law to the prince's house tomorrow?"

"Okay, since you like Dad, I'll ask him to come."

Lord Chen was invited and was happy. Of course, he did not refuse.

During the banquet, Cheng Qian wanted to talk to Lord Chen about the government, but Chen Min did not look at him, so Cheng Qian had to speak.

"Don't you still have female workers who haven't done well?"

"No, no, my father is here. It's rare to see him once." Chen Min said with a smile.

Lord Chen heard Cheng Qian's meaning and quickly said, "If you want to see your father, you can come here every day. The prince won't mind. Now that Dad has important things to discuss with the prince, you can go back and do the things of your women's family.

Chen Min just heard the meaning and left immediately.

"My daughter is just a little stupid, and other aspects are good. Being stupid also has the advantage of being stupid. There are not so many narrow-mindedness. You will know the prince in the future, haha. Lord Chen thought that his eldest daughter would be the mother of a country in the future, not to mention how happy he was.

"Min'er has no shortcomings. I still like him very much. You teach him well, father-in-law."

Where, where. Prince, I would like to give you a toast. Now we are all a family. You can say anything directly. You're welcome.

"I used to take money from my father-in-law, but now I feel embarrassed." Cheng Qian laughed.

"Little money is not enough. If all this money is mine, I will be happy to give you as much as I want, but my younger brother may have a problem. I'll just persuade him a few more words. Prince, are you facing a problem again?

Chong Qian blushed with shame.

"Father-in-law, you misunderstood. I don't want to borrow money from you this time, I want to tell you a secret. I heard that the emperor didn't really have the intention to help me as the prince. Now he wants to get rid of me, and now I'm very scared.

"Is this true?"

"It's true. Now I can only stay at home and can't interfere in the affairs of the court. The emperor asked me to raise my family for a while. She obviously doesn't want me to get real power.

"This is bad. The emperor only saw that the prince married Min'er and was worried about his children, so he asked you to stay at home, right?" Lord Chen doesn't believe it.

"No, in fact, I don't hide it from my father-in-law..." Cheng Qian told Lord Chen what he heard from Lord Han.

"Who told you these words?"

"It's a few good friends." Cheng Qian did not tell Lord Han.

"In fact, we are not convinced that a woman in the court is in power, but we are relieved to think that she has only been in her position for five years. If the emperor really has such ambition now, I'm afraid your life will be in danger from time to time. Lord Chen thought seriously.

"Yes, that's why I came to beg my father-in-law. If my father-in-law doesn't help me, I'm afraid Min'er will soon be widowed. Do you have the heart to watch your daughter be a widow? Cheng Qian took Lord Chen's hand and said excitedly.

"Prince, don't be excited. With us, you will be fine. As long as you are protected and the five-year deadline is reached, there is no reason for the emperor not to abdicated. If she doesn't abdicated, she will lose her trust and no one will listen to her again.

"Then please ask your father-in-law to find a way." Cheng Qian still held Lord Chen's hand.

"Don't be excited, do it well, and we will discuss it slowly. You know that Chen Mansion is very big. Why don't you live in Chen Mansion and I'll arrange it.

"Isn't that a joke if it goes out? No, no."

"This... there is no excuse. We just want an excuse. It was said that the princess was in a longing for marriage, so you moved here together.

"No, no, the emperor will be unhappy when he knows it. I already have someone protecting me, but I'm afraid that more people will come in and kill me. If I hide in Chen's house, the emperor will also send someone to kill me.

"According to your opinion, what should we do?"

"I want to pretend to be sick, so that the emperor will not stare at me." Cheng Qian deliberately said so.

"This doesn't work. The palace is remote, and it's easier for her to do it." Lord Chen still feels safe in the imperial city.

"Is there any other way?" Cheng Qian became embarrassed.

"If she really wants to kill you, that is, if you hide in the ends of the earth and she wants to kill you, why don't you stand up and kill her." Lord Chen said with a smile.

"Father-in-law, don't laugh. Although the emperor is now in his fifties, I'm afraid I can't kill her after practicing martial arts for ten years."

"You can't kill her, but you can do it secretly." Lord Chen felt that if Cheng Qian could quickly become an emperor, he would immediately become a state father and be magnificent.

"Now the emperor is wary of me, and I can't do anything openly or secretly. The people around the emperor have been best friends for many years, and they can't buy them with anything. I don't think this method is advisable.

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work either. There is only a clear rebellion. If there is a rebellion, it won't happen overnight. We still need to plan carefully. It will take at least two years to recruit and connect with each other, which is even more undesirable. Prince, you'd better hide in Chen's house as I said. For my face, the emperor should not embarrass you."

Cung Qian shook his head.

"Let me have a try and see if I can exploit the loopholes. Don't spread today's incident, okay?

"Of course, of course. I won't say anything. Don't worry. If there is any new progress, please let me know immediately. If you have any other difficulties, you can also tell me. Remember my words and take your time. Don't worry too much. If you are in a hurry, you will be in a mess.

Cung Qian nodded.

Lord Chen didn't leave until he was drunk.

Cheng Qian still felt hopeless, and his father-in-law obviously didn't want to help him. No wonder, if it is a real rebellion, Chen Fu bears a great risk. In case of failure, thousands of family members will lose their lives. It seems that this matter is still up to you. Lord Chen can't help.

Chen Min helped Cheng Qian to go to the dormitory. Cheng Qian looked at Chen Min and had no such desire at all. Since their marriage, they have really had sex twice. The first time was on the wedding night. Chen Min is clumsy. It took him a long time to succeed. After that, he was physically and mentally exhausted and did not feel happy at all. The second time, after he was drunk, he completely ignored Chen Min's feelings and made her cry. After he got up, he didn't know what had happened until he saw her red and swollen eyes.

"I'll wait for you to sleep tonight." Chen Min doesn't seem to be very drunk when he sees Cheng Qian.

"You'd better go out." Cheng Qian thought that he had no clue and was not in the mood at all.