The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 352 Test Cheng Qian

Cheng Zun's life was saved. Ji Liunian was very happy. Looking at Cheng Zun getting better day by day, Ji Liunian felt that it didn't matter how old he was.

Since giving Cheng Zun Yungong, Ji Liunian's health has been a little worse, as if he were a few years old. Melochen even found one of her white hair.

"Sister Ji, these gray hairs are already very good at your age. Look at me, there are at least a dozen on my head, but I just blocked them." Meloin said with a smile.

"Do you know that you are old? Why don't you find someone to marry quickly? Even I'm worried about you. People outside must think that I'm domineering and let you stay with me, haha.

"If they want to say it, let them say it casually. Anyway, I don't care." Meloqin looked uninterested.

"You just hate me, don't say a word, and treat me as an outsider. What on earth do you think in your heart? Ji Liunian glanced at Meloqin.

"Anyway, I'm already an old girl. No one wants it. Why do you still worry about getting married?"

"Although you are a little old, you are not enough to get married. Look at yourself, you are upright and elegant. If I were a man, I would like you too, haha.

"Sister Ji, don't laugh." Melochen's face turned red.

"Okay, I won't laugh, so I'm going to talk about business now. Answer me honestly, do you like Cheng Qian or not?"

"He is the emperor. I'm just a maid. How can I match him?"

"You just say whether you like it or not, don't talk so much nonsense." Ji Liunian is aggressive.

"I... I like him, but it's impossible. Sister Ji, don't make fun of me. Although I have an old face, I'm still afraid of shame. Melochen looked at Ji Liunian.

"Do you think I will publicize it all over the world? Really. As long as you like it, things will be easy."

"Sister Ji, I beg you, don't tell him. In fact, I just like him and can't talk about deeper feelings. Don't mess around. If we are not suitable in the future, the emperor will blame me." Merlotsy said worriedly.

"I have also lived for so long, but other skills are retreating, but there are still people's skills. You and Cheng Qian are a natural pair. Your personalities and your eyes, have you noticed that your eyes are very similar? Don't worry, I will do it step by step. I won't humiliate you, but will only make you the envy of everyone.

"Sister Ji, which general?"

"It's Fang Shizhao, have you forgotten?"

"What does it have to do with him? Are you two..." Ji Liunian was shocked.

"I appreciate him very much. He asked me out several times in private, but I didn't agree. If I marry the emperor, he won't know how to look at me.

The season is about to faint.

"If you are not afraid of heaven and earth, are you afraid of Fang Shizhao's view of you? Anyway, if you don't like him, it's none of his business.

"You're right, but I still feel embarrassed. Isn't it funny that there is a female general marrying the emperor?

"If you are afraid of this, it's easy to do. I'll ask the emperor to remove you tomorrow. As long as you like the emperor, this matter is up to me. I'm not stupid. I'm brainless. I can definitely do what I want to do. Of course, if Cheng Qian doesn't like you, that's another matter.

Melochen couldn't find any more reasons, so she had to nod.

In the evening, the night was very good. Ji Liunian walked to the imperial garden alone and happened to see Cheng Zun walking with a concubine. When the concubine saw Ji Liunian, she hurriedly saluted. Ji Liunian saw that she was already pregnant and quickly helped her up.

"Qian'er, take her back first, and then come here to find me. I want to ask you a few words."

Cung Qian nodded and left.

Ji Liunian looked at Cheng Qian's back and felt comforted. Cheng Qian is becoming more and more like Cheng Zun now.

Cheng Qian came back soon.

"Sit down." Ji Liunian pointed to the stone stool next to him.

Cung Qian has never been so close to Ji Liunian, and he is a little nervous. Especially tonight's moon is very bright, reminding people of many romantic legends.

"Mom, what can I do for you?"

"Qier, I want to ask you, do you have a queen now?" Ji Liunian said with a smile.

"That's the one just now, Huang Guifei. She has a good family background and a good person, but she is not generous enough. Maybe she will be given some time to exercise. The imperial doctor said that she was pregnant with a male child. If this is true, I plan to become the queen after the end of her life.

"The one just now did not seem grand enough, and I saw a sad and unlucky feeling on her face even with a smile. Of course, people are excellent, but they haven't reached the standard of being a queen.

Cultian smiled.

"Not every woman can be as good as you, proficient in everything, and take care of everything."

"What do you think of Melochen?" Ji Liunian asked with a smile.

Cen Qian didn't expect Ji Liunian to ask so suddenly.

"Miss Meloqin is quite good, with a little feminine demeanor. It's just Miss Meloqin... It's impossible." Cheng Qian shook his head with a smile.

"Why is it impossible?" Ji Liunian asked seriously, and Cheng Qian was shocked.

"Well, you don't want to say that you chose Meloqin as the queen, do you?"

"Can't it work?"

Cultian became embarrassed and smiled bitterly.

"Miss Melo's is excellent, but she is older than me, and Miss Melo's background... I like her, but I still care about the minister's thoughts and folk sayings, don't you think?"

Ji Liunian smiled.

"That is to say, you also like Meloqin, but you feel that the two are in different positions, and you are afraid of being laughed at by others."

"You can say so. I know you like Miss Meloqin, but I'm afraid I'm not suitable for her.

"I don't think there is anything inappropriate. Miss Meloqin is very capable. She is only three years older than you. She is a junior and holds gold bricks. There is a folk saying. There are also cases in history where the queen is bigger than the emperor. As for the life of Miss Melo, although she is miserable, she is innocent, I can assure you of this. She is now a general. As long as she removes her position and I recognize her as a goddaughter, you two can..."

"Mom, do you really think this is appropriate? Does Miss Meloqin know about this? Cheng Qian is still worried. Although he likes Melochen, he doesn't have the courage.

Why is it not suitable? Even a woman in her clothes can be appointed as a concubine. I don't think Melochen is any worse than her. If you don't want to, just think I didn't say it. Melochen already knows that she likes you. I'm just afraid that you don't match her.

Cheng Qian choked. He was most afraid of other people's women's clothes, which was a shame for him.

"Mom, let me think about this."

"Of course, I'm just proposing to you today. Think about it. You won't be blind. Don't worry. If Miss Melochen becomes the queen, your father and I can leave the palace at ease. Ji Liunian sighed.

"Mom, do you mean you want to leave the palace?"

"Of course, I don't want to stay here anymore. Your Aunt Weiyang is already waiting for me. If I don't go, I may not see them."

Cultian was silent. He knew that Ji Liunian couldn't rest assured that he didn't leave, but this Meloqin gave him a headache. Although he was interested in her, the distance between the two was really too big.

"Go back and think about it. If you agree, the rest will be left to your mother and your father, which is the last thing we left for you." Ji Liunian said with a smile.

"Well, aren't you going to come back?" Cheng Qian was extremely surprised.

"If nothing had happened to you, maybe we wouldn't have come back. Therefore, I want to choose a reliable person to assist you. Melochen is the person I know most and the most suitable person for you.