Global Novice Village

Chapter 116 Spiritual Awakening

"War trampling!"

The second skill of the one-horned rhinoceros is launched, the front hoof is raised high, and then stepped down. An invisible seismic wave spread rapidly in all directions. The earthquake shook, and the earth could not withstand this terrible power fluctuation. It was directly cracked into a huge opening. In the blink of an eye, it came to Xia Jun and was about to devour him.

"The Can Moon!"

Xia Jun's reaction was very fast, and the shadow step was launched, and he rushed to one side in an instant to avoid the fate of being swallowed by the crack. At the same time, he held the tiger soul sword with both hands and picked it up. A crescent-shaped knife roared out and bombarded the body of the one-horned rhinoceros, and then split into invisible.

The one-horned rhinoceros has nothing to do, and the defense is simply a powerful pervert.

The human in front of him did not take down with one blow, and the one-horned rhinoceros became even more irritable. It stood up again, and its front hooves trampled on the ground violently, and horrible cracks kept appearing.

Within a radius of hundreds of meters, there seemed to be a shocking earthquake. The earth cracked, the peaks shook, and the ground collapsed one by one, forming deep pits.

In this case, Xia Jun has no way to attack at all. It is even impossible to get close to the side of the unicorn rhinoceros. He can only keep jumping until the unicorn rhinoceros stop automatically.

It's just that the one-horned rhinoceros seemed to be addicted to it. The front hoof kept lifting and falling. The terrible vibration made the nearby forest shake violently, and the trees collapsed piece by piece and then swallowed up by cracks.

Xia Jun estimated that the destructive power of this magic rhinoceros was probably close to the edge of level 7. The defense has reached level seven. Only in this way can it gently resist its own attack.

But this level of attack is not a threat to Xia Jun. He and the dark spider are very agile. One spider jumps back and forth on the ground at a flexible pace.

Especially Xia Jun, who wears an assassin suit, is as fast as a ghost and moves quickly. He can always avoid sudden cracks in a millimeters.

Whenever the unicorn demon rhinoceros thought that Xia Jun had been swallowed up by the crack, in fact, what it destroyed was just the remnants of Xia Jun left on the ground.


It launched more than a dozen trampling in a row and found that it could not have an effect on the Xia army. The one-horned rhinoceros finally stopped ravaging the earth. It let out a roar, and the snow-white one-horn on its forehead suddenly flashed with a golden luster. Then the one-horned demon rhinoceros bowed its head and quickly rushed to Xia Jun. The one-horn rotated crazily towards Xia Jun The body bumped over.


Xia Jun exerted his strength with his feet, like the roots of an old tree, grasped the ground tightly, then held a knife in both hands, and cut fiercely towards the one-horned rhinoceros.

Eye of Insight Launch!

In Xia Jun's eyes, there was a layer of water-like bright brilliance, and then he became extremely indifferent in an instant. Endless murder has condensed an almost substantial horror hurricane. Xia Jun's clothes fluttered, and the knife in his hand seemed to be slow and fast, pushing towards the one-horned magic rhinoceros.

The one-horned rhinoceros was shocked. It felt the danger from Xia Jun's knife and immediately roared and stepped on the ground, causing the surrounding space to shake violently. Layers of horrible air waves form a circle of ripples. And every time a ripple is formed, the attack power of the air wave will increase a little.

"Can skills be used like this?"

Xia Jun felt as if he was in the surging waves, and waves rose again and again. The sharp knife seemed to be cut into the cotton at once. However, the attack of the one-horned rhinoceros is like a wild wave, constantly beating over.

After persisting for more than ten times, Xia Jun's body had to retreat continuously. Every step back, a deep footprint was left on the ground.


The one-horned magic rhinoceros was unforgiving. Just as Xia Jun kept retreating, its one-horn impact also arrived. He saw that the huge body of the one-horned magic rhinoceros surged like a wave. The rotating one-horn ignored the distance difference of three meters and instantly hit Xia Jun.


Xia Jun roared. The attack of the one-horned rhinoceros was too horrible. If it was hit, it would definitely end up. Xia Jun's mind moved, and the dark spider behind him immediately spit silk and wrapped it around him and tried to pull it back.

At the same time, Xia Jun's toes also touched the ground, and his body was as light as nothing, and he floated back to the dark spider. Just at the moment he retreated.

With a bang,

The one-horned magic rhinoceros hit the position where Xia Jun had just stood. The golden sharp horn and the huge bull's head deeply hit the ground, knocking out a huge hole the size of a basin.

A strong fear surged in Xia Jun's heart almost immediately. If he had taken a step slowly, I'm afraid he would have been a dead person now.

After that, it was only for a moment, and then, Xia Jun's eyes raised a strong fighting spirit and looked at the one-horned demon rhinoceros in front of him.

"Blade warriors are strong when they are strong. Only in the test of life and death can they understand the true essence of killing."

At this time, a word from the practice note actually appeared in Xia Jun's mind. In his heart, he suddenly understood something at the moment of life and death just now.

"Come again!"

Xia Jun's eyes were fierce, and there was an infinite murderous intention in it, and he roared and rushed up. This time, he put away the tiger blade and only used his own fists to fight with the magic rhinoceros.


Without the threat of bronze weapons, the one-horned magic rhinoceros did not use skills. It dug down the ground with four hoofs and swung, just like a locomotive roaring and crashing over.


One person and one cow hit each other fiercely, and the powerful physical confrontation made a thunderous explosion. It's just that the body of the magic rhinoceros was more horrible, so it hit Xia Jun upside down and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. The huge cow's eyes flashed with a strong sense of sarcasm.

It seems that he is laughing at Xia Jun's overpower and dares to compete with the rhinoceros family, which is famous for defense. After the impact, the magic rhinoceros did not attack again, but turned around and stared at the dark spider to solve the opponent.

"Damn, we're not finished yet!"

Xia Jun, who fell to the ground, staggered and stood up. At this time, he was extremely embarrassed. When he was hit like a magic rhinoceros, he felt that the bones of his whole body were about to be smashed and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

Only Xia Jun's eyes were surprisingly bright, and there was a kind of enlightenment in his eyes.


Xia Jun suddenly looked up and let out a deep roar in his mouth. The will to kill was launched, and the infinite spiritual power emanated, forming a huge blood-red mask, covering his whole body.

This is the final form of a bloody hurricane, which stimulates to the deepest part, condenses murderous and turns into a bloody mask, which can not only resist all spiritual attacks, but also weaken skill attacks.

But this is not what Xia Jun wants. What he needs is the third form of the killer badge! Close his eyes tightly, Xia Jun communicated with the soul, and the infinite murderous intention suddenly withdrew, poured into the body crazily, invaded the spirit, and reached the most mysterious soul.


When the murderous intention and the power of the soul are based, the two actually have a strong resonance, spiritual power, and instant awakening! Around Xia Jun's body, there was a terrible pressure, and the trees around him were creaking.

The eyes of the one-horned rhinoceros show a strong color of panic. It is a strong defense, but the spiritual attack is its natural enemy.

As soon as he sensed that there was a strong spiritual pressure on Xia Jun's body, the one-horned rhinoceros mourned, clamped his tail, and turned his head to escape.

But at this time, Xia Jun's spiritual power had been awakened. As soon as he opened his eyes, a bloody knife suddenly rushed out of his eyebrows.

This is not a real blood knife, but a spiritual attack formed by the spiritual power of Xia Jun and Xia Jun. With a smoxi, he chased after the magic rhinoceros in the blink of an eye.

"Oh!" When the sensation was put into the crisis, the magic rhinoceros no longer ran away, but suddenly turned its head, and the huge one-horn burst into a strong golden light and headed towards the bloody knife.

But strangely, the bloody knife ignored the attack of the magic rhinoceros at all. After brushing it, it sank into the eyebrows of the magic rhinoceros and directly killed its soul.

With a shocking roar, the heavy body of the magic rhinoceros suddenly stiffened, then shook and fell to the ground. A large mass of energy flew out and poured into Xia Jun's body.

But Xia Jun didn't have time to be happy. His head suddenly hurt sharply, and his whole body softened and spread out on the ground. The knife just now was horrible, but it consumed all the spirit. At this time, Xia Jun really had no strength to move his fingers.

Three minutes later, Xia Jun stood up with the help of Xiaohei, with a wry smile on the corners of his mouth. "It seems that my strength is still very low. I just used a spiritual attack, but my whole body is weak."

"But the mental attack is horrible. If your life is in danger in the future, it can be used as a killer."

After a short rest, Xia Jun walked to the unicorn rhinoceros, picked up a small pile of survival coins on the ground, and continued to walk into the deep forest.


Three days will pass quickly.

Xia Jun continued to walk in the deep forest, but this time he did not deliberately search for monsters, but hurried on his way. He had a hunch that he was about to reach the Rain City.

A day ago, he even found a bag of rice cakes from Yucheng's specialty in the forest and thrown on the ground.

Early this morning, Xia Jun found a small village on the edge of the forest, and there was no one in it, but Xia Jun found some moldy wine and vegetables on the table of a family, and several gas cans were not empty.

These days, he eats barbecue in the forest every day. Xia Jun has been tired of it. Since there is gas in the kitchen, he doesn't plan to leave, so he decided to rest here for one night.

"Oh, it's bloody!"

When Xia Jun came to the kitchen, his nose suddenly **, and there was a faint blood in the air. He had experienced many battles. Xia Jun was still fierce ** for the blood.

Is there a monster here?

Xia Jun did not dare to be careless. After telling Xiaohei to be careful, he took the tiger sword and directly pushed open the back door of the kitchen along the source of blood.

Outside the back door, there is actually a yard dam surrounded by fences, where many fruit trees and chicken coops are planted. Outside the fence is a winding river.

The strong blood smelled by Xia Jun came from there. Xia Jun, who was a little curious, immediately walked to the end of the yard and looked at the river outside.

Just a glance, Xia Jun's face suddenly changed, and his eyes immediately showed a strong murderous intent.