Global Novice Village

Chapter 185 Kill the Right Protector

"Now, it's your turn!" Xia Jun exerted a little force and pulled out the tiger soul sword from the body of the pangolin inch by inch, and it was bloody. Full of endless murder.


Xia Jun's blood wings shook violently, and the surrounding shadows were shocked. Before they recovered from the death of the pangolin, a figure had rushed into the crowd in the blink of an eye.


Xia Jun held the knife in both hands and tried his best to sweep forward. Although it was only a normal attack without any skill light, this knife was extremely fierce and fierce to the extreme. When the three people in black reacted, their bodies had been cut into two sections by the tiger soul sword.


Although the three men in black were cut in half, they had not completely died. They fell to the ground and wailed in pain. The rest of the people in black were even more shocked, and even the murderous intention on their bodies turned into a strong fear.

Xia Jun's speed is too fast! In the eyes of many people, they can't keep up with his movement speed.

"Entangle him. Once the two guardians come out, he will die!" No one who can come to chase and suppress the Xia army is not an elite figure in the shadow clan, and has rich combat experience. Seeing that the Xia army was too fast to attack, the remaining men in black quickly shrank into a group and turned the attack into defense.

They did not ask to kill Xia Jun, but hoped that they could delay the time and strive for time to break through the boundary for the two guardians. The position of these people is also very exquisite and hidden, and they have to form a formation.

Although Xia Jun doesn't know what kind of formation it is, he knows that the formation has always been weak to defeat the strong and change endlessly. He didn't want to waste time with these people; with a roar, the blood wings vibrated violently, raising the speed to the extreme, and the whole person bumped into the crowd again.

The tiger's sword was raised, and a bright knife light flashed out, shining around the royal mausoleum, and then a few screams sounded. Several bloody heads rolled all over the ground.

The wild blood splashed Xia Jun's face, but he didn't care to wipe it, and he just wanted to make a quick decision. The blood wings vibrated continuously, and Xia Jun's whole body almost turned into a ball of blood. Traveling between people in black.

The speed of blood wings is too fast. Even if you wave it gently, it will be twelve levels. Xia Jun exerted all his strength and almost broke through the speed of sound. These people in black often heard the news in their ears. Xia Jun has appeared in front of him.

Such a speed, not to mention attack, even defense, is extremely reluctant. I saw a strong wind caused by blood wing vibration everywhere in the whole royal tomb. Every time Xia Jun paused, a man in black fell to the ground.


The blood wings shook, and Xia Jun appeared behind the last shadow clan. The knife was bright and mixed with blood flowers. With a bang, he split the man's head in half. From beginning to end, this movie clan didn't even have time to fight back, just died.

This is not to say that the strength of these shadow clans is too weak, and no one expected that Xia Jun's progress has condensed blood wings so fast.

The blood wings are at one tenth, and the speed is at least twelve levels. The speed of the twelve-level has approached the speed of sound. If the light wheel speed is the two forty-level shadow guardians, they will not see any that can suppress Xia Jun.

This is also the biggest support for Xia Jun to dare to stay alone in the royal tomb and deal with the six heavenly kings. Even if he can't beat it, he is very sure that he can leave at any time.

Killing these shadow clans, Xia Jun was not idle, but quickly looked around these shadow clans. Seeing that there was a storage ring, he immediately rushed over, quickly took them off and put them into his ring.

Then, look at the boundary in the center of the royal mausoleum,

At this time, the battle between the six heavenly kings and the two shadow masters was also white-hot. Even if they fight alone with two masters, the six heavenly kings, still do not fall behind, and the two shadow masters are extremely fierce.

The momentum of the six heavenly kings is also slowly climbing. At first, the moves are still a little stiff, giving people the feeling of being a beginner; but as long as he hits it a few times, his attack suddenly becomes fierce, as if he has been practicing hard for many years.

Bloomingly, Xia Jun felt that these six heavenly kings were probably gradually restoring their strength through battle with the help of these two opponents.

It's not just Xia Jun who feels this. It's the two film masters who feel it the same way. Seeing that the six heavenly kings fought more and more bravely, all his subordinates outside were killed by the Xia army.

The two shadow protectors are a little panicked. They looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Suddenly, they stood together. They held hands and roared loudly.


An invisible sound wave almost turned into substance, forming a circle of ripples full of destruction, spreading in all directions.

This is the secret of the shadow clan, the real secret skill, the destruction of the big sound wave. With infinite sound waves, it shakes the space, tears the space, and even destroys the space.

Especially now, the power of the two film masters has doubled, that is, as strong as the six heavenly kings. Under the sound wave, they also retreat quickly, turn to defense into attack, and make every effort to consolidate the boundary.

But this time, the two film masters really tried their best. This roar almost concentrated all their spirits. They roared with all their strength, and the peaks were about to be shattered. What's more, the boundary of the Ghost King has already undergone an attack and has long been cracked.

The second sound wave hit, and the boundary immediately couldn't stand it, making a cracking sound.

"What should I do? If you are rushed out by them, as long as one pesters the ghost king, the other can free his hand to kill me. That kind of sound wave has reached the speed of sound. Even if my blood wings are fast, it is probably terrible to avoid it!" Xia Jun was also very anxious to see that the boundary was about to collapse.

He is not afraid of the ghost king, because the speed of the ghost king is not high, but these two shadow masters are mainly speed, and he may not be able to escape the pursuit of the two.


Come whatever you want. Xia Jun was just a little worried. The boundary in front of him suddenly expanded violently and was smashed by the sound wave.

Xia Jun had been prepared for a long time. As early as the moment the boundary broke, he thorned and flew over the royal mausoleum to avoid being affected by the fish in the pond. Then, he will use his blood wings to escape from here.

Before leaving, Xia Jun subconsciously glanced at the situation below and saw that the six heavenly kings were wrapped in a white light cocoon, and no sound wave could cause harm to him.

However, the two shadow masters are pale and continuously use loud waves to destroy them. Even if they are as strong and energetic, they are also consumed cleanly.

While breaking the boundary, the two took out a golden elixir and swallowed it. Seeing this scene, suddenly, an extremely crazy idea surged into Xia Jun's mind.


Xia Jun roared and took out two spiritual sources and put them in his mouth. Then the blood wings closed, and the body quickly fell towards the two shadow masters below.

"Little, you don't want to die!" Seeing that Xia Jun dared to participate in the battle of 40-level masters, he was the six heavenly kings, all of whom were pale and scolded angrily. I hurriedly closed the boundary and wanted to help. The kindness and resentment of the Tianji clan are clear. Xia Jun is kind to him. Naturally, the six heavenly kings will not watch Xia Jun die.

The two film masters are ecstatic! They were worried about how to capture Xia Jun. As a result, Xia Jun took the initiative and almost stopped his heart without excitement. The left guard hurried to stop the six heavenly kings.

The right guardian had a ferocious smile, and he had to swallow the elixir in his hand.

At this critical moment, Xia Jun also rushed down, opened his eyebrows, a bloody knife, quick lightning, and rushed to the door of the right guard.

"Diao Chong's little skill, break it for me!"

The right guardian looked cold. Although he expressed disdain in his mouth, he did not dare to neglect it. He hurriedly stopped serving the elixir. In his mind, a dark dagger also rushed out and met Xia Jun's bloody knife. Then you need to take the elixir quickly to restore the consumed mental strength.

As long as the right guard can restore his mental strength, with his combat strength, he can completely slap Xia Jun to death.

And Xia Jun was also waiting for this time. While releasing the bloody knife, Xia Jun continuously bit the spiritual source in his mouth. Every time he bit one, his eyebrows flew out of a bloody knife.

"Impossible! Why is his mental strength so strong!" Seeing that Xia Jun actually sent out three bloody knives in a row, an incredible look flashed in the eyes of the right guard, and then there was a strong fear. He wanted to mobilize his spiritual power to resist, but he was stunned to find that his only remaining spiritual power was also consumed when the black dagger was condensed. Now, there is still spiritual power there.

The dark dagger only blocked the first bloody knife, Xia Jun's second, and the third bloody knife rushed into the mind of the right guard in an instant. Two blood knives broke out together, smashing the whole head of the right guard.

Xia Jun was afraid that the man would not die, and then rushed down again, stabbed the man's heart, and then took off the storage ring on his right protector's hand very quickly.

With a sting, he flew to the sky and hid.

The whole process looks long, but it's just a few breaths. The right guardian, a 40-level master, was attacked and killed by Xia Jun.

When he died, the right guardian couldn't believe that he was killed by an ant in his eyes.

The look of the left guard on the side has changed greatly. Even the six heavenly kings are also shocked. He couldn't help shouting, "Little man, you are really fierce and lifeless!" As soon as you seize the opportunity, you dare to fight hard. Even the 40-level masters are in your hands, and I feel cold in my heart.

"He wants to kill me, and I naturally have to work hard. There are so many things about him there!" Xia soldiers are safe in the sky. Naturally, they don't mind talking to the six heavenly kings. At the same time, he looked coldly at the left guard, looking for a chance to sneak attack.

The left guard was suddenly shocked and was looked at by Xia Jun's eyes, and there was a trace of fear in his heart. His subordinates slowed down and were seized by the opportunity by the six heavenly kings. As soon as they grasped the magic palms, they immediately screamed and were caught to death.

Since then, all the pursuers sent by the shadow clan to hunt down the Xia army have been destroyed. Xia Jun fell to the ground again and looked at the six heavenly king and said, "Now all the people of the shadow clan are dead. Six heavenly king, I should also go!" I helped you a lot this time. Won't you stop me?"

He is testing to see what the attitude of the Six Heavenly Kings is and whether he is thinking about it. At the same time, he also squeezed the six heavenly kings with words to prevent this person from being murderous.

After listening to Xia Jun's words, the six heavenly kings really hesitated, and his face was uncertain. After a long time, he said in a low voice, "Little generation, your blood wings make me feel very familiar, but my memory has not been fully awakened and I can't know for sure, but I know that there must be a great secret in you. I guess these shadows are also for you!"

"But my Tianji clan has always had clear grudges. You are kind to my clan, and I will not do anything to you! Before I change my mind, you, leave quickly!"

After the six heavenly king finished speaking, he waved his hand and was not looking at Xia Jun.

Xia Jun was greatly relieved and quickly arched his hand and said in a low voice, "In this case, the six heavenly kings, I will go first."

After saying that, Xia Jun quickly walked to the transmission array of Wangling. The white light flashed. A few seconds later, Xia Jun found that he had come outside the Wangling.