Global Novice Village

Chapter 308 Blessed by misfortune

A shocking explosion occurred in the sea of Xuanqi of the dark empire. Such a movement naturally shocked the eyes of countless large and small forces entering the lost city and practicing.

Among these forces, there are many powerful and more terrible masters than corpse ministers. Hearing the news, they rushed over one after another to find out.

But they can't get anything. The whole sea of mystery here has completely turned into nothingness. From a distance, it can be seen that there is a huge hole in the void. It will never heal.

This hole is still evolving, constantly rotating, like a funnel, gradually forming a huge dark cave, which turned out to be a huge black hole.

Once the black hole is formed, it automatically begins to release strong gravity on the surrounding positions. Under this gravity, everything will be swallowed up by the black hole.

Seeing this scene, the crowd felt deeply shocked. They not only marveled at the fierceness of the corpse minister, but also dared to trigger the explosion of the sea of Xuanqi, which was to break the national fortune of the dark empire.

At the same time, people are also curious about the people who forced the corpse minister to this point.

"The corpse minister is known as the most outstanding genius of the dark empire for thousands of years. It is said that once the corpse minister is promoted to the golden level, he will be qualified to compete for the dark god envoy. Who can force the corpse minister to this point and be forced to die with the enemy!"

"No matter who that person is, he is finished. Such a shocking explosion is a golden warrior who accidentally wants to die, but it's a pity that a character fell before he rose.

"Well, the dark empire relies on this sea of mystery. It has been very popular for thousands of years. Now without this support, we can also breathe a sigh of relief."

People talked and searched around unintentionally to make sure that nothing valuable was found. They sighed and gradually faded away...

The black hole is still rotating, absorbing all the surrounding matter, including light.

And inside the black hole, it seems to be a turbulence, and countless energy are surging crazily. But soon after, suddenly, a mysterious force began to interfere with and reorganize the black hole.

The energy in the black hole immediately stabilizes and flows slowly in a fixed direction. Like a river, from here, it flows to the end of an unknown space.

And when the energy in the black hole returns to calm and begins to flow slowly. In a dark mass, a faint, yellow light suddenly flashed out.

This light spot is extremely weak, as if the candle that is about to burn out is extremely fragile. It seems that it can be extinguished in one breath, but it has never been extinguished. It is very tenacious and flows to the unknown nothingness along the flow of energy.

Nothing, no time, no space, some, just a dark mass, and this slowly flowing energy.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, this energy seemed to flow to an end and slowly poured into a huge river of rushing and roaring.

This is a three-level Xuanqi river, but it is at least 100 times larger and 100 times wider than the Xuanqi river of the Dark Empire. The speed of the water flow is also rapid, roaring, like a run-off wild horse, flying on the plain.

The yellow and bright spot also followed this energy into the river, and soon became a whirlpool, followed the flowing water, and ran quickly.


I don't know when this yellow thing suddenly hit a colorful crystal. This is a huge mountain rock, which is full of basal crystals. Just like a mountain standing in the middle of the river.

The yellow light spot hit it, and the yellow light suddenly trembled violently, and then the light shattered, revealing a big earthy yellow mark inside.

This big seal is thick and solid, with a golden dragon king roaring on it.

Although the surface is full of cracks, it has not broken yet. After hitting the Xuanjing condensed mountain rock, a voice suddenly came out of the big seal, "It's not easy. I'm finally out of danger!"

Then, the volume of the big seal suddenly became larger, from dust to a hut. Then, a young man in black jumped out of the open entrance of the big seal.

This person is naturally Xia Jun.

Just when the corpse triggered the explosion of the sea of Xuanqi, Xia Jun knew that he could not resist, even twelve times the combat power was not good. Therefore, he decisively hid in the seal of the earth, which avoided the positive spillover of the explosion and saved his life.

However, although his life hugged him, the damage he suffered was not light. First of all, the seal of the earth that resisted the Xuanqi explosion, which was almost directly destroyed. Nine-tenth of the arrays inside are shattered, and there is only a core array. Because the mountain is boundless and the defense is extremely strong, it has not been destroyed and can barely keep running.

So around, Xia Jun's situation at the beginning was also extremely dangerous. He fell into the black hole space, which was not a joke. If the golden warrior fell in, he didn't expect to be able to get out alive.

Originally, Xia Jun thought that he had confessed that he was either trapped to death or exhausted his mental strength and died by the violent energy in the black hole space.

For good, there was an endless road. Just when Xia Jun was a little desperate, a mysterious energy suddenly suppressed the violent energy of the black hole space and guided them into this mysterious river in an orderly manner.

Xia Jun seized the opportunity, and then when the sound of the earth hit the rock and got stuck, he swallowed out of the sound of the earth.

As soon as he came out, Xia Jun looked around and found that this was no longer the void where he was, but a mysterious space that he didn't know.

In this space, there is nothing but the rushing river under your feet, surrounded by a dark and dead silence.

But Xia Jun can be sure that he is still in the lost city, because he can feel that a rule suppresses the seal of the earth as if nothing.

This is a lost city, a natural suppression of sacred artifacts. There is no reason to say that once someone uses the sacred artifact, it will be judged to be invaded and will be attacked in an all-round way by the lost city.

In Xia Jun's heart, he was also seven up and eight down at this time. In order to avoid the aftermath of the explosion, he had used the holy weapon. In the black hole, he constantly mobilized the original power of the holy weapon to resist the violent energy erosion inside.

But what is strange is that he has used the sacred weapon so many times. Once there is no response, he doesn't attack, and there is no warning.

"Didn't I attack with a sacred weapon, so I didn't touch the bottom of the rules of the Lost City?" Standing on the high rock, Xia Jun has prepared for the worst.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

Xia Jun suddenly was happy. As for why he had not been attacked, Xia Jun did not bother to think about it, because he was soon attracted by the sea of mystery under his feet.

This is a whole three-level sea of mystery! If you dry it with the tree of soul, how many Xuanjings can you get, 100,000 or 200,000?

How many golden warriors can be born with so many mysterious crystals? It is estimated that there are not twenty, but also ten! Such a force is in his own hands. In the five prisons, he is not allowed to run rampant.

Take a step back and say that even if you don't absorb these mysterious qi, it's just to break the rock he stands on. It is estimated that at least 30,000 third-level Xuanjing can be obtained.

In addition, with more than 20,000 Xuanjing that the Xia army got in the mysterious lake of the Xingluo Empire, it is estimated that it is not impossible to hit the gold level now.

And no one can disturb here. It's completely the best place to hit the gold level! Not to mention people, even the Zerg can't see one!

"If you really die in a disaster, you will be blessed! When the corpse caused the explosion of the sea of Xuanqi, I thought I was absolutely dead. I didn't expect that the aftermath of the explosion. Since I had blown me to such a magical place, if the corpse minister knew, I would probably be angry if I died!"

He looked at the rocks under his feet happily. He touched it here and there. Xia Jun was happy in his heart. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

I quickly estimated the basal crystal reserves of this mountain rock. A total of 35,000,200 yuan! In the heyday of the Xingluo Empire, the reserves of Xuanqi Lake were not so much.

If this Xuanqi mountain rock spreads, all the golden warriors will be jealous. If it falls into the hands of one empire, the rest of the empire will definitely join hands to completely destroy this empire.

This kind of thing is so enviable.

At this time, this extremely precious basal rock is at his feet, and there is nothing more exciting than this. Almost without hesitation, Xia Jun immediately sat cross-legged on the rock and directly knocked on the Xuanjing crazily. Naturally, it was impossible to absorb such a large Xuanjing directly.

It's just like drinking water. If you drink a bottle of water, you will chop to death. It's safer to drink it in one gulp.

For the Xuanqi river below, Xia Jun was not idle. While knocking on the mountain rock, he directly released the soul tree in his body!

The tree of the soul, lush and 15 meters high, is a real towering tree. As soon as it came out, it did not disove the order of Xia Jun. The huge rhizome was fiercely rooted on the huge Xuanjing and went deep into the surrounding rivers. Countless Xuanqi rivers were suddenly absorbed by the tree of the soul.

Silver flame-like flowers also bloomed and withered on the soul tree, and then condensed into three-level Xuan crystals, falling down like raindrops.

Coupled with Xia Jun's excavation of the mountain rock, soon, a pile of Xuanjing appeared in front of him.

10,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan... 40,000 yuan, 60,000 yuan!

Whole 60,000 pieces of Xuanjing, and the hills generally piled up in front of Xia Jun. That scene was extremely shocking. At the same time, this was also the number of Xuanjing needed for Xuanjing to be promoted to the gold level.

Originally, according to normal means, it may take hundreds of years for Xia Jun to collect such a horrible amount, and it will be difficult to collect it.

But when he arrived at the Lost City, he collected it in a short time.

"It's time to get promoted to the gold level!" There were many dreams at night. As soon as he collected enough Xuanjing, Xia Jun immediately began to build the Xuanjing Taoist platform and was ready to be promoted to the golden level...