Dungeon era

Chapter 3 The first bucket of gold

The next morning, before dawn, Han Ping said goodbye to his parents and went out.

At the gate of the northeast dungeon, there are countless human beings who come in and out. Some have been fighting outside for a long time and come back to supply, and some are ready to go out of the city to continue to fight, both men and women, but their only characteristic is that they have the ability and survival experience gained in death.

Han Ping and three came to the gate and looked at the people who went in and out. They had indescribable curiosity and excitement in their hearts. When they saw many people wearing badges on their chests or shoulders, they felt a sense of worship, because these were warriors who protected themselves from childhood, of course more I am looking forward to when I can become a warrior.

Whether it is a warrior or someone, they have to queue up to get in and out of the dungeon, so the three of them also line up obediently. Of course, it is also meaningful to look at the warriors who go in and out, so the three of them are not very bored.

Time passed minute by minute in the queue. Finally, two hours passed, and it was Han Ping's turn.

"Please show your identity certificate", a voice came, which made people feel awe-inspiring.

So the three cooperated to take out their identity certificate, that is, the identity card.

"The three little brothers just got the certificate and are about to go out of the city. They really have the courage." Returning the identity card to the three people, the soldier sighed. He didn't know whether it was encouraging or mocking, or both.

"Ha ha, we are just breaking into a safe area and dare not go to any dangerous place," the three took the identity card and Li Yongqiang said.

"Hum, be careful, I hope you can come back alive." The soldier's tone is a little vicissitudes. He has seen many teenagers go out of the city as soon as they get their identity certificates. They want to meet some opportunities to become warriors. After all, there have been many people who have become warriors because of adventures, but more of them are gone forever. .

Looking at the distant backs of the three, the soldier's eyes were a little gloomy, and he didn't say anything more and continued his duties.

As soon as they came out of the city and came to the ground, a cold wind suddenly blew, which made people feel a kind of bitter coldness. Fortunately, the three of them had already inquired about the weather outside the city, so they put on thick cotton-padded clothes, and then put on cotton gloves on their hands. The world outside the northeast dungeon is like this. It's cold everywhere.

"Xiaoping, we are going there," Yang Lin put on the cotton-padded coat and asked.

"I checked on the Internet that there is only a sheep farm outside our northeast dungeon 50 miles to the west. Although the sheep there have mutated, they are not very powerful. Even ordinary bullets can be injured, and their fur and horns can be exchanged for money, so we are now The only thing that can go is, of course, those who become warriors look down on the prey there. Because wool and sheep horns can't exchange a lot of money, there are no one to compete with us." Han Ping said his plan in one breath and also explained the only role of his home computer.

"Oh, let's go there and wait until we become real warriors and go to other places," Yang Lin said excitedly.

"Well, okay, but don't go to the wrong place. 500 years ago, not far from the sheep was a place where people lived, so there were a lot of zombies there. In case we encounter them, we will basically be killed in seconds," Han Ping reminded Tao, he has seen the introduction of zombies on the Internet. Zombies evolved into monsters due to human mutation. They are very powerful. Ordinary warriors dare not provoke them, but because the zombie king in the zombies has an unrotten heart in his body, which can be refined to make a life-longing life for 20 years. Drugs, so there are still many warriors going in groups, of course, not the team of Han Ping and the three.

"Hey, don't worry, the three of us are not fools, and we also bring a map. How can we go wrong?" Li Yongqiang said with the charge of A50 on his back, hanging two pistols around his waist and holding a knife in his hand.

Looking at his good brother's movements, Han Ping also took out his huge sword from his backpack, carried it on his back, and took out several bottles of medicine, and divided them into two bottles. Looking at the instructions on the bottle, it should be used for healing.

After taking the medicine, the three of them packed up and set out for the target. The sunlight in the afternoon was scattered low, which infinitely lengthen the shadow of the three people as if they were walking in the golden ocean.

Outside the northeast dungeon, 50 miles to the west, there is a sheep farm, where there used to be nearly 1,000 sheep. When the doomsday comes, most of the sheep have mutated, so it is no longer a sheep farm, but a monster concentration camp. Because the value of sheep is very small, it does not do much harm to these. The warriors did not have time to erase the sheep, so after hundreds of years of reproduction, there are now nearly 10,000 sheep, and there is also a sheep king among them. Of course, no one knows all this.

In the distance, three figures walked on the snow, dragging a long shadow. Not long after, they arrived near the sheep and found a mountain bag to stop to discuss things.

"A Qiang, wait a minute, Yang Lin and I are responsible for attracting a few to raise them. You are here and wait. When you are sure that you can shoot, shoot them. Don't worry about killing those monsters. After shooting a handful of bullets, come and besiege those sheep with us." Naturally, Han Ping released In order, Han Ping also asked them why they always had their own ideas, but their answers were completely scoundrels in addition to making Han Ping grateful. "First, Yang Lin and I believe in you. Second, you are the smartest of the three of us. Who don't you think? Third, you don't think it's very tired to think about ideas." Han Ping I have always believed that the third willingness is the main reason. The two brothers who have been playing since childhood have wanted to be lazy.

"Eh, Xiaoping, let's do what you say," Yang Lin's answer confirmed Han Ping's idea.

All creatures in the dungeon era are strange. In this near-zero weather, several mutant sheep leisurely eat grass in the snow. What's more strange is that those grasses are still green. You can see how tenacious their vitality is.

Han Ping and Yang Lin took advantage of the sheep's bowing their heads to eat grass, and each of them ran up and kicked a sheep's stomach. They immediately angered nearly ten mutant sheep next to them and ran towards them. Although they fought alone, both of them thought they could kill one. No In the face of ten monsters with red eyes, he still cleverly chose a way to "run".

Although the speed of both of them is close to 100 meters and three seconds, with the efforts of the sheep's four legs, the distance is still constantly shortening, slowly 20 meters, 18 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters... Only about three meters were about to catch up with the two, and they could even hear the angry hiss of the sheep. At this time, the gunfire finally sounded.

A bullet hit the front sheep's leg, and the sheep immediately fell on a sheep and ate shit. The bullet was as free, swallowing crazily, and the sheep's door was also interrupted to run and danced the unique to the sheep in place.

After nearly a minute of planting, the bullet finally stopped. Three sheep fell to the ground and were hit by the feet, and seven sheep's blood flowed on their bodies. At this time, three figures flashed and came to the sheep, waved their weapons and began to harvest.

Because they still don't know how to sense the power of the elements, the three of them also have no powerful moves. They have used their best moves one after another. Han Ping used his nearly 100 catties of huge sword to keep hitting the sheep he was facing. Although he could not kill them, he could suddenly smash them. One lay down, and then hit the sheep's head and legs. Three times and five times can also solve one. Sometimes, the sheep counterattacked and used sharp horns to top Han Ping, so he put the huge sword horizontally, and suddenly had to take his hands and feet numb and take a few steps back.

And Yang Lin's playing style is a little bloody. The knife just cut the sheep's leg hard. What he did was cut off his head with one knife. If he couldn't hit it, he ran away quickly. Although the speed was not fast, it was very safe.

Of the three, the most elegant one was Li Yongqiang. Using his speed second only to Han Ping, he kept shuttling through the sheep. From time to time, a shot, a sheep fell to the ground. Of course, he knew that the bullet could not penetrate the sheep's head, so all the bullets hit the sheep's legs, and basically one by one. After hitting, Just go up and quickly make up for it, and then run away quickly and continue your sheep-killing steps.

Over the past, there were more than a dozen sheep corpses on the ground. The three of them had already been stained red by sheep's blood. With a little fear and more excitement in their hearts, they smiled at each other, and then ran towards their own victory.

In a small square 500-year-old not far from the sheep, there are ten pairs of sheep horns, three neat sheepskin and seven untidy sheepskins on the ground. The three sat there and were not ready to go back. After all, they came out once and there was no big harvest. They didn't even get their capital. It's impossible to go back, otherwise It's impossible for them to have money to buy things and come out.

"Xiaoping, calculate how much money we can harvest this time." Looking at the sheep's horns and sheepskin, Yang Lin was a little excited.

"Well, hehe, a pair of sheep horns 100, a better sheepskin 500, almost 300, that is to say, we have harvested a total of 4600 underground coins this time, which can catch up with my parents' income for nearly half a month. Haha, I finally understand why those warriors are so rich." Han Ping He is also very excited. This is the first bucket of gold in his life.

"Haha, that's not everyone can get 1,500, which is almost as my living expenses for almost a month before." In the dungeon era, underground coins were issued. Generally, ordinary people only use about 3,000 a month, so this time they earn their own money. Can you be unhappy with the living expenses of going to school for a month? In fact, three people don't know that in the society of warriors, there is still something called reputation, which can be exchanged for rare items, and reputation can also be exchanged for underground coins, which is one million.

Of course, all this can't prevent the excitement of the three people. After all, this is the first bucket of gold in their lives.

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