di xin

Chapter 40 Conflicts

Fifty laps and 60 laps, until this time, there were very few people who could hold on. Jia Chen looked at it and found that there were less than 100 people who could persist to 60 laps, from 5,000 to less than 100 people. The change and the gap between strength were fully reflected.

"Fuck! Brother, you are perverted. You don't have to breathe until now!" Xi Han gasped and said to Jia Chen while struggling to keep up with him, and his eyes were full of shock.

Jia Chen looked at Xi Han with a smile. The boy's strength was really good. Jia Chen saw that he was quite strong, although he was panting on the surface.

It's false to say that Jiachen is not tired. Even Jiachen can't stand such a large load of exercise. Xihan didn't see the fine sweat beads on Jiachen's forehead. He has always controlled the breathing rhythm of Jiachen very well. However, it is really difficult to beat Jiachen in the end of these 70 laps. After all, there is a demon body supporting him. .

By the time of the sixty-fifth lap, there were less than 50 people left. At this time, the distance between everyone was very close, almost a team marching vertically, because at this time, although they were not familiar with each other, after all, there were people fighting side by side with themselves and persisted together, which was a kind of competition. Fighting is also an encouragement.

Those onlookers are becoming more and more surprised, and the freshmen who gave up early look at them who are still tireless. They are stunned and open their eyes with unbelievable eyes. They are stunned as if they are looking at perverts. What strength should they have to hold on until now?

Wu Biao is no longer whipped at this moment. He just quietly followed the team and observed the team of less than 50 people with a blank face. Speaking of these 70 laps of running, it is not only the training of freshmen. Wu Biao's biggest purpose is to take this opportunity to preliminarily estimate their strength. Undoubtedly, this is a very good. The method.

From early morning to noon, from the sunrise to the sun, and then from noon to the afternoon, the whole day of running was finally coming to an end. At this moment, everyone held their breath. At this moment, the thousands of freshmen who gave up forgot the time and forgot everything. They just wanted to see how these perverts were completed. This unheavenly task, even they are sweating for the dozen people who are still persisting.

When he finished the 70th lap and reached the end, Xihan lay upright on the ground. His violently undulating chest was like a bellows. At this moment, he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers. Xihan, who was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to curse his mother, looked at the sky with a blank face. His eyes were dull, and the big drops of sweat Water soon oozed a human figure from the ground.

At this moment, Jia Chen was also bending down, arching his back and gasping violently. For the first time to deliberately temper his body unilaterally, even Jia Chen couldn't stand such a large load of running. He looked around. These 5,000 freshmen finally persisted the whole 70 laps, only 17 people!

"These people should be the pillars of the new life." Jia Chen looked around and thought that, sure enough, the strength of these 17 people has reached more than the level of Sunday, but there are only three strong people in the late Sunday! When Jia Chen and Xi Han went out, the other man in the late Sunday was an inch-headed man who looked very high-profile.

Wu Biao also secretly observed these dozens of people, with fine light flowing in his eyes and nodded with admiration.

Suddenly, Jia Chen only felt that his body was light, and Wu Biao's imprisonment for their internal strength had disappeared. The feeling of internal strength and fullness returned to his body again. Not to mention how wonderful this feeling was.

"Get up quickly and practice at this time." Jia Chen poked Xi Han beside him and said to him.

When everyone gathered and the unconscious students also woke up, Wu Biao walked to the crowd with an expression that others owed him two taels of silver and stared at the students.

"These 17 of them can disband and go back to rest, and you can rest in place. After correction, continue to run until you finish 70 laps!" Wu Biao ruthlessly announced a desperate news.

"Oh! I won't live anymore." Suddenly, complaints and curses were mixed with all kinds of voices, and many people almost had a desperate expression on their faces. The eyes looking at Wu Biao couldn't wait to cut him with thousands of knives.

The first day of life of the freshmen passed in this hellish training. When they went back full of fatigue and suffering, they encountered more infuriating things.

"Fuck! My father gave me three elixirs! Whoo..." A freshman squatted in the corner and cried loudly.

"Fuck him! Laozi's golden sword! That's all for the bastards!" Another man looked very pale and stood outside the door of the dormitory and cursed.

"Wow...my money, my baby, I must kill them!"

This situation is not very rare, but happened on a large scale. The reason for the incident is the bullying and robbery of the freshmen. On this day, at least more than half of the freshmen were besieged by the old students and plundered the valuable treasures they brought from home. Some children even brought a few spirits. Dan was also robbed. Many people didn't pay attention at all for a moment. They even squatted in the corner and cried. Suddenly, the whole freshman dormitory jumped, cursed and cried one after another.

According to those old students, this is mainly to teach the freshmen a lesson. This is the routine for the old students to welcome the freshmen every year. According to them, every freshman is bullied like this, and they can also bully the new ones in the next year.

But Jia Chen was fine, "Why didn't anyone come to me?" Jiachen squatted in front of the house and looked at the seemingly doomsday scene in front of him, and was a little puzzled.

"You idiot, those old students are also long-sighted. They also have observations when running today. Naturally, they won't provoke those who are not easy to mess with." Xi Han, who squatted beside Jiachen, looked at the sad freshman. He didn't know whether it was sympathy or pity, but he looked very angry.

"Mad, we can't swallow it like this. Let's go there tonight!" A tough-looking man smashed the wine pot in his hand to the ground, and his slightly red face was full of anger and shouted angrily.

"That's right, Mad will find a scene tonight!"

"Kill them!" Suddenly, many people broke and stood up from the ground. Everything in their hands suddenly fell to the ground as a sign of determination. They rolled up their sleeves and had to fight.

"Ouch, you're not going." Xihan was also very interested, although he did not encounter such things.

"I won't go." Jia Chen replied lazily that he was not interested in it.

"We absolutely can't swallow our anger like this. Who knows what kind of treatment we will receive if we continue like this, Mad, fuck them!" Xihan stood up and shouted like a righteous man, not forgetting to fan the flames for the freshmen who were still angry.

"Kill it! Kill it!" At this moment, even the child squatting aside and crying began to roar, suddenly wiped off the snot and tears, shouting crazily.

The whole freshman dormitory seems to be blown up. All of them are very popular and murderous, and they are going to defend their dignity to the death.

In this way, in the evening, under the leadership of a tough man, Xihan and other people, a new team of nearly 2,000 people walked out of the dormitory, with a murderous look on their faces. Where the team passed, chickens and dogs jumped, and the wind and clouds changed color. This aura was very good.

"Hey, that's interesting." Just not far away, Wu Biao and Wang Yue stood there in confusion, looking at the groups of crusade brigades with high spirits on their faces.

What does it mean? It's not like this every year. The key figures on the stage don't go, and they are looking for fights when they go. Wu Biao raised his eyebrows and said carelessly.

"Well, if you don't go now, I don't believe that these people can still sit down during the defense of the Yaotian defense." Wang Yue said with a confident look.

"The defense battle of Yaotian, let's talk about it, anyway, the newcomers in this world are terrible, and there are not many outstanding strengths, and don't forget that Ma Dai hasn't left yet, it's hard for them to stand out!" Compared with Wang Yue, Wu Biao said in a calm and cold tone.

"This boy Ma Dai!" Wang Yue's tone was mixed with a lot of helplessness.

It's rare to calm down. Jiachen feels that he hasn't practiced for a long time, but the moon is already sparse. When the moon shines high, near midnight, the messy movement from outside must have come back from the crusade.

When Jiachen opened the door, he couldn't help but be stunned. It was still the majestic crusade in the evening. At this moment, they had no momentum in the evening. Everyone looked depressed. Most of them were more or less injured, and some were actually carried back, and the depression spread in the crowd. Come on, everyone limped back to the dormitory without saying a word, and those who were crying during the day began to cry again at this moment. It seemed that the crusade was a big defeat.

"What's going on?" Jia Chen looked at Xi Han, who came this way with a worse face than a pig liver. He was surprised to find that even Xi Han was swollen and injured at this moment.

"Mad, don't mention it." Xihan waved his hand and said weakly, "Mad's gang are really too cunning. They knew that we would go back to revenge. Thousands of people had already waited there. Their strength was more than us. How could they fight and be robbed by them again."

"..." Although Jia Chen knew that the result was likely to be tragic, he didn't expect it to be so tragic.

"They also said that they would take a detour when they saw us freshmen in the future! These hens are really bullying!" Xi Han clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Ja Chen, when the Yaotian defends the war, you must go. That's the only chance for us to regain our dignity!" Xi Han suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of hope and firmness, and stared at Jia Chen and said.

"Well..." Jia Chen was speechless.