di xin

Chapter 91 Unrivat

I don't know how long it took. When Jiachen woke up, what he saw was still the unchanged and familiar black sky, the old branches, and the charred and cracked earth.

"Isn't I dead yet?" The severe pain swept over Jia Chen's brain like a tide. Jia Chen was shocked to find that he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers, so he could only lie motionless on the ground.

Looking at the empty fission battlefield around, the transmission array to the outside world has quietly disappeared. The blood stains on the scorched earth across the gully and flat rivers, and the strong smell of blood constantly stimulates Jiachen's nerves. At this moment, it is the body that has been with Jiachen that has been dead for a long time. Although it has not yet begun to rot, Jiachen saw the huge ruins, desolate and silent.

"Xi'er, I'm not dead?" Jia Chen asked in a low but stunned tone. Originally, Jia Chen was already desperate.

"Well, this is thanks to your heavenly demon blood constitution. If it hadn't been for your extraordinary system, it would have been impossible to survive under the three full attacks of the real world." Xi'er seemed to have known that Jiachen would wake up, and there was no surprise in her tone.

"What's the use?" Jia Chen just felt the condition in his body. The meridians were broken, and the internal force of his breath was violent and disordered. Even the hard bone was broken a lot at this moment.

"I'm sorry, Xi'er, I disappointed you." The only three people who felt sorry for Jia Chen, Mr. Mu Ming's old and serious face appeared in Jia Chen's mind, and the ice and snow woman's smile kept flashing in Jia Chen's mind, and then Xi'er, although Jia Chen had never seen Xi'er's face.

"No, you did a good job before, otherwise you may not survive at all now." Xi'er comforted Jia Chen.

Jiachen tried to run the almost exhausted internal force, but found that the dead internal force in his body did not respond at all. No matter how Jia Chen mobilized, there was no response. After many attempts, Jia Chen gave up helplessly.

"Hey..." Jiachen looked at the sky in a daze. Now, unless someone helps him slowly repair the meridians, it is possible for Jia Chen to recover little by little. Otherwise, it is completely impossible to repair the meridians with Jia Chen alone.

"Xi'er, I..." For a long time, Jia Chen sighed quietly. Obviously, Jia Chen had not recovered from the previous fatal blow.

"Jachen, what's wrong with you? Why can't I feel any hope in you? Is it because of this blow? Jiachen, if you are depressed because of this blow, it's also my fault that Xi'er saw the wrong person. Xi'er's voice became excited and roared loudly at Jia Chen.

"I... I didn't give up. Believe me, I'll cheer up. I just need some time to calm down and give me some time." Jia Chen's expression became very painful. Indeed, that was the biggest blow he had ever suffered.

"How long do you want to give you some time? When you are in a coma, it is the time for you to calm down. Once you wake up, you have to devote yourself to it. Since fate has not let you die, there must be a chance. Xi'er's words were aggressive, making Jia Chen speechless for a moment.

"Xi'er, you mean... there is still a chance now?" Jia Chen heard the meaning of Xi'er's words and asked in a tentative tone.

"Idiot, can't you see it yourself? You have to say that there is no better opportunity than this." Xi'er said angrily, "Look at what those around you are."

"Around?" Jia Chen glanced around, except for the barren or barren, and then a corpse, "The body!?" A glimmer of inspiration suddenly flashed in Jiachen's mind, "The body... Xi'er, do you mean...?"

"Well, you're a little smart." Needless to say, Xi'er has already seen Jia Chen's idea.

"Isn't it said that the soul will dissipate within a day after death? Why, I don't even have a day in a coma?" Jia Chen asked doubtfully, and he felt that he had been in a coma for a long time.

"That's in the outside world, in the ordinary world, but now this is a secret place, which is completely different from the outside world. If you want to resurrect even the soul soldiers who have died for tens of thousands of years, not to mention these corpses, their souls are still fresh for a long time. You can rest assured and boldly. Come on, the real world is really close at hand. Xi'er explained for Jia Chen.

Galchen doesn't say anything more. The so-called immortality will be blessed. Jiachen always understands the true meaning of this sentence. If he can really break through the real world here...

Throwing out all the distracting thoughts, Jia Chen slowly calmed down. The spiritual platform was empty and clear. Slowly, Jia Chen immersed his spiritual power into the black and transparent soul bead in the center of the sea of Qi.

Gradually, Jia Chen felt that he had entered a cold world, as if he had sunk to the bottom of the water. The soft and cold feeling of slowly surging was very comfortable. Opening his eyes, Jia Chen found that the world in front of him had changed, and the whole world had become gray, but not at all. Obstacle Jiachen's realization, in the gray world, Jiachen looked around and saw a small ball the size of a fist, completely condensed by energy, floating quietly in the center of the body that had also become gray.

The ball is like a ball of erratic energy, with a trace of energy like a thin line floating from the surface of the ball, and then dissipating into the air.

"That should be the soul spirit, right?" Jia Chen said with inner excitement and excitement.

"Well, after you pour your spiritual power into the soul beads, look at the soul spirit, concentrate on feeling the soul spirit, and then you will establish a strange connection between you. You don't have to worry about the rest. The soul beads will help you solve it." Xi'er said carefully for Jia Chen.

"Hmm." Jia Chen stared at the gray soul spirit the size of a fist and focused his attention. As Xi'er said, after a while, Jia Chen felt that the soul spirit seemed to respond to his spiritual power consciously. It was a wonderful and light feeling, like a drop of water dripping impartially. In my own heart, there are ripples at the beginning.

Then, a scene that surprised Jia Chen appeared. From the soul bead, a black and transparent energy bar as thick as a finger spread out. The energy bar seemed to have induction. Gradually, his eyes reached the soul spirit that Jia Chen saw. When the energy bar touched the soul spirit, the moment Jiachen felt that the soul beads suddenly vibrate, and a suction emanating from the energy bar. Jiachen could clearly see that the soul spirit was shrinking at the speed of the naked eye, and the soul beads in Jiachen's body that had dried up for a long time were finally like a drought and sweet rain, and the greedy wolf absorbed the hard-won soul spirit.

Without many meetings, the soul spirit has disappeared. Obviously, the soul spirit, which is as big as a fist, turned into a black ** the size of only a drop of water drop after entering the soul beads, lying quietly at the bottom of the soul beads.

The soul beads that have been empty for several years finally have energy. The feeling that has always made Jiachen thirsty disappear. Although it is only a drop for the soul beads, it is a great encouragement to Jiachen. After all, as long as it can be absorbed, there will definitely be a day to complete it. No matter how long it takes, hope always exists. .

The spirit of Jia Chen, who was greatly encouraged, was refreshed, and then Jia Chen began to look for the next goal.

Looking around, there were a group of souls with different strengths and weaknesses. Suddenly, Jia Chen was overjoyed. So many soul spirits should be enough to fill the soul beads, Jia Chen thought.

"Xi'er, how can this soul be big or small? And the momentum is also different. When the energy bar of Jiachen's eyes came out and touched a soul spirit much bigger than before, he asked.

"The strength of this soul spirit is determined according to the master's previous cultivation. The higher the cultivation, the stronger the soul power, the stronger the soul spirit condensed after death, and the more soul power it contains. Then the greater the help to the improvement of your soul beads. You know, you can choose those that look as strong as possible. The big soul spirit is absorbed. Such soul beads are refined more perfectly, and their ability is also stronger. This is the same as cultivation. The purer the spiritual power absorbed, the higher the strength will be. Xi'er explained in detail to Jia Chen.

"And." Xi'er paused and continued, "You are still very safe to absorb these souls now. If in the future, with the improvement of your strength, the soul will become stronger and stronger. After some people reach a certain height, the souls condensed after their death are conscious. Then think There will be a certain danger in absorbing those soul spirits. The stronger the soul spirit consciousness is, the greater the danger will be when absorbed. Maybe it will eventually be eaten back by the soul spirit and lose consciousness!"

"...The blood of the devil is dangerous everywhere." Jiachen sighed helplessly.

"Well, there's nothing you can do. If you want to become a superior, you have to make more efforts and experience greater risks. There will never be a pie falling from the sky at any time. Just do it step by step." Xi'er said with a smile.

Sure enough, as Xi'er said, after absorbing the second soul spirit, Jia Chen found that the power of the soul condensed by the soul spirit was much greater than the previous one. Jia Chen was immediately overjoyed. According to Xi'er, in theory, there was also a soul spirit strong enough to resist the sky to instantly kill Jia Chen. The soul beads are filled, but that's only theoretical.

As a group of soul spirits were sucked into the soul beads and felt the gradually full soul beads in his body. At this moment, Jia Chen only felt that his whole body was full of power, and the soul beads that had dried up for a long time also emitted joy. Although the speed progressed very slowly and the soul beads needed a lot of soul power, he felt With a little full soul beads, Jia Chen has seen that the real world seems to be at his fingertips. The moment that makes Jia Chen's soul haunt is so real in front of Jia Chen's eyes.

On the barren earth, Jia Chen lying motionless on the ground is like a dead man, but Jia Chen's whole body exudes amazing vitality. Time passes little by little, and Jia Chen's soul beads are also growing at an amazing speed.