di xin

Chapter 162 The Great Sage

Above the flying sword, Mu Ming and Jia Chen have not said anything for a long time. A few years later, Jia Chen had thousands of words in his heart that he wanted to tell, but at this moment, he was in his heart and did not open his mouth for a moment. He never thought that it was in this situation to meet his husband again.

Mu Ming is still silent as always, and his old face has always been so calm. His calm and turbid eyes are calmer than Jia Chen's eyes. The reason why Jia Chen has cultivated such a good heart is probably also been influenced by Mu Ming for many years.

Mu Ming has never been a pretentious person, but also a silent old man. From the vicissitudes of life and deep eyes, it can be seen that this silent old man has always persisted in his persistence, but has never been an outsider.

Of course, Jia Chen can't see through what kind of cultivation Mu Ming is, but no one can see the depth of Mu Ming at the time of Wujizong. The old man is really too mysterious. In the more than ten years of Jia Chen and Mu Ming, in Jia Chen's impression, Mu Ming never said much except for something to say, so Mu Ming is also important in Jia Chen, and also It is a mystery.

All the way, the gale around him sounded and poured into his ears. Except for the gale, Jia Chen could no longer hear any sound. Looking at the scenery passing like an aurora under his feet, Jia Chen did not know where Mu Ming was going to take him.

Day, then night, so the cycle alternates, sometimes flying for a few days and nights, and then the two will choose to rest in the mountains, and then have an endless journey. During this period, Mu Ming told Jia Chen that they would leave Wujizhou as soon as possible. Wujizong must be looking for Jiachen all over the world now. If Jiachen falls into the hands of Wuji Sect again, it will really be useless.

As far as Jiachen knows, there will always be a mutual transmission array in every big state, which is undoubtedly the fastest way to leave the infinite state, but now it is completely impossible for them to use the transmission array, because the transmission array connected to the outside world is controlled by the infinite. Unless Jiachen doesn't want to live, he will use the transmission array. .

"Sir, how did you know that I was in trouble that day?" At this moment, Jia Chen, who had recovered from his injury, controlled the blood moon wheel and flew beside Mu Ming. When Mu Ming saw the emperor-level blood moon wheel, his face also flashed with surprise. At this moment, standing in the blood moon wheel, Jia Chen hesitated repeatedly and finally asked his biggest doubt.

Mu Ming's vicissitudes looked at Jia Chen and said, "The siege of the Wuji Sect is well known in the world. It's just that the Taoist Sect went for the spirit of the moon. Invisibly, this matter has something to do with you, so I rushed there."

"But..." Jiachen thought about it and still had a lot of doubts in his heart. For example, how Mu Ming knew that he was in Wuji Sect and so on, but Jia Chen knew that Mu Ming must understand his doubts, but Mu Ming didn't want to say it, and Jia Chen would not ask.

Sure enough, after a moment, Mu Ming said in a hoarse voice, "Don't think about it anymore. You won't know much now. One day you will understand."

"Sir, what is the Great Holy Token?" Jiachen thought of the powerful golden token that saved his life, that is, he had to respect him. Thinking that Song Ji was seriously injured by the Great Sage token, Jiachen's heart was refreshed.

"World Sage, remember?" Mu Ming asked lightly.

"World Saint?" While reciting this familiar name, the silent memory in Jiachen's fast searcher's mind, Jia Chen once saw the four words Universal Great Sage in his book room when he was in the bamboo forest. A moment later, the bits and pieces about the Universal Great Sage gradually appeared in Jia Chen's mind.

The Great Sage of the World, the only great saint of the human race, is not the ancient people in ancient times. These are two races. This race refers to the human race after the fission era, which is different from the ancient people.

The first great saint of the human race was also the only one who became famous in the fission era. At that time, the world saint was talented and famous throughout the sky. It was the top existence of the sky star at that time, but the world saint was also the shortest living saint among the sky star, because of the fission war in the fission era. At that time, the precarious Sky Star was about to fall into the hands of the Taoist sacrificial sect. The Great Sage finally sacrificed Taoism with his body, which severely damaged the Taoist sect and ended the strife in the fission era. The Great Sage of the World is the most respected saint in the human race now. Since the death of the Great Sage of the World, there has been no Great Sage in the Sky.

"I know, the Great Sage of the World, the first Great Sage of the human race, and also the last Great Sage of the Sky Star!" After a moment, Jia Chen said.

"Ye." Mu Ming nodded and then told Jia Chen about the origin of this great holy token.

This great saint token is the thirteen tokens with its own spiritual power condensed with its own energy at the beginning of the world's great saint's fame. The world saint pays attention to opportunities. There is nothing special about these thirteen tokens, but the people who get this token can be unconditionally saved from death by all the inheritance forces of Tianman Star. This is the whole All inheritance sects of Tianmangxing have inherited the rules from generation to generation. Anyone who sees the holder of the Great Sage's token, no matter what serious crime he commits, must avoid death and must not go against the will of the Great Sage.

Because the Great Sage of the World is extremely particular about opportunity, and after creating the 13 fast tokens, the Great Sage of the World has spread it all over the world. No one knows where the token is going, saying that the predestined person will get it by himself. This is the blessing of opportunity. Twelve of the thirteen tokens has been used in tens of thousands of years, and this The thirteenth token, the token in Mu Ming's hand, has been used by Jia Chen until today.

As for how Mu Ming got the precious holy token, Jia Chen did not know. Mu Ming did not explain to Jia Chen, and Jia Chen would not ask. If Mu Ming did not want to tell Jia Chen, Jia Chen would never ask more.

Listening to Mu Ming's story, Jia Chen sighed in his heart. Once upon a time, he was so close to the legendary great saint's relics, and the last token was actually used on himself. This is something that Jiachen could not imagine. If Jia Chen knew who the first twelve tokens were used for. I'm afraid that Jia Chen has jumped up in shock at this moment.

While sighing, Jiachen is also lamenting the power of the Great Sage. Since ancient times, from ancient times to the present, the number of Great Saints in all races is only a handful. The so-called Great Sage is the highest existence between heaven and earth, the most promising existence to become immortals. The power of the Great Sage has transcended all the constraints. , it can be said that it is really a cloud for rain.

However, there is only one great saint in the human race. In Jiachen's memory, in ancient times, as Xi'er said, a great saint was born almost 100,000 years. At that time, the race was strong and the bloodline was strong, which was by no means what people can imagine today.

After the fission era, with the disappearance of the powerful bloodline, the ancient powerful bloodline contained in the body of the Skystar creatures is thin to the extreme, and even a strong bloodline awakening will appear among millions of monks. How difficult it is to have a great saint!

Thinking of Xi'er, Jia Chen's mood suddenly became extremely low and felt the empty feeling in his body. Jia Chen felt that Xi'er's silver bell-like voice was echoing in his mind. The anger and laughter like a clear spring became nostalgic at this moment.

Some things that are used to be missed and cherished only after they are lost.

Thinking of Xi'er, Jia Chen thought of Yun Jixue, who made Jia Chen not know how to face Yun Jixue. She used to be a peerless beauty in Jia Chen's eyes, and as the night passed, since she knew that Yun Jixue was actually the internal building of the Wuji Sect, since Yun Jixue Xi'er snatched away with the spirit of the half of the moon, and even now Jiachen can't believe in this reality. The beauty of the past is gone forever. The bloody reality is placed in front of Jiachen. However, in Jiachen's mind is still the beautiful face of Yun Jixue, who does not eat the fireworks of the world, and the eyes like water and ice. , making Jiachen unable to extricate himself.

In the subsequent conversation with Mu Ming, Jia Chen learned about the situation of the infinite sect in those days.

Under the sudden attack of the powerful and prepared sacrificial sect, Wuji Sect was defeated one after another. First, the eight main peaks were destroyed. Due to the betrayal of Ouyang Tuo, the outer door of Wuji Sect was already seriously injured, and then Yun Jixue's unexpected, causing the spirit of the moon to get out of control, although some unexpected things happened in Jiachen. However, with the magical effect of the jasper square box, Yun Jixue still found Jia Chen and finally took away the spirit of two months.

Then other eleven sects also rushed to the battlefield of the Wuji sect with the advantage of the transmission array, but when they felt it, the sacrificial sect had learned the news in advance. Soon after Yunjixue got the spiritual heart of the moon, the sacrificial sect retreated like a tide and disappeared in a short period of time. It must be to digest the saint. The spirit of the moon.

The greatest loss in this war is the Wuji Sect. The damage of the eight main peaks alone made it impossible to recover its vitality. In addition, thousands of disciples died in the battle, but this is not the most important. The most important thing is the loss of the spirit of the moon, which is even the loss that the Wuji Sect can't bear. At this moment, the Wuji Sect Already busy, their first task is to find the sacrificial sect and try their best to regain the spirit of the moon.

When Jiachen asked his master Hongye Zhenren, Mu Ming was silent. After a moment, Mu Ming shook his head to show that he didn't know.

"What is the purpose of sacrificing Taoism so crazily to grab sacred objects?" Jia Chen looked at Mu Ming and asked.

Mu Ming pondered for a moment, and his old eyes flashed. He looked at Jia Chen and said slowly, "Because of their power, the four sacred objects contain the most powerful power and mystery of heaven and earth. If the four sacred objects can be collected, the sacrificial Taoist sect will definitely dominate the whole sky, which is the inevitable result, and..."

"And what?" Jia Chen asked.

Mu Ming thought for a moment, but shook his head, "Forget it, since the spirit of the moon was captured by the Taoist sect, you can't get it back in a short time. Now focus on improving your own strength. Next, you must find another sacred object, the spirit of the earth, before sacrificing Taoist sect!" Mu Ming said slowly.

"The spirit of the earth!?" Jia Chen exclaimed.