di xin

Chapter 177 Conversation on Both Sides

After this conversation, what shocked Jia Chen most was not the conversation with Xingjian, but the holy Lord Hao's eyes like a sharp sword, which seemed to want to see through him invisibly, but then Jia Chen found that his worries were superfluous, from Haowan's always puzzled eyes. Chen felt that even this Holy Lord could not see through the cover of this false law.

Thinking of this, Jia Chen couldn't help admiring the Taoist people in blue.

On the third floor of Juxing Pavilion, a row of the highest-level accommodation rooms were all wrapped up. Only the seven rooms next to them were lit up, and several of the rooms were bright but empty. On the contrary, the house in the middle flashed and gathered several people.

And on the second floor below the third floor, there is a lower level of accommodation room. In the middle of the row of rooms, that is, just below the room in the middle of the third floor, it is also brightly lit. At this moment, in that room, Jia Chen and Ju Yong sitting upright, but they didn't say a word.

The two's eyes were sometimes bright, sometimes full of complex emotions, and sometimes as if there was anger erupted. It can be seen that Jia Chen and Ju Yong did not make a sound, but adopted a secret way to prevent the person upstairs from eavesdropping.

"White face, I didn't expect you to be so cowardly after such a long time. Why did you stop me during dinner today? I have to kill that bastard to relieve my hatred!" Ju Yong stared at Jia Chen and said angrily.

"Are you a fake two-lack or a real two-lack? Didn't you see that six saints were present, and the Star Lord was also there. If you want to die, don't take me to die together!" Jia Chen was speechless to Juyong. Obviously, Juyong, who was at a complete disadvantage, still wanted to attack. He didn't understand how low this person's IQ was to do such a stupid thing.

"The Holy Lord of the Star Religion?" Ju Yong looked shocked, "Do you think the boy with stars in his eyebrows is the Holy Lord of the Star Church!"

"Don't you know?" Ju Yong was surprised, and Jia Chen was more surprised than Ju Yong. Ju Yong, the thirteen holy lords of the north of Tianman Star during this period of time, did not know at all, and Ju Yong's IQ score in Jia Chen's mind was reduced again.

"I don't know, and no one told me. How can I know what's wrong with the Holy Lord? One day, the Holy Lord will step on his feet and ask him to add soles to me!" As soon as Juyong heard that it was the Holy Lord, the light in his big eyes became even more bright.

At this time, Jia Chen's face became solemn in an instant. His eyes stared at Ju Yong. Jia Chen said, "Ju Yong, if you don't want to die, please restrain your character as soon as possible, otherwise we will be killed by your character sooner or later!"

Ju Yong stared at Jia Chen with an unconvinced face, "I also want you to restrain your cowardly character than anyone else, but what happened to the Holy Lord? My Juyong has never been afraid of anyone at such a long age! And what kind of bird name did you give me? It's really unpleasant!"

"You..." Jiachen is eager to curse at this moment. Juyong's IQ, which is different from others and much lower than that of normal people, is called Jia Chen depressed and wants to spit blood. Even if Jia Chen, who grew up under Mu Ming, has good cultivation, but in the face of Juyong and others, Jia Chen can't control it.

Seeing that he could not communicate, Jia Chen no longer paid attention to Ju Yong. Jia Chen turned his head and began to observe everything in the room. A little light flowed in his eyes and frowned slightly. Obviously, he was thinking about something.

After Xingchen taught everyone to go upstairs, Jiachen wanted to leave here with Juyong. After all, the paper could not wrap the fire. In case it was exposed under their eyelids one day, it would be really bad, but after thinking about it, Jia Chen finally chose to stay here again. Now they have not sure whether they are Jia Chen. If he and Ju Yong really run away, it is bound to arouse their suspicion and chase them again, which is not a good situation. Moreover, as a famous school in this noisy place, they obviously dare not take action at will, which is a cover for Jia Chen.

So Jia Chen and the two chose to stay here, and coincidentally lived directly below the Holy Lord.

For a long time, even Juyong was impatient to wait. When he was about to lie down and sleep, he saw Jiachen move.

Jiachen walked around the room. After looking up and down the whole room several times, he squatted down in one corner of the room. A layer of extremely faint spiritual power appeared in the palm of Jiachen's solemn face. With the palm of spiritual power grasping a green brick on the ground, the green brick was Jiachen silently grabbed away from the ground, and a regular rectangular pit appeared on the ground.

At this time, Jiachen's other hand was also covered with a faint spiritual power. His left hand, which was covered with spiritual power, carefully took out the saint's rune and gave to Jiachen during dinner, and gently put the rune in the pit through the spiritual power. Then he silently put down the stone brick and gently covered it. It was completed, took a long breath, and the whole person relaxed.

"Little white face, what are you doing?" Ju Yong looked at the inexplicable Jia Chen with a puzzled face and asked in a daze.

Jiachen didn't want to pay attention to Juyong. He just sat on another ** and didn't dare to practice. He just entered the realm of meditation and stopped talking.

"Well, dare you ignore me. I will call you good-looking in the future." Seeing that he was boring, Ju Yong also covered himself with a quilt and fell asleep, but the quilt was too small. Ju Yongzhi covered his head, and his curled lower body leaked out.

Suddenly, the whole room fell into a real silence. As the lights went out, only Jia Chen's bright eyes were shining in the night. At this moment, Jia Chen's brain was flowing rapidly and planned how to go in the future. Today, he suddenly met the Holy Lord of Stars, and he was indeed caught off guard by Jia Chen. The reality was too Fast, it's too late for Jiachen to react. Now he can only endure and disguise, waiting for the ripe outbreak time to come.

What Jiachen did just now was because there was the spiritual imprint of the saint on the Fu urn. Jia Chen was always a disaster. It was better to quietly abandon his people unconsciously. In order not to scare the snake, Jia Chen buried the Fu urn under the turning brick. The spiritual imprint on the Fu urn was very powerful, as long as Once the human body is touched, the spiritual imprint will unconsciously transfer from the charm to the human. At that time, it is quite difficult to eliminate the spiritual imprint.

Therefore, Jia Chen wrapped his hands to get the charm, including the moment when Jia Chen took over the charm during dinner, Jia Chen used spiritual power to receive it, which is also the reason why the saint frowned.

At the same time, another point that Jiachen can't figure out is that this Star City is just an inconspicuous small city, and there is nothing special about it, but looking at the meaning of Haowan and several saints, it seems that he is preparing to stay here for a period of time, which has to make Jiachen guess what it is that can teach the stars. The Lord and the saints were attracted.

While Jiachen and Juyong were talking, above their heads and in the house, Haowan, the saint of the Star Religion, the saint Xingjian and another unknown saint, were also sitting upright, with their eyes flowing one by one and secretly passing through the sound.

"Xing Jian, what the hell is going on?" At this moment, Haowan frowned slightly, looked at Xing Jian sitting on the other side and asked.

Then Xingjian told Haowan about the interception of Jiachen and Juyong with Elder Yun of Cangyuezong that day. Xingjian frowned and said, "It's strange to see these two people today, especially the strong man. Although he is different, his body is about the same as that of the strong man that day. That's what will arouse my suspicion."

After listening to Xing Jian's narration, Haowan thought for a moment, but shook his head slightly. "I know the bloodline of the heavenly demon. If he is really the bloodline of the heavenly demon, unless his cultivation level has reached a very high level, it is impossible to disguise his own breath so well. Even I can't see that the characteristics of the heavenly demon bloodline are not It's often obvious that even if I try my best to disguise, I can't disguise it so well. I've been carefully observing that Ganan before. Except for some strange things, I haven't seen anything special.

Hearing the words, Xing Jian nodded, "That's right. What I wonder about is this place. I have also carefully observed the breath of the two people, which is completely different from Jia Chen, but I have a strange feeling and impulse in my heart. I feel that they are just like those two people."

"Ha ha, Xing Jian, you are preconceived." Haowan said, and as his eyes flowed, he saw Haowan continue to say, "But then again, the man named Ganan is a thoughtful person, and there is indeed something strange."

"What puzzles me most is his vigilance, as if it is impenetrable. Even when he took over my charm, Ganan was also careful and used his spiritual power to pick it up. Such a thoughtful person must not be simple." Xing Jian said.

At this time, a saint who had been silent spoke, saw a flash of light in his eyes, and he leaned his head and said, "Why do we have to be so entangled here? Why do we just fight with them directly? You will know the depth of a try."

Before Xing Jian spoke, Hao Wan, the saint of the Star Religion, shook his head immediately, "Xiaomu, you are still too impulsive. Now we are in a prosperous place with many people. We represent the whole Star Religion, a famous sect, not a demon outsider who fight and kills. You are like this in public. If this is spread for no reason, what will my star teach face? Is it possible that you want to slaughter the whole Star City?

"What the Lord said is extremely true, don't be impulsive, Xiaomu." At this time, Xing Jian also nodded, but the two people who were immersed in thinking did not find that a fierce and stubborn light flashed in the little wooden eyes.

Silence, only the light swayed. After a moment, Haowan looked at the two and said, "These two strange people, just pay attention to them, especially Xingjian. Pay more attention to it. If there is no threat, forget it. If there is really something wrong with them, I will definitely ask them to go back. !" With a flash of light in Haowan's eyes, he said seriously, "Anyway, we can't forget our real task because of these two people. At present, our focus is still on that matter, but we must not delay our affairs because of these two people!"

Xing Jian and Xiao Mu also nodded, and there was a little light of expectation in their eyes, and they retreated one by one.

As Haowan's room also darkened, Haowan sat on the bed like Jiachen, and his eyes sparkled like two stars in the night. "The blood of the devil, I'm really looking forward to it..."