di xin

Chapter 187 Crystal Hall

In mid-air, the old man in black looked at the two people who fell quickly due to his serious injuries, as if he wanted to catch up with them and eradicate them, but from time to time there was a shocking sound and a circle of extremely powerful spiritual fluctuations in front of the old man. After thinking for a moment, he looked at the two people who had turned into black spots, the old man wrinkled. Mei, after all, did not chase and kill the two people, but turned into a green smoke and flew forward again.

When the white light gradually dissipated, and when consciousness returned to Jia Chen's body, a feeling of weightlessness made Jia Chen extremely uncomfortable. Then, the pain like a tide swept over Jia Chen's whole body again and again.

With a "poof", a fishy and salty smell suddenly overflowed into Jiachen's mouth. With a large mouthful of blood spewing out, Jia Chen felt a little relaxed. At this moment, his body was spiritually disordered, and the meridians in many places were damaged to varying degrees, and some places were even completely broken. Injury.

The severe pain that seemed to break the meridians of his whole body made Jia Chen wake up in an instant, and it was so difficult to even move his fingers. However, when Jia Chen saw his current situation, he was suddenly shocked and sweated all over.

There was a vague white that flashed quickly in front of him. The sound of the wind crossed Jia Chen's ears. Looking down, it was still an endless void. Looking up, it was a blue sky and white clouds. At this moment, Jia Chen and Ju Yong were falling rapidly. If there were no other rescue measures, the two of them would be late. I would have fallen to death sooner.

Feeling himself falling rapidly, Jia Chen looked not far from him. Juyong, who was pale and unconscious, was under the oblique of Jiachen. Juyong's situation was ten thousand times worse than that. At this moment, Juyong was covered with blood, his face like gold paper, and his breath was disordered. When Jia Chen saw Juyong's left arm, he was stunned. .

Ju Yong's whole thick, powerful and muscular left arm has completely disappeared. All the way to his shoulder, it came out white. The blood of the column is frantically spilling from the air. If the blood is allowed to spill, Juyong will die sooner or later.

"Juyong!" Even in time for anger, Jia Chen shouted desperately to Juyong. What answered was the indifferent and roaring wind. In the endless void, the two did not know where to fall, but there was always a moment when they would touch the ground and fall directly to death.

Trying to keep calm, Jiachen's spiritual power is running crazily, sensing the existence of the wheel of the blood moon. Finally, after a faint feeling, he saw a red dot directly below him slowly getting bigger, which was the falling wheel of the blood moon.

When Jia Chen's body came into contact with the wheel of the blood moon, he felt more secure, but when Jia Chen looked down again, his heart suddenly raised his throat. At this moment, Juyong's situation was extremely dangerous.

At the bottom of them, Jia Chen has already looked at a little white light. The white light is emitted from the hard ore. If Juyong is not carried on the wheel of the blood moon, I'm afraid that Juyong will really be crushed.

There were two puffs again, and Jia Chen couldn't help spitting blood again. The spiritual power in Jia Chen's body was already extremely chaotic. Jia Chen, who difficultly injected spiritual power on the wheel of the blood moon, suffered the crazy counterattack of spiritual power, as if there was a mountain installing his own heart. Unconsciously, blood flowed out of Jia Chen's seven orifices, but However, Jia Chen ignored it at all and only cared about instilling spiritual power into the wheel of the blood moon. He accelerated crazily and must save Ju Yong.

There is not much in the hall. On both sides of the center of the hall are columns below that divide the hall into three parts. In addition to this pillar, when Jiachen saw the walls on both sides of the hall, he immediately took a breath.

On the walls on both sides, a small round hole will be chiseled at intervals, and inside the small hole are round crystals about the size of a human head. What shocked Jiachen is not the round crystal, but each crystal, inlaid with a dark one about the size of an eyeball. Mang's spiritual stone, that spiritual stone is nothing else but an extremely rare five-grade spiritual stone!

"Five spiritual stones!" Jiachen's eyes are full of heat. There are 32 holes above the wall on one side, and there is a five-grade spiritual stone in one hole. So, there are sixty-four five-grade spiritual stones here!

The utility of a three-grade spiritual stone is equivalent to one Holy Spirit elixir, while a five-grade spiritual stone is equivalent to one hundred three-grade spiritual stones. These 64 spiritual stones are 64,000 Holy Spirit Elixirs!

Jiachen was crazy. He boiled, and he could no longer calm down. Thinking that he returned from the nest of the sacrificial Taoist sect, he brought more than 1,300 elixirs equivalent to the Holy Spirit elixir. Those more than 1,300 elixirs made Jia Chen break through from the virtual elixir period of the real world to the late stage of the divine silk realm, with the strength of three small realms. Now, Zhendan In the middle period, Jiachen's demand for the Holy Spirit Elixir is even greater. At the beginning, the 1,300 Holy Spirit Elixir may just let Gachen break through from the middle to the late stage of the real elixir. If he wants to continue to break into the four realms, he may need more than 3,000 Holy Spirit Elixirs.

What is the concept of 3,000 Holy Spirit Elixir? If ordinary people practice, one thousand Holy Spirit Elixirs are enough to rush directly from the virtual elixir period of the original realm of the real world to the peak realm of the real world. If there are another 500, it is very likely to break through to the four realms, but now 3,000 Holy Spirit Elixirs are only enough for Jiachen from the middle of the real elixir. Breaking through to the four realms, the gap is unimaginable.

The demand and horror of spiritual power in the blood of the heavenly demon blood are absolutely imaginable. You should know that the original Jiachen entered the next realm with 18,000 divine silks, and these 18,000 divine silks are ten times that of ordinary people!

Looking at the five-grade spiritual stones placed in the distance, Jia Chen breathed heavily, his face was flushed, developed, and really developed. Jia Chen never thought that he could leap forward to reach the four realms in a short time, but now these five-grade spiritual stones made Jiachen see hope!

At this moment, Jia Chen seemed to have forgotten the pain on his body. After recovering a little, he began to work diligently. The dexterous wheel of blood moon was like a hard-working bee. With the light flash of rainbows, the dark five-grade spiritual stones were collected into the wheel of the blood moon.

"It's developed! Developed!" Jia Chen has never been so excited. At this moment, Jia Chen remembered Xi'er. If only Xi'er was by his side, he could share this happiness and happiness with Xi'er.

"Xi'er, I will definitely get you out!" Thinking of Xi'er, Jia Chen couldn't help clenching his fist again, and he missed Xi'er all the time.

Unconsciously, when Jiachen harvested sixty-four five-grade spiritual stones, he had already walked directly in front of the hall. In front of the hall was a rectangular crystal table, and in the middle of the crystal table was a fist-sized spiritual stone, and other spiritual stones Differently, the colorful light emitted from the spiritual stone. In the faint, Jiachen seemed to hear the sound of the spiritual stone beating and secretly coincided with the opportunity of heaven and earth. In the vastness, there seemed to be Hong Zhong Dalu in Jiachen's heart, which coincided with the momentum of the road. At this moment, Jia Chen seemed to feel something, and suddenly his heart seemed to have a clear understanding and stood in the original. The ground is motionless.