di xin

Chapter 194 Touching the Piano at Night

With a gentle ripple, when Jia Chen opened his eyes again, the scene he saw in his eyes was similar to the old nest of the Taoist sect at the time in the Black Wind Canyon, which was not much different.

Under the blood-red sky is a barren and uneven land, and the unconnected and abrupt peaks are hollowed out. In the peaks, there are disciples of the Taoist sect hidden.

However, looking at the scale in front of us, it is not less than the scale of the previous Black Wind Canyon. According to the comparison of Jiachen, it is estimated that this old nest has about 3,000 disciples between martyrs and martyrs. Although Jiachen can carry out crazy massacres of 3,000 low-level sacrificial sects, but Ga Chen can carry out crazy massacres. Chen did not act rashly. He needed to make sure that there would be no more accidents here before he could do it.

The stronghold of the sacrificial sect is extremely quiet, and the bloody sky already gives people a sense of silence and depression. Coupled with the disciples of the sacrificial sect in black robes, everyone is silent and quietly doing their own things.

Carefully conceals the breath, and the spiritual power is peneting to different places with the movement of Jiachen. This is an extremely exquisite work. It is not found that it is indeed a great consumption for the spirit to carry out detective work under the eyes of 3,000 disciples of the Taoist disciples.

Unconsciously, Jia Chen's forehead was already a crystal bean-sized sweat. He let the sweat roll down from his cheek. Jia Chen never blinked once. Finally, when he finished exploring the last corner of the whole nest, Jia Chen finally took a long breath.

There are no martyrs here. The strongest ones are just the captains of martyrs, but those martyrs are strong for martyrs. For the bloodline of Tianmo, who is now in the middle of Zhendan, martyrs are nothing. If Jiachen opens the infinite field, even if it is a group of martyrs Jiachen can also slaughter it!

Among the nearly 3,000 disciples, there are only 100 martyrs, and their voices are all martyrs and martyrs. At this time, Jia Chen looked at the soul beads in his body, which were already in a semi-full state, and his heart was a little excited. Originally, Jia Chen was still worried about where the soul spirit of breaking through the four elephants, but now he has settled down. .

In a trance, I saw a blood flash, and Jia Chen's figure has disappeared silently. With Jia Chen's strength, it is difficult for these disciples to find Jia Chen. At this moment, Jia Chen is like a green smoke, which does not attract people's attention at all.

As if returning to those years, Jiachen began to sweep caves one by cave, but unlike those years, Jiachen's sweeping speed is more than one or two points faster than that at that time, especially in the face of the attacks of those martyrs, Jiachen doesn't even need to dodge, relying on the current body of demons. The strength of those attacks has become difficult to pose a threat to Jiachen.

The wheel of the blood moon turned into a sickle of death at this moment, enjoying the joy of killing and enjoying the fragrance of blood all the time. When the red blood permeated the realization of Jiachen, when Jiachen's eyes were already red. At this moment, between heaven and earth, there seemed to be only the demon-like Jia Chen.

The lives of the disciples of the Taoist sect are decreasing little by little. Jia Chen's soul beads are full little by little, and they don't know how long they have been killed, let alone how many lives the blood moon wheel has harvested. When the blood moon wheel in the cave is about to run through the neck of a martyr Jia Chen's eyes became clear in an instant, and the wheel of the blood moon also quietly hovered in front of the martyr's neck, making a whining sound, and a drop of blood slowly dripping from it.

Looking at the martyr who was about to die in his hands, Jia Chen suddenly found that the martyr was Chen Ergou he met when he was in Xianling Village. Jia Chen did not expect to meet Chen Ergou here after such a long time, and he did not expect that Chen Ergou had such a high sky. Fu has been trained as a martyr in such a short time. In fact, Chen Ergou can become a martyr so quickly. I'm afraid there is also Jia Chen's help. I'm afraid Jia Chen forgot that he had given Chen Ergou a basic practice formula at the beginning, which is already a great advantage over other children.

Looking at Chen Ergou's cold and emotionless eyes, they are like dead people, with no emotions and emotions, as if their souls have been stripped alive. Indeed, before they entered the level of martyrdom, the disciples of the Taoist sect looked like this.

"Chen Ergou?" Jia Chen tilted his head and looked at Chen Ergou and shouted tentatively. Looking at Chen Ergou's current appearance, Jia Chen couldn't help thinking of the miserable appearance when Chen Ergou's parents died. They never thought that their proud son had become the one who killed his murderer.

The Chen Ergou suddenly heard Jia Chen's voice and was stunned, but after a moment, Chen Ergou turned into the previous half-human and half-ghost. He only heard Chen Ergou whimper and make some unpleasant sounds. Then, Chen Ergou rushed to Jia Chen again.

Chen Ergou was not Jia Chen's opponent. With a bang, Chen Ergou flew upside down and hit the mountain wall again, and then fell heavily to the ground. Red blood flowed out of the corners of his mouth.

Looking at Chen Ergou who got up from the ground and rushed to himself again, Jia Chen shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he could not make Chen Ergou return to his original appearance, but Jia Chen just stunned Chen Ergou and did not kill him. After sealing Chen Ergou's veins with spiritual power to ensure that he would not wake up independently, Jia Chen Er The dog was also thrown into the Tongtianbao gourd.

He can't bring Chen Ergou over, but it doesn't mean that others can't. Jia Chen doesn't want to see a child who used to be predestined with him die in his own hands, let alone degenerate in the sacrificial Taoist sect like this. He believes that there will always be a solution.

From the beginning to the end, I don't know how long it took. When Jia Chen swept the nest, the huge consumption of Jia Chen couldn't help taking a long breath. Fortunately, there was no accident. After a slight recovery, Jia Chen looked at his soul beads, and 3,000 disciples of the Taoist sect were enough to fill Jia Chen's soul beads. Man, and Jia Chen also got 3,000 elixirs. These elixirs refined from martyrs are not very obvious for the current Jia Chen, but it is better than nothing. Jia Chen can use these elixirs as a supplement in his future battles, which is a good choice.

Inside the nest, it seems that time is stagnant. The sky is always blood red, and the surrounding scenery remains unchanged. At this moment, the ancestral site is even more silent and quiet. With a breeze blowing gently, a strong smell of blood hits the nose. Come on, take a look at it again and no longer miss it. As the figure of Jia Chen stepped on the transmission array gradually became illusory, Jia Chen left here.

When Jiachen came out of the nest of the sacrificial Taoist sect, there were already stars in the sky. A bright moon was in the sky, and occasionally there was the sound of insects. Under this gorgeous night quiet night, Jia Chen was like a lost child, struggling to find his way home.

Gachen on the wheel of the blood moon looked up at the stars in the sky and showed a wry smile. The world is so big that it can't accommodate my little Jiachen alone. At this moment, Jiachen remembered his life in the bamboo forest, which was carefree and full, and then thought of Xi'er. Whenever the night is seductive, Jiachen always lies on the roof, and Xi'er Discussing the road of life, bickering, and pouring a few mouthfuls of wine, so happy and happy, but gone forever.

The night is the most sentimental scene, just when Jiachen is sentimental, but a vague sound of the piano flows slowly in Jiachen's heart like running water.

The sound of the piano is leisurely, and the lingering sound is continuous, like the silver moonlight, sprinkling into the open space through the forest. The sound of the piano is sometimes gentle and sometimes exciting. In a trance, the sound of the piano is like falling into the sea, pulling the heartstrings into the bottom of the valley, but it suddenly rises to the sky at the next moment, which makes people's blood boil and exciting fighting spirit.

Youqin sound seems to have great magic, and contains a kind of power, a power that is enough to attract everything in the world. In a trance, Jiachen has unconsciously intoxicated in it, and there are thousands of illusions in his mind, which make people unable to extricate themselves. They can only be happy, angry and sad with the emotions of the piano sound.

Suddenly, with the sudden change of the sound of the piano, Jia Chen's expression also changed dramatically. The rhythm of the sound of the piano suddenly accelerated in an instant. In the sound of Zhengzheng, there were thousands of troops and horses rushing to the hot-blooded battlefield, and there was a golden iron halberd colliding with the sound. At this moment, a picture of soldiers coming to the city appeared in Jiachen's mind, tens of feet Above the high wall are majestic generals and soldiers, with the crossbows and arrows shining with metallic luster in their hands.

Under the city wall, thousands of troops and horses are neatly arranged, and the momentum is like a rainbow to break through the wall to the death.

With the wave of the general above the wall, he only heard the sound of "so", and thousands of arrows that shot out cover the sky and covered the sun. At this critical moment, the sound of the piano suddenly stopped abruptly, and the picture suddenly disappeared, and all illusions were shattered. Only the "so" echoed in Jiachen's headphones for a long time. It seems that the string is fluctuating violently and is about to break!

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly, but the person who listened to the piano was very anxious at this moment. At this moment, the two armies became an eternal mystery.

It was not until this moment that Jiachen woke up like a dream, and his confused eyes gradually became sober. However, in Jiachen's mind was still the scene of the confrontation between the two armies. Only the sound of "so" still echoed in Jiachen's ears.

It was not until he fully woke up that Jia Chen was suddenly shocked. Suddenly, cold sweat came out, and he was afraid. In the sound of the piano just now, Jia Chen was introduced unconsciously. If someone took action against Jia Chen before Jia Chen woke up, I'm afraid Jia Chen will die in that fantasy without any resistance. He can play the piano sound to such an extent that he can kill people unconsciously. Such cultivation and such ability must be a master.

"Where is this?" The vigilant Jiachen looked around, but found that he had come to a completely strange place, as if he had been lured by the sound of the piano. It was still a pale moonlight. At Jiachen's feet, it was an extremely flat lawn that seemed to have been artificially decorated. In the middle of the lawn was a white jade pavilion. In the pavilion, one person, a piano, a stone table and a bench are so simple.

The person who stroked the piano looked plain, and a pair of big hands slowly rubbed the strings. Before Jia Chen spoke, he only heard a slightly but magnetic voice coming into his ears, "Wanli battlefield, golden iron horse, soldiers facing the two armies under the city, who will win or lose?"