di xin

Chapter 214 The Temple of Lo

Along the way, Jiachen was guessing the woman's identity and what kind of status she would be in Luoshenmen, but it could not be guessed by guessing alone. It was like two people with their own ghosts, each had their own secrets, but they had to walk together for some reasons. Jia Chen really couldn't imagine that if this woman knew Jia What will happen to Chen's true identity?

Out of Jingtao City, the woman sacrificed a flying sword, took Jiachen straight to the sky and rushed to Luoshen City, the main city of Luoshenmen. When the woman sacrificed a flying sword, Jia Chen couldn't help but ** the corners of her eyes.

"Name~ device?" Seeing the blue water flying sword, the whole flying sword is like a galaxy waterfall flowing down, and the turquoise light flows, as if there is a big river hidden in the flying sword, and the sound of flowing water can be faintly heard.

The woman's flying speed is no worse than that of Jiachen. Coupled with this flying sword, Jiachen can vaguely imagine the woman's identity. "It should be a true disciple of Luoshenmen." Jiachen thought that his strength was similar to that of himself, and he had a famous weapon of not low grade. This is not the level that ordinary disciples can reach. The identity of a true disciple is obviously the most suitable for this woman. Of course, Jia Chen inevitably guessed that this woman might be a saint or something like him. "But not all saints follow the saints Did the Lords go to the Great Wasteland? Jia Chen thought for a moment and felt that this idea was not practical.

Thinking of this, Jia Chen couldn't help but feel more nervous. The woman standing in front of him was like a volcano that would erupt at any time. Once she found her true identity, Jia Chen did not think that this person could be enlightened enough to let him leave.

The speed of the operation of the false method suddenly began to accelerate. At present, only this false method is Jia Chen's biggest rely, and there are soul beads that can hide the characteristics of the heavenly demon bloodline. At this strength, Jia Chen's control of soul beads is becoming more and more profiable, and the control of his own breath is becoming more and more exquisite, as long as Jia Chen did not show the slightest spiritual power and operated the soul beads and the false method well. If there is nothing unexpected, such strength is still not enough to see his identity.

At this moment, thousands of thoughts flashed in Jiachen's heart, and the woman standing in front of Jiachen was not idle. Although Jiachen was just a mortal warrior in her eyes, Jiachen gave her a different feeling, especially the calm eyes that were more calm than some monks, completely in line with her own strength. This made her puzzled.

Especially after flying with Jiachen's imperial sword, if ordinary people are afraid that they will be nervous to death, even people in a good mood will never be as calm as Jiachen now, and Jiachen's performance is beyond ordinary people now, which has to be suspected.

"Has Mr. Chen ever taken a flying sword before?" Suddenly, the woman's pleasant voice like an horn broke Jia Chen's meditation, and the crisp and delicate voice passed through the wind and flowed into Jia Chen's ears.

Jia Chen was stunned and then smiled slightly and said, "Well, when I was with my eldest brother, my eldest brother's master once flew with me and my big brother several times with a flying sword. Hey... Thinking about the beginning, it was really exciting. I have been thinking about when I can reach such a state and be a free escape. Fairy, I'm so unhappy."

In contrast, serious men have become embellishments in this crowd. Suddenly, there is such a big contrast that Jia Chen is suddenly a little uncomfortable. He feels that many women have paid attention to their curious eyes one after another. Those pair of beautiful eyes like autumn waves are Jiachen is also a little uncomfortable.

"Haha, Mr. Chen, who is new here, must be very uncomfortable here." When the woman of Luoshenmen saw that Jiachen was so embarrassed, she couldn't help covering the veil with her white and slender hands and smiled happily.

"Well..." Jiachen also felt a little embarrassed, "Luo Shencheng is really a good place for a person." Jia Chen could only find a sentence awkwardly to deal with it.

"Ha ha, it's really a good place for a person." The laughter was like gurgling water, flowing into people's hearts. Coupled with the colorful beauty around him, Jia Chen couldn't help thinking about what it would be like if the strange man was here.

"by the way, I forgot to ask Mr. Chen where he is from?" The woman looked at Jia Chen with a big eye with a smile. There was no such thing as the monk's arrogance towards the warrior, just like talking to the little sister next door, which was relaxed and pleasant.

"I'm from Cangyuezhou." Jia Chen thought for a moment and couldn't help but be happy with the woman's happiness. Although his cheeks were generally covered, the smile at the corners of his mouth could not be concealed.

"Cangyuezhou, I think you might as well live in our Luoshen City in the future. Cangyue City is not as beautiful as our Luoshen City." In the end, the woman deliberately emphasized the word "beauty".

"Hehe, you're really joking." Jia Chen shook his head helplessly, "Our Cangyue City is full of talents. Do you want to live in our Cangyue City for a period of time?"

In a relaxed atmosphere, the two unconsciously came to the Luo Temple and came to the Luo Temple. Looking at the dense crowd going in and out, Jia Chen couldn't help but feel that the vast majority of people entering and leaving the Luo Temple were monks. Here, mortals were basically not allowed. Xu entered.

Think about it, the transmission array is only allowed to be used by monks. Although this transmission array was built by Luo Shenmen, as the only shortcut to other states, it allows all monks to use it. This is not to be used by mortals, but by mortals without spiritual power and cannot be integrated into this biography at all. In the sending method.

Therefore, there are many monks around the Luo Temple, which is also understandable. There are even some shops in the cultivation world around the Luo Temple, such as spiritual pharmacies, magic weapons stores, etc., which is actually booming, which is really good.

On one side of the door of the Luo Temple stood a total of four disciples of the Luo Shenmen. These four disciples are not bad, all of whom are above the four realms. As the maintainers of the order of the Luo Temple, their strength should not be too bad.

Jiachen's nervousness may be a little redundant. When passing the inspection at the gate of the Luo Temple, when they were about to stop Jia Chen, who was still a mortal warrior, the female disciple of Luo Shenmen took out a small green sign. With the flash of water, the four disciples nodded to her and let them in. .

"Come in, Mr. Chen." Turning her head and smiling at Jia Chen, the woman walked lightly and entered the Luo Temple.