di xin

Chapter 252 Purple Magma

Under the inhuman roasting, Jia Chen only felt that 36,000 pores were smoking all over his body and soaked in this magma. If he looked at his strength, the magma was not enough to erase Jia Chen, but that feeling of suffering was something that anyone wanted to bear. No one wanted to suffer for no reason. .

As if the days were like years, Jia Chen felt that everyone was suffering. He just begged that the suffering could pass quickly, but found that as he continued to sink, the surrounding temperature seemed to become hotter and hotter.

"Xi'er, are you sure that the blood nucleus of inflammation is below? The temperature is getting higher and higher. Jia Chen said with difficulty while observing the scenery around him. Leaving aside this suffering, the world of magma has a strange sense of beauty.

"No one can guarantee this. We only know that Brother Yan was born from here. Now the blood of Yan is dusty. He has the highest probability of staying here, so we let you come." Xi'er said.

"I'll wipe it! No guarantee!?" Jia Chen didn't dare to think about it any more. In case he suffered such a big crime and found that there was nothing below, it was really not cost-effective.

Jiachen's whole body is still sinking rapidly. He can clearly feel that the temperature around him is quietly rising little by little. Although he can't feel anything in a short period of time, once the quantitative change is transformed into qualitative change, the magma world will definitely give Jiachen a big surprise. .

Gradually, Jia Chen's eyebrows frowned deeply. As the depth deepened, he found that the magma around him was changing little by little, and the fiery red magma began to gradually deepen. Seeing this, Jia Chen's heart suddenly trembled and stopped the sinking body.

"I'll wipe it, isn't it!" Sure enough, when I looked at my feet, the fiery red magma turned blue. The faint blue magma did not look as strong and fierce as the fiery red magma. People may think that the fiery red magma is the most dangerous, but in fact, this blue magma is more dangerous than the fiery red magma. Many times more dangerous.

The blue magma rolled and flowed quietly, but the calm surface covered the shocking waves**. Jiachen looked at the blue magma and suddenly stood up with cold hair all over his body. If he entered the blue magma, it must be a dying feeling.

"Xi'er, you didn't tell me that the magma here would still change color." The corners of Jia Chen's mouth** a few times.

"Hee, aren't they afraid to scare you? It's okay. Anyway, it's all magma. You've put up with it. What are you afraid of in this blue one? Don't tell me you want to give up halfway." Xi'er's voice said as playfully as ever.

"Grass!" He couldn't help cursing. Jia Chen looked at the horrible blue magma. Although 1,100 people were unwilling, since he had come here, it was impossible to go back.

Taking a deep breath, the stagnant figure accelerated again, but in the blink of an eye, he entered the blue magma.

Jiachen can't describe what it feels like. If the upper layer of magma is endlessly hot, then this blue magma is a torture of the internal forces of his body. The amazing temperature seems to directly penetrate the human skin and directly tortures the bone marrow of Jiachen. Suddenly, a tingling sensation from the inside out made Jia Chen painful. The blue magma seemed to flow and burn in his meridians. At this moment, Jia Chen felt that he had sublimated.

When Jiachen got out of the purple magma, he didn't even know that he had escaped the inhuman test. He felt that it was a hard rock ground sitting under his buttocks. Jiachen finally fainted. At this moment, his body was like the riverbed that had dried up for thousands of years. , without the slightest spiritual power.

Fortunately, Jia Chen has the spiritual heart of the moon, and his strong absorption and healing ability can help Jia Chen recover quickly. When Jia Chen woke up, he even felt that there was a smell of magma in his body, and even the spiritual power in the meridians seemed to become extremely hot.

His consciousness gradually became clear, and Jia Chen recalled the previous situation in the magma. Thinking of this, he was afraid for a while. These three layers of magma seemed to be really prepared for him. If ordinary people't have a good physique, I'm afraid that even the first two layers of magma can't pass through, and the third layer of horrible purple Magma, if Jiachen hadn't absorbed enough soul spirit and suffered many natural disasters, I'm afraid Jiachen's soul would have been burned clean and extinguished by the purple magma.

After slightly settled down, Jia Chen began to observe the surrounding scenery. Obviously, this was a small secret place arranged in the center of the speech, because Jia Chen remembered that he fell directly from the magma and looked at the hard cave above his head. If it was not a secret place, where did those magma go?

The bright light does not make people feel any dark in this closed cave, and there is still a dry and warm atmosphere between the nostrils. The round closed cave is not big. As his eyes began to move, Jiachen saw a slender figure pulled by the light and appeared in front of him.