di xin

Chapter 260 Prelude


Jiachen's figure standing still trembled slightly. At this moment, Jia Chen's inner surprise had reached an incomprehensible level. Anyway, he couldn't think of it. Until the end, it was Mr. standing in front of him!

Xi'er Fangfu had already understood all this. He jumped to Mu Ming's side and pouted and said, "Brother, how's it going? I brought it to you safely."

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

Two excited shouts in a row, and the space around Jia Chen rippled slightly. Li Li and Yan also came out of Jia Chen's body, looked at Mu Ming's rickety back, and shouted with tears in their eyes.

Xi'er has seen Mu Ming before, but Li Li and Yan have been separated from Mu Ming for nearly tens of thousands of years. Now they have done their best to Mu Ming again. How can they not be excited?

"Well, you're finally here." Mu Ming, dressed in black, turned around, looked at the three people of Jia Chen, nodded and said, "It's not too late."

"Mr." Jia Chen stepped forward excitedly. At this moment, there were thousands of words and thousands of doubts, but they were all stuck in his throat and didn't know how to say, "What's going on?"

Mu Ming seemed to see Jia Chen's doubts and walked slowly to Jia Chen's side, holding Jia Chen's shoulders, and a pair of turbid eyes on Jia Chen's clear eyes. He meditated for a moment and said, "Over the years, I have embarrassed you. I know you have a lot of doubts. Don't worry. Next, you will understand everything. "

A long story unfolded in front of Jia Chen.

The eternal holy capital is the birthplace of the spring of heaven and the burial place of the great saint. The eight bodies Jiachen saw before are the eight ancient and modern great saints in the history of the Star of the Sky, and the last one is indeed the remains of the Great Sage.

After the Huanyu Great Sage suppressed the martyrdom of Xingtian, the soul of the martyrdom of the emperor Xingtian was budgeted very early. Although the suppression of the martyrdom of Xingtian, if the soul of Xingtian is not really destroyed, it will eventually bring great disaster to future generations. After the fission era, there will be a huge fission in the spiritual environment of Tianmangxing. It is almost impossible to build another great saint to suppress Xing Tian.

For the future generations of Tianmanxing, the Great Sage did not hesitate to go against the sky and knew that he had exchanged his remaining life expectancy and winning cultivation for an unpredictable opportunity. Only then did he know that the bloodline of the heavenly demon, which was originally known as the body of divine punishment, was the ultimate means to end the martyrdom of the emperor.

In the sky, the Great Sage saw the hope of the skylight star, which was the bloodline of the heavenly demon. Therefore, the Great Sage also expected the rebellion of Ga Qiu, the rebirth martyr, and the Jiachen who obtained the blood of the demon.

At the beginning, the Great Sage was in the ninth floor of the Eternal Holy City to make prediction. Only half a month after the prediction, the Great Sage of the World passed away, and the Spring Eye of Heaven, which accompanied the Great Sage at that time, was accompanied by the Great Sage, undertook the task of finding the blood of the devil, which led to Mu Ming, Mu Ming, Ben It is the spiritual root of the spring of heaven. After suppressing the martyrdom of the emperor, the great saint returned to the eternal holy capital to rest.

At that time, it was impossible for Mu Ming to go to the world with the eyes of the spring of heaven, because there was a great risk. Once the eyes of the spring of heaven fell into the hands of the Taoist sect, then the sky star could be said to be hopeless. Therefore, Mu Ming came to the sky star alone, and then there was a story of Jia Chen after growing up.

So, it seems that everything can be made through at the beginning. Why did Mu Ming hold the last big holy token? Why do you always expect that God can arrange the direction for Jia Chen to move forward? In fact, Mu Ming knows that all this is only expected by the world saint's prying on the heavenly machine. Without the sacrifice of the world saint, I'm afraid that the bloodline of the demon will never grow to this point, let alone come to the eternal holy capital to look for the spring of heaven. .

After Mu Ming's words, the whole hall fell into silence. Jia Chen quietly stared at the remains of the Great Sage of the World, but his heart set off a huge wave. He finally understood the meaning of the word Dasheng, and finally understood why there were only a few great saints produced by Tianma for millions of years.

The reason why a great man is great is that he has a great mission, and there are only a few people who can carry the whole star on his shoulders. Perhaps, as the sentence said, how much responsibility he can get.

The reason why they have become the great saint and become the supreme existence of the stars is that their hearts have also reached such a powerful level.

Looking at the spring of the sky suspended in the air and emitting a faint light, Jia Chen knew very well that when he refined the spring of the sky, he was the ninth saint of the sky!

He is the ninth person who can carry tens of millions of people on his shoulders in millions of years. Although the way forward may be an abyss, doomed, or everyone may be happy, or sacrifice himself for that destined responsibility like the Great Sage of the World, this will all become Jiachen. Avoidable problems.

"Are you really ready?" Mu Ming's words hit Jia Chen's heart like a sledgehammer.

"Are I really ready?" From the beginning to the present, Jia Chen never thought that he would face such a difficult task. He never thought that he would carry the whole star on his shoulder. He thought that he might become a great saint, but he did not think of the responsibility of the Great Sanctuary.

Responsibility, what kind of responsibility does the person in what position carry? Once Jiachen stands above tens of thousands of people, he will bear the world!

In addition to the ancient holy capital, the whole world is suffering under the iron hooves of sacrificing Taoism. At this time, Jiachen just wanted to be a carefree mountain village man, but the mountain village man could not save the world, and he would become a nameless victim of the Taoist sect at the first time. Now, it seems that this is the only way in front of Jiachen.

"Have you thought about it?" Mu Ming's deep and powerful words echoed in the hall, and his wrinkled face showed a firm look.

"I've figured it out." Finally, when the simple four words blurted out, Jia Chen was relieved and looked around at the four sacred objects standing beside him. Now that he has come to this point, no one has a way out!

There seemed to be a smile on the peaceful face of the Great Sage lying next to the crystal stone pillar. The ice and phoenix tears dropped by the Yun Jixue, which was integrated into his body by Jia Chen before his death, also seemed to tremble quietly, and the soul beads that were always black as ink in the sea. Everything seemed to be no longer ordinary. Come on.

"Okay!" Mu Ming's eyes burst into light, and the whole eternal saint seemed to boil at this moment.

Beyond the nine-step ladder.

When the guy Cen entered the ninth ladder, when Yun Jixue blew himself up, Jia Qiu knew that the worst situation had finally happened. No matter how much regret he had, it was useless. Jia Qiu took measures to shock the whole sky at the first time.

Because of the practice method contrary to the stars, it was impossible for Gaju to enter the celestial bodies. Since he could not enter the ladder, he could only wait for the rabbit outside the ninth ladder. He understood that when Jia Chen came out, he would no longer be the previous Jiachen, who was as small as an ant, and he also understood that there was a hard battle. The war that determines the final direction of Tianman Star is about to break out between him and Jiachen. The success or failure of him and Jiachen directly determines the life of the world!

At the first time, the whole sacrificial sect launched the highest assembly order. At this moment, all the disciples of the sacrificial sect were summoned back by Ga Qiu, and even the lowest-level martyrs were no exception. In those days, the whole celestial star was shrouded in a black cloud to make up for the sky. All the disciples of the Taoist sect were For a moment, he gave up the battle and flew desperately to the wilderness.

Just when everyone in Tianmanxing was puzzled, the sacrificial Taoist sect led by Gaju made a shocking move. Under the leadership of a whole millions of the Taoist army, under the leadership of the Taoist sect, they crushed the nine imperial states. On that day, the heaven and earth were destroyed, ghosts cried and wolves, and wherever the army of the Taoist sect passed, they were all dead!

When millions of sacrificial troops surrounded the nine-step ladder and stationed outside the nine-step ladder, Xingchenzhou, the last elite of Tianman, also held its last meeting.

"The army of the sacrificial sect has been stationed in Jiuhuangzhou, and Jia Qiu has surrounded the nine-step ladder. We can't wait any longer. The day when the demon comes out is the moment when the last battle breaks out!" The Taoist in Qingyi stood in the middle of the Star Hall, looked around at the crowd and said excitedly.

"The last battle, is the last battle really like this! I, Tian Mangxing, have come to this point!" In the hall, an old man covered his face and cried with excitement.

"I, Longyin is a real person, representing the immortal generation of Tianmanxing. I am willing to launch the last battle and never die!" At this moment, Longyin walked to the center of the hall, and the old and powerful voice echoed in the hall over and over again.

"Luo Shenmen, on behalf of Luo Shenzhou, is willing to launch the last battle, never die!" A beautiful woman came out, and her gentle and elegant voice echoed for a long time.

"Day by day, willing to launch the last battle, never die!" An old man wearing a purple and gold crown came out immediately.

"Ling Xiaomen is willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"Yi Yunzong is willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"Beast control, willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"Guanghanyuan is willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"Nine Emperors, willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"Wanxiangzong, willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"Cangyuejiao, willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"Inextreme Sect, willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"Star Religion is willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"Taiyimen, willing to launch the last battle, never die!"

"And me!" At this moment, a roar like thunder broke into the hall. Everyone looked at it and saw a strong shirtless man strode in. "My giant Yong, on behalf of all ancient bloodlines, is willing to launch the last battle, never die!"