Eastern Continent

Chapter 5, Martial Arts

Long Huaijian said this, went to the sidelines and took a sip of water, and then returned to the team. He glanced through the dozens of disciples who listened carefully, and then said, "Let me demonstrate it. You can look carefully." He reached out to a child in the second group and said, "One of your rows comes out."

This is a 16-year-old teenager, tall and strong, taller than an ordinary teenager. People in Feilongzhuang hunt in the mountains all year round, climb mountains, and exercise to be strong. They all seem to be a little older and taller than their peers. This teenager's martial arts has also entered the late stage of copper leather, with yellow short sleeves on his upper body and samurai trousers on his lower body.

Hearing Long Huaijian's name, the yellow-shirted teenager quickly came out of the queue, his face turned red and he looked excited.

"You are optimistic about what is the realm of copper skin, what is the realm of iron bones, what is the realm of Xuanjin, and what is the combat skills. I will show you one by one." Long Huaijian pointed to a wooden stick about the size of a child's arm and motioned the yellow-shirted teenager to pick it up.

Taking a deep breath, Long Huaijian's body seemed to rise in vain. The muscles outside his clothes seemed to be injected with a stream of air, but they all swelled up and bulged. Under the sunlight, there seemed to be a layer of copper-yellow luster, and his clothes were also bulging muscles. Top it up. Suddenly, Long Huaijian's whole body seemed to have suddenly grown up.


Long Huaijian stretched out his arm and suddenly shouted to the yellow-shirted teenager with a wooden stick.

The yellow-shirted teenager did not hesitate. He raised a stick in his hands, used all his strength, and hit Long Huaijian's arm outside.


The wooden stick and Long Huaijian's arm hit each other, and there was a sound of gold and iron, as if Long Huaijian's arm was not flesh and blood, but made of metal. The wooden stick was bounced up and almost hit the yellow-shirted teenager's forehead.


In the practice field, it seemed to be fried, and it was also like a group of bees that had blown up their nests. A buzzing sound came out in an instant. Have they ever seen such a magical martial arts? In the realm of copper skin, the whole body is really as hard as steel, and the stick can't be broken. According to this power, Long Huaijian doesn't need to carry weapons when he goes up the mountain to hunt. When he meets a beast, he punches down. No matter how thick the fierce beast is, he may be beaten and broken by him.

In the older row, all of them are in the later stage of the copper skin realm, and even a few have entered the iron bone realm. For example, Long Fei and the bronze heads have entered the iron bone realm, so they are among the group of teenagers in the second row, but they dare not hit their arms with wooden sticks. In their imagination, the copper skin realm is just a harder skin. Usually, they will not be cut when they hit some stones when they fall, but it is absolutely unexpected that when they have reached a high level, it is so against the sky. Even if the wooden stick is smashed hard, there is not even a red dot on the skin.

Fortunately, Feilongzhuang has a rule that children are not allowed to fight against the punishment of the iron old. Otherwise, with the martial arts that Longfei has now reached the realm of iron bone, as long as the martial arts and the iron old man's strength, the ruler may not be able to leave traces in the palm of Longfei's hand.

took a long breath, as if to exhale all the gases just inhaled in his body. With the exhalation, Long Huaijian's body became smaller at a visible speed, as if he had just become huge because of inhaled air. At this time, his body The coat looks empty again.

"This is the realm of copper skin. The higher the realm, the more powerful the copper skin will be. If you can practice the innate realm, you may not even cut with a knife. However, in the day after tomorrow, please don't try to cut with a knife. At the same time, this copper skin realm is also the most basic martial arts. In fact, the whole acquired realm is the foundation of martial arts. The more solid the foundation, the higher the future achievements will be. But one thing you should understand that the copper skin realm, even if it is a great success to the innate realm, has many flaws. There are some parts of the whole body, such as the eyes, nose, ears and other facial organs, as well as the neck, ribs, lower yin and other hidden places will always be born with soft ribs, not to mention being beaten with sticks, as long as If you are punched, you will also die. If you fight with others, you might as well serve as the direction of the main attack to ensure that it is unfavorable.

"However, there is one thing you must remember that the copper skin realm has not been cultivated to great success. Don't let others hit you with sticks, even if the realm is lower than you. After all, there is a big difference between using weapons and not using weapons. Only fools can stand still and let people fight. Martial arts, one, pays attention to taking the initiative. Whether it is practicing martial arts or a battle, only by taking the initiative to attack can you win.

After saying that, Long Huaijian turned around and walked quickly to a large stone strip. This was the stone strip that Feilongzhuang people sat when it was cool in the evening. It was two meters long and about seven inches thick. At each end, a stone was used below.


Breathing out, Long Huaijian did not pause or hesitate at all, and his palm split down in the middle of the stone strip.


A slightly dull voice came. With the lifting of Long Huaijian's palm, the seven-inch thick stone bar shook, but it was folded into two pieces from the middle and collapsed.

If everyone is surprised when they see Long Huaijian demonstrate the martial arts of the copper skin realm, then this time they are frightened. Such a thick stone can be cut off with one palm. How much power does this palm have? If it is split on someone's body, maybe the person will be cut into two pieces, leaving only a little skin connected. Even if you practice the copper skin realm, you may not be able to stop Long Huaijian's palm!

"The realm of iron bones, the liquid rotates, injects into the bone marrow, and refines the bone marrow. It is necessary to refine the bone as hard as steel and has nothing to stop it. The upper iron bone realm can break the enemy's blade and block the running horse. Of course, this blade must be used by people in the same realm or low realm. If you are an innate master, don't need to call it a soldier. Blade, even if it is a branch or grass branch, after being injected with internal force by them, it can make the skin of the warriors of the day after tomorrow break blood, smash their bones and drink hatred on the spot. Therefore, copper and iron bones, as the name implies, don't think that these two realms are as firm as steel, and knives and guns are invulnerable. In fact, they are just better than ordinary people's physical quality.

While talking, Long Huaijian's right hand suddenly stretched back and changed strangely. At an impossible angle, he stood diagonally behind him and hit the yellow-shirted teenager with a long stick in his hand.

After the attack, Long Huaijian's arm kept shaking, as if this was not the arm that broke the stone bar and resisted the wooden stick just now, but a soft-skinned snake. The wave-like action gently pushed under the left rib of the yellow-shirted teenager, and then took the opportunity to grab it. The yellow-shirted teenager had not yet react. Come here, the long stick has been robbed by Long Huaijian.

The yellow-shirted teenager was pushed back a few steps before he came to his senses, but by this time, the long stick in his hand was gone.

"This is the realm of Xuanjin. When the cultivation of Xuanjin has reached the extreme, the whole body can be soft or rigid, far or close, large or small, and the whole body seems to have no bones, which can be bent and twisted at will."

"After Xuanjin, there is also the spiritual vein and spiritual vein realm. At this time, the whole body is moistened by liquid, the meridians are unimped, and the essence reaches the whole body. Not only will the life expectancy be slightly extended, but it will also be flexible, responsive, light as swallows, and the strength will be much stronger than the previous realms. If the copper skin is 100 catties of strength, then the iron bone is 150 catties, and the Xuanjin is 250 catties. When it reaches the realm of spiritual vein, it will become 400 catties. And strength is also one of the factors for your victory. You can imagine that if you have more strength than the other party on the battlefield, what will happen if you take a move and smash the opponent's weapons away? It must be the enemy who turned into meat on the cutting board and let you chop it. And if you don't have enough strength, even if you are given a sharp weapon, you can't kill many people. Since ancient times, every great general and marshal who has made great achievements on the battlefield has been born with divine power.

With Long Huaijian's voice, the eyes of the teenagers are getting brighter and brighter, as if a road to make achievements and become a general marshal has appeared in front of them.

"However, martial arts is not unfavorable when you have great strength. Since ancient times, every martial arts master will not win only with strength, but other aspects are ordinary. All those who are called masters are top warriors in many aspects, including strength, combat skills, weapons, etc. Sharp weapons can be obtained from the day after tomorrow. Since ancient times, there have been countless famous weapons. According to ancient legend, there are ten divine soldiers on the mainland, which can shock the world and cry ghosts. Of course, it is impossible for us to get this weapon, but ordinary weapons can still be obtained. As for strength, the acquired realm can be enhanced through continuous training. After reaching the innate realm, it can also enhance internal strength by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. Only combat skills are not easy to obtain. This is a combination of talent and experience. Combat skills include moves, experience, reactions, etc. There are high and low levels between moves, which can of course be obtained by the impart, but your talent is not good and no understanding. Even if you are given a very advanced martial arts move, you can't learn it. Maybe you will lose your life if you are involved in moves; the reaction is also That is, the combination of the agility of the body and the flexibility of the mind, which is not only the accumulation of experience, but also the natural gift of gods; and experience is the easiest to obtain and the most rare combat skill. In order to increase experience, only by constantly fighting and fighting with people can we accumulate rich experience and improve combat skills. However, in the process of fighting, a failure may be injured, dead or disabled. In the end, no matter how rich the experience is accumulated, it will always be empty. Therefore, experience is the easiest and the most difficult to obtain. Some warriors often go deep into dangerous places in order to gain experience, but they often lose their lives because of this.

Seeing the stars in the eyes of the teenagers, Long Huaijian smiled and hit them again: "Therefore, no matter how strong a person is, sooner or later he will be exhausted. At that time, no matter how sharp the weapon is given to him, he will not move. However, if you learn combat skills and will pull out a thousand pounds, use your strength to turn around like Tai Chi, then you can use the least strength to resist the enemy's full attack, and even use their strength to attack them. In this way, you will persist a little longer than the opponent before your strength is exhausted. , you can defeat your opponent first. If you are in the midst of thousands of troops, you can also hold on for a long time, so that you can see the victory coming.

"The following is a demonstration of combat skills, which must be shown through actual combat. Who has thought of it?" Long Huaijian looked at these teenagers eager to try, and each of them seemed to be itchy and wanted to jump up.

"I, I, I." As soon as Long Huaijian's words fell, the second group of teenagers at the peak of copper skin or iron bone raised their hands one after another, including the yellow-shirted teenager who had come out before, were eager to try.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh." Long Huaijian nodded happily and reached out to randomly nod two teenagers, one in blue and one was short and fat in black, plus a thick teenager in yellow, a total of three.

These three, except that the yellow-shirted teenager is the peak of copper skin and is only a little short to break through to the iron bone realm, the other two are real iron bone realm. The tall and thin people are called Gao Kun, and the short and fat people are called Long Huaqiu. They are all warriors who have reached the late iron bone realm. In fact, except for the yellow-shirted teenager who is a teenager, the other two should be called youth. They are both over 20 years old this year and are the earliest disciples following Long Huaijian. As for them, they are also in the line, just to better listen to Long Huaijian's teaching, they can't stand behind Long Fei.

Looking at the excited look of the three teenagers, Long Huaijian nodded secretly and said, "Do you three dare to attack me together?"

"Dare!" The three of them shouted together, with a loud voice and full of air. The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. These three people have been eager to try for a long time. There is nothing to dare there.

"Hmm!" Long Huaijian nodded inconceively, let the three teenagers stand around themselves in triangles, and said to them, "When you attack me later, you must use all your strength and don't keep your hands, you know?"

"I know!" The three teenagers roared at the same time, clenched their fists, and looked at Long Huaijian in an instant. They looked nervous and excited, eager to try.

"Start!" Between the three teenagers who were unprepared, Long Huaijian suddenly roared.