Eastern Continent

Chapter 33, the spirit monkey presents fruit

During the Spring Festival, especially after Long Huaijian led the team to Guhu Town, Long Fei is the most unrestrained. The New Year's time is a middle school holiday. You don't have to listen to Tie Lao's lectures every day, and you don't have to follow Long Huaijian to practice martial arts every day as before. Time is completely controlled by himself. Of course, he did not dare to pull down Tie Lao's homework. Although he did not go to class, he would have to warm up every day and ask Tie Lao when he didn't understand.

No wonder Tie Lao treats Long Fei differently. During the holiday, the whole village will come to ask him for advice every few days. Except for Long Fei, there is no one else. Therefore, every time Tie Lao sees Long Fei come, he smiles and loves him without reservation, and even Tielan looks jealous.

What Longfei has to do every day is to get up early and go to the Black Mountain to train soldiers, eat red Zhu Danguo, practice martial arts, and travel at noon. If you want to play with Tielan, you can be lazy, read a book, and practice your own martial arts in the woods in the afternoon. In the evening, it is a fixed learning time.

He knew that most animals in Montenegro had woken up during the day. At this time, they would encounter them when they entered the mountain. Therefore, they rarely entered the mountain during the day. It was only at dawn, when all the animals there were about to wake up and had the worst reaction. At this time, it was the safest time to enter the mountain.

In the feeling of Longfei, after the increase of a red fruit every day for more than half a year, the scriptures have almost filled the meridians, just like a big river. After a small water injected every day, the river is finally full. In Longfei's imagination, in another half a month, there will still be a red fruit every day. At that time, Xu Tiangong can be filled with Dantian and meridians, making his martial arts a great change, and there may be a qualitative leap.

This day was the third day after Long Huaijian and the others left. Long Fei, as usual, arrived at the peak of training at dawn and began the practice every day. After the red fruit he has eaten every day for half a year, Long Fei is not only changing, but also his body. First of all, his body is much more agile than before. In the past, it took Long Fei half an hour to start from home and reach the training peak. Half a year later, it was just a column of incense, and it has reached the peak of the peak of training. Moreover, the eyesight is also quietly changing. In the past, at dawn, objects within a few feet could only be faintly seen. Half a year later, objects within a few feet could be seen very clearly, no different from during the day, and even objects more than ten feet away could be faintly seen by Long Fei.

All this happened inadvertently, and Long Fei didn't feel much.

As soon as Long Fei climbed the training peak, he saw a dark shadow rushing towards him like a meteor. It was so fast that he could hardly cover his ears. Dozens of feet away, he jumped in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Long Fei's eyes were sharp. He had already seen that the shadow was a little monkey and did not dodge. He opened his arms with a smile and suddenly held the little monkey in his arms. He looked at the little monkey kindly and said, "Xiaohei, why are you waiting for me here so early today?"

The little monkey "squeaked and squeaked" a few times, and his feet were on Long Fei's arm. He sat on Long Fei's shoulder. Hearing the monkey's hand scratching on Long Fei's hair, a monkey grabbed a black fruit, about the size of a baby's fist and stretched out to Long Fei's In front of him, the long tail crossed Longfei's back and wrapped around Longfei's neck. It regarded Longfei's neck as a branch, and Longfei was not surprised to see it.

"Xiaohei, every time I tell you, don't mess with my hair, you just don't listen, do you want me to spank you? ! What kind of fruit is this? Long Fei grabbed the black fruit in the little monkey's hand and put it in front of him. He looked up at the little monkey strangely and said, "What kind of fruit is this? Can it be eaten?"

The little monkey squeaked and took out a red fruit from there for a while. He put it in his mouth and bit it. At the same time, the monkey looked at Long Fei. A monkey pointed to the black fruit in Long Fei's hand and made a move to put it in his mouth.

Long Fei hesitated, put the black fruit in his nose and smelled it first. Suddenly, a fragrance different from the red fruit came to my nose, which seemed to be a kind of milk fragrance, the fragrance of milk. When Long Fei got it just now, he thought it was just a fruit like Danhong fruit. At this time, it seemed that it was not Danhong fruit, but another kind of fruit. The fragrance emitted was also different from Danhong fruit, which was better than the fragrance of Danhong fruit. Be honest and seductive.

Seeing the little monkey squeaking while eating, Long Fei also knew that the little monkey would not hurt himself, and put the black fruit into his mouth at ease.

Long Fei thought that today's fruit would be the same as the red fruit given to him by the little monkey before. In addition to the sweetness, it has only a slight effect. Although it will enhance Xu Tiangong, it is not obvious. It will take time to accumulate to make Xu Tiangong stronger. Therefore, he threw the fruit into his mouth without defense.

But what Long Fei didn't expect was that the effect of this black and inconspicuous fruit was greatly unexpected.

At the first bite, before Long Fei reacted, the pulp in his mouth had just turned into a sweet and clear stream and entered his stomach along his throat. At this time, his mouth was still full of sweetness, as if the pulp was still contained in his mouth.

Long Fei's mouth was so big and close to the mountains and forests, but he had never eaten such delicious fruit. He hurriedly put the fruit to his mouth and took another bite. Everything was the same as before. As soon as the pulp was in his mouth, it turned into a sweet flow and entered his stomach without chewing at all. Such a magical and wonderful fruit, such a fragrant and sweet taste, for a moment, Long Fei was almost suspicious in a dream. Between three or two mouths, this baby's fist-sized fruit entered Long Fei's stomach and added his lips endlessly and said, "There is such a delicious thing in the world. I don't know if there is anything else." Looking up at the little monkey sitting on his shoulder, he saw that he was eating with the red fruit with relish. The blood-red juice kept dripping down the corners of its mouth, as if it had shed a stream of blood. The sweet smell made the dragon fly swallowed saliva.

Long Fei waited for the little monkey to finish eating before he smiled and said to the little monkey, "Xiaohei, this black fruit is really delicious. Do you still have it?"

This time, the little monkey may have been with Long Fei for a long time. As if he understood Long Fei's words, he shook the monkey's head and squeaked twice.

Long Fei smiled shyly, raised his hand to touch the little monkey's head and said, "Go over there and play. I'm going to start practicing."

The little monkey's hand, which had been on Long Fei's head, grabbed Long Fei's hair and squeaked a few times. Suddenly, he jumped up from Long Fei's shoulder. Between two jumps, he jumped to the cross branch of a pine tree and sat down and watched Long Fei.

Long Fei slammed his mouth twice and just wanted to sit down cross-legged. Suddenly, his face changed, as if his nerves had been pulled away. The smile on his face suddenly stopped, and he looked straight at the front without focus. He stared at the boss, his face was full of muscles**, and his body bent down like shrimp.

The little black man was scared by Long Fei's sudden appearance. He stared at Long Fei with his big eyes, forgetting that he was still sitting on the branch and fell straight down. Fortunately, when he was close to the ground, he remembered. His feet stretched out a little on the ground, and then gently jumped forward to offset the falling force and became lighter. Lightly fell to the ground. This hand turned out to be a skill of incomparable light skill. This leap is just right, but it is a pity that Long Fei has no time to look at it due to the sudden situation.

His body trembled, and Long Fei only felt that the general heat suddenly rushed out of his lower abdomen and rushed along the meridians of his body, but there was no certain order, either down, or up, or left to right, as if the heavenly girl scattered flowers, bubbles exploded, scattered in all directions, and this heat was like a red iron. The branch was put into the blood vessels and swam around the body. The heat almost cooked people, making Long Fei sweat as if he were in an oven. The pain of piercing flesh and scraping bones made Long Fei almost unable to help shout out.

Xiaohei approached Longfei and touched Longfei's forehead with his hairy monkey hand. He only felt a burst of fire coming to his face. Longfei's whole body was like a stove, as if it could melt people, and even the little monkey felt hot. The little monkey was so scared that he hurriedly withdrew the monkey's hand and looked at Long Fei's frown and bent body. He was so anxious that he kept scratching his ears and cheeks and squeaking, but there was nothing he could do.

In fact, this black fruit is also a red fruit, which is the final form of the red fruit. It has become black and has sufficient medicinal power, almost a thousand times or even 10,000 times that of the red red fruit. Although this fruit grows on the cold soil, it is naturally full of heat. Every black fruit is almost the same. Like an oven, almost no one dares to eat his stomach directly like this, and Long Fei ate it ignorantly without knowing it.

The heat of this fruit is so high that it seems to be a piece of fiery red charcoal just taken out of the stove, running through the meridians of Long Fei's body.

Long Feifu's heart knew that it was because the black fruit he had just eaten was making a strange thing. He hurriedly sat down cross-legged, put one palm up, put it on his chest, with a lotus finger in one hand, pointed to the sky with his fingertips, and his eyes were slightly closed. Put on the posture of Xu Tiangong and carry out Xu Tiangong to resolve the heat that almost burned his body.

First, slowly try to surround the fire with the internal force accumulated in three years, as if to wrap a layer of oily cloth on the sharp thing, and then gradually close the heat, just follow the usual route of operation, along Renmai, through the lower abdomen, chest, and then to the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head.

Along the way, like the muscles of red iron branches, the whole body's qi and blood keeps expanding, and the meridians seem to burst.

No matter which meridians enter, this feeling of not being cold or hot makes Long Fei hate why he is so greedy.

Every Sunday, it's like turning around before the ghost gate. Sometimes Long Fei really doubts whether he can survive the next Sunday.

Unconsciously, Long Fei has been driving this airflow for 36 weeks. Of course, the pain is gradually weakening. From the beginning of the pain to now, there is only a slight pain. Although it was only an hour, Long Fei also felt as if he had passed for so long.

Now, although he doesn't feel much pain, Long Fei still doesn't want to stop like this. It's not easy to get through the crisis of life and death. At this time, he also knows that this black fruit is extraordinary, otherwise it is impossible to make waves in his body for so long and not take advantage of it. Isn't the pain in front of it in vain?

Therefore, Longfei continued to stimulate the airflow and was still circulating in the meridians of his body. One week and one week, he continued to walk. It was not until 72 weeks that Long Fei slowed down, but it had not stopped, and his internal force was still moving. But at this time, I can't feel the pain anymore.

Although the pain has disappeared, Long Fei will feel the change of his whole body at this time. At this time, the meridians seem to have been greatly increased by this newly added internal force. If it used to be a big river, it is now a surging river. The internal force surges in the river, indescribably smooth, and the internal force in Dantian. The vortex, under the continuous impact of this newly added internal force, is gradually increasing. With the impact of each week of the airflow, it gradually expands out of Dantian.


Long Fei didn't know how many Sundays Xu Tiangong had run. When an airflow returned to Dantian, Long Fei only felt a sudden shock in his body and Dantian, as if something had exploded. The spin in Dantian burst out from Dantian and swept away to the meridians of his whole body.

In the blink of an eye, this airflow permeates every position of the whole body.