Eastern Continent

Chapter 55, trapped beasts still fight

Looking at the situation of the Black Wind Army, it must be that the unit pretending to be the Yingran Army played a role. After all, the Black Wind Legion is just a group of robbers who make a living, are greedy for life and afraid of death, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. The nature of robbers is to run away immediately. Although they are under the means of strong pressure just now, they can also have regular actions, which are more regular than regular troops. Now we know that there is a pure cavalry Yingran army behind their buttocks, as if there is a sharp sword hanging above their heads and will be cut down at any time. It is important to escape for their lives. They still care about your military regulations.

At the beginning, this ** was just like a ripple caused by a small stone, slowly swinging around, but in the blink of an eye, this ** became bigger, as if a huge extraterraith fell into a lake, stirring up huge waves, and layers of wave walls quickly pushed around. In an instant, it covered the whole lake.

Although the generals of the Black Wind Army are strongly suppressed, they are afraid of death and have penetrated into the bone marrow. The Black Wind Army, which has become a habit, can't wait for their parents to have two more legs so that they can escape in front of others. If the enemy wants to kill, then kill their teammates. With this thought, the infantry in front began to spread their feet and ran away, which was also a wind in their ears for the order.

Originally, the troops separated from the regular army led by Liu Si were all cavalry. After seeing that their teammates in front of them did not obey the order and fled desperately, this fear also affected them. Therefore, the whole cavalry also changed their slow movements and rode horses. The son rushed left and right, drove away his teammates who walked slowly because they were blocked behind the team, and urged them hoarsely. Some walked too slowly and were whipped by them, kicked by them, and even several people who blocked their horseshoes were pulled out of their swords and cut to the ground.

As a result, the team in front became longer and longer, becoming a line, intermittent, running fast, unable to see the back, running slowly, but being squeezed into the roadside by the brothers behind, falling off the cliff, sandwiched in the mountain wall, or falling into a ditch. Unfortunately, it was squeezed to the ground and trampled into meat pulp.

Behind the team, the four-legged horse and the two-legged people scrambled to escape. As a result, they were trampled by the horse and stabbed by their own men, and the dead body was covered with mountain roads.

The whole team of the Black Wind Army gradually became chaotic. Horses stepped on people, people pushed horses, and the whole mountain road was not wide. It seems that before the escorts of Guhu Town attacked, more than half of the Black Wind Army had trampled on each other.

Gu Long and Long Fei looked at each other and looked at each other. It looked like the black wind army was majestic and powerful. It was so vulnerable that the army of Guhu Town was defeated before it appeared. Unfortunately, although this kind of mountain road is not conducive to defense, it is not conducive to attack, or even a sneak attack. On one side is a mountain and on the other side is a cliff. Whether it is an attack or a sneak attack, there is no place to start a war.

After husging and pushing, the Black Wind Army lost hundreds of people and finally rushed out of this mountain road and entered a plain. Gang*yuan saw the dust on the left side, and an army with a military flag quickly rushed from the right.

Although he has not yet won the final victory, after seeing the performance of the Black Wind Army, Gu Long also knew that the victory was already in his hands. When he saw the flying dust, he suddenly shocked and laughed with joy and said to Long Fei, "I didn't expect your father to make such a big formation. Look at this flying dust Earth, there are only 2,000 elephants there, at least more than 10,000 people.

Long Fei stared at it, but it was not. Looking at the flying dust, it was surging and fluttering, covering the sky and the sun, and the sky was dyed gray and dark. If it hadn't been for knowing that Long Huaijian had only 2,000 people, Long Fei would have thought that this army had at least 10,000 people.

It turned out that in order to be afraid that there were too few troops, there was little movement, and there was no purpose of scaring the Black Wind Army. When the two thousand cavalry were in action, each horse was tied with branches and dragged to the ground. Between the 2,000 horses, the dust flew and covered the sky and the sun. The spies of the Black Wind Army dared to come close to see, but looking at it from afar, it was like thousands of troops and horses galloping, which was earth-shaking. When they saw the "Jun" flag in the wind, they scared the spies of the Black Wind Army back to report the news.

The war was going on without any suspense. The Black Wind Army was on the dangerous road just before rushing through the south gate of Guhu Town, and the back team was attacked by 2,000 cavalry led by Long Huaijian. The Black Wind Army, which had become a frightening bird, dared to stay, but gave up in vain with a little resistance and desperately fled to the four directions for their lives. Just broke away from Long Huaijian. In the attack of the cavalry, 2,000 cavalrymen rushed out of the woods on the roadside. These two thousand cavalrymen, like Long Huaijian, were also looking for the back of the Black Wind Army. The two thousand guards flew like horses, and their blades blinded the sun. They abruptly cut off the Black Wind Army and cut off more than a thousand slower infantry from the large army.

Black Wind, who was eager to run for his life, actually ignored more than 1,000 people. After the ancient legend rushed out, he thought that he was surrounded by the ancient tiger army and the Ying Ran army. He actually left more than 1,000 people like a gecko, and fled for his life like a homeless dog.

Most of the robbers who fell behind were old, weak, disabled and weak. When they were first surrounded, some former fierce robbers, like trapped beasts, gritted their teeth and fought back against the ancient tiger army. Unexpectedly, Long Huaijian's troops, who followed closely, had also rushed up at this time, and the army led by Gu Shichuan suddenly wrapped up this thousand black winds. Together with the swords, more than half of them were like cutting melons and vegetables, they were suddenly destroyed. When the hundreds of fierce robbers led were killed by the ancient tiger army, the remaining robbers collapsed. Some of them desperately killed a bloody road. Whether it was the barren mountains or the deep ditch and wide rivers, they all plunged in and fled. Hundreds of robbers who could not kill the siege and had time to escape put down their martial arts one after another. Pin knelt down with his head in his hands and begged for mercy from the ancient tiger army with tears in his eyes.

Looking at the tearful faces of the hundreds of surrendered robbers, with a frightened expression and a trembling body like a sieve, the ancient legend also wanted to order the sergeants to tie up after collecting these people' weapons, but unexpectedly, Long Huaijian waved his hand and shouted "kill" the guards, and the blades were raised together and fell like a rainforest. In an instant , kill these robbers like slaughtering pigs and dogs.

After killing these Black Wind Thieves, Long Huaijian did not stop, and led his 2,000 guards of the disguised Yingran Army immediately across here and chased the tail of the Black Wind Army.

When the guards rushed by, those black wind troops who squatted on the ground with their hands on their heads, or knelt on the ground with their hands on the ground, but their heads were all gone, and a stream of blood was sprinkled out like a fountain in their neck. Even those who had not been beheaded were stabbed by a long gun, as if a cracked bucket was flowing blood out.

Gu Shichuan was stunned. Although he killed people without blinking in the war, it was the first time he saw such a cruel slaughter of unarmed people. He only saw it in horror. His stomach turned upside down and was about to vomit. Looking at Long Huaijian's eyes, there was also an unknown special emotion. It is a mixture of fear, surprise, surprise, and even a little disgust.

"Chasing!" When Long Huaijian passed by the ancient legend, he shouted loudly and his eyes flashed on the face of the ancient legend. He, who was shrewd, already knew what Gu Shichuan thought in his heart. Everyone who experienced such a large-scale war for the first time was like this, except for a courage caused by hatred, the rest were negative emotions.

It's just that time is tight now, and there is no time to explain the ancient legend. They must follow the Black Wind Army closely and not give the Black Wind Army any chance to breathe. If the Black Wind Army comes to its senses, it will not be more than their 4,000 unlucky people, and the surrounding villages will be shoveled up by these angry Black Wind Army. They can only follow the Black Wind Army and keep chasing them, making them nervous and their spirits are tightly tied. They can't think of anything other than escape. It is possible to expel them from the scope of Guhu Town. And it will also leave a shadow in their hearts, and they will dare not offend Guhu Town again in the future.

It was not until Long Huaijian chased a distance that the ancient legend seemed to wake up from a dream. He turned his head and looked around at the soldiers who looked at themselves - they also had feelings in their eyes, such as pity, nausea, shock, etc., but they were never disgusted - waiting for their orders.

"Chasing!" The ancient legend waved his hand and chased it first. He was shocked. Now when he hits the water dog, he can neither let Long Huaijian take all the credit, nor can he just let Long Huaijian and two thousand people take risks.

Although the Black Wind Army had kicked the iron plate before, it retreated after only one hit, and the defenders in the city did not dare to chase. They could slowly retreat instead. In other places, even relying on the strong military strength, there were also fierce pursuit of the Black Wind Army, but the speed was not black. The wind army is so fast, and the road is not so difficult to walk. Besides, the pursuers will not be like the guards. They set an ambush in front of them in advance and catch the Black Wind Army off guard. In addition, they are afraid of the attack of the defenders of Yingran City. At this time, they are as panicked as a homeless dog, as anxious as a bird, hurried as a fish that leaks out of the net, all the way straight When he encountered the mountain and overturned the mountain and saw the water passing through the water, he did not dare to stop for a moment, let alone return to the army to rescue the troops who fell behind.

In this way, the Black Wind Army was chased out by the ancient tiger guard. It was as anxious as a lost dog, and rushed across the mountains like a leaking net fish. At this time, it didn't care about the formation. If you escaped one step faster, you could save your life. Therefore, everyone scrambled for the first, and there were some shre Black Wind sergeants who knew to follow most of them. The team was too conspicuous to be chased by the enemy, so it broke away from the main team and fled to the mountains and fields. Although the generals of the Black Wind Army shouted repeatedly, no one listened to it anymore.

After escaping a distance, the Black Wind Army suffered more non-war losses than those destroyed by the Ancient Tiger Army. There were more than 15,000 troops, and there were only more than 9,000 left at this time. In addition to more than 2,000 people who were destroyed by the two waves of Long Huaijian and ancient legends, more than 3,000 people escaped.

However, more than 9,000 people are the core force of this Black Wind Army and the most important team of the Black Wind Army. Each of them is a demon king with blood-stained and killing countless people. These people are tough, fierce, cruel, and regard people's lives like mustard grass. Because they live an impercable life, they are not only cruel to others, but also cruel to themselves. If others cut him, they will try their best to get hurt and cut them back. Seeing that he was chased by the ancient tiger army and a little behind, he was run over by the ancient tiger's guard. The bones were gone. Some black wind army were aroused by blood and no longer ran away. Instead, they turned around and pounced on the ancient tiger army, like a tiger that had been besieged by wolves and could not escape, and rushed over it.

Although these black wind army, just like a few small stones thrown on the huge waves before the huge waves rushed down, but after hitting a few drops of water, they were covered by the huge waves, these actions of these black wind thieves made more black wind pirates who were forced to flee hopelessly by the guards, and also turned around one after another. , rushed to the guard.

Seeing that the Black Wind Army has returned and rushed to attack one after another, the ancient legend has not experienced any large-scale war, and has not found anything wrong, but Long Huaijian secretly complained in his heart. He was excited for a moment and forgot that the trapped beasts in the war were still fighting. The poor crown did not pursue lessons, so that he chased too close, which made the black wind thief feel like he had fled. Hopeless, they turned around and counterattacked one after another.

It turns out that chasing the enemy is also skillful, such as chasing a small number of enemies with powerful soldiers. If it is mainly to scare, it can be hung far away. If you want to destroy a few enemies, you have to catch up with them with a light horse, entangling with them first, and then the large army will go up to encircle and annihilate them. If a small number of troops pursue the enemy of a large army, no matter what the purpose, whether it is, whether it is intimidated or destroyed, it cannot be chased too close or too far. If it is too far to give the enemy a leisurely opportunity to escape, it cannot reach the purpose of threatening and hurt the enemy. If it is too close, the enemy thinks that there is no hope to escape, it will trap the beasts to fight. If the enemy is not destroyed, it will put himself in danger.

Now the ancient tiger army chases more than 10,000 people of the Black Wind Army with 4,000 people. They should hang their tails from afar and occasionally hit them for a while, but they must not fight with the enemy. As long as they cut off part of the black wind thieves at the end of the team at the beginning of the team and destroy them, they can be tired of running for their lives and have no time to take care of* Other places.

However, now the ancient tiger army and the black wind army almost chase each other. The front team has come into contact with the back of the black wind army. The chase is too close, and the team is too long, which gives the feeling that there is a sharp sword hanging over their heads. No matter how they escape, they can never escape the sharp sword. This pressure is too much. So big that they all thought that they could not escape, but were provoked fierceness, so they gave up escaping and turned to the ancient tiger army behind them.

However, it must not retreat at this time. Once it retreats, the details will be exposed in front of the Black Wind Army. Besides, it is too fast to chase at this time, the team is too long, and it is difficult to turn around and retreat. It seems that only by desperately defeating this wave of attacks of the Black Wind Army can we gather troops and rearrange the pursuit.

The idea was set, and Long Huaijian no longer hesitated. He waved his long gun and rushed through the guards and stabbed the oncoming Black Wind Army.

At this time, it was also seen that he was chasing the army too tightly, leading to the counterattack of the Black Wind Army, and the two sides became a state of melee. He and Long Huaijian chased the enemy anxiously and forced the Black Wind Army to fight back, and inadvertently rescued the Black Wind Army from the desperate situation.

With less than twice the strength of the Guards than the Black Wind Army, this battle is more or less auspicious! We will win this battle unless a miracle falls from the sky. The ancient legend turned around and looked in the direction of Guhu Town, as if they could see Gulong and Longfei standing on the top of the city. Will they create miracles?

Although it was still afternoon, the sun was still shining, and the golden light made my eyes hurt.

Gulong and Longfei were still standing at the head of the city. Under the sun, they sweated and paid attention to the dusty battlefield outside the city. Although they had seen the armies of both sides at this time, they still stayed at the head of the city, as if as long as they stood at the head of the city, they could see the battlefield. The war did not win the final victory, and they were not in the mood to return to the tower.

It's not to blame them for worrying that this battle can only win but not lose, and don't win miserably. In this battle, it is not required to completely annihilate the Black Wind Army. As long as the Black Wind Army is frightened and escapes, it will drive them out of the realm of Ancient Tiger Town.

This battle is too risky. The guards of Guhu Town were sent out. At this time, Guhu Town also became an empty city. Not to mention the Black Wind Army's counterattack, even a gang of robbers of one or two thousand people came, and Guhu Town was also broken with one attack. If the 4,000 guards sent out were found by the Black Wind Army, knowing that this was only the threat of Guhu Town, and the whole army fought back and surrounded and destroyed the guard, then Guhu Town would become the bag of the Black Wind Army.

In fact, several people have deduced their strategies countless times before sending troops, and have also replaced themselves in the Black Wind Army. When they saw the reaction of the Ying Ran army, they all felt that this plan was feasible.

However, they have studied countless times, but they did not think that at the time of the pursuit, how far it should be from the Black Wind Army is the appropriate distance, so that the ancient legend and Long Huaijian were excited for a moment and eager to kill the enemy, and actually chased a head and tail, forcing the Black Wind Army to resist desperately.

Under the sunlight, you can faintly see about ten miles away, where the dust rolls like clouds, and the faces of Gu Long and Long Fei become solemn at the same time.