Eastern Continent

Chapter 66, strange play

Looking at Junfeng's gun rain, Long Fei's hand shook, and the long gun bounced up from the ground, like a long snake that had been stepped on its tail. The snake's head stood up, cracked its poisonous teeth, and szzled into the middle of Junfeng's gun rain.

With a few tinkling, Long Fei's long gun kept beating, like a small spring flowing into the mountains and rocks, constantly rushing and flowing with the gap between the stones, jingling, but looking for a gap to rush down.

Although Junfeng changed his marksmanship several times and made the tip of the gun tremble more densely and illusory, like a shadow, he could not stop Long Fei's tip from peneping in anyway. The flexible tip of the gun was like a small fish swimming between the stone cracks, shaking its head and tail, constantly changing various postures, but never hit a stone. .

In Junfeng's gun shadow like thunderstorms, the tip of Longfei's gun continued to penetrate and finally found the true fate. The most deadly gun shadow, his right hand gently shook, the head and tail of the long gun, and cleverly touched the seven inches of Junfeng's long gun. The gun shadow in the sky was like the clear light of the river and sea in an instant, like thunder and disappeared without a trace, as if it had rained and sunny, as if it had never existed.

Junfeng has retreated a few steps for the third time. Since he started to compete with Long Fei, he has retreated a few steps in each move. Now after three moves, he has retreated more than ten steps. In the previous confrontation between Gao Kun and him, almost all of them decided the outcome between several moves. Although there was also a retreat, it was only a strategic retreat for a better attack. Now, they have no choice but to retreat and are forced to retreat. Compared with the two, it is almost a world of difference.

Although the people of Guhu Town still can't see whether Fei and Junfeng have higher martial arts skills, at least they can see that Long Fei can force Jun Feng back, and it may not be so easy for Junfeng to defeat Long Fei.

Long Fei also took a few steps back, and every move was like this. Long Fei used his ingenuity to point at the weakest and most vulnerable part of Junfeng's weapon to change the direction, and also drove Junfeng to force him back. Although this ingenuity is based on all kinds of strength, such as the force brought by Junfeng's gun, the force brought by his own gun, and even the force brought by himself to step in to achieve the goal, after all, there is not much strength of his own, so every time he points Junfeng's long gun, the little force is also declared to be used up, and two The collision of weapons will also produce a reaction force. Long Fei took this reaction force and took a few steps back and exited the range of Junfeng's long gun. After all, it was the first time to use the dragon shooting method. Long Fei was also worried that he would make mistakes due to his unskilledness. As a result, not only could he not force Junfeng back, but he would also take the opportunity to attack and stab himself to make a hole.

Junfeng retreated and entered again. This time, he did not hold the back of the gun with both hands and sprinkled the rain of guns all over the sky, but separated his hands, holding the middle of the gun in one hand, holding the tail in the other hand, striding the meteor approaching, and flying firmly to the dragon with an unprecedented momentum. This gun does not have so many fancy skills, but it has a tragic and solemn momentum. The barrel of the gun stabbed straight over and did not move, as if it weighed a thousand pounds, as if Jun Feng had become a chariot that swept the world, while the long gun in his hand was a big iron gun cast on the chariot, following the chariot rampaging. Steady, tragic, moving forward, but as fast as lightning.

Junfeng picked up his long gun by Long Fei's seven-inch place and almost failed. This time, he learned to be obedient. Instead of holding the tail of the gun and sprinkling some technical guns to confuse Long Fei, he focused on stability and speed. Driven by speed, the weight of this * will be more dignified. In this way, it may be a little difficult for Long Fei to pick Junfeng's long gun again.

Long Fei smiled and thought that Junfeng would always fight with him with a seemingly gorgeous but not easy-to-use shooting method. Although he only held a gun in one hand, maybe he could defeat him with a few more moves and end the battle. Unexpectedly, Junfeng was also a smart man. After three moves, he found his shortcomings and Long Fei's strengths, and came up with a way to deal with it.

Among the onlookers next to the school, only those who have entered the spiritual realm of martial arts can see that Junfeng has been forced to change his moves by Long Fei. Although ancient legends and Gao Kun and others couldn't understand it, they also expected that Junfeng would definitely not be able to get benefits from Long Fei's hands, so they had to change their moves.

As for other people, they only saw the difference in shooting techniques before and after Jun Feng. In front of them are long guns dancing like silver flowers, which are dazzling. They can't see the head of the gun clearly. It is 100 times better than some street tricks, but the back seems to have become a child's tricks. One move is old. An honest move, no change, no illusion, as if the gun suddenly increased the weight of hundreds of kilograms, making Jun Feng almost unable to swing. Although they didn't understand the strength of the two shooting techniques, they also guessed that it must be because of Long Fei that Jun Feng was damaged, and they couldn't help cheering loudly.

Looking at the long gun stabbed by Jun Feng, Long Fei took a step back and suddenly made an unexpected action. He actually turned the long gun upside down and poked hard. Although the soil in the school yard was hard, it could not stop the sharp gun tip. Long Fei inserted it hard down, and the whole tip of the gun was half. After sinking into the ground, the whole long gun was inserted upside down on the ground, and Long Fei only grabbed the tail of the gun with his right hand, as if he had been under heavy burden after such a long fight.

The audience didn't understand, and they all stared at it and became nervous. In particular, several old guys on the North Stand who used to sit still stood up one after another and stared at Long Fei.

When Junfeng's long gun was less than two feet away from Long Fei's chest, Long Fei suddenly moved. Instead of pulling out the gun with his right hand, he held the tail of the gun with his right hand and kicked it in the position of the gun. The tip of the gun plowed a deep ditch on the ground and flew out of the ground with a cloak of dirt, as if the ground suddenly burst out. The soil with the long gun covered Jun Feng.

Junfeng absolutely did not expect that some people would use guns like this. This is no longer like shooting, nor is it like a competition between masters, but a fight between scoundrels. Looking at the dirt and sand covered all over the sky like his previous gun rain, Jun Feng couldn't help narrowing his eyes. If he was fascinated by the dirt at this time, the result could be imagined. When he narrowed his eyes, his hands also paused, and the momentum of the long gun suffocated, as if he had entered a pool of mud, with no force, but everywhere.

The Long Fei's long gun came quickly, and the swinging gun body hit Jun Feng's gun body when Jun Feng's long gun was only half a foot from his chest. Long Fei's gun was not used by hand, but kicked out with his feet, which was fierce. However, Junfeng's long gun was slightly weakened by the influence of the soil. Jun Feng only felt that his hands were shaken. Although the force had been increased, the long gun was still shaken up like the previous three moves.

Junfeng stepped back a few times and looked at Long Fei. All kinds of emotions of anger, shame and surprise came. He didn't know how to describe his feelings at this time. Long Fei's martial arts were obviously nothing strange, and there was nothing to show that Long Fei's martial arts skills were higher than his own level, but he suppressed himself everywhere, regardless of himself What moves have been used? Long Fei has corresponding cracking moves, and these moves are unimaginable. The moves are unexpected. You use tricks, I use clever moves, you use practical moves, and I use Lai tricks. Long Fei's move can only be called Lai Pi's play.

Long Huaijian and Gu Long laughed at the same time and shook his head. Long Huaijian looked at Gu Long and said, "Brother, can you see his martial arts now?"

"I can't see it!" Gu Long laughed and said, "However, I guess it must be no lower than Jun Feng, and it may be slightly better, otherwise it is impossible to crack it so easily, like a child's play."

Junfeng's face was so gloomy that water was dripping, and his eyes were as cloudy. This time, he didn't even say anything about the scene. He held a gun in both hands, and as just now, stepped towards Long Fei. The long gun was handed out to the dragon fly like a stone, which was not much different from the move just now, but this time the long gun was lower, faster and angry. The momentum was even more fierce. Although there were tens of millions of people, my anger suddenly echoed on the campus!

Long Fei smiled and inserted the head and tail of the long gun into the ground, and this time it was deeper and more stable. Then, he stood quietly beside the gun and looked at Jun Feng and his stabbed long gun.

Junfeng was stunned. He used the same move as last time, but he didn't expect that Long Fei also used the same move as last time!

Not only Junfeng is stunned and incomprehensible, but also the onlookers next to the campus are incomprehensible. It's like a martial arts competition, and it's almost the same as playing games. The ancient legend is even more bitter. It turns out that martial arts can still be like this, and it's not that one move is martial arts.

In fact, what others don't know is that Long Fei relies on his martial arts to be a higher level than Jun Feng. His reaction and actions will be faster than Jun Feng. Jun Feng's liquid is far less than his martial arts. He dares to rub the game in martial arts like this, but he just restrains Jun Feng. If you fight with a warrior who is also innate realm, Long Fei really dares not be so big.

The gun ran quickly and approached two feet in front of Long Fei's chest in an instant. At this time, the dragon flew. This time, it was not his feet, but his hands. He grabbed the tail of the gun with his right hand and went down to the board hard. Bai Lamu's good elasticity was almost connected by the head and tail of the dragon flying board, bent into a circle, and then let go of the suddenly popping up the gun barrel, imitating Buddha's cannon, which shot out of the gun, only crossed a phantom. Jun Feng's powerful shot was sent up as if he had drilled countless times in advance, and was just hit by a long bullet.

Junfeng's hands shook again. Although it had been expected in advance that he had lowered his posture and strengthened his hands, this blow still shook his hands, and this blow hit the seven inches of the long gun. Under the shock of the long gun, it turned to a He flew up obliquely and had no choice but to take a few steps back and distance himself from Long Fei.

After hitting Junfeng's long gun, the white wax gun was bounced back. Long Fei stretched out his right hand and easily grabbed it in his hand. However, the strong force brought out of the gun also pushed Long Fei back one step back.

What Jun Feng feels like now? Others don't know, but he himself knows that there is anger, some anger and anger, but more curiosity, and even funny. What kind of move is this? What kind of fighting is this? His fierce shot was actually broken by him as a child's play.

The people next to the school are stunned again. Is this a martial arts competition? This is a game between children!

Wang Guiping rubbed his hair, stood up, sat down again, stood up again, and then sat down, and finally said, "His grandma, is this also martial arts?"

Gu Long patted Wang Guiping on the shoulder and said, "If you don't understand, continue to read it slowly!"

Huang Zhijun stroked his beard and laughed, "Okay, don't stick to the moves, respond to the situation, and be clever and casual. Brother Long, your son is not an ordinary person!"

Long Huaijian smiled helplessly and said, "Brother Yang is flattered. What makes you laugh is that this boy always laughs and scolds freely. Even I don't know what he is thinking!"

"This is the temperamental person. Does it make such a small child, like us old men, pretend to be dark all day long, as if they are worried about the country and the people all day long? That looks too boring!" Huang Zhijun didn't think so.

Lao Chen smiled, and the wrinkles on his face also unfolded a few times. He said softly, "Guys, let's continue to see how Long Fei raises his eyebrows for our ancient tiger town."

Wang Guiping straightened his waist and said, "Exactly, I'm not ashamed to say that Long Fei's martial arts have opened my eyes. I still want to steal some tricks."