Eastern Continent

Chapter 74, Montenegrin Beast

At the peak of practice, Long Fei saw the little monkey.

The little monkey also found everyone somehow. As soon as they walked to the foot of the mountain, the little monkey had jumped down from the peak. Thinking that he had not seen Long Fei for a long time, he rushed into Longfei's arms and screamed. The two little monkeys kept pulling out Longfei's clothes and hair. It was not until Long Fei held it down that he stopped. However, he still squeaked and turned his somersaults repeatedly. The joy could be seen at a glance.

When Long Fei said that he was going to look at Tianfeng, the little monkey may have been often heard of people looking at Tianfeng. Long Fei just mentioned it, and it squeaked, jumped down from Long Fei's arms, took Long Fei's hand, and walked forward.

The psychic cuteness of the little monkey opened Long Huaijian and others, especially Tielan, who loved the little monkey very much. Several times she wanted to reach out and touch it, but she was afraid that the little monkey would be disgusted and withdrew her hand back. Finally, it was Long Fei who encouraged her to reach out and touch tremblingly, probably because Long Fei was watching Maybe it's because the little monkey also likes Tielan. When Tielan stretched out her hand, the little monkey lowered her eyebrows and let Tielan touch it.

As soon as the copper head saw the little monkey, his eyes were shining. If it hadn't been for the little monkey making a fierce look at him, the copper head would have jumped over and picked it up. This was to see that Tielan could touch the little monkey. His eyes were extremely hot. He just wanted to reach out and touch it, but the little monkey would have raised his teeth again. If it weren't It contracted so fast that it almost bit him.

Long Fei laughed and patted the little monkey on the head and said, "Just bite him. Don't let him touch you!"

The copper head blushed and muttered, "If you don't touch it, don't touch it. Isn't it rare!"

Under the leadership of the little monkey, Long Huaijian and others knew that the Black Mountain was so difficult to walk. Not to mention the path, even the stones exposed the bare spots on the ground could not be seen. All the stones were buried under the dead leaves and grass. However, under the dead leaves and long grass, there are not only stones, but also ravines. The rotten grass and dead leaves accumulate in it. If you don't pay attention to it, you will fall through the blood. If it weren't for the little monkey to lead the way, not to mention the iron old, even Long Fei would not have found the way to look at Tianfeng.

Along the way, what frightened the six people but opened their eyes was that they saw many Black Mountain beasts that they had not seen before, but also had not even heard of, such as gray armor foxes with bone armor, black hair but white-faced white-faced foxes with black hair but white faces. The ground, gray apes walking like human beings, etc. When these beasts saw Long Fei and others, they all chirping, their eyes showed fierce light, their four hoofs were digging the ground, their bodies were lowered, and they looked like they were about to rush over. However, when they saw the little monkey, they seemed to see their natural enemies. The little monkey just opened their hands wide, and their small eyes were round and their mouths squeaked. These wild people fled with their tails between their tails as if they saw something frightening them. The gray armor fox finally met Long Fei and others. He was really reluctant to give up this delicious meal. He only hesitated and retreated a little slowly. He saw a gray shadow passing by like lightning. The little monkey immediately fell on the gray armored fox. As soon as his claws were pulled, the hard bone armor of the gray armored fox was cut open by the little monkey's claws. Mouth, blood surged in the wound, and under the pain, the gray armored fox no longer cares about the food that came to its mouth and turned around and hurriedly fled.

What surprised the six people more was that they saw the legendary largest beast in Montenegro. Moreover, he was almost buried in the breath of the giant beast!

When Long Fei and other six people walked to a relatively flat trough, they were careless and didn't look at all the beasts they encountered along the way. The little monkey, who was squeaking all the time, suddenly closed his mouth, looked around with a round monkey's eyes warily, and his nose wrinkled, and a big disaster was coming. The appearance of the head.

Influenced by the little monkey, everyone became nervous and couldn't help lowering the volume of their words. At the same time, the four people who could do martial arts also pulled out their rear organs and looked around warily.

Along the way, the six people saw the strength of the little monkey. The beast they met, no matter how big or small, was shocked by the little monkey's scream and hurriedly turned around and fled. Under such prestige, there are beasts that make the little monkey so careful and alert. What kind of beast will this beast be?

Suddenly, the earth shook, as if a mountain was collapsing, or a boulder was rolling down from the mountain. At the beginning, everyone only felt a vibration. When they pulled, they heard a drum-like sound, a roar, from far to near, from light to heavy. At the beginning, there was only a slight vibration. Up to now, this vibration is about to shake everyone up. This vibration made several people panic and run away, and their feet could not touch the ground, almost half jumping and half running.

With the earthquake-like vibration and sound, a giant turned from behind a mountain about ten feet high.

This is a giant beast that six people have never seen before. The beast is seven or eight feet long, and its skin is like the surface after weathering. Its head is large and round, and its radius is about one foot. It points one of the weight of the body. Under the head is a thick neck, and the body under its neck is bigger than the house of the Long Fei family. Double, it takes two adults to hold the thick limbs together. A thick tail is at least three feet long. As the beast moves, the long tail dances from time to time, as if a hurricane swept by. Rows of trees are swept up to the waist, and even some small peaks are swept to the ground. That kind of momentum is like Buddha and earth shake together.

The beast walked step by step, which seemed to be extremely slow, but because its body was too large and its legs were thick and long, it could cross a few feet in one step. From the feeling of vibration, the beast turned out of the mountain and came to everyone for only a quarter of an hour.

Looking at this huge thing, all six people were stunned and forgot to be afraid.

"Squeak, squeak..." The little monkey straightened his always arched body like a big enemy, leaned forward slightly, opened his eyes wide, and there was a rare color of tension in his eyes. His lips screamed repeatedly and made a threatening look.

The giant beast came step by step, didn't look at the little monkey like the king in the mountain, and turned a blind eye to the threat of the little monkey. When approaching, the thick long tail danced like a hurricane swept away, and broke a two-foot-high mountain not far from Long Fei and others, and half of the broken mountain was broken by the giant beast. The tail was dragged and rolled down from above until it rolled in front of everyone before stopping.

"Ah!" The youngest Tielan shouted first, covered her face with both hands, looked at the house-like beast with fear, and staggered back.

The giant beast turned a blind eye to the prestige of the little monkey, but shouted at Tielan, as if it had been greatly stimulated. His big head raised his head, his yellow eyes, and looked at the few little people standing in front of it. His nostrils s snorted a few times, and then cracked his huge mouth, as if the thunder was ringing, and the mountain The earth cracked, the huge waves beat the shore, and a roar that could tear the world came out of the open mouth of the giant beast. The sound was so loud that there was an obvious air wave that rushed out of the mouth of the giant beast, like a huge wave in the sea, one wave after another, connecting and rushing forward.

The six people just stood in front of the giant beast. First, their ears were tingling by the loud noise, as if they had suddenly become deaf. Before they could react from the shock, the wave came. This wave was more powerful than the internal strength of a martial arts master, covering the face. The mountain fell and covered the six people.

The iron ancestors and grandchildren were the first to be unable to withstand the impact. The two seemed to be swept up by a tornado. In an instant, their feet left the ground and flew back. Then, there were copper heads, and their hands and feet waved repeatedly and shouted loudly, but they could not stop retreating. They had no choice but to follow the ancestors and grandchildren of the Tie family in an instant. Go away.

Long Huaijian and Tong Kun were connected to the copper head, and they were also retreated by the waves. Their feet were floating and staggered. They almost rose up, followed by the three people in front of them and fell to the flat grass at the bottom of the valley.

Long Fei did not rise by the waves like the five people. This is not because Long Fei's martial arts skills are higher than those of them, but because he is clever. When he sees the giant beast open its mouth, he is worried that the roar of this giant beast is too loud. Standing in the front will have a certain impact on his ears, so he has subconsciously turned sideways to avoid the front. Unexpectedly, the loud sound of the giant beast was far beyond his own expectation. As soon as he roared, it was like a thunder and earthquake, and the nine mountains were deafening. Not only was the deafening, but the air wave that followed the sound actually blew the other five people away.

The little monkey reacted faster. When the giant beast opened its mouth, it had jumped up and rushed to the huge face of the giant beast, like a shell out of its sheath. In an instant, it jumped on the big face of the giant beast. The small claws waved like a sharp blade and kept cutting vertically and horizontally on the surface of the giant beast, but the thick skin of the giant beast Like the weathered surface, as hard as a stone, although the little monkey's sharp claws can tear the appearance of the colorful king snake and the gray armored fox, it can't help but the skin of the giant beast. Although the little monkey keeps waving its claws, it can only leave white marks on the face of the giant beast, which is not harmful to the giant beast.

However, the giant beast was disturbed by the little monkey, but it was also very annoyed. The huge head shook repeatedly and wanted to throw the little monkey down. Although the little monkey can't hurt the giant beast, its sharp claws are tightly grasped on the giant beast's face. No matter how the giant beast shakes its head, the little monkey is always as stable as a big tumor growing on the giant beast's head.

Although the giant beast's skin is as hard as steel and invulnerable, it is also helpless for such a small monkey. Whether it shakes its tail or opens its teeth, it can't reach the little monkey's body. Although the little monkey's claws are as strong as a blade and can crack the lion and leopard, and even stones can be scratched with one claw, it is also helpless for this giant beast. Whether it grabs the giant beast, it only leaves a white mark, but the giant beast is unharmed. Of course, the little monkey will also pick some weak claws of the giant beast, such as eyes and nose, but unfortunately, as long as it grabs the eyes, the giant beast will quickly close its eyes. Even if the little monkey keeps scratching, it is difficult to hurt.

The two beasts, one is the largest and the other is the smallest, the big one is like a house, and the small one is less than two feet tall, which is extremely different, but the two seem to be a natural opponent. No matter how the little monkey attacks, the giant beast is irrelevant; although the giant beast attacks the little monkey, under the flexible body, there is no one of the little monkey. It can hit the target. For a while, the two beasts fought inexpisable.

Long Fei had no time to watch the battle between the little monkey and the giant beast. When Tielan and Tie Laogang were shaken by the roar of the giant beast, he hurriedly turned around and chased after him. Among the five people who fell, Long Huaijian, Tong Kun and Tongtou often practiced martial arts. They were all strong men. They often fell and rolled, and even suffered some minor injuries, but they didn't care at all. At this time, even if they made them fall firmly, it was just an accident when they practiced martial arts. After a slight injury, I endured the pain and passed.

But the iron ancestors and grandchildren are different.

Tielan has never learned martial arts. Her body has no toughness at all. Moreover, the girl is young and light and is blown as far as the highest by the giant beast. In the place where she is about to fall, there are rocks. If she really falls down firmly, even if she can't get a life, half of her life will be removed. It is inevitable to hurt her muscles and bones. It may also be disabled.

However, Tie Lao has never practiced martial arts, and he is old and weak. Even if he has not suffered any accident, he has long been a remnant of the wind wax. At this time, although he flew as high as Tielan, but with his physical condition, if he fell firmly, it is likely that even the wind wax would fall away.

Although Long Fei chased after him, the distance between Tie Lao and Tie Lan was at least two feet away. At the speed of Long Fei, it was more than enough to save the next one. If he wanted to save them, he was just an idiot's dream talk. Maybe neither of them could be saved at that time.

If only I could have Xi Lao's martial arts skills. I was entangled in Fei's heart. I don't know whether to save Tielan or Tie Lao first.