Eastern Continent

Chapter 80, the origin of the secret

The day after the teacher, several people returned to Wangtian Peak and stood where they went up the mountain on a winch. Long Fei looked at the three Long Huaijian standing opposite him. At this time, he found that Long Huaijian and Tong Kun, who had always been old, also had wrinkles on their faces, and Tie Lao, his face was old and full of wrinkles. In the past six months, he had actually been much older.

"In the future, the three of them will ask the master to bother." Tie Lao held his fists and bowed solemnly to Xi Lao.

Xi Lao put his palm on his chest, gave a salute, and smiled slightly, "Don't worry, three, I won't tell you about this. They are all my apprentices, and I naturally want them to learn something!"

Long Huaijian and Tong Kun also saluted heavily and said, "Then we are here to thank the master. In the future, if they are stubborn and do not listen to the teachings, please punish them severely."

Xi Lao hurriedly helped them up and said with a smile, "We don't have to be polite. It's also troublesome to say goodbye like this. They are your sons and granddaughters, but they are also my apprentices, masters, like fathers. If they don't obey, I will definitely not be polite to them. You don't have to be polite to me.

"Haha... Long Huaijian laughed, turned his head and told Long Fei and others a few words, and then said goodbye to Xi Lao: "In that case, let's say goodbye!"

It was inconvenient on the mountain, and Xi Lao did not keep them. He called Lin Kedang and asked him to take the little monkey and send Long Huaijian out of the mountain.

"Xiao Lanzi, don't worry about practicing martial arts here. We will take good care of your grandfather, so you don't have to worry!" Long Huaijian looked at Tielan's worried eyes and knew what she was worried about. Tie Lao was getting older and his health was getting worse day by day. He really had to be taken care of by someone around him. This time, if he hadn't been used his internal strength to dredge the meridians and take an elixir, the situation might have been a little worse. In the past, when I walked around the village, I also felt breathless, but now, I don't feel tired when I climb in Montenegro. Of course, this is Tielan's heart, and the reason why he wants to follow him is also the credit of Xi Lao's rescue.

Looking at the three people walking out of the mountain under the leadership of Linkang and the squeaking little monkey, the three and a half-old children who had never left their home since childhood were a little sad at this time. Their eyes turned red, and Tielan's tears kept dripping like rain.

"Ha ha..." Seeing the expressions of the three people, Xi Lao suddenly smiled and said, "I pretended to be so resolute just now, but now I wipe my tears again."

Long Fei wiped his tears with his sleeves, stared at Xi Lao, and then said, "I'm touching the scene. I shed tears when I saw Xiao Lanzi's tears!"

"That's right, Xiao Lanzi cried because she cared about her grandfather, and we didn't cry!" The copper head also said behind Long Fei. Since meeting Xi Lao and Bai Xi Lao as his teacher, in front of Xi Lao, the clever woman-like tongue of the bronze head seemed to have been taken off. She was quiet all the way and rarely spoke. She even stopped talking except for a few good questions. At this time, she also shouted behind Long Fei. It was obvious that she gradually adapted to Xi Lao and saw Xi Lao. He is not like other martial arts masters, arrogant and cold, but approachable, often smiling and squinting, so he is bold and dares to say a few words in front of Xi Lao.

Tielan was embarrassed by the two. Her face turned slightly red. She stared at Long Fei and Copper's head. Because she was distracted, she finally stopped crying and burst into laughter.

Xi Lao smiled and said to Shi Zhanguo and Zuo Dun, "You two take the bronze head and Tielan up the mountain on a winch. Long Fei, you'd better climb the ladder with me." Turn around and walk to the other side of Tianfeng.

Looking at the winding ladder, like a dragon rushing to the sky from the deep pool, Long Fei raised his face and said, "Master, why do they sit on the winch for the second time, but you take me here to climb the stairs every time? It seems unfair!"

Xi Lao knocked on Long Fei and said with a smile, "If you think it's unfair, you can go sit on the winch instead of climbing."

Long Fei touched his forehead and muttered, "Master is destined to resist."

Xi Lao smiled slightly, pushed his body forward, surpassed Long Fei, and said lightly, "If you dare not resist, follow me!"

"All right!" Long Fei rolled his eyes hatefully at Xi Lao's back and carried Tiangong. He followed the meridians taught by Xi Lao that day and rushed to his feet. His feet kept sliding forward alternately, as if he had installed a pulley under his feet. However, the pulley did not slide downward, but up, so, The feeling of flying appeared again.

At the beginning, Long Fei stepped out alternately and could follow Xi Lao, as if he was still comfortable. While walking, he was still holding his family with Xi Lao.

"I heard that except for a small part of your martial arts learned from your father, the rest are learned by yourself in "Secrets of Heaven"?" Xi Lao took an understated step and insisted on walking in front of Long Fei, asking casually.

"Yes!" Long Fei immediately said. Long Huaijian told Xi Lao about this yesterday. When he went back, he also told Long Fei the result. Xi is always Long Fei's master, and this kind of thing can't be hidden from him. Long Huaijian is just a martial artist at the peak of the acquired realm. In this life, there is little hope for the innate. A martial artist who has no hope for the acquired peak of the innate realm has taught an apprentice who entered the first-line realm in the early age of ten. Although I dare not say that this is absolutely not, even if there is a warrior in the acquired realm The apprentice who taught the innate realm is also piled up by some big families with money, but Feilongzhuang is not like a big family and does not have the financial courage of a big family. There is no better explanation except Long Fei's adventure.

After thinking about it again and again, Long Huaijian finally told Xi Lao about what Long Fei learned from "Secrets of the Sky". In fact, this is also beneficial to Long Fei. Xi Lao can only teach according to his aptitude by knowing the source of Long Fei's martial arts.

"You have good luck. You actually learned martial arts from "The Secret of the Heaven". Do you know what book "The Secret of the Heaven" is?" Xi Lao smiled and looked at Long Fei with a slightly surprised look.

"I don't know, maybe it's a book of martial arts! Does the master know?" Long Fei shook his head. He was also very curious about this book. The whole book is not thick, but just a few pages of Liao Liao. In addition to a picture, it is the preface and general outline. The preface introduces the origin of the book, but the general outline is the essence of the whole book. In addition to explaining the meaning of martial arts, he also puts the position of this book very high. Except for this book, there is no book that can be called martial arts secrets.

"Wu Xue Qi Shu!" Xi Lao shook his head and smiled, "This kind of book that others don't want can actually let you learn martial arts from it. I can't help but say that you are really lucky."

"Ah!" Long Fei screamed. Unexpectedly, this matter was beyond Long Fei's expectation. He always thought that this "Secret of the Heaven" must be a competition for everyone. He did not hesitate to fight back from his brothers, and the father and son had to grab the martial arts book. Unexpectedly, what was said from Xi Lao's mouth was a book for others, which made Long Fei say nothing. No Forbidden repeated Xi Lao's words again: "A book that no one else doesn't want?"

"Ha..." Xi Lao's hands were behind him, and his whole body glided lightly on the stairs. No matter how hard Long Fei jumped, he was always in front of Long Fei. The two were still the same distance at the beginning, not far and neither close. When Long Fei jumped over the second steps, Xi Lao's speed was also faster. Point, when Longfei's power did not continue and his speed slowed down, Xi Lao also unconsciously slowed down. The leisurely attitude is like walking in a leisurely court. Hearing Long Fei's words, he laughed and did not look back. He said, "Do you want to know the origin of this book?"

"Think!" Long Fei didn't have to think about it, so he immediately agreed. Although Long Fei seemed to be talking to Xi Lao at will, in fact, he had always wanted to surpass Xi Lao. Unfortunately, although he had tried his best, even if he sometimes suddenly broke out, his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed forward dozens of steps in an instant, Xi Lao, who walked in front of him seemed to have eyes behind his head, and his speed was sudden. He accelerated and glided dozens of steps up, always in front of Long Fei.

Along the way, no matter how hard Long Fei tried and how he broke out, the distance between the two remained unchanged. Xi Lao still glided in front of Long Fei across four steps.

Lao's hands are behind him, his clothes are fluttering, his feet are sliding, but his upper body is motionless. At a glance, he looks like a fairy who goes down to the earth, elegant and elegant. He laughed and said, "If I want to tell you this, I have to talk about the three strange books and three famous books in the world."

"What are the three strange books and three famous books?" This was unheard of, which aroused Long Fei's curiosity and even forgot the slight soreness of his legs at this time.

In the whole continent, if you ask the older generation of martial artists what books are the most famous, they will definitely say three strange and three books. The three strange books are "The Family", "The List of Demon Gods" and "The Record of Emperors"; the three famous books are "The Secret of the Heaven", "God's Secret" and "Stealing the Sky".

Among the three oldest sects in the world, each sect has a martial arts secret book like a treasure of the town school, such as the General's Family, the Devil's Palace's List of Demons Palace, and the most mysterious miracles of the Emperors. These three books are collectively known as the three strange books in the world, each of which knows these three People of the sect know that they have these three strange books. In addition to the experience of some leaders of the past dynasties, other martial arts are from the secrets of their respective sects, and these three strange books are the secrets of the secrets of the three sects.

As for the three famous books, few people in the mainland now know about them, but if you mention them to the older generation of martial artists like Xi Lao, they will definitely be famous, like thunder. And everyone who hears this book, the first person's reaction is not how surprised, greedy, how concerned, but funny, can't help laughing from the bottom of his heart, as if these three famous books are three books full of jokes and humorous books. In fact, these three books not only do not only make people laugh, but also have the beginning. People who read this book will not help but feel surprised and incredible.

The three strange books are the treasures of the three ancient sects, created by their ancestors. Later, after the supplement of the leaders of the past dynasties, they gradually improved. It is also because of these three strange books that these three sects have their current status.

No one knows the source of the three famous books. They only know that these three books appeared on the mainland hundreds of years ago and appeared almost at the same time. Each of these three books seems to be a method of cultivating immortals and practicing Taoism. It seems that these three books are written by some people who practice immortals and Taoism, as long as they practice according to the methods written in the book, they can become immortals and become Taoism in the future and the world is invincible. Since the emergence of these three books, the whole continent has set off a bloody storm. In order to grab this book, everyone did not hesitate to calculate and kill in all kinds of ways, killing blood into rivers and corpses gathered like mountains.

Everyone who grabs this book seems to have evaporated from the world. They coincidentally choose a hidden place to hide, practice hard day and night, and are exhausted. As a result, after a year, a few years, or decades later, none of these people who grabbed the book could learn a trace of martial arts from the book.

In this way, those people who grab books changed from ecstasy at the beginning to irritability. After decades, at the end of their lives, but they still couldn't pay attention to martial arts from the book, they turned into regretting that they had killed so many people and made so many enemies for their descendants. What I regret more is that if I didn't grab this book when I was young, but practiced according to my original martial arts, I would have succeeded in learning at this time. I won't be like this. Not only did I not learn martial arts from the book, but I would delay my original martial arts skills. As a result, he was not only driven up by his brothers, but also by his enemies.

In this way, everyone who grabs the book sends this resentment to the book itself.

However, to the surprise of these people, although these three books can't let them learn martial arts from it, the book is indeed a strange book. Whether they tear it or tear it or not, the book is still intact. No matter how much power they use, they can't pull it at all. There are even people who have cut it with knives and axes, but they can't cause any damage to this book. Later, after careful study, they were surprised to find that these three books were made of a rare silk woven cloth.

Whether it is a silkworm or a silkworm, there are many people who have seen on the mainland, but many people know that the cloth woven with silk is not soaked in water and fire, and the knife is not rotten. It is actually the best self-defense thing for scholars. I don't know who is generous to such a state that the silkworm silk we dreamed of is actually used to make A book like this.

In this way, everyone who grabs the book began to pay attention to it again. They have never seen a strange book that can't be immersed in water, can't be burned by fire, and can't crack with knives and axes. If what is written in the book is full of meaningless words, they will not believe anything. Even if they can't understand the mystery, it is good for future generations to continue to understand.

However, although they can't learn martial arts from the book, others don't think so. Since knowing the uniqueness of these three books, the mainland has set off a bloody storm around these three books for a period of time, killing the corpses, the sun and the moon without light, and the whole continent. The color of the book changed, and the disaster lasted for decades before it slowly faded down.

Later, more and more people knew that although these three books were strange books, they were useless except that they were woven with silk for a day. Everyone who grabbed not only did not learn martial arts from the book, but also brought disaster to themselves and his family. Gradually, fewer and fewer people participated in the competition for this book. In recent decades, no one has paid attention to where these three books have gone and into what hands they have.

These three books have changed from the original strange books to three famous books. Although the book is famous, it is not a good name, but it is notorious!

What Xi Lao didn't expect was that Long Fei learned martial arts from the Secret of Heaven, one of the three famous books. Although it was only the beginning, it was no less than the treasure of the town school of the Tians ladder.

Since you can learn martial arts in "Secrets of the Sky", what about the other two books "Stealing the Sky" and "God's Secret"?