Eastern Continent

Chapter 102, Fierce Battle 3

The two horses turned another circle, and the beginning and the end were still connected, while Shan Qing and Long Fei just turned in one direction, and the two were still facing the left. Long Fei's long gun was still attacking and moving forward, while Shan Qing's thin knife was still defensive step by step, and the thick knife seemed to take root in his chest, still motionless.

There is an old saying: long, strong, short and short.

Now Long Fei relies on a long gun that is slightly longer than a thin knife and rushes to give full play to its strong characteristics, while Shan Qing can only defend, which is indeed dangerous and dangerous.

The two horses turned another circle.

Long Fei's body was slightly sideways, and as if it was last time. The head of the gun trembled, and the bright tip of the gun reflected the sun that was about to fall into Montenegro, shaking out a little starlight, like a scattered flower of a heavenly girl, and sprinkled on Shan Qing. No matter who sees the phantom of the tip of the gun, they can't help squinting their eyes to avoid being phantomed by the light and can't see the situation in front of them clearly.

Shan Qing is the same. As long as Long Fei's long gun attacks, he narrows his eyes, and at the same time, the thin knife is raised obliquely, looking at the true son in the shadow of the gun like stars, and then the thin knife blocks up.

This time, Long Fei was not the same as before. After the two weapons were attacked, he took advantage of the situation and changed his moves, but the thin knife did not arrive. He held the barrel in his hands and twisted it. The long gun suddenly turned. After a while, the rain-like gun shadow dissipated in an instant, leaving only a cold shining gun tip, changing direction, from the thick knife. Go down to the position of Shanqing's lower abdomen. Although Long Fei's move this time was sudden, it seemed natural.

Shan Qing's thick knife finally moved. His right hand seemed to be cramped, and the thick knife cut down at a faster speed than light.


The thick knife cut the long gun did not make a loud noise as expected, but only a crisp but audible sound like a sharp object nailed to the iron stone. The long gun was impacted by the force cut down. First, it made a bend, and then it crossed between the thick knife and Shanqing's thigh and swung out.

Shan Qing was unrelenting. After the thick knife split the long gun of Long Fei, he took advantage of the situation to chase, followed the force like a wind wheel, and then returned to the origin and wiped it away to the dragon. When the heavy knife quickly passed by, it actually brought the sound of a loud wind, like a giant beast, to destroy the momentum of withered and rotten momentum. Long Fei crushed it. The thin knife secretly followed the thick knife, like the fallen leaves rolled up by the strong wind, slightly sandwiched into an angle with the thick knife, and also stabbed the dragon fly. At this time, the situation has changed, the thick knife has become the main attack, and the thin knife has become the subsequent leak.

Long Fei pulled the corners of his mouth imperceptiblely, as if he smiled. His purpose had been achieved. The shot just now was to attract Shan Qing's thick knife out. The snake shrinks in the hole and doesn't know how powerful it is. Only by pulling the snake out of the hole can you know what snake is hidden in the cave and what attack tricks there are.

At this time, the long gun was split to one side by a thick knife, and there was no time to recycle it. However, Long Fei was not very anxious. He held the barrel behind him and pulled it back. The whole long gun shrank back. Then, Long Fei held it near the gun, and the long gun turned into a long stick and pulled towards the thick knife of Shanqing.

In this pumping, Long Fei used the strength of his whole body and scratched it with a long stick. It was also like a single green thick knife. You can hear the sound of the wind. If he hits the thick knife, the two forces are quite comparable.

Seeing Long Fei's pulling force, Shan Qing's thick knife did not dodge, but accelerated his speed and greeted him.


Another loud sound, and the sound was strong and loud. Under this blow, Long Fei's long gun was bounced high, as if it was about to fly out of his hand and tilted to the sky. At this time, the tip of the gun was obliquely downward. Originally, two hands held the gun, but because of the force of the impact was too great, one hand broke away from the barrel of the gun, and only one hand was still held in the gun. The empty door in front of the chest was exposed in front of Shanqing.

Shan Qing smiled ferociously, and the thin knife that had quietly followed the thick knife suddenly accelerated, like a sudden flash of lightning, which instantly surpassed the thick knife and stabbed Long Fei's lower abdomen fiercely.

All the people who saw this scene, whether it was Lin Kedang, Shi Zhanguo, Long Huaijian and other people on the side of Feilongzhuang, or Shen Shi's waiting for the black wind thief, couldn't help shouting "ah". However, the feelings expressed by the people of the two sides are different, while the people of Feilongzhuang are afraid, while the people of the black wind thief are surprised.

At this time, Long Fei opened the empty door in front of his chest. Only one hand held the long gun, and the other hand was shaken out of the barrel. The head and tail of the long gun were reversed. At this time, even if Long Fei wanted to counterattack or block, he had no time to grab it with both hands, let alone reverse the long gun.

However, Long Fei only looked serious at this time and was not afraid. Everything seemed to be under control.

Long Fei did not rush to grab the other hand detached from the gun barrel to the gun barrel, nor was he rush to reverse the long gun, but suddenly loosened the other finger holding the gun shaft slightly. The long gun suddenly slid down. When the long gun fell to Long Fei's left foot, Long Fei grabbed the handle with one hand and didn't know when The left foot, which has retreated from the stave, kicked the barrel of the gun and is kicking above the position of the gun.

This kick is so fierce that it is absolutely beyond everyone's expectations. It seems that Long Fei's left foot has accumulated strength for this kick, as if he has inputted some narrative skills in Dantian into his left foot.

This kick is definitely more powerful than the force when the two weapons hit each other just now, as if Long Fei had been planning this kick for a long time. Under such a fierce force, Long Fei's hand still held the barrel firmly, and the long gun did not fly out of his hand. It can be seen that he had been premeditated to shake off one hand by the single green thick knife just now. He deliberately pretended to take off his hand to paralyze Shan Qing.

After receiving this kick, a shadow of the gun quickly changed its direction at a faster speed than lightning, changing from falling to obliquely rising, and scratching the horse's abdomen in an instant. Whether it was Shan Qing or Lin Kedang and others, looking at the shadow of the gun, before people reacted, the tip of the gun had scratched a deep bone wound on Shan Qing's horse's abdomen.

Long Fei's shot is more than twice as fast as Shanqing's thin knife. After all, Shan Qing's knife was handed out by manpower and arms, while Long Fei's gun was kicked with his foot while falling freely, and the speed was naturally doubled.

The horse was in pain and suddenly trembled, and his four hooves jumped at the same time. The thin knife in Shan Qing's hand trembled slightly, just to the position of Longfei's gun barrel, or Long Fei himself put the gun barrel here to block Shanqing's thin knife.

After the thin knife collid with the barrel, it slid aside and scratched from Long Fei's arm holding the gun. It actually cut his clothes and made a small blood stain. The blood immediately dyed his white clothes red.

Shanqing's horse was in pain. After one blow, he had already run away, and the two separated again.

This blow can be said to be equally divided between the two. Long Fei injured Shan Qing's war horse, while Shan Qing injured Long Fei's arm. Speaking of it, Long Fei still lost slightly. After all, he has just entered the first line of heaven, while Shan Qing is only one step away from the realm of Dacheng, as long as his internal strength is enough, or something When an opportunity comes, he will enter the realm of heaven, but Long Fei is not able to do it yet. He must save for a period of time.

The war has entered a white-hot stage, and the two have tested each other from the beginning to now they have really worked hard. With this real action, it will immediately turn red, and you can see the danger in it.

"The big master's martial arts skills are skill, and the boy admires it. The big master has to change his horse. Shall we fight again?" After Lema stood down, Long Fei did not look at the injury of his arm, but at Shan Qingdao.

Shan Qing looked down at the blood-stained horse's abdomen and felt a burst of heartache. This horse was a well-bred pony produced on the grassland of Montenegro. It has followed him for many days and has almost become his brothers and friends. He almost ate and slept with his peers. The horse and people reached a deep tacit understanding, but at this time it was lifted by Long Fei on the horse's abdomen. A big mouth is still bleeding at this time. It seems that if it is not bandaged as soon as possible, it will not last long.

"Do you want to be bandaged?" Shan Qing changed to another war horse and handed over his war horse to his subordinates to take care of. He looked at Long Fei's upper arm sleeves dyed red and asked.

Both of them asked this question by choosing the point that the other party lost to them, both of which meant to undermine the other party's confidence.

Long Fei looked down at his arm. Because it was just a small wound, it had stopped bleeding, but as long as he tried hard, it would still be torn again. His hands were stained with a little blood that was not yet dry. He wiped his fingers and cracked his mouth and smiled, "This little injury doesn't matter. Does the big head have to fight again?"

"The people in Feilongzhuang are evacuating?" Shan Qing did not answer Long Fei's words, but suddenly asked.

Although the Black Wind Thief is powerful, in fact, except for Liu Si, other masters are just a name. The Black Wind Thief is still firmly in Shan Qing's hands. He can control such a large team, meet the power of all forces, and support it until now. It can be seen that Shan Qing is not a fool. If he is not yet. Understand the reason why Long Fei and the other three are waiting for themselves here. The black wind thief has been eliminated several times, and it still has to wait until now.

"Good ability to be a big head!" Long Fei was stunned and smiled. He was not afraid to admit that all the people in Feilongzhuang should have been evacuated in one afternoon.

"There is no ambush here?" Shan Qing asked again.

Long Fei did not admit it this time, but smiled and said unprehensably, "May or no, you will know if you try to be the big master!"

"Aren't you still going to fight?" Shan Qing said coldly, "How about I accompany you for hundreds of rounds!"

"No more!" Long Fei rode back and laughed, "I admire the martial arts of the great leader. Next time I have a chance, I will learn it again. Forget it this time. I know that the follow-up team of the big owner is coming soon, so I won't wait here with the big owner.

"Attack!" Watching Long Fei take the horse back, Shan Qing's face became gloomy, and his eyes shot cold light. He no longer hesitated. He waved his big hand and shouted coldly at the 200 black wind pirates, but he was in front of him and rushed to Long Fei first.

After all, Long Fei is young. Although he is resourceful and resourceful, he is still not thoughtful enough. When he retreated, he was seen by the extremely experienced Shan Qing. Without even thinking about it, he waved his army to attack directly.

Long Fei stood on the horse. At this time, Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo also took a few steps and stood side by side with Long Fei. Looking at the black wind thief with the sound of hooves and the momentum rushing over like a huge wave, the three looked at each other, and their eyes showed an excited look. At the same time, they nod their heads and instigate the war horses, but did not retreat and advanced. They lined up into a triangular attack formation, with the dragon flying as the front as a sharp cone. The three of them split the waves like an awl, like Like cutting melons with a quick knife, he abruptly chiseled into the army of black wind pirates.