Eastern Continent

Chapter 106, Escape


The sound of a sharp arrow flying by came. As soon as Shen Shi thought that my arrow had not yet shot, the sound of the arrow felt a heartbreaking pain that drowned him. He looked down and saw that an eagle feather arrow was inserted into his chest, straight into his chest, and the tail of the arrow was still trembling.

Shen Shi's body trembled, his hands were loosened, and the arrow flew to the sky. Then, the bow fell off his hand and covered his chest with his hands. There was an unbelievable in his eyes. There were only three enemies, and they were still busy trying to break through. Is it their own shooting themselves? Shen Shi slowly raised his head to look for it.

Suddenly, there was a scream. From the dense forest in front of them, a team in colorful clothes and weapons were also various. Before the people arrived, the arrows were like rain, covering them in the direction of the black wind thief first.

"Ah!" Shen Shi howled, hit another arrow on his thigh, and his body shook. He slowly fell down from the horse's back. With a "feng", he fell to the ground, rolled his eyes and fainted.

This rushed out of the flying dragon Zhuang Jianer led by Long Huaijian. According to the wishes of Hu Wanle and others, he had long been killed and fought with the black wind thief. He could still endure until this time, but after all, Long Huaijian has been to the battlefield. He knows that although the courage of the battlefield is important, sometimes the timing is more important, and it is not the best time. Even if you win, you will only kill a thousand enemies and lose 800. When the right time comes, you may kill a thousand enemies without any damage.

He kept blocking Hu Wanle and others from rushing out. It was not until Lin Kedang and others fled near the dense forest, and half of the black wind thieves were damaged. They suddenly launched an attack and attacked with bows and arrows first. Anyway, there were black wind thieves all over the mountains and wild, and they would not shoot dragon flying three people casually.

The young and middle-aged men of more than 100 Feilongzhuang are all good hunters. They may not be good at martial arts, but they have practiced amazing archery since childhood. Almost all of them are 100 shots, where they will shoot at will. Although the bow of Feilongzhuang is not big, its quality is excellent. After the first round of arrow rain, the black wind was caught off guard and was shot down more than a dozen. Shen Shi was one of the first poor people to be shot down.

After this first batch of shooting, the people of Feilongzhuang once again opened their bows and arrows, and there was another rain of arrows. However, this time the black wind thief was ready, and the results of the battle were not so brilliant. Only Liao Liao and several black wind pirates were unlucky. Maybe they were overexcited to chase them. For a moment, they stopped and sent them up, and the result hit the arrow. .

After the Flying Dragon Zhuangren only had time to shoot the third round of powerful arrows and once again shot through two black wind steals that could not be avoided because they were too far ahead, the black wind thief's horn sounded.

After all, Shan Qing is also a person who has experienced hundreds of battles. In this life, he doesn't know how many dangerous twists and turns he has gone through to have his current reputation. Naturally, his vision is old and vicious. After seeing the flying dragon village people rushing out of the dense forest, he immediately made a decision, sounded the horn of retreating from the army, and wanted to collect the team. If the black wind thief does not concentrate immediately, it will be like a scattered sand battle. Under the attack of the Feilongzhuang team, it will be defeated. Except for a few lucky to escape quickly, there will be no one left around Shan Qing. Only by immediately concentrating troops, whether it is attack or defense, can there be with the team of Feilongzhuang. Strive for the best.

This is a mountain relatively close to Montenegro. The top of the mountain is densely covered with woods. Each of them is a towering ancient tree that needs two people to embrace. The shade covers the sky and the sun. If it weren't for the little moonlight shining through the gap between the treetops and leaves at this time. When you come in, you will be out of reach for five fingers in the whole forest, and it is difficult to walk.

Long Huaijian jumped off the horse first, and then gently took Long Fei off the horse. He carefully put it on the ground and looked at the arrow shaft on Long Fei's shoulder, with a look of pity in his eyes. My son, who is only in his teens, has unconsciously grown to the point where he can be alone. Is it forced by the situation, or by Long Fei's talent, or both?

Everyone got off their horses one after another and gathered around. I don't know when someone in Feilongzhuang has lit a torch.

Long Huaijian looked at Long Fei's pale face and scolded with heartache, "You boy, don't want to die. Let your mother know that it's not heartbreaking."

Long Fei's face was as pale as paper due to a lot of blood loss. He covered the wound on his left shoulder with his right hand and looked at Long Huaijian and said strangely, "Dad, why are you here? Have all the villagers retreated? Where's Uncle Tong?"

Long Huaijian looked at Long Fei and was secretly pleased that Long Fei was still worried about the people in Feilongzhuang at this time. However, he still stared at Long Fei with a straight face and said, "You have been hurt like this. Your face is white with pain and you are still stubborn. Take care of the wound first. Let's talk about these things later."

Long Fei smiled weakly and said, "Dad, don't worry, I can stand this minor injury."

At present, with the help of Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo, Long Huaijian first saw the tip of the arrow exposed outside his shoulder with a sharp blade, pulled out the arrow shaft from his back, and first stopped the blood with medicine before taking out the tape from the medical bag he carried with him.

This toss made Long Fei feel death in pain and bit his lips. After the dressing, his whole body was wet, as if he had been picked up from the water. The clothes that had been stained with blood were stained with new blood and did not faint. Long Fei's nerves were tough.

After the dressing, Long Huaijian looked at Long Fei and stared at himself. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't worry. With the prestige of your father and Uncle Tong in Feilongzhuang, the villagers are reasonable and know that the situation is urgent. At this time, they must have all been evacuated to Montenegro. I'm worried that your Uncle Copper is arranging this matter. You just brought some people here. Fortunately, we came in time, otherwise, I'll see how you can escape the siege of the black wind thief!"

Lin Ke was ashamed and said, "Uncle Long, it's all our fault and we didn't take good care of our younger brother!"

How dare Long Huaijian blamed Link as two people? He hurriedly smiled and said, "It's none of your business. It's this boy who is stubborn. He wants to see the black wind thief, and the two of you are also tired!"

"Uncle Long is a little misunderstood. The little brother is fighting against the Black Wind Thieves alone in order to delay the Black Wind Thieves and buy time for the evacuation of the Flying Dragon Village people. Even we both admire him for such a heroic spirit!" Hearing Long Huaijian's words, Shi Zhanguo hurriedly said. Whether it was Long Huaijian's polite words or the scene, he really admired Long Fei. With a half-year-old child in his teens, he dared to fight against hundreds of people with three people. Although he was surrounded, he was not afraid. With calmness, he found a bloody road. It is rare that veterans who have been on the battlefield may not be as calm as Long Fei when they encounter such a scene.

After listening to Shi Zhanguo's words, Long Huaijian is very relieved. Shi Zhanguo is the apprentice of Xi Lao, the head of the Tianshen Ladder, one of the oldest sects. Whether he is placed in the rivers and lakes or in the court, he is a person who can be alone. Long Fei was so unhappy that Long Huaijian could be praised by such a figure, but he didn't show it on his face. He just shook his head and said, "The little brother is wrong. This boy is more clever, calm and reckless, so he can stand out. Like this time, he almost implicated you two!" Turn your eyes to Long Fei, with a straight face, and say seriously, "War is no worse than games. It's a thousand miles away. You must think twice before you can do anything in the future, otherwise you will eventually harm others and yourself!" In the end, the voice is already fierce.

Long Fei was also a little embarrassed, and his pale face turned red. This time, it was indeed a little reckless, which affected Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo. If Long Huaijian hadn't led more than 100 people to ambush here and rushed out to save the three of them at the last moment, he was afraid that if the three of them could go back this time, there might be only one or two left, and he was the one who was most likely not to go back.

The main reason for this result is that the three of them did not expect such a big difference between the army and the single fight. The soldiers in the army cooperate with each other. After fighting in groups and take turns, the power is so great that they can not only trap the warriors who are in the realm first, but also be the realm of Hualing or Jieyuan. If they fall into thousands of troops, the final result will be ten lives.

Yes! I will think twice about what I will do in the future!" Long Fei obediently admitted his mistake. Anyway, this is his own old man, and it's nothing to admit his mistake.

"What should we do next?" Even if he wanted to ask his son for advice, Long Huaijian also shouted, and he didn't feel embarrassed because he just came up to teach his son a lesson, and then asked him for advice. Anyway, it was his own son, which is usually the same.

"Has the black wind thief retreated or continued to go in the direction of the village." Long Fei did not answer Long Huaijian, but asked.

"Hu Wanle." Long Huaijian turned his head and shouted in the shadow of the woods.

"In the direction of the village!" Hu Wanle came out of the shadow, stood beside Long Huaijian, and said respectfully, "Their second team has also arrived, about 1,000 people."

"Hmm!" Long Huaijian turned his head again and looked at Long Fei.

"There are two ways." Long Fei slowly stood up, and everyone else stood. He sat alone. He was very unaccustomed to it. He said softly, "The first way depends on whether the villagers are willing to give up. If they are willing to buy their own house, we will have a fire attack tonight. If they are not willing, we have to wait. When the black wind thief can't find us, they can only return. At that time, we will follow behind.