Eastern Continent

Chapter 164, Crouching Tiger Gang 8

Seeing these teenagers, Li Liang's face changed again and became pale, as if he saw his most hidden side and suddenly exposed his fear in the sun.

This group of teenagers are children snatched from the mainland by the Crouching Tiger Gang in various ways. After various training and brainwashing, men are included in the Crouching Tiger Gang as dead men, while women are handed over to brothels to enjoy or sell in brothels everywhere.

When the Crouching Tiger Gang did these things, they were extremely hidden. Although they are now in troubled times, no matter which city is controlled by forces on the mainland, such things will not be allowed to exist, which is a great loss to the hearts of the people.

Now these evil deeds of the Crouching Tiger Gang have been excavated because of the appearance of these teenagers. One corner of the iceberg is exposed, and it is not far from the whole exposure. If the father and son of Jun Zhantian know these sins of the Crouching Tiger Gang, the Crouching Tiger Gang will be greeted by their thunderous anger.

"Depart 20 people and kill all those teenagers!" Li Liang whispered to a little leader standing beside him, "Don't let anyone walk away!"

"Yes!" The little head nodded, nodded 20 people, broke away from the battlefield with Long Fei and Jia Qing, and killed the group of teenagers who rushed behind.

The Crouching Tiger Gang left about 100 people in the general altar. In the pursuit of the three people, they were burned by fire and porcelain pieces. Anyway, more than a dozen people were killed by the three Long Fei, leaving more than 20 people to put out the fire and rescue things. At this time, after 20 people went to attack the group of teenagers, there were still 40 people around Long Fei. Many people, Li Liang is not afraid that Long Fei and Jia Qing will break through the encirclement of so many people and rush to him.

After more than a dozen moves, Long Fei and Jia Qing felt the pressure. It was not the more than 40 people who put pressure on them, but more than a dozen of the more than 40 people. After such a long battle, Long Fei and Jia Qing found that these dozen crouching tiger gangs are not the same as others. They are not afraid of death, and even seem to be eager for death, but their fear of death is not the kind of tragic fear of death on the battlefield, but a kind of disregard for life and fear of death. They seem to be not afraid of injury and disability. , I don't know death, but only know how to keep attacking and constantly waving weapons to kill. Although they are only in the realm of Xuanjin, they can exert their power to the realm of spiritual veins. Often after Long Fei splits them with a knife, these people also waved a knife and stabbed straight at Long Fei, ignoring the weapons that were about to appear.

This kind of play is not afraid of death, but only a few dozen moves, Long Fei and Jia Qing feel heavy pressure.

These more than a dozen people were secretly trained by the Crouching Tiger Gang. Liu Hu originally thought that the time was not ripe and it was not yet time to use it, so when he went out to attack the triad, he did not take them out, but stayed in the general altar.

Liu Hu trained this group of dead men not to deal with the triad, but for Liuliumen, the largest gang in Yingran City. If Liu Hu continues to develop like this, it is likely that one day he will replace Liuliumen and become the first gang in Yingran City. At that time, thousands of people under his command, even Jun Zhantian Don't dare to touch him.

His ambition is not great. Unfortunately, he provoked the three little ancestors of Long Fei, or Long Fei, who stared at the Crouching Tiger Gang. These three are all afraid that the world will not be chaotic. For this reason, it is not that his hands and feet are itchy and grab a big bag. As a result, he not only dragged the Crouching Tiger Gang into the quagmire of fighting with the Sanhe Association. Even the general altar of the Crouching Tiger Gang was broken by three people and burned into a sea of fire.

These dead men were originally hidden in a secret place. After seeing that Liao Yuanqiang was killed by Long Fei, he was scared and hurriedly put these dozen people into the war.

It is exposed that if the three of them can stay, it is better than the three dragons who break through the general altar and leave. If the three Longfei leave, the evils of the Crouching Tiger Gang will also be exposed with the departure of the three. Under the blow of the king's war, the Crouching Tiger Gang will no longer have a foothold in Yingran City. Land.

Li Liang also thought about it again and again. After weighing the pros and cons, he felt that this was the safest way to minimize Liu Hu's anger and resolutely threw these dozen people into the war.

By the fearless attack of these dozen dead men, Long Fei and Jia Qing also became cautious. They changed the previous big opening, dripping and refreshing, and fighting cautiously.

"Dang!" After Long Fei blocked a long knife cut down from the top of his head, the people of the Crouching Tiger Gang used knife-shaped weapons, with long knives, big knives and thick-back knives. In fact, it was more appropriate to call it the big knife gang - the short knife turned around and opened a cut in his chest, but the man did not seem to feel pain. Without looking at this bloody wound, the long knife wrapped a circle and split down the dragon from the bottom to the top.

With another loud sound, Long Fei's short knife went up, scratched the knife again, turned around, and made a hole in his chest, which became a cross with the previous scar. The blood instantly dyed his whole chest red, but the dead man still didn't realize it, as if they had lost it. With the pain, the long knife still swayed around and then cut towards the dragon.

This kind of person can no longer be called a human, but just a humanoid beast. It does not know pain and is not afraid of death. It only knows how to attack, attack and then attack, as if it does not cut down the opponent to death, and will never stop.

Long Fei and Jia Qing just made a few moves with them, frowned and had a deep headache for this kind of dead man.

Looking at the long knife split by the dead man, Long Fei frowned deeply and raised the short knife slowly. Just as he wanted to open the long knife of the dead man, his face suddenly changed, and his hair stood upright. The same feeling as when he was targeted by a beast when he was hunting in the mountains spread all over his body in an instant.

Without thinking about it, Longfei's short knife suddenly changed its direction and raised it from upward to diagonally split forward.


Long Fei only felt that the short knife in his hand shook slightly, and the short knife hit a sharp arrow in a moment. Long Fei quickly looked up and saw Li Liang pull out a flying arrow from the arrow pot with a ferocious smile and put it in the bow. This time, he aimed in the direction of Jia Qing.

After these dozen dead men were entangled, their bodies obviously slowed down. Although they are still mixed in the chaotic crouching tiger gangs, the general crouching tiger gang may not have such good eyesight to shoot the two, but Li Liang is different. He is a warrior at the peak of the acquired level, and his arrow is more than these ordinary gangs. When the two were trapped, he released the cold arrows.

"Jia Qing! Beware of cold arrows!" Seeing this, Long Fei couldn't help shouting anxiously.

"Hmm!" Jia Qing just split a dead man's long knife out. As soon as he turned the long knife, he crossed the dead man's chest. At this time, he heard Long Fei's voice and quickly turned his head to Li Liang. As soon as he turned around, he saw a virtual scene suddenly shooting at his chest.

Jia Qing's long knife has just stretched out, and it is too late to take it back, and the sharp arrow came quickly and reached his chest in an instant.

In Long Fei's anxious eyes and Li Liang's ferocious smile, Jia Qing's left hand without a knife suddenly stretched out and grabbed the sharp arrow like lightning. As soon as the sharp arrow touched the shirt on his chest, it was caught by Jia Qing.

He grabbed the sharp arrow in his left hand and raised it on his chest as steady as a rock. The long knife move of his right hand remained unchanged and cut it down fiercely, cutting down the whole right arm of the dead man with a long knife.

"Come here!" Long Fei turned his knife and took a step forward. He stabbed the dead man who was entangled him. After dying so much that he couldn't die, he moved in the direction of Jia Qing.

Without saying anything, Jia Qing also stepped forward and approached Long Fei after cutting an ordinary Crouching Tiger gang to spit blood back.

"Stop them and don't let them get close! Separate them!"

Li Liang roared loudly and saw that Long Fei and Jia Qing were going to lean together. Li Liang's face changed. He knew that if Long Fei and Jia Qing were together, the two would support each other. One was the main attack and the other was the main defense, and the power would be greatly increased. At that time, it would be like a sharp blade with good attack and defense, and they would be truly invincible.

But even if Li Liang shouted hoarsely, even if there are more than 40 people after the Crouching Tiger Gang and the dozen dead soldiers, these acquired martial artists are piled up in front of them. It may be a little difficult for them to rush forward, but who can stop Long Fei and Jia Qing from moving like this? Who can keep up with the footsteps of the two?

A dead man came to the ground silently, inserted straight between Long Fei and Jia Qing, held the knife in both hands, stood up and split towards Long Fei. The knife was as fast as lightning. After he raised his hands, the empty door in front of his chest opened, and he didn't care at all, as if he didn't hesitate to die in order to hurt Long Fei.

However, he is only martial arts in the realm of Xuanjin, and there are still several realms away from Long Fei, and how can he understand the horror of martial arts in the realm of heaven. Long Fei quickly shrank his right hand, hit the face of a sneak attack Crouching Tiger Gang with the handle, and fell out. At the same time, he clenched his fist with his left hand and hit the chest of a Crouching Tiger Gang who had just rushed from the left and wanted to sneak up. After hitting him back to the original road, the short knife was raised up like lightning. The long knife of the dead man had just reached the head. It was blocked before the top.


There was a loud noise. When the sound was just heard in everyone's ears, Long Fei's right foot had quietly kicked out like a ghost, right in the file of the dead man. Department, for these expressionless dead men who only knew how to kill people sultryly, Long Fei also showed no mercy and kicked them to the death. Xu Tiangong broke out and poured into the body like a frenzy.

In everyone's shocked eyes, the dead man who attacked Long Fei sprayed blood and flew up, as if a stone thrown by the catapult, crossed the head of the Crouching Tiger Gang. With a "bang", he fell backwards and his body twitched. He wanted to get up several times, but it just spewed out more. After all, the blood can't get up.

Long Fei's foot is really fierce. Since he entered the natural level of the teacher, he has been much more familiar with the use of Xu Tiangong and the use of moves, which is almost different from before. For the amount of absorbing the essence of heaven and earth into the essence of heaven and earth, it is almost different from before. Now while fighting and absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, this kind of little man really can't affect him.

But the good men can't stand the large number of people. So many crouching tigers surrounded the people desperately, coupled with the desperate attacks of several dead men. Even if Long Fei is in a heavenly realm, he is trapped. Although the distance with Jia Qing has been shortened a lot, he still can't get close to him.