Eastern Continent

Chapter 173, Crouching Tiger 8

Seeing Liu Hu's movements, Li Laosheng and others also learned. For a while, those corpses with broken hands and feet or missing something were kicked to Long Fei's side by the Crouching Tiger Gang.

When everyone saw the corpses all over the ground, they had already felt disgusted, but they all resisted and did not spit it out. These girls, who were still alive at the previous moment, became broken corpses in a blink of an eye. Even if Long Fei was used to life and death in the war with the black wind thieves, he was not easy to love in his heart. He even took a few breaths to resist the desire to vomit.

Among the crowd, those dead men were better. Except for their blue faces, they didn't see any special expressions, but the dozen teenagers led by Wu Bo had already vomited. At this time, their legs were weak. Seeing the corpses flying all over the sky, with blood all over the sky, their faces became more red and their legs became more red. Soft.

I have seen cruel, and I have never seen such cruel. Living people don't let go, not even dead people!

Looking at the flying dead body with broken arms, while the teenagers were disgusted, their fighting spirit and anger also rose at the same time. The fear of the Crouching Tiger Gang and Liu Hu was reduced to the lowest. They all clenched their hands and suddenly shouted. Under the lead of Wu Bo and Zhao Da, they actually crossed Long Fei and rushed to Liu Hu first. Li Laosheng, Yao Zengguang and other crouching tiger gangs attacked.

Liu Hu knew that the teenagers were afraid of him. He originally wanted to make the teenagers more afraid through such a horrible action, but he did not expect that his actions caused the anger of the teenagers and even forgot their fear. If Liu Hu knew this result, he might regret his action.

Looking at Wu Bo and Zhao Da and others who attacked over Longfei, Liu Hu's eyes were fascinated. Although he was a little surprised by Wu Bo and Zhao Da and others to take the lead in attacking, he was not afraid at all. These people were all the lower gangs of the Crouching Tiger Gang, but Liu Hu was the masters of the Crouching Tiger Gang. How could he be afraid of these in his own eyes. An ant-like figure stroked his footsteps and held a long knife in one hand. A bright light flashed, and the long knife cut to Zhao Da's neck.

Zhao Da knew the horror of Liu Hu's martial arts. As early as when he jumped out, the long knife in his hand was already in front of his chest. At this time, he frowned and stood up. He did not seek merit, but first.

Liu Hu's knife is as fast as lightning. As soon as Zhao Da's long knife was erected, Zhao Hu's long knife was cut on Zhao Da's long knife.

Zhao Da only felt that the long knife in his hand was shocked and he couldn't grasp it. He was smashed back. The back of the knife hit his chin fiercely, as if he had been cut by a blunt knife, and his chin was immediately bleeding.

finally set up Liu Hu's move and was not cut off by Liu Hu's neck. Zhao Da just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw that Liu Hu seemed to have some plan to succeed. He smiled gloomily and looked at Zhao Da's eyes with a strong mockery.

When Zhao Da saw the mocking look in Liu Hu's eyes, he immediately knew that the big thing was not good, but at this time, he had no time to dodge. In desperation, he raised his right foot and was ready to fight for leg injury to stop Liu Hu's evil move.

As soon as my right foot was raised, I felt that my body suddenly lightened and flew up in the air, but was not kicked by Liu Hu, but grabbed by the back belt and raised and cast back.

After gliding for a distance in mid-air, Zhao Da landed lightly and stood still in shock. Looking up, he saw a small figure standing in front of Liu Hu and confronting Liu Hu.

Liu Hu's foot was a long knife as a gesture after he confused Zhao Da. With his martial arts skills in the chaotic realm of heaven, he did not use this sinister move, but Liu Hu had to use it. First, he was seriously injured in his fight with Wang Baohua. Now he is under pressure and can only fight quickly. In a long-term battle, if you can kill the enemy with a dark move, it doesn't matter if you use it. Second, he hates Zhao Da into the bone. Zhao Da is a dead man he raised by him and is ready to deal with Liuliumen. Unexpectedly, these dead men were not used in the hands of Liuliumen, but against himself in turn. Therefore, Liu Hu wanted to attack Zhao Da In order to vent his anger, it is also a warning to the few dead.

Kicked out, Liu Hu thought that he was ten or nine stable. He was mocking Zhao Da's inability and dared to be a car with a car, but unexpectedly, Zhao Da had already soared back. Although his foot kicked fast and his legs were long enough, he was not as fast as Zhao Da's soaring speed. He could only watch Zhao Da leave, but he kicked It's empty. As soon as he withdrew his feet and didn't understand the development of the situation, there was a teenager named Long Fei standing in front of him. He was looking at himself and said with a smile, "Master Liu, your opponent is me. Don't bully them!"

Liu Hu's eyes shrank slightly, and his eyes were like needles, which pierced deeply into Long Fei's eyes. Liu Hu did not dare to despise those who could easily save people under his attack. He and Long Fei had just met at this time. He had only heard Yao Zengguang and Li Liang's dictation before. In Liu Hu's imagination, like Long Fei At his age, it is already against the sky to reach the early realm of the chaotic sky, but he has been in the realm of chaotic sky for some time. Now he has also reached the late stage. He is only one line away from entering the first line of the sky. After meeting Long Fei, he will definitely win. This is also the reason why he dared to wait for Long Fei and others here after being injured.

Now seeing the relaxed appearance of Long Fei saving Zhao Da, Liu Hu knew that his guess was wrong. Even he could not be as easy as Long Fei. If he raised his hand, he could not only save Zhao Da out, but also avoid his powerful leg. How could such martial arts be only the early days of chaos? Realm?


When Liu Hu was facing Zhao Dazhi, Wu Bo also met Li Laosheng.

Li Laosheng held a long knife in his hand and galloped forward. In the hand with Qiu Tianhua, due to the timely support of Liu Hu, he was not injured, so he is now in the best state in the Crouching Tiger Gang.

Looking at Wu Bo, who held a long knife in one hand and gritted his teeth and rushed towards him, a mocking look flashed in Li Laosheng's eyes. He was not afraid of a gang like Qiu Tianhua. How could he care about small shrimp like Wu Bo? He could sweep a few with a knife.

Looking at Wu Bo jumping over, Li Laosheng also accelerated his speed and quickly approached Wu Bo. When the distance between the two was only two feet, Li Laosheng raised a long knife and cut Wu Bo's chest with a knife.

With Wu Bo's small shrimp, Li Laosheng can compare with him in any moves and fake actions. He simply moves his internal forces and cut people off with one knife.


As Li Laosheng cut down with a knife, there was a loud noise, almost deafening, but the other party was constantly and there was no distinguishing between people. He still stood in front of him and looked down, but saw an expressionless child. I don't know when he had passed Wu Bo and blocked his powerful knife. At this time Standing in front of him, he stared coldly at Li Laosheng, as if he could not feel the pressure of Li Laosheng's knife at all. The long knife in the child's hand rubbed with Li Laosheng's long knife, took it back with a creak, and then swung it with one hand and stabbed Li Laosheng's lower abdomen.

Li Laosheng's face changed. He has never fought with these three children. Although after listening to Yao Zengguang and Li Liang's report, he knew that two of them were innate levels, he was expected to be at most two martial artists who had just entered the chaotic realm, but he had entered the chaotic realm of heaven for a long time, and the child was young and weak. So what It was his opponent, but he didn't expect that Jia Qing not only blocked his powerful knife, but was not affected at all, and immediately drew a knife to counterattack.

It seems that although this child is only in a chaotic realm, he is no worse than himself! I don't know how terrible the martial arts are of the child who played against Liu Hu!

At this time, Li Laosheng was not allowed to think too much. His right hand moved flexibly, the long knife was raised back, the tip of the knife was first, and Jia Qing's long knife was chiseled from top to down.

If it is simply compared with internal strength or physical strength, Jia Qing is indeed not as good as the tall Li Laosheng. Just now, he was able to pull out his long knife under the oppression of Li Laosheng. Jia Qing relied on his family's martial arts skills and ingenuity. Despite this, he also did his best. At this time, when he saw that Li Laosheng was chiseling his long knife again, Jia Qing didn't want to hit Li Laosheng's long knife again. His wrists were flexible. The long knife trembled almost comparable to his height and changed the direction of the attack. He stabbed it obliquely from the past and picked it under Li Laosheng's ribs.

Li Laosheng was a little angry. Before the attack, he thought that he could stabilize Jia Qing, but unexpectedly, after the attack, he was caught by Jia Qing and attacked step by step. Instead, he was controlled everywhere and could only defend.

With a turn of his right wrist, the tip of the long knife was slightly raised, from chisel to sweep, sweeping at Jia Qing's long knife. At the same time, he clenched his fist and punched Jia Qing's head. He was tall. If he bombarded Jia Qing's chest, it was obviously a little difficult, but bombarding his head was the best choice.

Since you can't take back the initiative with a long knife, then add your fist. Li Laosheng doesn't believe that he can't take the initiative back.


Yao Zengguang has long stared at Jia Lin. At that time, it was Jia Lin who ordered Jia Qing to break his hand bone. At this time, he was injured. Although he lost a hand, his martial arts did not decrease. Instead, he lost an arm. After hard practice, martial arts still made small progress. At this time, the two most terrible enemies Long Fei Jia Qing was entangled by people. At this time, he did not take revenge, let alone when. Therefore, since Yao Zengguang saw Jia Lin, he had been staring at Jia Lin and smiling.

Seeing the teenager rushing at him, Yao Zengguang ignored him. He held a long knife in one hand, avoided these aggressive teenagers and rushed to Jia Lin.

Yao Zengguang aimed at Jia Lin, but did not know that the task assigned by Long Fei to Jia Lin was also to contain Yao Zengguang and prevent him from participating in the battle circle of Long Fei and Jia Qing. At this time, he saw Yao Zengguang bypassing other teenagers and rushed to him. He was not surprised but happy. He pulled out his long sword and waited for Yao Zengguang to jump over.

Draw a knife, stride in, twist your waist, and split it with a knife.

Yao Zengguang's body is fat and can't jump vertically. In the acquired realm, he can't run light power. Therefore, Yao Zengguang can only stride forward and jump at Jia Lin with a trembling body.

Jia Lin's body is short, not as large as Yao Zengguang's figure. Seeing Yao Zengguang rushing, his already short body bent and his footsteps moved like a flower. After deviating from Yao Zengguang's front, he stabbed Yao Zengguang's lower abdomen.

Yao Zengguang bullied Jia Lin's weak strength. His powerful knife originally wanted to blow Jia Lin's weapons away, but Jia Lin did not attack him at all, but turned to attack. Yao Zengguang's knife hit the air with a shout, driving his body forward and staggered forward, but just avoided it. Jia Lin's sword.

Jia Lin's sword only cut the clothes on Yao Zengguang's waist.

Although he was not injured, the cool feeling on his waist also made Yao Zengguang sweat coldly. Now he knew that Jia Lin did not take action at that time, not that his martial arts were not as good as him, but that Jia Qing's martial arts were much higher than him, which made Jia Qing take action. How could Jia Lin be so stupid to go to the warriors in the same realm?

After trying out that Jia Lin's martial arts skills were not lower than his own, Yao Zengguang's face became solemn. He held a long knife in one hand and walked towards Jia Lin step by step. He knew that he was definitely not as good as Jia Lin's physical flexibility, so he could only break Jia Lin's dexterity with clumsiness and strength. He did not believe that Jia Lin was so old. Small, in addition to his flexible body, his strength is also as big as his own. He wants to use his own strengths - strength - to break through Jia Lin's strengths - dexterity.


After Wu Bo and Zhao Da flashed the scene of the battle between the three pairs of bosses, he took several dead men and teenagers to attack the Crouching Tiger Gangs who rushed nearby. Although these Crouching Tiger Gangs were all small leaders, after the battle with the Triad and Liuliumen, they were all injured at this time, and some of them were still seriously injured. Although these teenagers lost some in the fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang, there are still more than 20 people, including several dead men. Almost two people fought against one person or three people attacked one person, and for a while, they also tied with the Crouching Tiger Gang.

The battle situation shows a state of hanging. In the end, which side wins depends on the battlefield, which side will make a breakthrough first.