Eastern Continent

Chapter 188, Guangwu Big Bibi 3

Jun Mingqiang slowly stood up from his seat and flicked the dust that did not exist on his body. He just nodded slightly to Jun Zhantian and didn't look at others. He was like a female duck who had just laid an egg. He raised his head, put eight-character steps, and slowly walked down the square.

Jun Mingqiang's opponent is a martial artist in the chaotic heavenly realm of Wen Hailiang City. This man's martial arts is only a chaotic later realm, which is different from Jun Mingqiang's middle realm. Of course, he will not be Jun Mingqiang's opponent. He is also just like Junfeng against Rao Gang. He only persisted about 30 moves and was defeated by Junming. After hitting his chest, he simply admitted defeat for fear of being hurt more.

In the comparison of Guangwu, there is an unwritten rule. If a martial artist thinks that he is not the opponent of the other party and is worried about being hurt more by the opponent he hates with him, he can admit defeat. No one mocks the warrior for being afraid of death.

Seeing that Jun Mingqiang really lived up to expectations and won a place for Yingran City to enter the next round of competition, the people in Yingran City were happy. When they saw Jun Mingqiang's return, they came forward to congratulate him one after another.

Jun Mingqiang won a place to enter the top nine for Yingran City, especially after Junfeng's failure, and this performance, he was also a little proud. He couldn't help smiling, looking at the crowd and nodding his head reservedly.

Everyone came forward happily to congratulate, but Jun Zhantian frowned slightly. Among these people, the acquired realm accounted for most of them. For the martial arts of the innate realm, it can be distinguished who is strong and who is weak, while Jun Zhantian is a spiritual warrior, a few realms higher than a line of sky. Naturally, he can see something different from others. .

Although Jun Mingqiang won easily and seemed to take little effort, in fact, Jun Zhantian still saw that Jun Mingqiang's strength was only on the surface. In fact, his martial arts were not much stronger than the innate martial arts in Wenhai Liangcheng, but this martial artist would not be Jun Mingqiang's opponent in the end, so he simply admitted defeat. .

Jun Zhantian's eyes swept away and found that Long Fei looked at the people who were surrounded happily and frowned slightly. His eyes couldn't help but light up slightly, as if he had some idea in his heart.

"Do it in the middle!" Rao Gang smiled faintly.

"The city owner's eyes are like torches. It seems that Yingran City is not as good as one generation. After the king's war, no one will inherit Yingran City!" Ren Yixing stroked his beard and smiled.

"Ha ha..." Rao Gang smiled faintly: "I have seen that Yingran City is just a king Zhantian to make people a little afraid. Others are insignificant. If Jun Zhantian hadn't supported the situation, Yingran City would not have had such a scene now!"

"It's not all Jun Zhantian's credit..." Let me say it lightly.

"Is it not all the credit of Jun Zhantian? Ren Xiandi's words...?" Rao Gang turned to me doubtfully.

Ren Wuxing stroked his beard and smiled and said, "Without the thought of Lord Prince and the support of Li Shaohu, how could Yingran City have this situation?"

"Ha ha... Ren Xiandi is still smart!"

"There, there!"

After Jun Mingqiang and Jun Feng, today's third game is Jia Chong, whose opponent is a martial artist in a chaotic realm in Guangwu County. What surprised and excited all the onlookers was that Jia Chong's martial arts skills made everyone feel bright. It was only a few breaths to play, and the martial artist in the chaotic realm who fought with Jia Chong was forced to retreat.

Until he withdrew from the battlefield, the martial artist of the chaotic sky realm seemed to be still in his dream. From the end, the martial artist of the chaotic realm held the same idea as most warriors, that is, to attack and defend, so that he could support a few more moves, or If you lose, you won't be so ugly.

However, what puzzled and depressed the martial artist was that Jia Chong did not fight back, but only dealt with his attack with light skills. With each attack, Jia Chong took a step forward in the dodge and almost bullied him into his arms. He had no choice but to take a step back, but when he attacked again, Jia Chong still Taking another step forward, the warrior had no choice but to take another step back.

The martial artist in this chaotic realm attacked very fast. In a few breaths, he attacked more than a dozen moves. As a result, Jia Chong advanced more than a dozen steps, and he also retreated more than a dozen steps, and was forced out of the battle circle by Jia Chong.

Looking at the martial artists in the chaotic realm who admitted defeat confusedly and depressedly, all the people who watched the game felt funny and were also secretly shocked. Before the big game, some people knew that Jia Chong was in the realm of heaven. For the spire of these martial artists, they didn't expect that it was so powerful. Before they took action, they put a The martial artist in the chaotic realm was forced to admit defeat. If he took action, this chaotic martial artist may be carried out as soon as he enters the square.

As soon as the winner was divided, thunderous applause sounded around the square, and everyone cheered for Jia Chong, not only for Jia Chong's martial arts skills, but also for his Renzi.

In the fourth game, Mu Huangyuan and a martial artist in a chaotic realm in Liu Rancheng, this martial arts competition let everyone see what is called speed and horror. As soon as the game was announced, the martial artist of Liu Rancheng just set up the frame, and saw Mu Huangyuan's figure flashing. Everyone only felt as if it was a shadow passing by. The warrior of Liu Rancheng shouted and flew back continuously. After more than ten steps away, he fell to the ground and looked like an ordinary person who could not do martial arts. In the same way, the fall is solid.

At this time, everyone could see clearly that there was still a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth. He held his palm on the ground several times, but he couldn't get up.

Mu Huangyuan's move not only defeated him, but also seriously injured him. Even if Liu Rancheng's warrior is not abolished, he must rest for more than ten days before he can recover.

One move to defeat the enemy!

At this time, everyone was shocked to breathe cold air.

Although Mu Huangyuan was straightforward and extremely strong, the audience did not applaud much, and there was little applause. The cruelty of Muhuangyuan is obviously unpopular, which makes bystanders disgusted.

Muhuangyuan ignored these. What he wanted was such a shocking effect. As long as it was the warriors of Liu Rancheng and Yingran City, he still showed no mercy.

In the fifth scene, Fu Chong and a martial artist in the chaotic realm of Mingying City.

Fu Chong is the eldest son of Fu Jianqiang and the eldest prince of Guangwu County. He has been known as a martial arts wizard since he was a child. Although he is only 17 years old this year, he has reached the realm of heaven. He is known as the first among the 25-year-old youth of Guangwu County.

If Ming Yingcheng and Liu Rancheng hadn't hired Mu Huangyuan and Jia Chong from outside, he would have been the undisputed first in this Guangwu competition.

Looking at the warrior opposite him, Fu Chong's face was expressionless, no surprise, no joy, no worry and no anger. He slowly pulled out the long knife behind his back and whispered to his opponent, "Please!"

"You're welcome..." The warriors in Mingying City were also rude. As soon as Fu Chong's voice fell, the long stick waved and rushed to Fu.

Fu Chong did not move and quietly watched the long stick approaching.

This martial artist in Mingying City is obviously also an old martial artist in the chaotic realm. The long stick is very fast. Almost as soon as the long stick is raised, it reaches the top of Fu Chong's head.


A slight sound sounded, and a bright light flashed. The whole square felt as if there was a virtual shadow in front of them. Then, the long stick of the martial artist in the chaotic heavenly realm flew up and crossed a virtual shadow in mid-air and fell out of the battle circle.

The warrior in the chaotic realm was stunned. Although he had expected that he would lose in advance, he did not expect that he would lose so simply. Before one move, the weapon had been shaken out of his hand and flew out. Without the weapon in his hand, he could deal with the warrior two realms higher than himself with his hands alone, which was tanta.

"Go and pick up the weapons, and we will fight again!" Just as the martial artist in the chaotic realm hesitated whether to attack or admit defeat, Fu Chong spoke in a light tone: "Or shall we fight again with fists and feet?"

The chaotic warrior seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, as if he had put down a thing on his mind, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, put down his hands on his chest, and smiled bitterly: "The young prince is good at martial arts, and he is not an opponent!"

Hearing the words of the chaotic warrior, the spectators of the whole square buzzed. None of them could imagine that Fu Chong defeated a chaotic warrior with just one move and injured the enemy with Mu Huangyuan's move. Jia Chong repelled the enemy without attack.

Everyone originally thought that the first place would be decided among Muhuangyuan and Jia Chong, but now it seems that a Fu Chong should be added, which can also be as good as the martial artists in the realm of heaven.

Thefu rushed to everyone and showed his claws!

On this day, nine innate warriors were determined to enter the next round, namely Fu Chong, the eldest prince of Guangwu County, the little prince Fu Yue, and Keqing Ye Feng, Li Yong and Keqing Jia Chong, the young city owner of Liu Ran City, Rao Wu and Mu Huangyuan, the young city owner of Mingying City, the young city director of Wen Hailiang City, and Jun Mingqiang of Yingran City.

Among these people, Jia Chong and Mu Huangyuan are all in the realm of heaven. Fu Chong is the realm of heaven. Ye Feng, Li Yong, Rao Wu and Jun Mingqiang are all the realm of heaven. Only Ren Fajun and Fu Yue are chaotic heaven, but they also entered the top nine after eliminating a warrior in the same realm.

All the eliminated are warriors in the chaotic realm.

After today's martial arts competition, the people with high martial arts skills in Guangwu County, such as Fu Jianqiang and the civil and martial arts ministers of Guangwu County, or the four big city lords, can see that among these players, the three people with the strongest martial arts skills are Muhuangyuan, Jia Chong and Fu Chong. Although the other martial artists have also entered the top nine, they are just accompanying the prince. Reading, at most, is just a formality.

Among the three Mu Jiafu, Mu Huangyuan and Jia Chong have the highest martial arts skills. Martial artists such as Fu Jianqiang have seen that Mu Jia actually have a higher level than Fu Chong. Even the spiritual level is only one step away. The champion and runner-up will be born among these two people, and no one else has no hope, even if It's Fu Chong, which is just a little trouble for the two of them. It's impossible to prevent them from entering the finals.

After a day off tomorrow, there will be a second round of competition.

Tomorrow, there will be a competition of warriors in the first-line realm, which is the real competition. In an ancient county like Guangwu County, only martial artists above the first-line realm will be valued by forces from all sides.

Among all those who know about this competition, they are looking forward to the second round of the innate martial arts competition.