Eastern Continent

Chapter 193, Mujia War

Since ancient times, I'm afraid there is no second one that can take advantage of it and be as open and reasonable as Muhuangyuan.

The game stipulates that all challengers must challenge three games and win all before they can enter the finals. Mu Huangyuan has won two games. This third game is reasonable and reasonable to challenge Fu Chong, but Fu Chong just had a fierce battle with Jia Chong. At this time, both his mood and physical strength are in a downturn, and then fight against Mu Huangyuan. Everyone knows that it is bound to lose.

So the advantage of Muhuangyuan made everyone have nothing to say, but it was also secretly despised.

Fu Chong looked up at Mu Huangyuan with a blank face. He neither spoke nor nodded. He looked at Mu Huangyuan quietly. Just when everyone thought that Fu Chong would fight, Fu Chong said, "Mr. Mu is very good at martial arts, and he is ashamed of himself."

Fu Chong admits defeat!

Fu Chong actually admitted defeat!

Fu Jianqiang stood up, Wang Hu stood up, and the Minister of Wenwu of Guangwu County stood up and looked at Fu Chong!

No matter who is present, no one thinks that Fu Chong will admit defeat. Not to mention his identity as the little prince of Guangwu County, it is impossible for him to admit defeat before he meets the enemy. Even if the teachers and elders want to challenge themselves and know that they are invincible, they will also ask for a few tricks. Everyone who learns martial arts As we all know, the martial artist's first will and without a firm will to practice will not be promoted to the realm of a great master, so the martial artist is not allowed to admit defeat before fighting.

However, everyone knows the example, and it seems to have changed in Fu Chong.

Long Fei smiled and appreciated this Fu Chong a little. If it was Long Fei, he would do the same. Either he tries his best to win or lose with Mu Huangyuan, so that even if Mu Huangyuan enters the final, he will enter with one foot, or he will give up and simply admit defeat. He will not do something that he knows he will lose, but has to go to others to find abuse.

Fu Chong will not be Mu Huangyuan's opponent even if he was not injured. Although he is not injured now, he is in a different mood after losing to Jia Chong. At this time, he will obviously have more defeats and less wins. In this case, why do he have to go up?

has been abused once. He knows that he is going to be defeated, why should he be abused for the second time? Confidence has been hit once. Why should he be hit for the second time? Long Fei will never do this. Unexpectedly, there is another Fu Chong now. It seems that he has to make good friends.

Fu Jianqiang stood up in shock and stared at Fu Chong. After a while, he didn't know what to think of. He actually sat back with a smile on his face and greeted others to sit down together.

Mu Huangyuan was stunned and looked at Fu Chong. After a while, he slowly laughed and nodded: "I'm giving up!"

Since Fu Chong has admitted defeat, it is Mu Huangyuan and Jia Chong who have entered the finals according to previous speculation.

You can see the competition between two martial artists in the free realm of heaven. Everyone was excited and squeezed forward desperately to surround the whole square.

The game continued, not because Jia Chong played three games, and Mu Huangyuan postponed the game because of different physical exertion after two games. Since both of them are in the free state of heaven, the absorbed essence of heaven and earth is enough to make up for this point of internal power loss.

However, in order to show that the game is fair and just, the final was finally postponed by an hour.

Mu Huangyuan looked at Jia Chong standing opposite him and suddenly cracked his mouth and smiled: "Second Brother Jia, you have always been good!"

"The blessing of Second Brother Tom, I'm fine. I can eat, sleep and jump." Jia Chong smiled faintly.

"Haha... Jia Erge is still so funny! I didn't expect you to come to Guangwu County. Although Mu Huangyuan opened his mouth and laughed, there was no smile in his eyes. A cold light flashed across Jia Chong's face like a knife.

"Why can't I come to the place where your second brother Mu can come?" Jia Chong had no expression on his face and said in a faint tone as if two friends were chatting, "Guangwu County is not your wooden family."

At this time, everyone in the square looked strange. The two seemed not to be in a hurry to start to play, with smiles on their faces, as if a pair of good friends who had been reunited after a long time, talking about the other topic in detail, and both of them had smiles on their faces.

Seeing this situation, Fu Jianqiang showed an intriguing smile on his face and muttered, "It seems that Jia Mu's two families have really long hands."

"Jia Erge laughed. I don't know what the purpose of Jia Erge came to Guangwu County?" Mu Huangyuan stared at Jia Chong, and his voice lowered again.

"What's the purpose of Second Brother Mu, what is my purpose?" Jia Chong said lightly.

"Is Jia Erge specially right with my wooden family?" Mu Huangyuan no longer smiled and stared coldly at Jia Chongdao.

"The Mu family has always been against the Jia family. Is there any difference?" Jia Chong's face was still calm like a person who never made an expression, looking at Muhuangyuan lightly.

"Haha... So, we still have to distinguish the higher by martial arts." Muhuangyuan's eyes are getting colder and colder.

"Please..." Jia Chong stretched out his hand to lead Mu Huangyuan. After this sound, the two calmed down at the same time. This silence did not mean the calmness of the body movements, but the silence of the mentality. The two seemed to be a stone carving that Henggu was standing here. Except for the eyes of looking at each other, the movements of the body stopped. Come down.

They all know that the final interests of the Mu family and the Jia family in Guangwu County will eventually be decided through the competition of real knives.

When the two calmed down, the whole person seemed to be embedded in heaven and earth, and faintly resonated with heaven and earth. The heaven and earth moved, I moved, and the heaven and earth did not move.

Teacher is natural!

This is extremely difficult to understand. It is almost a realm of martial arts. It can only understand the unspeakable realm. People who can understand the nature of the teacher's method can almost enter the level of divine change in the future if they are young enough and have nothing unexpected.

The level of divine transformation is a spiritual change. This change is connected with nature. Therefore, understanding the nature of the teacher's method is also equivalent to touching the edge of the divine transformation and mastering the key of the divine transformation. As long as you find the lockhole of the door of the house of divine transformation, you can open the door of the divine transformation level and enter it. Of course, this also needs to be young. If you understand the nature of the teacher's law in your 70s and 80s, how can you enter the level of divine change?

This extremely quiet action seemed to affect the people in the square, and the buzzing noise gradually disappeared, only the audible silence of the falling needle.

Fu Jianqiang's pupils shrank slightly and looked at the two people in the field like a needle.

Wang Hu, several city owners Li Shaohu, Rao Gang, Jun Zhantian, and all looked at the two people on the scene with complicated eyes. Even Li Shaohu and Rao Gang, who hired them as guests, did not expect that both of them were martial artists who understood the nature of the master's law.

It seems that these two people's martial arts skills will be unlimited in the future!

Half an hour has passed, and Mu Huangyuan and Jia Chong still stood quietly, as if they were patient in the game. However, the degree of integration with nature is becoming more and more natural.

In the eyes of the audience, these two people seem to have become a plant and a tree in nature, integrated into nature, and grow naturally between heaven and earth. Even if a martial arts strongman like Fu Jianqiang closes his eyes, even if he concentrates on perception, he may not feel these two people.

Before entering the final, both of them fought with other martial artists several times, but they did not use the teacher's method naturally. It seems that those warriors who became players, including Fu Chong, did not make them feel the slightest prestige.

At this time, Fu Chong knew what a ridiculous idea he had just wanted to defeat Jia Chong. Even if he was a warrior in the free realm of heaven, if he did not understand the teacher's law, he would not have any majesty to these two people.


Just as everyone guessed when the two people would do it, the two people on the field moved and almost at the same time. Both of them pedaled their feet to the ground at the same time. Everyone seemed to feel their feet shaking, as if the earth was shaken by the trampling of the two people. Then Jia Chongjian waved like the wind, wooden yellow The original sword clicked like rain, and the two jumped four feet out of thin air at the same time and collided with each other in an instant.

As soon as they collided, the two flew back and fell. The place where they fell was the place where they just jumped up, which was almost the same.

This is just a test. Although the two have known each other for a long time and know enough about each other, it is the first time for a real fight, so it is inevitable to test it first.

In this test, the two did not distinguish between autumn colors, how high they jumped and how far they retreated.

As soon as they stood firm, the two seemed to have discussed, and jumped up at the same time and quickly bumped into each other.

At this time, the sun had not yet gone down, and the two long swords danced, and the light and shadow were dotted, as if two golden dragons were intertwined in mid-air. The jingling sound of impact keeps coming out. This is just the moment when they jumped up and fell. I don't know how many times their long swords have hit each other. The crisp sound like a shower was like jade beads rolling in the plate.

For a moment, the two separated again, but after the two fell this time, they changed their own direction. The place where Jia rushed down was the place where Muhuangyuan stood, and Muhuangyuan was the same, which became a confrontation. The two just exchanged a position.

"I didn't expect the natural realm of the teacher's law that Brother Jia also understood! It seems that I despise Brother Jia!" Mu Huangyuan's long sword hung on his side and looked at Jia Chong with a smile.

"I have always valued Second Brother Mu, otherwise I would not have lived until now." Jia Chong smiled faintly and said coldly

"Ha ha... bickering is useless. We'd better see the real chapter under our hands!" As soon as Mu Huangyuan's words fell, he jumped up, waved his sword, and rushed to Jia with the sound of wind and thunder.

Jia Chong's expression was motionless, but he almost jumped up at the same time as Mu Huangyuan. The fork sword waved, and also brought the sound of wind and thunder, and cut down to Mu Huangyuan like thunder.

In mid-air, the two fought with a long sword, like a jade plate, ringing non-stop, and then fell down again, jumped up again, and after the attack, fell down again.

The two have the same martial arts realm, and now they have adopted the same style of play, that is, to fight fast and hard.

It is precisely because they have the same realm of martial arts and have also understood the nature of the teacher's law that they dare not make those tricks in front of each other. In front of the martial artists in this realm, that is, they put themselves in danger.

At the end, the two fought with each other and changed their moves quickly. Under the full power of the two, they were also like a phantom.

Around the audience, ordinary people only see two virtual shadows chasing and rotating, sometimes jumping up, sometimes falling, entangled together, almost inseparable from each other.

But in the eyes of strong people like Fu Jianqiang, it can be seen that no one can reach the young generation of martial arts in Guangwu County, whether from light skills, internal strength, moves, etc.

As for those players and ordinary warriors, Jia Chong and Mu Huangyuan have different eyes.

Before the Guangwu competition, everyone thought that their martial arts skills were the best and they were expected to win the championship. At this time, when they saw the match between Jia Chong and Mu Huangyuan, they found out how ridiculous and overpowerful their original idea was.