Eastern Continent

Chapter 271, tell the enemy's whereabouts

The sun is hot and the wind is slow.

Although it is early summer, the compelling heat almost roasts every drop of water in the human body, making every pedestrian who dares to be on the road at this time charred and tender inside.


A wine shop built of thick bamboo. The wine shop also supported a long, wide and wide sun baffle made of bamboo leather with thick bamboo. It is precisely because of this sun baffle and a thick bamboo wall that can open windows on all sides that this wine shop has become a summer resort for the wind on all sides, and almost takes off a layer of skin in this heat. In the weather, every merchant and pedestrian from south to north will sit down here, sip two taels of yellow wine, order a plate of cold dishes, have a drink, and slowly dispel the heat.

However, there are too few people rushing on their way in this weather. In this spacious restaurant, there are only four people sitting in this spacious restaurant. However, these four people not only do not know each other, but also care about each other. They actually occupy the four tables against the wall from the east, west, north and south.

When entering this shop, due to the opening of windows on all sides, there is often some breeze blowing. Although it brings heat, it also brings coolness, which makes people not feel uncomfortable.

Maybe because the weather is too hot or because they don't know each other, the four people in the restaurant are silently dealing with the food in front of them. Except for the occasional sound of wind blowing and chewing food, the whole restaurant is quiet, like an abandoned ancient house.

It seems that this heat has even disappeared!

In this drowsy silence, there was a sudden sound of horses' hoofs outside the restaurant, like thousands of troops and horses. When they arrived at the door of the restaurant, there was a burst of chat. From the open windows and door of the restaurant, you can see that there are actually only a dozen teenagers outside, as if they are like this When the weather saw such a summer resort, they all shouted happily.

In this restaurant, not only the guests are sleepy, but also the shopkeeper is listless. They all see the guests coming to the door. The shopkeeper who is doze off on the counter just looks up at the door, and then lies down and falls asleep, as if sleeping in this weather is more interesting than making money.

With the noise, more than a dozen teenagers came in from the open door. First, they walked in a tiger-headed leopard-eyed one-eyed young man with a long knife on his back. After entering the store, he first glanced around. After seeing only four people in the store, he nodded with satisfaction and turned to the side of the door and put a blue shirt behind him. The young man with a square headscarf let him in. The young man's eyebrows were clear, and his skin was a little whiter than that of the girl. Naturally, he strode in from the door of the one-armed young man.

Behind this blue-shirted young man, there are two girls with almost the same appearance, but the girl on the left looks quiet and elegant, but the girl on the right has round eyes and a curious look in her eyes.

Behind the two girls, eight young men came in. Among these eight, two women and six men have a momentum, either like a sword out of the sheath, or like a blade of a restrained blade, or as quiet as water, or as a wave, or quiet, or generous. Among these people, they are vaguely led by a yellow-shirted teenager walking in front of them. , the people behind him just followed him step by step.

"It's too hot. It's good here. Let's take a break before we go!" The yellow-shirted teenager walking in the middle took a look at the environment of the restaurant and said.

"Shopkeeper, just come up with delicious food!" A young man with two hooks under his ribs took a step forward and shouted to the shopkeeper.

"Okay..." Even if there is a business, the small-headed shopkeeper still looks weak and weak.

"Father, please sit down!" The young man with double hooks hanging under his ribs stepped forward, walked to the top of a table, gently brushed the stool with his sleeves, and said respectfully to the blue-shirted young man.

His action naturally seemed to have become a habit of going deep into the bone marrow, and the blue-shirted young man naturally sat down, not feeling strange or embarrassed, as if this was just what the double-hook young man should do.

It's just that in their eyes, it's just the most common thing, but it's different in the eyes of the people around them. Although Long Fei and others have seen it before, they are still a little helpless to see it again.

They have become fugitive princes, and they are still so particular, just making people laugh!

As for the four diners, when they saw it, their eyes lit up and lowered their heads to deal with the food in front of them. Only the sleeping shopkeeper lying on the counter was still asleep at this time, as if the restaurant had nothing to do with him even if it was dismantled except for sleeping.

These people were naturally Longfei and his party. At that time, in order to avoid the pursuit of Hongmen, everyone abandoned the north gate and turned out of the city from the south gate of Luze City. When they returned to the bank of the Bidun River, it was not surprising that the ship of the Zhuque Army had disappeared.

Whether it was Zhong Zhi's previous order to wait for the next morning, or he was in a hurry to rush back to seize power, or even to escape the pursuit of Zuo Xi and the Mu family, it was impossible for the ship to wait for them in place at this time. However, to Long Fei and others, to his surprise, Zhong Zhi did not even leave a contact person. It seems that it was not In order to be surrounded by several great spiritual warriors, it is impossible for them to escape from Luze City, so they don't even bother to do these superficial efforts. Of course, his most urgent thing is to return to the quicksand City to seize power as soon as possible.

After knowing Zhong Zhi's purpose and the news that he had left, Xiang Yuanfei calmed down. Since the matter has happened, it is useless to be anxious. Besides, Xiang Fang has controlled the rosefinch army for decades, with high prestige, prestige and deep foundation, which is not comparable to Zhong Zhi. If even he is overthrown by Zhong Zhi, It's useless for Xiang Yuanfei to fly back.

However, Xiang Yuanfei calmed down, but Zuo Lichang's three brothers and sisters could not calm down. Grandpa and father were still in Zhong Zhi's hands. Although Zuo Lianhua was not as important as Ma Jue, for Zuo Xi's Ma Laoer, he was also a quick person who had to get rid of it.

In Zuo Xi's court, Zuo Lianhua's prestige was higher than Ma Jue. Before she fled, Zuo Lianhua was the prime minister of a country under one person and more than 10,000 people, and Ma Jue was just an orthodox heir to the throne in the eyes of Zuo Xi's people.

If it is only a single Zuo Lianhua, or a single Ma Jue, it will not make Ma Zhiyuan so afraid, but Ma Jue goes to Zuo Lianhua again, which is not only a matter of quantity, but has produced qualitative changes. Only the combination of these two people will have the power to compete with Ma Zhiyuan.

But at this time, people did not know whether Zhong Zhi handed over Zuo Lianhua to Zuo Xi's people or left them on the boat and brought them to Liusha.

However, after several discussions, everyone felt that they would continue to go to the quicksand city. As long as Zuo Xi wanted to catch Zuo Lianhua, if he did not kill him immediately, he would feel that he still had the value to bring Zuo Xi back, that is to say, if Zuo Lianhua really fell into the hands of Zuo Xi's pursuers, he would not die at this time. That is, there is no danger to life for the time being.

However, everyone still agreed that in order to deceive the trust of the orientation, it is impossible for Zhong Zhi to hand over Zuo Lianhua to Liu Daiying, because even if he meets the enemy, it is impossible for Zuo Lianhua's family, Ma Jue and Xiang Yuanfei to have nothing to do, while Zhong Zhi and his subordinates are unharmed.

Besides, if Zuo Lianhua is really on the ship, everyone is afraid that Zhong Zhi will vent their anger by killing Zuo Lianhua and his son after failing to rebel, so they all agree to go to quicksand first. Even if they can't see Zuo Lianhua, or they can also know the whereabouts of Zuo Lianhua and his son from Zhong Zhi's mouth.

After deciding on the goal, everyone knew that the matter was urgent, so they rushed to the road.

This day was just too sunny, and everyone also walked for two consecutive days. Although several men were bearable, several girls and two injured people, Zuo Lichang and Acropolis, were sunburned like frost eggplants and could no longer lift their spirits, so they stopped in this roadside restaurant. Come down for a little rest.

Ma Jue sat down. Although he was in a hurry for two days, everyone was a little tired, and even the people in the realm of martial arts were so tired that their legs were fluttering. However, Ma Jue, who was born in the royal family, was educated since childhood, he was still elegant and graceful at this time.

Seeing Ma Jue sit down, everyone sat down around him.

Everyone knows that Ma Jue is the main target of the enemy, so every time he appears in public, he consciously surrounds Ma Jue in the middle. Although no suspicious people have been found in such roadside shops, people are still cautious as ever.