Eastern Continent

Chapter 275, Revenge 1

Luze City, southeast corner, a secret altar of the Blue Shirt Club. There are still a few secret altars like this.

Although Hongmen and Keyuelou, Mujia and Zuo Xi destroyed the general altar of the Blue Shirt Club, the fundamental strength of the Blue Shirt Club has not been much lost.

Although the general altar has been destroyed, how can the blue shirt also run a big gang in Luze City for decades? Although it is not deeply rooted, it is also spreading branches and leaves. If they turn into the dark and hide it, even if a gang like Hongmen wants to find them out, it is like an old cat pulling a turtle --- there is nothing they can do.

Although it was still morning at this time, the whole blue shirt was already stirred in the altar. Everyone was doing what they should do. Although there were many people, the whole altar was quiet and almost no sound could be heard. If you didn't enter it, you would never have thought that there would be so many in this small yard. People live in it.

After the completion of the general altar, Yang Shu prepared this altar and dug a very deep cave under the altar. This cave not only stores many things, from food to use, but also weapons, and can also live in order to prevent the current situation.

People have no foresight and must have immediate worries, especially for Jianghu figures like Yang Shu, who often fight with others, have a greater sense of worry, and it is not surprising to leave a way out for themselves in the future!

The so-called cunning rabbit three caves, in fact, every person who is in the world prepares more than three retreats for himself!

Now there are more than 100 people in this forum, all of whom are the core personnel of the Blue Shirt Club, and these people have no relatives in Luze City. They are all those who are called into the Blue Shirt Club from other places. Even if they don't show up for a long time, no one will worry about them outside, and no one will notice them. As for the people summoned from Luze City, or the congregation who have a home in Luze City, they were scattered by Yang Shu after the main altar was burned and hidden among ordinary people. When it is needed, they will naturally raise their weapons again and charge with Yang Shu without hesitation.

Yang Shu sat cross-legged in ** and was vomiting attentively. During the waiting period, every blue shirt club had nothing to do, and so did Yang Shu, so there was a little more time to practice, and every martial arts had made great progress.

Because of this, in the past half month, the mood of the congregation in the altar has been stable, and there has been no panic caused by the destruction of the general altar.

With a long breath, Yang Shu slowly opened his eyes. This half-month of dedicated cultivation made Yang Shu feel that his spiritual power was becoming more and more pure. In the past, he was busy with the affairs of the meeting and had never been so calm to practice. This time, it seemed to be blessed by misfortune, and there were signs of a breakthrough in the realm, as if it was about to break out. It has reached the third realm of the spiritual level.

Therefore, although the general altar is destroyed, Yang Shu is not very frustrated. As long as there is a person, the lost will always be taken back. If the person is gone, even if he owns it, he will lose it.

"Lord, I have something to repay you!" A very soft voice sounded outside the door. In this altar, due to the influence of the environment, everyone couldn't help whispering.

"Come in!" Yang Shu said lightly.

As soon as the sound fell, two thin wooden doors were pushed away from the outside. A slender young man with thick hands came in and knew at a glance that this man's martial arts were on one hand.

This person is Lan Jiao, one of the four core members of the Blue Shirt Club and one of the four guardians of the Blue Shirt Club rescued by Long Fei from Ruan Qing at that time.


Yang Shu pointed to the only chair in the room and said lightly, "Sit down and talk."

"Thank you, Lord!" Lan Jiao is not polite. Although he respects Yang Shu, he also knows that Yang Shu doesn't like to talk nonsense and asks himself to sit down. However, although Lan Jiao sat down, he only sat down with half of his buttocks on the edge of the chair and bowed his waist.

Yang Shu shook his head and knew that they were like this. Although he had always been peaceful, he really didn't dare to sit in front of him in the whole blue shirt meeting.

"What's the matter?"

Yang Shuren** stood up and walked back and forth on the ground.

"According to our people, Liu Daiying and the Mu family left the city this morning!" Lan Jiao whispered.

"Oh!" Yang Shu just whispered, didn't say anything, but walked back and forth slowly.

Lan Jiao didn't say anything, but quietly looked at Yang Shu, who was walking back and forth in the room. He knew that Yang Shu was thinking about things, so he naturally did not dare to disturb him.

"What do you think?" Yang Shu suddenly said.

"It should be true!" Lan Jiao knew that Yang Shu wanted to ask whether Liu Daiying and the people of the Mu family really went out of the city, but he had no accurate information about this matter, even if it was just now

"Notify the brothers to get ready to act tonight." Yang Shu suddenly made up his mind and waved to Lan Jiao.

Although I don't know whether Liu Daiying and the Mu family really left to chase Longfei or pretended to leave to attract themselves out, Yang Shu had to take this risk.

After the destruction of the general altar, although the strength of the Blue Family Association has been preserved and most of the core members have been transferred to the location, but this is not as wide as the original general altar, and they can't go out at will. They are like a group of mice hidden underground, although they have not heard it for more than half a month. What complaints, but the heavy pressure makes everyone nervous every day. If they don't find something to do, maybe those who are weak will will have collapsed long ago.

Besides, if the blue shirt does not counterattack and does not take action, maybe some peripheral personnel will lose confidence and turn to Hongmen.

Therefore, although Yang Shu knew that there was a trap that would fall into Hongmen this time, he had to act.


Late night, the lively and luxurious Luze City has been silent, and gradually become only the sound of insects at night and more.

Kyue Building!

The luxurious and magnificent Keyue Building is still lively at this time, and the door is brightly lit, shining brightly nearby. In the building, there are still staggered, drunken money, listening to songs, or fighting.

In that hall, there are still some ordinary gangsters living on the lower floor eating and drinking, but at this time, they did not see Hongmen present, and there were no Hongmen gangs present, which means that Hong Ba may not have come to the guest Yue Building.

It may be that there are fewer domineering people in Hongmen. Now the hall of Keyue Building is more lively and more careless. Whether it is to invite friends or eating meat and drinking, the voice is much louder, and the noisy sound seems to have raised a large group of honey in a small box. The bee's voice is harsh, but it makes people unable to tell what they are talking about.

In this hall, there is a small window on the wall on the east side. This is a window that only one person can pass through. At this time, it is still early summer. The window is open. Sitting by the window is a dwarf with a short figure as fat as a pig. The whole person looks round, like a big meat ball. At this time, his hands are rising. The glass in the middle took a sip, swallowed it with a wrinkled face, and then picked up a piece of peanut and chewed it in his mouth.

"Rise your glass to invite the bright moon, and make a shadow..." The fat man's mouth kept moving and slowly turned around and looked out of the window. Tonight is the middle of the moon. There is a moon as big as a silver plate hanging high in the dark and far sky. The fat man sitting alone against the wall had no one to talk, so he had to take a sip of wine. Mutter a poem, and then turn around to look at the big moon outside the window.

** alone.

However, when the fat man turned his head this time, he was shocked and his mouth was wide open, and he could almost stuff down all the wine glasses in his hand. This time, the first thing he saw was not the silver plate-like moon, but the firelight.

The blazing firelight is rising from the back of the Keyue Building, almost reflecting the whole sky red.

"Fire, fire..." The fat man muttered twice. Suddenly, he grew his neck like a rooster who had been stepped on his tail, raised his head and shouted loudly. He was also like a rooster who had been beaten unconscious. First, he giggled unconsciously, and then turned out. He ran and not only turned over the stool table, but also knocked over a few people who didn't pay attention.

With the voice of the fat man, people in this hall also found the bear Dayan ignited behind the Keyue Building, and at this time, the sound of peeling also came.

I don't know how the fire broke out, but it's uncontrollable to get on fire together.


The whole guest building is in a mess.