Eastern Continent

Chapter 285, Counter-Chasing

When entering Jingshan, he followed Ma Jue and others, so there were not many difficulties, but when he came out of Jingshan, Liu Daiying knew that the mountain road was actually not easy to walk.

The mountain range where Jingshan is located is the Zhenwu Mountains, which is the second largest mountain range on the continent. It is almost parallel to Montenegro from north to south, dividing the whole continent into two parts, which shows the length of this mountain range. Since ancient times, the area between the Zhenwu Mountains and Montenegro has been called the back of the mountain, and the area facing the sea in front of the Zhenwu Mountains is called the front of the mountain.

Although Jingshan is the place where the Zhenwu Mountains are connected to the sea, Jingshan is not as tall as the other two mountains in the Zhenwu Mountains. The forests, stones, peaks, valleys and ditches in the mountains are more steep and dense than Chengling and Caiyun Mountain.

And Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming, who retreated from Jingshan, finally tried the taste of being chased.

When they came in, worried about getting lost, Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming had marked all the places they passed along the way. When they exited, they could walk out of Jingshan as long as they followed the mark. However, what surprised them was that when they really withdrew, they found that the marks they had made along the way were actually People erase or move places, even those places that used to have sheep intestine paths. At this time, sheep intestine paths also appear from time to time, more and less.

This result led them to find that they had gone the wrong way after a day and a half of retreat.

At this time, Liu Daiying, Guo Jingming and others finally understood how fast they thought they were, biting the tail of Ma Jue and others, so that they could not get rid of them. It turned out that Long Fei and others were not unable to get rid of themselves, but they took themselves and others around the mountain, while setting traps, waiting for When Liu Daiying and others retreated, they finally knew how powerful these traps were.

Until this time, Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming finally felt scared and were chased and killed by two spiritual warriors with a group of innate martial artists. What they wanted was not to escape, but to fight back first, and wanted to fight back when Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming and others returned without success.

Who is the pursuer?

If they keep chasing, these traps are useless and a little redundant, but when Liu Daiying and the others retreat, these traps work. In fact, the main function of these traps is not to hurt them, but to make them get lost. In these traps, all places are plausible. All roads are like dead, but all dead places are like roads. Under the confusion of these traps, they finally get lost, even if Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming When the warriors were led, there were also some people who were familiar with the mountains and forests, and how could they compare with Long Fei and Tongtou? Even the two men often visited Montenegro, which ordinary people regarded as a forbidden area, as their own back garden.

Under the confusion of the trap set by these two people, Liu Daiying and others repeatedly admitted the wrong path, and finally they could not even distinguish between east, west, north and south. At this time, the attack of Long Fei and others finally began.

Long Fei's attack is not like Liu Daiying and others, chasing behind his target, but bypassing the front to ambush and walking in the mountains and forests. Long Fei's speed is similar to that of the flat ground. It is not difficult to get around in front of Liu Daiying and others.

Therefore, as Liu Daiying and others were gradually penetrated, more and more attacks became more and more frequent, but such attacks were not long-lasting. They were all stones or bows and arrows flew for a while, or threw them with branches and homemade flying guns for a while. Before Liu Daiying and others reacted, Long Fei Waiting for others to retreat like the wind, Liu Daiying and others can't chase them. Even if they want to chase, they dare not chase them. Who knows if there are any traps on the road of Long Fei and others retreating!

Therefore, Liu Daiying and others could only look for the way while guarding against the attack of Long Fei and others. Therefore, Liu Daiying and others were made by this continuous attack. The vegetation was not only extremely tired, but also their physical strength reached the limit.

At this time, not only Guo Jingming, but also Liu Daiying deeply regretted why he chased into Jingshan.



After Liu Daiying picked a long arrow with a knife, he saw that there were no longer long arrows around and knew that the attack was finally over.

In the three days since the retreat, there have been six such attacks, as if the two sides have arranged, once a day, once in the afternoon, but irregular in the morning and in the afternoon. Each attack is less than an hour. The attack is mainly a long-range bow and arrow or shooting gun. The bow and arrow are one in the scenery. Made of hardwood, even the tip of the arrow is carved by this kind of hardwood. Although it is not as hard as iron, the weight of the arrow made of this hardwood is not only almost the same as the arrow made of iron, but also the sharpness is not much different. The general leather armor can be pierced, and the shooting gun is naturally made of this kind of hardwood. Of course, the shooting gun made at will There is no standard, except for big and small, long and short, and even curved like a bow.

Under the continuous attacks, Zuo Xi and the Mu family's innate warriors lost another one, and now there is just one integer left. It was originally injured, but now there is a new wound on the body.

Along the way, Guo Jingming became more and more aggrieved. This trip not only failed to kill Ma Jue, but also made the Mu family lose several innate warriors. You should know that every innate warrior is a huge asset for the family. Every innate warrior in the family is piled up with money and lose a congenital warrior. The warrior not only makes the family lose strength, but also loses wealth.

The loss of every innate warrior made Guo Jingming feel sad and worried. Fortunately, Mu Huangyuan is still safe and sound until now, otherwise Guo Jingming may not dare to go back to the Mu family.

In fact, accepting Zuo Xi's request to hunt down Ma Jue with Zuo Xi this time is not the task taken by the owner of the Mu family, but the task taken by the outside of the Mu family. In the external control, the great deacon Jin Li and several offerings have been closed all year round. The second deacon Mu Qing also has more time to retreat and less time to manage the affairs. In fact, all external affairs are still It was Guo Jingming, the three deacons, who were dealing with and accepting this task. It was also the next thing after Guo Jingming discussed with Mu Huangyuan. At that time, Ma Jue and his guards, together with the people of the Zuo family, the highest martial arts were only in the realm of heaven. He and Liu Daiying, two warriors at the spiritual level, plus the rest of the innate martial arts, wanted to kill these people. It's really just a lot of effort.

It is true. At the beginning, Ma Jue's guards and the people of the Rosefinch Army just dragged Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming to let Ma Jue escape. As a result, there were nearly 50 guards, and now there are only more than a dozen people left. However, even so, Ma Jue still can't escape their pursuit.

However, what surprised Liu Daiying and others was that due to the Crouching Tiger Gang, Long Fei and others joined. With the addition of Long Fei and others, the situation has gradually changed. From the beginning of Guangwu County of Neil to now, no matter which attack it is, it has ended in failure.

Guo Jingming knew that this three-day attack was just the beginning, and then it was the real attack until they came out of Jingshan.

Guo Jingming regretted taking over Zuo Xiguo's task for the first time!

Originally, I thought that after completing this task, according to the agreement with Zuo Xi, I could bring great gains to the Mu family. Even I could get a lot of rewards from the family, and even get the appreciation of the family owner, and it was not necessary to be promoted or taught advanced martial arts.

However, after losing a few congenital warriors, Guo Jingming no longer had the illusion at the beginning. He knew that this mission had failed, and now he just wants to take these warriors back safely, so as not to lose too much.

As for the remuneration negotiated with Zuo Xi, Guo Jingming didn't dare to think about it at this time.

This time, Zuo Xi can be said to have lost his wife and soldiers, but the Mu family stole the chicken without eating the rice.

In the past two days, Guo Jingming's spirit has been tightly tied, always guarding against the sneak attack of Long Fei and others.

Mainly long-range attacks, supplemented by the haunting in the dark, it started quickly and ended quickly. As soon as they came into contact, they attacked with all their strength, like a fire, as if they were endless, but in the blink of an eye, they immediately put away their weapons and turned around and fled, only to see that Zuo Xi and the Mu family were speechless.

In fact, Guo Jingming, Liu Daiying and others all know that a sneak attack of this level is just a test. The real war is still ahead, but they don't know when Long Fei and others launched.