Eastern Continent

Chapter 335, Enemy Five Out of the City

Hu Zhijun withdrew, and Mu Huangyuan immediately took his position and attacked the formation of Long Fei and others crazily.

Just because Hu Zhijun ranked second without martial arts, although the offensive of the Forbidden Qiu side is still crazy, its power is much weaker. Although there are four spiritual warriors such as Yang Xiaobing, Zhong Zhi, Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming, Hu Zhijun's role is not something that Zhong Zhi and others can replace, so they attack Although it was more crazy and fierce than at the beginning, Xiang Yuanfei and others supported them without retreating with the help of the formation.

After the fourth round of attack, Zuo Lichang, who lost an arm, was injured by Zhong Zhi's long * because of his failure to defend. He had no choice but to retreat into the center of the formation, and Zuo Zhaoshi made up for his position.

After the fifth round of attack, Jia Qing and Ma Jue were injured at the same time, but because there was no one to replace them, they could only grit their teeth and persist.

On the forbidden autumn side, in addition to Hu Zhijun's withdrawal, there is also a palace Ichiro who is still harassing the formation from time to time.

The situation suddenly became critical!

After the sixth round of attack, Junfeng and the copper head were also injured. At this time, only Xiang Yuanfei was left who was not injured. In an instant, the burden of both defense and attack fell on his shoulder. At this time, others could only defend hard and try their best to maintain the formation from Yang Xiaobing and others, hoping to persist. The arrival of Xiangfang.

And only a quarter of an hour has passed!

As if they saw the hope of victory, Yang Xiaobing's offensive became more urgent. However, most of their offensive flew towards Yuan, which made Xiang Yuanfei, which was already a little difficult, and the operation speed of the whole formation suddenly slowed down.

The formation kept running, and finally turned Xiang Yuanfei in front of Zhong Zhi. This can be said to be an enemy meeting, which is particularly red-eyed. If it hadn't been for Zhong Zhi's rebellion, the rosefinch army would not have harmed the soldiers, and even Yang Xiaobing and others did not dare to come to the sand city to show off their power and attack them.

And Zhong Zhi, his rebellion was defeated by Xiang Fang, and only took Gong Yilang to flee in a hurry. He didn't even take his own soldiers away. After attracting the forbidden autumn army to attack the sand city, he was about to succeed, and he was about to become the owner of the sand city. Although he is not like Xiang Fang, who is now a local emperor, who is in charge of the power of the whole city and kills the capital. However, even under the management of Emperor Jiangqiu and Yang Xiaobing, as long as he can become the owner of Liusha City, Yu Zhongzhi will not lose much. Maybe he will make a good time in the Kingdom of Autumn in the future, and it is not necessary to be crowned, but all this has been destroyed by Xiang Yuanfei and others.

Now Zhong Zhi seems to see a dog. He clearly sees the meat in the bag, but he can't bite it. Only Xiang Yuanfei and others who fought with him can deeply understand the anger and hatred.

Therefore, although Zhong Zhi was not well due to Xiang's injury, he also came with Yang Xiaobing to stop Xiang Yuanfei and others. Zhong Zhi wanted to revenge more than Yang Xiaobing.

The previous formation was quite tight. There were others helping Xiang Yuanfei defend. Zhong Zhi could not hurt Xiang Yuanfei several times, but most of the people in the formation had been injured, and their movements became slower after the injury. Not only did the formation change slowly, but also their movements were slow, so even if they wanted to help Xiang Yuanfei Defense, but at this time, it is also a little unable to keep up with the rhythm and is powerless.

Zhong Zhichang's gun shook, pulled out the gun flowers one by one and sprinkled them towards Yuan. The guns were dense, like rain in the sky, so that people could not see that one was true and that one was false.

Although the realm of martial arts is very different, Xiang Yuanfei is not afraid at all, not only because he is familiar with Zhong Zhi's martial arts, but also because he is not a timid person. At this time, he has reached the last moment. If he doesn't work hard, when can he fight hard?

With a wave of the long knife, he cut from top to bottom towards Zhong Zhi's long gun.

The long knife is heavy and powerful, and the long gun is light and flexible. If the two really intersect, it must be a long knife to take advantage, but will the long gun used by Zhong Zhi's martial arts make Xiang Yuanfei's long knife hit? Even if it is hit, will Zhong Zhi's long gun suffer? Obviously impossible.

Therefore, Xiang Yuanfei's knife is not to block Zhong Zhi's long gun, but to hit Zhong Zhi.

Cut the shadow of the gun and people, even if you can't cut the long gun, you have to cut his people.

This is Xiang Yuanfei's helpless idea.

However, this idea is obviously unrealistic. Not to mention the huge gap between the martial arts between the two, that is, their fighting experience is far from each other.

Just when Xiang Yuanfei thought that his knife was absolutely impossible to block Zhong Zhi's long gun, he blocked it. Of course, it was not Xiang Yuanfei who blocked the long gun, but Zhong Zhi's wrist turned slightly, and the straight spear turned up and down, and the gun point kept falling on Xiang Yuanfei's long knife like real raindrops. , he knocked Xiang Yuanfei's long knife and gradually swinged to the outside, revealing the gap in front of him. Then Zhong Zhi's long gun was clicked again and pierced from the gap exposed by Xiang Yuanfei and pierced Xiang Yuanfei's chest.

The rabbit's rise and fall in this battle was extremely fast, almost only in an instant. At this time, the sword waved by Ma Jue on the right side of Yuanfei was about to touch Zhong Zhi's long gun.

Looking at the tip of the gun in front of him, Xiang Yuanfei's resolute eyes finally showed a little panic.

Zhong Zhi showed a smile at the corners of his mouth. As long as the Rosefinch Army lost the new leader Xiang Yuanfei, it would be a failure. Although there was still Xiang, under the double blow of no successor of the Rosefinch Army and his successor, sooner or later the Rosefinch Army will not be able to defend the quicksand City, and then the quicksand City will fall again. In your own hands, you will laugh to the end, and the position of the lord of the sand city will also be your own in the end.

In Zhong Zhi's proud smile, a figure suddenly jumped out of the middle of the formation, like a meteor passing by. Everyone only saw a figure passing by, and in an instant, they arrived in front of Zhong Zhi, waved his hand, and the cold knife poked Zhong Zhi's lower abdomen.

Of course, this is Long Fei. After retreating into the formation, Long Fei urgently adjusted his breath to restore his spiritual power. With his spiritual power, the day after tomorrow's hammer and the innate Zhantian Zhantian can be used several times. His injury was not because of the exhaustion of spiritual power, but because of Hu Zhijun's spiritual power counterattack. Therefore, when he retreated into the formation, his body There is still spiritual power. The spiritual power only ran for a few weeks, and the rather serious injury on his body has healed. How can these people know the wonderful use of Tiangong? Long Fei has been unbearable, that is, to paralyze Yang Xiaobing and others to find the best opportunity.

Just now, Long Fei saw the best opportunity. When Zhong Zhi was proud to open Xiang Yuanfei's long knife and let Xiang Yuanfei expose the empty door, Long Fei surged to the soles of his feet with the spiritual power stored in his legs for a long time.

The speed is definitely the fastest since Long Fei learned light kung fu and created light kung fu. Originally, several spiritual forces used to change the direction were gathered into a rush to the soles of his feet. This fierce spiritual impact made the meridians of Long Fei's feet feel pain.

Because of the synthesis of multiple forces, the speed of Long Fei's straight rush is almost twice as fast as usual, but as soon as he started, he arrived in front of Zhong Zhi, and the short knife stabbed Zhong Zhi's lower abdomen as soon as he stretched out.

Because he leaned down and rushed to Zhong Zhi, his lower abdomen was just the most convenient position.

Zhong Zhi's proud smile was frozen on his face and quickly turned into shock. The long gun that had been stabbed to Yuan Fei was too late to take back, but Zhong Zhi was also a decisive person. He immediately released the long gun and patted it with both hands, one left and one right to patted Long Fei's short knife.

However, Long Fei took a long time to seize such an opportunity, and how could Zhong Zhi avoid it? With a shaking hand, the short knife suddenly flew out of his hand. The short knife was thrown out by Long Fei, which was almost twice as fast as Long Fei had just jumped out. In Zhong Zhi's shocked eyes, it plunged into Zhong Zhi's lower abdomen fiercely.

After the short knife entered his abdomen, Zhong Zhi screamed in vain and his face turned pale in an instant, but his palms still patted over. Long Fei raised his left palm, but only held his right palm, but was still slapped on Zhong Zhi's left palm on his right shoulder.

A mouthful of blood spewed out and sprinkled on the skirt in front of Long Fei's body. The original forward posture was slapped back by Zhong Zhi's palm, and a click came from his right shoulder, which was dislocated by Zhong Zhi!

However, I don't know when the knife was tied to his wrist by Long Fei with a cloth handle. This flew out, and the short knife that was originally inserted into the lower abdomen was pulled out again. With the pull-out scraper, there was fountain-like blood.

The severe pain made Zhong Zhi's scream not stop, and then he suddenly made a louder cry, and the muscles on his face quickly twisted. However, what he didn't expect was that Ma Jue's long sword, which had not been noticed by him, suddenly turned in a direction, pierced into his right arm, and then took the situation. With a twist, he twisted the meat from half of his arm.

This series of injuries finally made Zhong Zhi unable to stagger back.

Gong Yilang was so shocked that he hurriedly grabbed Zhong Zhi. However, when he saw the terrible wound on Zhong Zhi's lower abdomen, the blood like a fountain, and the white bones exposed on his arm, Miya Ichiro couldn't help but let out a earth-shaking howling!

With the serious injury of Hu Zhijun and Zhong Zhi, Yang Xiaobing knew that his ambush had failed again!

However, with Long Fei's power twice, this teenager finally made Yang Xiaobing face up to face. It turned out that among these young people, the most important thing was not Xiang Yuanfei, the new regimental commander of the Zhuque Army, nor Ma Jue, who Guo Jingming chased from Guangwu to Liusha City, but this one who had been silently hiding behind them, but kept close The key role, even the young dragon Fei who determined the universe in World War I.

Just like their attack, Long Fei came up with the correct way to defense from seeing them appear, which is still correct until now.

Among them, not only was Hu Zhijun cut two cross wounds between his chest and abdomen by Long Fei's two consecutive knives, and was forced to withdraw from the battle circle. Although Mu Huangyuan was added, he was only a innate martial artist. The prestige of Xiang Yuanfei and others must not be as big as the original Hu Zhijun, which also led to Zhong Zhi again. The reason why he was seriously injured by Long Fei.

In fact, Yang Xiaobing's attack method has also made mistakes. If they take one person as the arrow and others as the supplement, and specialize in a certain point in the formation, the effect must be better than the current five spiritual warriors to separate the battle attack.

It's a pity that although Yang Xiaobing understands this truth now, it's too late. Although this blow can't make the resolute Yang Xiaobing show frustration, it also makes him hesitate a little. He doesn't know whether to continue to attack like this or change the way of attack.

At this time, Long Fei and other people's defensive front is almost flawed and will definitely not support it for long. If they don't change the way of attack, only a few people Long Fei and others can escape when the formation is broken. If they specialize a little, the formation may be broken soon, but if Long Fei and others escape, he can't guarantee that Can he catch up with Xiang Yuanfei, Ma Jue, Long Fei and others who he wants to kill or capture most?


Just as Yang Xiaobing was struggling to change the way of attack, a roar suddenly came.