Eastern Continent

Chapter 349, Challenge Xi Lao


A loud noise suddenly exploded from the circle that was shrinking with only one arm's distance, giving people the feeling that it was as if a muffled thunder exploded. The sound was loud and deafening. In the feeling of all people, it seemed that the square suddenly shook, and their feet in contact with the ground actually felt a vibration.

Then, everyone actually saw people shooting out from all directions, as if one of the two people in their hands was blown into pieces by the muffled thunder and flew out in all directions!

However, these virtual shadows only disappeared at once, and when the chaotic shadows finally stood still, there were only two people standing face to face in the field.

Xi Lao was still standing still, without moving. One hand was still behind him, and the other hand was still hanging on his side, looking at Long Fei standing opposite with a smile: "Do you want to continue!"

Long Fei's face was a little pale, his right hand holding the knife trembled slightly, and the hem of his clothes was also broken a few times. This was not cut by Xi Lao, but when Long Fei attacked Xi Lao with a short knife, the knife gas was reflected by Xi Lao, and it cut Long Fei's own clothes.

However, Long Fei knew that this was Xi Lao's intention to do it. How could he not control these reflexes of knife spirit with Xi Lao's martial arts? It was just that he deliberately played tricks on Long Fei.


Without saying a word, Long Fei jumped up and rushed to Xi Lao.

This time, Long Fei changed his playing style, and his light skills were tried his best to spin, as if the water flow of a real fish, as fast as lightning, and the twists and turns were suddenly changeable. This time, Long Fei was never greedy for meritorious. He retreated with a short knife, and regardless of whether he could cut Xi Lao or not, he immediately stopped and retreated without waiting for the old man.

In the eyes of everyone, this time Long Fei seemed to be a puppet in Xi Lao's hand. He was constantly released and taken back by Xi Lao. Whether it was released or taken back, the speed was as fast as lightning, almost becoming a virtual shadow.

If the light skills performed by Long Fei just when he rotated around Xi Lao are surprising, the light skills performed now are shocking.

Just now, he circled around Xi Lao. It was just following the trend. The faster his speed, the greater the coherence he brought. In fact, to the end of the rotation, Long Fei did not need much spiritual power. Only pertinence could drive him to rotate. If he looked down from above, it was like a puppet in Xi Lao's hand and was working hard around himself. Shaking, it became a circle connected by shadows around him

It's different now. Although Long Fei is also the main attack and Xi Lao is just defending, this time Long Fei did not circle around Xi Lao. He suddenly entered and retreated, left and right, and kept attacking Xi Lao, but it was not a circle. This was completely consistent, and consistency was also in the opposite direction.

But it is this kind of attack, and the speed of Long Fei is not much slower than that of the circle just now.

In such an advance and retreat, the coherence generated will consume a person's spiritual power more, and also make his body and internal forces unable to withstand this pulling force that constantly changes direction back and forth, which will hurt himself.

But whether Longfei attacks or retreats, it is still fast and natural. Of course, Longfei does not go straight forward and retreat, but has a certain arc.

Just like the route of stones running in the air, it begins to fall at a certain height. The same is true for Long Fei's offensive route. His seemingly straight offensive route is actually curved every time, rushing forward. When it comes to Xi Lao, it is him who When the forward line began to bend, after a knife, it cut Xi Lao's body obliquely and swept it out.

After reaching a certain distance, Long Fei's feet were a little on the ground and attacked Xi Lao again.

Of course, Long Fei's attack did not always advance in an arc, and sometimes he would attack Xi Lao directly. When he arrived in front of Xi Lao, he just landed and hit the knife hard, regardless of whether he hit it or not, he kicked his feet on the ground and immediately retreated.

Sometimes although it attacks in a straight line, it does not land, but suddenly advances and retreats with two spiritual forces in completely opposite directions in the body.

In the eyes of everyone, Long Fei is like a butterfly wearing flowers, constantly flying around the flowers, constantly changing various postures, and the direction is completely unspecificated. Sometimes it goes straight, but when it comes to Xi Lao, it suddenly turns. Sometimes it is clearly obliquely leaning towards Xi Lao, and it is about to be in front of Xi Lao. When he turned a big arc and cut it out, Long Fei actually retreated obliquely along the route he had just made.

This completely irregular attack not only stunned everyone, but also shocked everyone. They suddenly found that if they were against Long Fei, they could only passively defend under such a light attack and had no ability to counterattack at all.

And this is the light kung fu of the water realm. If it goes back to the wind realm, what will it be like!

Everyone is afraid and full of expectations!

This time, Xi Lao still stood still. He didn't look at Long Fei or even fight back. He just kept attacking by Long Fei. Only when Long Fei's attack came, his body moved slightly, but this slight movement made all Long Fei's attacks fall into the air.

He seemed to have eyes all over his body. No matter from which direction Long Fei's attack came from, his body moved slightly to avoid Long Fei's attack. What shocked Long Fei was that until now, Xi Lao's feet had not moved an inch. Only his upper body moved, and his body was like one that could be twisted at will. Like Qu's twist, no matter how fierce Long Fei's attack is, he just twisted it gently and completely avoided it.

This is not only the category of martial arts, but also the combination of Xi Lao's experience, eyesight, intuition and other conditions with his own martial arts to produce such a terrible result.

Xi Lao's body method is completely the appropriate action made after mastering the situation on the battlefield. Under this body method, Xi Lao did not waste any strength.

Long Fei became more and more shocked, and the more he fought, the more powerless he felt.

It turns out that there are such martial arts in the world. Xi Lao will still attack with all his strength. If others had taken the opportunity to fight back, Long Fei would have been injured.

However, Xi Lao is a warrior at the level of divine transformation. Long Fei is only at the spiritual level. The difference between the two is one in the sky and the other on the earth. Usually, it is impossible for the divine warrior to descend to compete with the spiritual warrior. Therefore, this time, the experience of Long Fei and Xi Lao has great strength in his future martial arts cultivation. Help.

Long Fei's dazzling butterfly-like attack and Xi Lao's motionless defense have become two great contrasts, which are also surprising when everyone is dazzled.


Just as everyone saw that they forgot to breathe, a figure suddenly flew out of the battle circle and flew straight into the air like an arrow. It didn't fall down until it was five feet high. The man rose so fast that he had risen to mid-air almost without blinking. When it fell, it was as light as a feather and slow. Slowly hovering, as if a feather was really swept by the breeze and fell to the ground.

Of course, this person is Long Fei. It turned out that he couldn't attack for a long time. For a moment, he was anxious and was too close to bully him, and his body turned slightly slowly. As soon as his body turned out, he was gently imprinted on his back by the long-standing Xi Lao. Under the combined action of Long Fei's own strength and Xi Lao's power, Long Fei was like sitting on a rocket. Generally, in the blink of an eye, he rose to a height of five feet and fell until he was exhausted. Fortunately, Long Fei's light skill was unique, otherwise he would fall and bloom this time.

When he fell down, except for the slight fatigue caused by the loss of spiritual power, Long Fei did not feel strange in his body, so he knew that what Xi had just used was ingenuity.

"Do you want to continue!"

Xi Lao asked with a smile that this disciple gave him a lot of surprises. Not only was his martial arts promoted to the second level at a young age, but also light martial arts are also unique in the world. Even his moves may lack some heat at this time, but also lack some strengths of various moves. The experience and vision of the furnace, but his direction is correct, that is, to use some of the most common moves to exert the most powerful power after combination. Although this is not as powerful as the earth-shaking moves in ancient times, this move can be endless, like running water, and the source is endless. As long as Long Fei is willing to fight, he can keep using it, and there will never be a repeated move.

Although the ancient moves are powerful, just like the few moves Long Fei learned from The Secret of the Sky, which is powerful enough to challenge several levels, but this kind of move is extremely rare, generally only a few moves, or only one move.

And there are two different ways between these two moves.

The first is that this ordinary move does not consume much internal force, and it can even use the power of the previous move to complete the use of a move without any strength; the internal force consumed by that powerful move is amazing. With the martial arts of the second realm of Long Fei's spiritual level, he shows Zhan Tianzhan, which is suitable for spiritual warriors, learned from The Secret of the Sky, only makes him have no strength to stand in three or four times.

The second is the time of moves. Ordinary moves are so fast that their eyes can't keep up with them, but they can release many moves in an instant. The time of powerful moves is generally very slow, and they all have to prepare for a period of time before they can make moves, which must make martial arts ready to perform this kind of wonder. When recruiting, you must strive for an appropriate opportunity, such as pulling a certain distance, or making the enemy temporarily unresponsable, or having your own comrades-in-arms next to you.

In fact, the two have their own advantages and disadvantages. One is suitable for fast attack and the other is suitable for attacking in group battles.

"I..." After several considerations, Long Fei opened his mouth and just wanted to speak, but a voice suddenly came to his ear: "If it's martial arts in "Secrets of Heaven", then you don't have to try!"

Long Fei looked up at Xi Lao, and saw Xi Lao winking at him mischievly, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and a thin voice came to Long Fei's ears: "I know the power of Xu Tiangong, but the fight at this time is not very helpful, and there are many people here, so there is no need to try again!"

Long Fei was stunned, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face. He bowed to Xi Laoyi: "Master is awesome. Thank you for your advice. Disciple admit defeat!"

"Hahaha..." Xi Lao laughed: "You can teach me!" Suddenly jumping, everyone only felt a flower in front of them. Before they could see it clearly, Xi Lao, who was standing in the middle of the square, had crossed the wide square, fell into his seat just now, and smiled at Long Fei.

Long Fei was stunned. Xi Lao's light skill opened Long Fei's eyes. In addition to the speed far better than Long Fei, even the accuracy was not bad at all, and even the distance he jumped was three times the distance that Long Fei could jump now.

This is just the light skill of Xi Lao's random spin. If it is in the real hand, at the speed of Xi Lao, many people may be approached by Xi Lao before they reacting, and the battle will be solved by three moves and two styles.

What's more, after the defeat, it is likely that he can't escape. With Xi Lao's light kung fu, he jumped nearly ten feet away. There is a martial artist who has such light kung fu and can escape so fast.

Xi Lao's light work calmed down the whole square.

"Is there anyone else to challenge!" Xi Lao looked at several of his disciples and suddenly looked at Tielan and said, "Xiao Lanzi, won't you challenge a few brothers?"

Tielan's face suddenly turned red. She stood up and bowed to Xi Lao and said, "My martial arts skills are low, and I dare not challenge my brother!"

"Alas..." Xi Lao suddenly sighed and smiled, "Sit down. If you don't challenge, you won't challenge!" He turned to others and said, "If no one challenges again, this year's challenge will be over!"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xi Lao stood up and said lightly, "It's getting dark. Let's go back and rest. The challenge is over!"