Eastern Continent

Chapter 377, Fish Elder

After the thin old man threw Long Fei into the dungeon, he returned to the small room.

At this time, Meng Ting had stood up, stood in front of the portrait with his backhand, quietly looking at the person in the painting, and didn't know what he was thinking. Even the thin old man came in and did not respond.

The thin old man did not dare to disturb him. He only gently walked behind Meng and stood up and stood without saying anything. He just looked at Meng Ting quietly, and his eyes were full of respect.

"How is he?"

After a long time, Meng Ting suddenly asked. His voice was a little low and hoarse, and he didn't even turn his head.

But the thin old man knew who Meng Ting was asking and said respectfully, "Don't shout or speak, as if you have accepted your fate!"


Meng Ting said in a long voice: "What do you think of his face? Is there any frustration or despair of giving up?

"No!" The thin old man thought for a while before slowly said, "His face is calm. Occasionally, when he opens his eyes, he can't see a look of despair."


Meng Ting suddenly laughed, slowly turned around, looked at the thin old man and said, "Lao Huang, I didn't expect that I would take a big fish back! This son is also a very human, and he must have a great history!"

"Great history?" The thin old man wondered, "What's his origin...?"

"Has anyone been here these days?" Meng Ting did not answer, but changed the topic and asked.

"Someone came that night, but Xiao Peng has been sent away." The thin old man said respectfully.

"Hmm!" Meng Ting replied and asked again, "Have they found it?"

Lao Huang whispered, "I have searched the whole city two days ago, and it seems to be specially searched in the East Gate area these two days."

Meng Ting said, "It's not easy to decide the scope so quickly. I don't know who is presiding over the search?"

"It seems to be the foreign teenager who destroyed the master's event called Copper Head, and Ye Guoming of the Ye family." A cold light flashed in Lao Huang's eyes.

"These two people again!" Meng Ting's eyes burst into a cold light, which was fleeting. He slowly sat down and said lightly, "Go and call Xiao Peng here."

"Yes" The thin old man answered and immediately turned around and went out.

After a while, the thin old man came in with a young man of about 30 years old with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

As soon as he entered the room, the young man knelt down in front of Meng Ting, kowtowed heavily and said, "See the elder."

"Get up!" Meng Ting did not get up, but stretched out his hand and said, "In this extraordinary period, there is no need to do this big gift."

"Yes!" Xiao Peng stood up and respectfully said to Meng, "The elder asked his subordinates to come here. What can I do for you?"

Meng Ting stood up from the chair, turned his hand behind him, walked a few steps in the room, and then raised his head, looked serious, looked at Xiao Peng like a sword, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Peng."

Xiao Peng bent down with his legs and said respectfully, " Elder, please tell me."

Meng Ting said in a low voice, "If I hand over everything here to you, are sure to manage it well?"

Xiao Peng was shocked, his feet softened and knelt down again, and hurriedly said, "Why did the elder say this?"

Meng Ting pondered for a while before saying slowly and heavily: "The clan master's injury this time is not light and may be in danger of his life. I want to rush back as soon as possible. Moreover, my identity as the main priest has been exposed, and it doesn't have much effect. It's better to rush back as soon as possible to help the clan cope with the current crisis. However, the business here is an important of our family. The economic source is extremely important and must not be given up, so we have to let you take on this important task.

Xiao Peng was shocked and said, "Is the owner seriously injured?"

Meng sighed and seemed to be several years old: "We all miscalculated. This loss is the biggest in our history. The elites were almost destroyed in this sneak attack."

The thin old man's expressionless face trembled, and he hurriedly lowered his head for fear of being seen by others.

Xiao Peng ignored these words. After hearing Meng Ting's words, he saw that the elder, who had always been stable, was so gaffe. He also knew that big things were not good. Something very serious must have happened in the clan. He only felt panicked and immediately burst into tears and choked: "Big Elder..."

"Okay! All right!" Meng Ting looked at the thin old man and said, "Don't cry. It's not the last moment yet! Lao Huang, just tell Xiao Peng what happened! In the future, major events will depend on these young people, and they also have the right to know what happened!"

Lao Huang wiped the tears off his face with his sleeves and intermittently told the story.

Originally, in the depths of the sea far away from the mainland, there is an island called Moon Island. The people living on the island belong to the fish people. This Meng Ting is the elder of the fish people. The number of fish people is not large, with about hundreds of thousands and more than one million people.

To the north of the Moon Island where the fishmen live, there is a larger island called Rijima. The people living on this island are called bone spurs, and the population is almost twice that of the fishmen.

Although these two peoples are island countries and should have supported each other and helped each other, the fact is that the two peoples have never got along well. They often launch wars because of trivial things, but most of these wars are launched by bone spurs. Due to the small number of fishmen, they often On the defensive.

However, if the bone-piercing people want to capture Moon Island, they can't do anything. Therefore, although the two ethnic groups have been fighting and killing for generations, the people of the two ethnic groups have long been used to it. What they should do is still carried out as usual. As long as the order of the war, they will immediately put on armor, grab knives, guns and bows and arrows to become soldiers. Those who rely on the sea The living fishermen grabbed the harpoon bow and arrow, drove their own broken fishing boats, and became a navy. As for the charge of the army, a few people came back in the end. It seemed that they had long been numb between the two nations.

Not long ago, a patriarch of the Bone spur clan came out. This talent was outstanding. After taking office, he worked hard to govern, promoted a large number of talents, and recruited a large number of recruits and horses. Unexpectedly, like some countries on the mainland, they formed a strong conventional army. In this, only the fisherman was bitter and retreated, and fought for several lifetimes. , which is not as much as in the past ten years, and gradually forced to guard the island, and can no longer sail on the sea and chase the bone-piercing people as before.

From this point on, the fish people have completely given up the sea, cut off their exchanges with the mainland, and life is gradually trapped.

In order to change this situation, some knowledgeable people in the fish people, or those who have strong martial arts skills or are bold, will organize fleets to break through the layers of bone-piercing blockades and start business with the mainland.

Meng Ting is one of them. He has lived in seclusion in Song Chuncheng for more than ten years and has two identities: one is the host of the Hai Temple, which is a respected role, and Meng Ting also behaved appropriately. No one expected that the weak and elegant Hai Shen Temple host turned out to be a hidden master; the other identity is The simple drunken collection * boss, which specializes in medicinal materials, is one of the largest businesses in Song Chuncheng, and there are also number in many cities on the mainland.

In fact, Meng Ting also has a real identity, that is, the elder of the fishman clan. He returns to the clan for several months every year, and because of the difference in his identity, Song Chuncheng does not know it.

However, the method of trading with the mainland only got some benefits at the beginning, but later it became more and more difficult.

As long as the bone spurs look at the rich material resources of the mainland, some nobles do not want others to get it through business, so they organize some crimes and soldiers, pretend to be pirates, and keep robbing along the coast of the mainland, especially in commercially developed coastal cities such as Song Chun and Liusha. Wait, it is also the target of their focus.

Frequent pirate robberies have made these coastal cities vigilant. Large cities such as Song Chun have organized and trained the navy to attack pirates.

And because of the prevalence of pirates, merchants coming to and from the sea have private arms for safety. These rich businessmen are even better equipped than ordinary armies, which will also make some unknown armies misunderstand that these caravans are fighting for pirates.

Because of some misunderstanding, the fishman encountered and fought with Song Chun's navy. As a result, the old patriarch was killed, and several large ships of goods that were finally raised were also robbed by Song Chun's army.

Because the old patriarch died at the hands of Song Chun's army, the fish people wanted to avenge Song Chun and revenge on Song Chun. Of course, the assassination of Song Chun Taishou Zhu Ran was the best choice, so they planned this sneak attack.

But because he was recognized by Zhu Ran in advance, and the appointed master did not come, he was forced to take action by Wu Shangqiang, the son of the old patriarch, but he was injured by Zhu Yiding. His injury was serious and his life and death were unknown. Finally, in order to kill Zhu Ran, even Meng Ting, who had been lurking in Song Chuncheng for more than ten years, was exposed. Out, and only ten of the elites who acted together in the clan escaped, and all the rest died with the enemy.

But even so, the assassination of the fishman was finally destroyed by Ye Guoming and Tongtou. Although Zhu Ran was seriously injured, his life was not in danger. On the contrary, Meng Ting was injured by Zhu Ran's counterattack and Ye Guoming and Dongtou.

The fish people suffered heavy losses in this battle, and almost all the elites in the clan were lost. If they want to recover their vitality, they don't know how many years they are. No wonder they are eager to go back because they haven't even recovered from their injuries.

Meng Ting looked at Xiao Peng and said in a low voice, "This is a critical moment for the survival of our clan. You are the person valued by the former patriarch. I specially let me take you here to experience. I hope you can take on a great responsibility and contribute to the future prosperity of our family."

Xiao Peng heard it and burst into tears. Because he was dedicated to taking care of the business of the clan, he had never heard of these things. He only thought that the old patriarch had passed away safely, but he didn't expect to have so many twists and turns. He was very sad, but he knew that it was not suitable to be sad at this time, so he choked and said, "Don't worry, my subordinates will live up to the elders. "tuo."

Meng Ting's face was full of relief and looked at Xiao Peng and said, "The old patriarch really didn't misread you, and I didn't misread you!"

Xiao Peng hesitated for a while before hesitating, "I have a request, and I hope the elder will agree."

"Alas!" Meng Ting sighed and said, "I know what you're going to say, but it's unusual at this time, so you don't have to go back to the island!"

"Yes!" Xiao Peng had no choice but to answer, but he was reluctant.

Meng Ting sighed again and said, "Now Song Chuncheng is a period of tension. Be careful. After I leave, you will destroy everything here, and this farm will also give up. Sooner or later, Song Chun's people will find here. In addition to drunken dating, other businesses can be left. Fortunately, there are other businesses besides drunken dating. In the past, everything was taken care of by you. Song Chun's people didn't know that I was involved, otherwise our efforts for more than ten years would have been uprooted.

"I understand!" Xiao Peng nodded heavily and said, "I will definitely live up to the elders!"